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bitRAKE 18 Feb 2020, 06:14
How hard would this be in assembler? Little more than double the lines of code, but I didn't use any fancy NUMPY to print matrix. Two additional algorithmic improvements are present in the assembler version: linearization of the matrix and advanced scanning on recursion.

include 'format/format.inc'
FORMAT PE64 CONSOLE 6.0 at $10000 on "NUL"
                msvcrt_name db 'msvcrt',0
                _exit db 0,0,'exit',0
                __printf_p db 0,0,'_printf_p',0
                align 8
                DATA IMPORT
                        dd 0,0,0,RVA msvcrt_name,RVA msvcrt_table
                        dd 0,0,0,0,0
                        align 8
                                exit dq RVA _exit
                                _printf_p dq RVA __printf_p
                                dq 0
                END DATA

Puzzle000 db \

; Each location has a linearized form [0,80]. Additionally, a location belongs
; to three groups: row, column, square. The values here convert the linearized
; index into the member groups.
align 64 ; cache friendly
repeat 9, j:0
        repeat 9, i:0
                db -i ; delta to current row start
                db -j*9 ; delta to current column start
                ; delta to current square start
                db -((i mod 3) + 9*(j mod 3))
        end repeat
end repeat

_format db "Looking for solutions for:",13,10
_floormat db "%c %c %c %c %c %c %c %c %c",13,10,0

Sudoku__PrettyPrint:    ; nothing fancy, just replace zero with period
        push rsi
        mov rsi,rbp
        push rdi
        push rbp
        mov rbp,rsp
        sub rsp,10*8
        and rsp,-16

        mov edi,9
.LLL:   mov edx,1
        xor eax,eax
.LL:    mov qword[rsp+rdx*8],'0'
        test al,al
        jnz .num
        add qword[rsp+rdx*8],'.' - '0'
.num:   add qword[rsp+rdx*8],rax
        add edx,1
        cmp edx,10
        jc .LL

        mov rdx,[rsp+8]
        mov r8,[rsp+16]
        mov r9,[rsp+24]
        call [_printf_p]
        lea rcx,[_floormat]

        sub edi,1
        jnz .LLL

        mov rsp,rbp
        pop rbp
        pop rdi
        pop rsi

; RBP : global puzzle pointer
; RDI : pointer of current trial + 1
align 64 ; cache friendly
        ; RSI : linearized index of current trial
        neg rbp
        lea rsi,[rbp+rdi-1]
        neg rbp

        ; check current row
        movsx rdx,byte[TriQuantize+rsi*2+rsi]
        repeat 9, i:0
                cmp [(rdi-1)+rdx+i],cl
                jz .false
        end repeat

        ; check current column
        movsx rdx,byte[TriQuantize+rsi*2+rsi+1]
        repeat 9, i:0
                cmp [(rdi-1)+rdx+9*i],cl
                jz .false
        end repeat

        ; check current square
        movsx rdx,byte[TriQuantize+rsi*2+rsi+2]
        repeat 3, j:0
        repeat 3, i:0
                cmp [(rdi-1)+rdx+9*j+i],cl
                jz .false
        end repeat
        end repeat
.false: retn

; Sudoku solver :
        mov rdi,rbp ; from start
.Try:   push rdi
        mov al,0
        neg rdi
        lea rcx,[81+rdi+rbp]
        neg rdi
        repnz scasb
        jnz .end                        ; no zeroes to fix
                mov ecx,9
        .A:     call Validate_XYN
                jz .B
                mov [rdi-1],cl          ; attempt
                call .Try               ; recurse
                movzx ecx,byte [rdi-1]  ; restore counter
                mov byte[rdi-1],0       ; clear attempt
        .B:     loop .A
        pop rdi

.end:   pop rdi
        lea rcx,[_floormat-1]
        call Sudoku__PrettyPrint
        ENTRY $
        pop rax ; this doesn't return
        lea rbp,[Puzzle000]
        lea rcx,[_format]
        call Sudoku__PrettyPrint
        call TryStart
        call [exit]

¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup
Post 18 Feb 2020, 06:14
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When all else fails, read the source

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revolution 18 Feb 2020, 06:32
I think there could be some kind of mega=sudoku. The normal 9x9 is too easy for a computer. Even with the most naive trial and backtrack brute-forcing algorithm it is less than a millisecond and it is done.

So maybe make it larger. 100x100, or 200x200, or whatever is needed to make brute-forcing unattractive, to encourage actual thought into solving in a clever way similar way to how humans approach them.
Post 18 Feb 2020, 06:32
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bitRAKE 18 Feb 2020, 07:33
If one wanted to solve Sudoku fast, it translates easily to SAT problem. Then just use existing tools. I wanted to implement the algorithm from the video - which struggles with 16x16 games.

¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup
Post 18 Feb 2020, 07:33
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Ali.Z 29 Mar 2020, 18:53
true its sudoku post, but what can be even tougher is 3 by 3 rubik's cube solver that can tell you what to move what side and how many times.


Asm For Wise Humans
Post 29 Mar 2020, 18:53
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bitRAKE 30 Mar 2020, 01:31
This page is in interesting read regarding Rubik's Cube:

Most of those solvers are under 20ms in 2004.

God's Algorithm is the what they call an optimal move generator:

There's a new contest up at:
(Efficient solutions require several layers of discovery about the problem.)

¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup
Post 30 Mar 2020, 01:31
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Missing in inaction

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pelaillo 01 Apr 2020, 00:22
This old entry of the Hugi Size Coding Competition for a sudoku solver is one of the most amazing optimizations that I have ever seen: the winner (G3) did it in 67 bytes!!

But after the contest, 3 of the participants joined efforts and the result is this beauty: the full sudoku (it reads the puzzle, solves it and then prints the result) all in 62 bytes

;           ****  Hugi Compo 25  ****           ;
;            Sudoku Solver - 62 bytes           ;
;         G3 / tgm80 (at) mail (dot) ru         ;
;       TFx / tfx (at) bitmaster (dot) it       ;
;     Digimind / digimind (at) aha (dot) ru     ;

org 100h

        mov     ah, 3fh         ;ah = 3f -> input
        mov     dx, bp          ;bp = buffer
        int     21h                     ;input/output/exit
        xchg    ax, cx          ;cx = length
        inc     bx                      ;stdout handle
        mov     [bp+si], al             ;digit is ok            
        dec     si                      ;find empty cell
        js      InOutExit               ;if not found output solution, then exit
        mov     ax,4031h                ;ah = 40 -> output/inc ax
        cmp     byte [bp+si], '.'       ;is empty?
        jne     Empty                   ;if empty check it else continue
        mov     di, cx
        dec     di                      ;find digit
        js      Solve                   ;if no more digits set and recurse
        cmp     [bp+di], al             ;else search
        jne     SetOF
        xchg    ax, di          ;get digit position
        aam     19                      ;split row and column
        imul    ax, 11          ;find 3x3 group
        xchg    ax, si          ;get empty cell position
        inc     bx
        jpo     Split                   ;split empty cell position
        xor     ax, si          ;compare cell positions
        test    ax, 0e0c0h              ;same 3x3 group?
        jle     NOk
        mul     ah                      ;same column or same row?       
        jo      Next                    ;next position
        mov     byte [bp+si], '.'       ;empty cell     
        cmp     al, 39h                 ;no more digits?        
        je      NOk
        jmp     ChkDgt-1

This is the original contest: http://www.hugi.scene.org/compo/compoold.htm#compo25

;Sudoku Puzzle Solver for Hugi Compo 25
;Coded by G3 (tgm80@mail.ru)
;Compile: fasm.exe entry.asm entry.com
;Usage: entry.com <filename.puz

;The input consists of nine lines. Each line contains only the ASCII
;characters 1 through 9, "." and space; and is terminated with a carriage
;return and line feed (in that order). The "." indicates an empty cell.
;One space character separates each printable character.

;For example, the above puzzle would have this input:
;4 3 . . . . . 8 .<cr><lf>
;9 7 8 . . . . 6 5<cr><lf>
;. . . 8 6 9 . . 3<cr><lf>
;. . 5 . . 4 6 . .<cr><lf>
;. . 1 9 5 8 3 . .<cr><lf>
;. . 3 2 . . 9 . .<cr><lf>
;5 . . 1 7 3 . . .<cr><lf>
;8 6 . . . . 5 3 1<cr><lf>
;. 1 . . . . . 4 2<cr><lf>

        org     100h            ;assume bx=0, ch=0, si=100h
        mov     ah,3Fh          ;ah=3Fh - read
        mov     dx,2EFFh        ;dh='.', dl=-1
        mov     bp,dx           ;bp=dx - offset of puzzle array 
        mov     cl,171          ;number of bytes to read/write
        int     21h             ;read/write/exit
        inc     bx              ;bx=1 - handle to stdout
        mov     [si+bp],al      ;make trial entry with digit
        pusha                   ;save digit and index of cell
        dec     si              ;next cell
        js      L10             ;jump if puzzle solved
        cmp     [si+bp],dh      ;[si+2EFF]='.' ?
        jnz     L30             ;loop while cell is not empty
        mov     ax,4031h        ;ah=40h - write, al='1' / 40h - inc ax
        cmp     al,3Ah
        jz      L70             ;jump if al>'9'
        mov     cl,171          ;size of puzzle array
        mov     di,dx           ;di=dx - offset of puzzle array 
L50:                            ;search for cell contains the digit in al with
        repnz   scasb           ;identical row or column or 3x3 region coordinates
        jnz     L20             ;jump if digit in al is not already used
        pusha                   ;save digit and index of cell
        xchg    ax,si           ;al=si&00FF - index of first cell
        aam     19              ;ah=al/19 - row, al=al%19 - column
        imul    bp,ax,11        ;ah/3=(ah*11)>>5, al/6=(al*11)>>6
        or      bp,9F3Fh        ;bp=1rr11111cc111111 where rr=row/3, cc=column/6
        xor     bx,bp           ;compare 3x3 region coordinates of two cells
        xchg    ax,di           ;al=di&00FF - index of second cell
        js      L60             ;loop 2 times
        xor     ax,di           ;compare row and column of two cells
        mul     ah              ;set al=0 if al=0 or ah=0
        cmp     al,1            ;set cf=1 if al=0 (rows or columns are equal)
        dec     bx              ;set zf=1 if bx=1 (3x3 region coordinates are equal)
        popa                    ;restore digit and index of cell
        jnbe    L50             ;jump if cf=0 and zf=0 
        mov     [si+bp],dh      ;undo trial entry
        jmp     L40-1           ;next digit

;P.S. Best regards to all competitors and organizers and my girlfriend Nadya!    
Post 01 Apr 2020, 00:22
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bitRAKE 23 Apr 2020, 03:47
Here is a wolframscript (wls) general implementation using binary constraints. Presently, it solves 25x25 puzzles in a couple of seconds (single-threaded) - over 500k constraints.

Wolframscript will run on anything from a Rasberry PI to the cloud, and is free for personal use. If I create some larger puzzles I'll post them. There are many open problems in the sudoku puzzles.

What makes the binary constraint method so appealing is it's flexibility. Nice survey of sudoku variations and their adaptation to SAT solvers:

Description: General N x N SAT solver for Wolframscript.
Filename: sudoku_N.zip
Filesize: 3.09 KB
Downloaded: 816 Time(s)

¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup

Last edited by bitRAKE on 25 Apr 2020, 21:53; edited 1 time in total
Post 23 Apr 2020, 03:47
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bitRAKE 24 Apr 2020, 20:38
I've used similar code to verify the 16x16 puzzle of minimum guesses published thus far. It is not known if 55 clues are the least needed.

Filesize: 17.33 KB
Viewed: 26023 Time(s)


¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup
Post 24 Apr 2020, 20:38
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bitRAKE 26 Apr 2020, 04:12
If we watch an expert player, it seems clear to me that Knuth's Dancing Links algorithm closely mimics the grouping and (bulk) exclusion of possibilities. Next, I want to enumerate known high-level techniques to discover which ones are not covered by Dancing Links; or if a higher dimensional variant of Dancing Links could be beneficial.

Post 26 Apr 2020, 04:12
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bitRAKE 26 Apr 2020, 19:15
If my Swedish (code in Java) through Google translate is correct, this paper gives some hope that a higher-level technique could be advantageous, and also help to enumerate techniques used. The paper has a number of errors, but that doesn't mean it isn't useful. For example, the timing measurements don't have an equivalent basis: this can be seen in the constant time for DL algorithm - this would only happen if puzzles were exactly the same complexity, or DL algorithm was searching for all solutions. No other algorithm is searching for all solutions. Wink

So, the author misses that DL algorithm is actually faster than all other methods, and is equivalent to many of the high-level techniques.

¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup
Post 26 Apr 2020, 19:15
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When all else fails, read the source

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revolution 26 Apr 2020, 22:52
So where is the crossover point where brute force becomes slower than more advanced methods?
Post 26 Apr 2020, 22:52
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bitRAKE 27 Apr 2020, 00:17
I'm not done coding my DLX algorithm, but it should be faster in all cases.

¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup
Post 27 Apr 2020, 00:17
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Ali.Z 27 Apr 2020, 18:13
bitRAKE wrote:
If we watch an expert player, it seems clear to me that Knuth's Dancing Links algorithm closely mimics the grouping and (bulk) exclusion of possibilities.

but that depends on the actual 17 numbers and their placements, last time i played 17 i took an hour or two so im no expert; but theoretically thinking i believe that the numbers and their placement does matter.

also unique sudoku matrix tend to be more difficult i guess.

Asm For Wise Humans
Post 27 Apr 2020, 18:13
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bitRAKE 28 Apr 2020, 18:10
It is unclear what you mean by number placement and unique. The puzzle has a great deal of symmetry, and repeated use of the following (base*) transformations can produce all equivalent variations. In that regard, there is no difference in placement. This also means there are no unique puzzles, per se.
;the permutations that leave sudoku unchanged are:
;       (a) rotate the grid 90 degrees
;       (b) swap the top two rows
;       (c) swap the top two bands
;       (d) swap any two cell values for all cells with those values    
*Base in that they are the most reduced form.

Most likely, you are saying that the problem complexity does not directly correlate to the number of clues. Which is absolutely correct. It's possible to construct a graph (DAG) of discovery mechanics needed to solve a puzzle and that graph can be unique within the (symmetry divided) problem space.

¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup
Post 28 Apr 2020, 18:10
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bitRAKE 29 Apr 2020, 11:29
Herbert Kociemba, has already produced massive 400x400 grids by reverse engineering human-like solving methods. The best existing software for general sudoku solving (Delphi source code), imho.

Qiu Yanzhe, the 2017 bronze champion has commented on a sudoku forum regarding the minimum clues, demonstrating an algorithm that works generally. For the NxN grid, it producing solutions with Floor(N²/4) clues.

This more modern write-up suggests another avenue, using propositional logic to greatly reduce guessing. Adapting this method to the general problem seems like it would be advantageous.

¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup
Post 29 Apr 2020, 11:29
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guignol 29 Apr 2020, 16:27
revolution wrote:
So where is the crossover point where brute force becomes slower than more advanced methods?
Post 29 Apr 2020, 16:27
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guignol 29 Apr 2020, 16:29
revolution wrote:
I think there could be some kind of mega=sudoku. The normal 9x9 is too easy for a computer. Even with the most naive trial and backtrack brute-forcing algorithm it is less than a millisecond and it is done.
yeah, le'im write Go-solver..
Post 29 Apr 2020, 16:29
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bitRAKE 09 May 2020, 00:44
A wonderful related problem ...

¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup
Post 09 May 2020, 00:44
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Ali.Z 09 May 2020, 16:55
its so weird, im not mathematician i know + - * / for very small numbers.
but believe or not i solved these grids at least and at minimum 5 years ago up to 10x10.

if i remember correctly then i think i solved 6x6 too, im not sure but i think so.

so weird non-math people can solve things that requires complex math, but maybe because i got used to do it for a very long time.

even with increased complexity, by mean of each row and column must have their sum equal to each other so does the diagonal.

so easy, so weird.

Asm For Wise Humans
Post 09 May 2020, 16:55
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bitRAKE 09 May 2020, 20:30
I'm not a carpenter, but I built my desk - without plans or measurements. It's a very good desk, but if I lack the language to describe it you will have great difficulty building it.

If we can mentally understand a problem-space how can we communicate that? It can be useful to have a language that covers the domain with reduced ambiguity. Maths become useful when one wants to explain "how" because it has a very specific language - both of form and of process.

Of course, the thing is never the description of it, but we may get closer with less effort. Or at the very least advance our communication with common understanding.

x86, DNA, etc. these are languages common in our daily life.

¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup
Post 09 May 2020, 20:30
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