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> Macroinstructions > CALM implementation of STRUCT - new tricks Goto page 1, 2, 3 Next |
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Tomasz Grysztar 24 Jan 2020, 17:13
With CALM it is now possible to have some processing logic even during a definition of a macro, and this gives us completely new options for re-implementing things like STRUCT macro.
A trick that looks promising is to use labeled interceptor to tell lines that contain labeled definitions from the other ones. Here's my first experimental implementation: Code: include 'xcalm.inc' define __namepool __namepool iterate name, __a,__b,__c,__d,__e,__f,__g define __namepool.% name end iterate macro struct? name local declaration, body define declaration struc (instance) name macro ends?! esc end macro restruc ? match strucinstance, declaration strucinstance label instance: sizeof.name namespace instance body end namespace end struc virtual at 0 name name sizeof.name := $ end virtual end match end macro calminstruction (label) ?! directive& local default, counter, parameter match , directive jyes plain arrange default, match directive= default, directive init counter compute counter, counter + 1 arrange parameter, __namepool.counter transform parameter arrange directive, label directive parameter assemble directive check counter = 1 jyes first arrange declaration, declaration, parameter:<default> exit first: arrange declaration, declaration parameter:<default> exit plain: assemble label end calminstruction esc macro body! end macro Code: struct POINT x dd ? y dd ? ends Code: struc (instance) POINT __a:<?>, __b:<?> label instance: sizeof.POINT namespace instance x dd __a y dd __b end namespace end struc virtual at 0 POINT POINT sizeof.POINT := $ end virtual For an actual re-implementation of STRUCT.INC I would go another route, to have more flexible treatment of arguments to structure (like the "name:value" variant, which I find more more pleasant to use), and quite possibly the structure itself might end up defined as CALM instruction, with lines kept in some kind of list instead of a simple macro body. But I think that this simple implementation is already a quite nice demonstration how one kind of declaration can be flexibly converted into another. The generated code simulates what one could write to implement a structure manually. And because it simply translates one syntax to another, it is quite transparent and does not hinder use of any special commands inside the definition - it works nicely with things like the basic implementation of UNION, with any implementation of ALIGN, etc. etc. |
24 Jan 2020, 17:13 |
Tomasz Grysztar 24 Jan 2020, 19:34
Roman wrote: CALM did posible change auto size struct in 64 bit or 32 bit ? Code: include 'cpu/x64.inc' use64 include 'struct.inc' struc da? values& if x86.mode = 64 . dq values else . dd values end if end struc struct A hwnd da 0 posX dd 0 posY dd 0 ends try A |
24 Jan 2020, 19:34 |
Tomasz Grysztar 24 Jan 2020, 20:32
And here comes a CALM variant that defines actual structure also as CALM instruction, and uses the syntax of "name:value" pairs in the arguments:
Code: include 'xcalm.inc' macro struct? name local counter, pname counter = 0 define pname name virtual at 0 namespace name macro ends?! purge ? restruc ? sizeof.name := $ __lines := counter end namespace label name: sizeof.name at 0 end virtual calminstruction (instance) name values& local tmp, val, field arrange tmp, =label instance : =sizeof.pname assemble tmp arrange tmp, =namespace instance assemble tmp compute counter,1 match , values jyes process_statement process_argument: match field=, values, values, <> jyes got_argument take field, values got_argument: arrange val, match field:val?, field arrange tmp, pname.=__default__#field transform tmp jyes argument_ok stringify field asm err `name,' has no field named ',field jump next_argument argument_ok: arrange tmp, =__init__#field publish tmp, val next_argument: take values, values jyes process_argument process_statement: arrange field, pname.=__label#counter transform field jno plain_statement arrange tmp, pname.=__definition#counter transform tmp arrange val, =__init__#field transform val jyes got_value arrange val, pname.=__default__#field transform val jno statement_ready got_value: arrange tmp, tmp val jump statement_ready plain_statement: arrange tmp, pname.=__statement#counter transform tmp statement_ready: assemble tmp compute counter, counter + 1 check counter < name.__lines jyes process_statement asm end namespace end calminstruction end macro calminstruction (label) ?! definition& local sym, default match , definition jyes plain arrange default, match definition= default, definition arrange sym, pname.=__label#counter publish sym:, label arrange definition, #label definition arrange sym, pname.=__definition#counter publish sym:, definition arrange sym, pname.=__default__#label publish sym:, default arrange definition, definition default assemble definition exit plain: assemble label end calminstruction calminstruction ?! statement& local sym compute counter, counter+1 arrange sym, pname.=__statement#counter publish sym:, statement assemble statement end calminstruction end macro Code: ; usage example: struct RECT left dd ? top dd ? right dd ? bottom dd ? ends area RECT left:0,top:0,right:320,bottom:200 I used indexed constants instead of value stacks so that definitions can be forward-referenced. This is mostly just a gimmick, though. |
24 Jan 2020, 20:32 |
Tomasz Grysztar 25 Jan 2020, 13:20
With a little tweaks to the above implementation I got a variant that also handles legacy syntax (with values given to consecutive fields):
Code: include 'xcalm.inc' macro struct? name local i, j, pname i = 0 j = 0 define pname name macro ends?! purge ? restruc ? name.__lines := i virtual at 0 namespace name name.__body end namespace sizeof.name := $ label name: sizeof.name at 0 end virtual calminstruction (instance) name values& local tmp, val, field arrange tmp, =label instance : =sizeof.pname assemble tmp arrange tmp, =namespace instance assemble tmp compute i, 1 compute j, 0 match , values jyes default_body process_argument: match field=, values, values, <> jyes got_argument take field, values got_argument: match field:val?, field jyes labeled_argument check j < 0 jyes mixed_arguments compute j, j + 1 arrange val, field arrange field, pname.=__argument#j transform field jyes got_argument_field asm err 'excess arguments' jump process_statement mixed_arguments: asm err 'unsupported mixing of labeled and ordered values' jump process_statement labeled_argument: check j > 0 jyes mixed_arguments compute j, -1 got_argument_field: arrange tmp, pname.=__default__#field transform tmp jyes argument_ok stringify field asm err `name,' has no field named ',field jump next_argument argument_ok: arrange tmp, =__init__#field publish tmp, val next_argument: take values, values jyes process_argument process_statement: check i < name.__lines jno finish arrange field, pname.=__label#i transform field jno plain_statement arrange tmp, pname.=__definition#i transform tmp arrange val, =__init__#field transform val jyes got_value arrange val, pname.=__default__#field transform val jno statement_ready got_value: arrange tmp, tmp val jump statement_ready plain_statement: arrange tmp, pname.=__statement#i transform tmp statement_ready: assemble tmp compute i, i + 1 jump process_statement default_body: asm name.__body finish: asm end namespace end calminstruction calminstruction name values& local ic init ic compute ic, ic + 1 arrange values, pname#ic pname values assemble values end calminstruction end macro calminstruction (label) ?! definition& local sym, default match , definition jyes plain arrange default, match definition= default, definition arrange sym, pname.=__label#i publish sym:, label arrange definition, label definition arrange sym, pname.=__definition#i publish sym:, definition arrange sym, pname.=__default__#label publish sym:, default arrange definition, definition default assemble definition compute j, j + 1 arrange sym, pname.=__argument#j publish sym:, label exit plain: assemble label end calminstruction calminstruction ?! statement& local sym check i jno collected match =ends?, statement jyes close arrange sym, pname.=__statement#i publish sym:, statement collected: assemble statement compute i, i + 1 exit close: asm end macro assemble statement end calminstruction esc macro name.__body end macro |
25 Jan 2020, 13:20 |
Tomasz Grysztar 26 Jan 2020, 21:45
Another update, with several tweaks and added sub-structure handling (no UNION yet, though).
Code: include 'xcalm.inc' macro struct? name local pname, i, j, a define pname name i = 0 j = 0 define a name.__argument macro ends?! purge ? restruc ? name.__lines := i virtual at 0 namespace name name.__body end namespace sizeof.name := $ label name: sizeof.name at 0 end virtual calminstruction (instance) name values& local tmp, val, field, last arrange tmp, =label instance : =sizeof.pname assemble tmp arrange tmp, =namespace instance assemble tmp compute i, 1 compute j, 0 arrange a, pname.=__argument match , values jyes default_body process_argument: match field=, values, values, <> jyes got_argument arrange field, values arrange values, got_argument: match field:val?, field jyes labeled_argument check j < 0 jyes mixed_arguments compute j, j + 1 arrange val, field match <val>, val arrange field, a#j transform field jno excess_arguments match <tmp>, field jno got_argument_field take a, tmp compute tmp, 0 take j, tmp take values, val jump process_argument excess_arguments: asm err 'excess arguments' jump process_statement mixed_arguments: asm err 'unsupported mixing of labeled and ordered values' jump process_statement labeled_argument: check j > 0 jyes mixed_arguments compute j, -1 match <val>, val got_argument_field: arrange tmp, pname.=__default__#field transform tmp jyes argument_ok stringify field asm err `name,' has no field named ',field jump next_argument argument_ok: arrange tmp, =__init__#field publish tmp, val next_argument: match , values jno process_argument take , values take , j take , a take values, values jyes next_argument process_statement: check i < name.__lines jno finish arrange field, pname.=__label#i transform field jno plain_statement arrange tmp, pname.=__definition#i transform tmp arrange val, =__init__#field transform val jyes got_value arrange val, pname.=__default__#field transform val jno statement_ready got_value: arrange tmp, tmp val jump statement_ready plain_statement: arrange tmp, pname.=__statement#i transform tmp statement_ready: assemble tmp compute i, i + 1 jump process_statement default_body: asm name.__body finish: asm end namespace end calminstruction calminstruction name values& local ic init ic compute ic, ic + 1 arrange values, pname#ic pname values assemble values end calminstruction end macro calminstruction (label) ?! definition& local sym, default match , definition jyes plain arrange default, match definition= default, definition arrange definition, label definition arrange sym, pname.=__definition#i publish sym:, definition match ?label, label arrange sym, pname.=__label#i publish sym:, label arrange sym, pname.=__default__#label publish sym:, default arrange definition, definition default assemble definition compute j, j + 1 arrange sym, a#j publish sym:, label exit plain: assemble label end calminstruction calminstruction ?! statement& local sym check i jno collected match =struct?, statement jyes open match =ends?, statement jyes close arrange sym, pname.=__statement#i publish sym:, statement collected: assemble statement compute i, i + 1 exit open: local tmp compute j, j + 1 arrange sym, a#j arrange tmp, a#j#=_ take a, tmp arrange tmp, <a> publish sym:, tmp compute tmp, 0 take j, tmp exit close: take , a take , j take a, a jyes done asm end macro assemble statement done: end calminstruction esc macro name.__body end macro |
26 Jan 2020, 21:45 |
Tomasz Grysztar 27 Jan 2020, 17:06
Almost there, here comes a version with UNION support:
Code: include 'xcalm.inc' macro struct? name local pname, i, j, a, u define pname name i = 0 j = 0 define a name.__argument u = 0 macro ends?! purge ? restruc ? virtual at 0 namespace name name.__body end namespace sizeof.name := $ label name: sizeof.name at 0 end virtual calminstruction (instance) name values& local tmp, val, field arrange tmp, =label instance : =sizeof.pname assemble tmp arrange tmp, =namespace instance assemble tmp compute i, 1 compute j, 0 arrange a, pname.=__argument match , values jyes default_body process_argument: match field=, values, values, <> jyes got_argument arrange field, values arrange values, got_argument: match field:val?, field jyes labeled_argument check j < 0 jyes mixed_arguments compute j, j + 1 arrange val, field match <val>, val arrange field, a#j transform field jno excess_arguments match <tmp>, field jno got_argument_field take a, tmp compute tmp, 0 take j, tmp take values, val jump process_argument excess_arguments: asm err 'excess arguments' jump process_statement mixed_arguments: asm err 'unsupported mixing of labeled and ordered values' jump process_statement labeled_argument: check j > 0 jyes mixed_arguments compute j, -1 match <val>, val got_argument_field: arrange tmp, pname.=__default__#field transform tmp jyes argument_ok stringify field asm err `name,' has no field named ',field jump next_argument argument_ok: arrange tmp, =__init__#field publish tmp, val next_argument: match , values jno process_argument take , values take , j take , a take values, values jyes next_argument process_statement: arrange tmp, pname.=__statement#i transform tmp jno finish arrange field, pname.=__label#i transform field jno statement_ready arrange tmp, pname.=__definition#i transform tmp arrange val, =__init__#field transform val jyes got_value arrange val, pname.=__default__#field transform val jno statement_ready got_value: arrange tmp, tmp val jump statement_ready statement_ready: assemble tmp compute i, i + 1 jump process_statement default_body: asm name.__body finish: asm end namespace end calminstruction calminstruction name values& local ic init ic compute ic, ic + 1 arrange values, pname#ic pname values assemble values end calminstruction end macro calminstruction (label) ?! definition& local sym, default, tmp match , definition jyes plain match :tmp?, definition jyes ignored match ==tmp?, definition jyes ignored arrange default, match definition= default, definition arrange definition, label definition arrange sym, pname.=__definition#i publish sym:, definition match ?label, label arrange sym, pname.=__label#i publish sym:, label arrange sym, pname.=__default__#label publish sym:, default arrange definition, definition default assemble definition match , a jyes done compute j, j + 1 arrange sym, a#j publish sym:, label done: exit ignored: arrange label, label definition plain: assemble label end calminstruction calminstruction ?! statement& local sym, tmp check i jyes in_body assemble statement compute i, 1 exit in_body: match =ends?, statement jyes close check u jno process_definition check u > 1 jno union_divider_ok arrange tmp, =__union_divider arrange sym, pname.=__statement#i publish sym:, tmp assemble tmp compute i, i + 1 arrange a, union_divider_ok: compute u, u + 1 process_definition: match =struct?, statement jyes open_struct match =union?, statement jyes open_union arrange sym, pname.=__statement#i publish sym:, statement assemble statement compute i, i + 1 exit open_union: arrange tmp, =__union_start arrange sym, pname.=__statement#i publish sym:, tmp assemble tmp compute i, i + 1 arrange tmp, a take a, tmp compute tmp, 1 take u, tmp exit open_struct: match , a jyes unlisted_substruct compute j, j + 1 arrange sym, a#j arrange tmp, a#j#=_ take a, tmp arrange tmp, <a> publish sym:, tmp jump begin_substruct unlisted_substruct: arrange tmp, take a, tmp begin_substruct: compute tmp, 0 take j, tmp compute tmp, 0 take u, tmp exit close: check u jno close_struct arrange tmp, =__union_end arrange sym, pname.=__statement#i publish sym:, tmp assemble tmp compute i, i + 1 take , a take , u exit close_struct: take , a take , j take , u take a, a jyes done asm end macro assemble statement done: end calminstruction esc macro name.__body end macro macro __union_start local union union: union.i = 0 union.size = 0 union.initialized = 0 macro __union_open union.i = union.i + 1 if (defined union.init & union.i <> union.init) | (~ defined union.init & union.i > 1) virtual at union end if end macro macro __union_close if $@ > union if union.i > 1 union.init := union.i end if if union.initialized err 'conflicting initialization of union' else union.initialized = union.i end if end if if $ - union > union.size union.size = $ - union end if if (defined union.init & union.i <> union.init) | (~ defined union.init & union.i > 1) end virtual end if end macro macro __union_divider __union_close __union_open end macro macro __union_end __union_close if $ - union < union.size rb union.size - ($ - union) end if purge __union_open,__union_close,__union_divider,__union_end end macro __union_open end macro What remains to do is an option of making a structure that extends another one - another easy addition, but I am showing these intermediate stages because they may be easier to follow (and see how the framework can be extended with more abilities). Nevertheless, this seems like the most maintainable version of STRUCT that I have done - even though the final macro is going to be quite long, it has pretty straightforward internals, not a tricky mess of interwoven macros that the other implementations have been. Its only downside is that definition (not instantiation) of structure is quite heavy and therefore may be slower than previous one. I may work on improving the performance later, after I have all features ready. I think I'm also going to add support for "full path" structure fields initialization, which is not needed for fasm 1 compatibility, but would bring additional compatibility with previous STORE-based fasmg's implementations. This requires splitting field paths and passing list of "field:value" pairs to the appropriate substructure - because this implementation wants to have all initialization performed by passing the arguments to field-defining instruction (instead of patching them with later STOREs). This is also why I had to completely rewrite the UNION for this purpose. |
27 Jan 2020, 17:06 |
Tomasz Grysztar 28 Jan 2020, 11:12
All right, to complete the picture of the gradual evolution, here comes a version with full features:
Code: include 'xcalm.inc' define struct? struct? namespace struct? calminstruction instantiate: instance*, sname*, values& local tmp arrange tmp, =label instance : =sizeof.sname assemble tmp arrange tmp, =namespace instance assemble tmp match , values jyes default_body arrange tmp, =struct?.=initialize sname, values assemble tmp local i compute i, 1 local field, val process_statement: arrange field, sname.=__label#i transform field jyes labeled_statement arrange tmp, sname.=__statement#i transform tmp jyes statement_ready jump finish labeled_statement: arrange tmp, sname.=__definition#i transform tmp arrange val, =__init__#field transform val jyes got_value arrange val, sname.=__default__#field transform val jno statement_ready got_value: arrange tmp, tmp val statement_ready: local stack take stack, i take stack, sname assemble tmp take sname, stack take i, stack compute i, i + 1 jump process_statement default_body: arrange tmp, sname.=__body assemble tmp finish: asm end namespace end calminstruction calminstruction initialize sname*, values& local j, a compute j, 0 arrange a, sname.=__argument local tmp, field, val, sub process_argument: match field=, values, values, <> jyes got_argument arrange field, values arrange values, got_argument: match field:val?, field, <> jyes labeled_argument check j < 0 jyes mixed_arguments compute j, j + 1 arrange val, field match <val>, val arrange field, a#j transform field jno excess_arguments match <tmp>, field jno got_argument_field take a, tmp compute tmp, 0 take j, tmp take values, val jump process_argument excess_arguments: asm err 'excess arguments' jump arguments_processed mixed_arguments: asm err 'unsupported mixing of labeled and ordered values' jump arguments_processed labeled_argument: check j > 0 jyes mixed_arguments compute j, -1 match <val>, val got_argument_field: arrange tmp, sname.=__default__#field transform tmp jyes argument_ok match field.sub, field jno unknown_field arrange tmp, sname.=__default__#field transform tmp jno unknown_field arrange val, sub:val arrange tmp, =__multi__#field transform tmp jno append_value arrange val, tmp, val arrange tmp, =__multi__#field append_value: publish tmp, val jump argument_ok unknown_field: stringify field arrange tmp, sname stringify tmp asm err tmp,' has no field named ',field jump next_argument argument_ok: arrange tmp, =__init__#field publish tmp, val next_argument: match , values jno process_argument arguments_processed: take , values take , j take , a take values, values jyes next_argument end calminstruction end namespace macro struct? declaration* local pname define pname declaration macro ends?! purge ? restruc ? purge ends? match name, pname virtual at 0 namespace name name.__body end namespace sizeof.name := $ label name: sizeof.name at 0 end virtual calminstruction (instance) name values& arrange values, =struct?.=instantiate instance, pname, values assemble values end calminstruction calminstruction name values& local ic init ic compute ic, ic + 1 arrange values, =struct?.=instantiate pname#ic, pname, values assemble values end calminstruction end match end macro local i, j, a, u i = 0 define j define u define a calminstruction (label) ?! definition& local sym, default, tmp match , definition jyes plain match :tmp?, definition jyes ignored match ==tmp?, definition jyes ignored arrange default, match definition= default, definition arrange definition, label definition arrange sym, pname.=__definition#i publish sym:, definition match ?label, label arrange sym, pname.=__label#i publish sym:, label arrange sym, pname.=__default__#label publish sym:, default arrange definition, definition default assemble definition match , a jyes done compute j, j + 1 arrange sym, a#j publish sym:, label done: exit ignored: arrange label, label definition plain: assemble label end calminstruction calminstruction ?! statement& local proto, sym, tmp check i jyes in_body compute u, 0 compute i, 1 compute j, 1 match pname= proto, pname arrange statement, =macro pname.=__body assemble statement jno prototype_copied use_prototype: arrange a, arrange tmp, proto.=__statement#i transform tmp jno prototype_arguments arrange sym, pname.=__statement#i publish sym:, tmp assemble tmp compute i, i + 1 jump use_prototype prototype_arguments: arrange tmp, proto.=__argument#j transform tmp jno prototype_copied arrange sym, pname.=__argument#j publish sym:, tmp compute j, j + 1 jump prototype_arguments prototype_copied: compute j, j - 1 arrange a, pname.=__argument exit in_body: match =ends?, statement jyes close check u jno process_definition check u > 1 jno union_divider_ok arrange tmp, =__union_divider arrange sym, pname.=__statement#i publish sym:, tmp assemble tmp compute i, i + 1 arrange a, union_divider_ok: compute u, u + 1 process_definition: match =struct?, statement jyes open_struct match =union?, statement jyes open_union arrange sym, pname.=__statement#i publish sym:, statement assemble statement compute i, i + 1 exit open_union: arrange tmp, =__union_start arrange sym, pname.=__statement#i publish sym:, tmp assemble tmp compute i, i + 1 arrange tmp, a take a, tmp compute tmp, 1 take u, tmp exit open_struct: match , a jyes unlisted_substruct compute j, j + 1 arrange sym, a#j arrange tmp, a#j#=_ take a, tmp arrange tmp, <a> publish sym:, tmp jump begin_substruct unlisted_substruct: arrange tmp, take a, tmp begin_substruct: compute tmp, 0 take j, tmp compute tmp, 0 take u, tmp exit close: check u jno close_struct arrange tmp, =__union_end arrange sym, pname.=__statement#i publish sym:, tmp assemble tmp compute i, i + 1 take , a take , u exit close_struct: take , a take , j take , u take a, a jyes done asm end macro assemble statement done: end calminstruction esc ; dummy line to launch the body definition (with i = 0) end macro macro __union_start local union union: union.i = 0 union.size = 0 union.initialized = 0 macro __union_open union.i = union.i + 1 if (defined union.init & union.i <> union.init) | (~ defined union.init & union.i > 1) virtual at union end if end macro macro __union_close if $@ > union if union.i > 1 union.init := union.i end if if union.initialized err 'conflicting initialization of union' else union.initialized = union.i end if end if if $ - union > union.size union.size = $ - union end if if (defined union.init & union.i <> union.init) | (~ defined union.init & union.i > 1) end virtual end if end macro macro __union_divider __union_close __union_open end macro macro __union_end __union_close if $ - union < union.size rb union.size - ($ - union) end if purge __union_open,__union_close,__union_divider,__union_end end macro __union_open end macro |
28 Jan 2020, 11:12 |
Tomasz Grysztar 28 Jan 2020, 16:13
The final version is now in the official struct.inc file. I have used the new MVMACRO/MVSTRUC commands to improve performance, without them it would be necessary to use proxy interceptors (calling the "collect" macros).
Also, I had to add another compatibility feature that I previously forgot about - the final macro now verifies that the field has a correct length when it is initialized with a specified value (this is needed for definitions like "cFileName TCHAR MAX_PATH dup (?)" to work correctly when initialized with string of any other length). I believe this settles it for the compatibility STRUCT package. Next station should be INVOKE macros. |
28 Jan 2020, 16:13 |
bitRAKE 30 Mar 2021, 05:29
A slight modification to audit structures for amd64 assembly - it will display both tail alignment and member alignment discrepancies:
Code: virtual at 0 struct?.octets = 0 struc(member) dq? line& struct?.octets = 1 ; struct also needs alignment if $ and 7 display 10,'member "',`member,'" not 0 mod 8 (',`name,')' end if member dq line end struc namespace name name.__body end namespace restruc dq? sizeof.name := $ label name: sizeof.name at 0 if 7 and sizeof name if struct?.octets display 10,'structure "',`name,'" not 0 mod 8' end if end if end virtual Probably saving me hours of debugging. Could be expanded to audit other alignments (for SSE/AVX/etc.), and RQ as well as macro DQ/RQ use. I imagine the general case would set a bit for object sizes of each power of two (to determine structure size alignment). I've changed the syntax to "end struct/union", too. (more fasmg-ish) _________________ ¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup |
30 Mar 2021, 05:29 |
Tomasz Grysztar 30 Mar 2021, 11:43
Good idea! A quick and easy option to implement something similar would be to add this code in the "ends" macro (after the "end virtual"):
Code: while 1 match label, name.__label#% if defined name.label if sizeof name.label > 0 & name.label mod (1 shl (bsf sizeof name.label)) > 0 display 'warning: ',`name,'.',`label,' not aligned to its natural boundary',10 end if else break end if end match end while |
30 Mar 2021, 11:43 |
bitRAKE 30 Mar 2021, 12:16
In terms of designing new interfaces that is certainly the better option, but it misses one case and gives false positives for the interfaces I'm working with (certainly dependent on the alignment rules).
Code: struct VkMemoryRequirements size dq ? alignment dq ? memoryTypeBits dd ?,? ; pad to *8 ends Code: struct VkMemoryType propertyFlags dd ? heapIndex dd ? ends struct VkMemoryHeap size dq ? flags dd ?,? ends struct VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties memoryTypeCount dd ? memoryTypes VkMemoryType repeat VK_MAX_MEMORY_TYPES-1 memoryTypes#% VkMemoryType end repeat memoryHeapCount dd ? memoryHeaps VkMemoryHeap repeat VK_MAX_MEMORY_HEAPS-1 memoryHeaps#% VkMemoryHeap end repeat ends I think this is the alignment rules used by all the compilers gcc/clang/msvc; or at least the option used on windows. The people that designed these alignment rules were idiots. _________________ ¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup Last edited by bitRAKE on 30 Mar 2021, 12:29; edited 1 time in total |
30 Mar 2021, 12:16 |
Tomasz Grysztar 30 Mar 2021, 12:27
bitRAKE wrote: Although VkMemoryType is 8 bytes, the dwords within it don't need to be on an 8 byte boundary. Conversely, VkMemoryHeap contains a qword and needs to start on a qword boundary. Code: while 1 match label, name.__label#% if defined name.label local alignment alignment = 1 if sizeof name.label > 0 alignment = 1 shl (bsf sizeof name.label) end if match a= type, name.__definition#% if defined type.__alignment alignment = type.__alignment end if end match if name.label mod alignment > 0 display 'warning: ',`name,'.',`label,' not aligned to its natural boundary',10 end if if % = 1 ; just a simplified POC name.__alignment := alignment end if else break end if end match end while |
30 Mar 2021, 12:27 |
Tomasz Grysztar 30 Mar 2021, 12:48
BTW, perhaps I should refactor the base macro to not include label in the __definition constant, that would make extraction of field types more reliable:
Code: @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ namespace struct? jump finish labeled_statement: - arrange tmp, sname.=__definition#i + arrange tmp, sname.=__label#i sname.=__definition#i transform tmp arrange val, =__init__#field transform val @@ -183,7 +183,6 @@ namespace struct? jyes ignored arrange default, match definition= default, definition - arrange definition, label definition arrange sym, pname.=__definition#i publish sym:, definition match ?label, label @@ -191,7 +190,7 @@ namespace struct? publish sym:, label arrange sym, pname.=__default__#label publish sym:, default - arrange definition, definition default + arrange definition, label definition default assemble definition arrange definition, =__size__#label == =$ - label assemble definition Code: match type, name.__definition#% |
30 Mar 2021, 12:48 |
Tomasz Grysztar 30 Mar 2021, 13:32
Oh, and one more thing: I also forgot that __label#% may not be present for all lines, so the WHILE loop should only break when there is no __statement#% present. This is easier with CALM, so I used a little helper instruction:
Code: calminstruction breakifndef? sym
transform sym
jyes ok
asm break
end calminstruction Code: local alignment, maxalignment maxalignment = 1 while 1 breakifndef name.__statement#% match label, name.__label#% if defined name.label local alignment alignment = 1 if sizeof name.label > 0 alignment = 1 shl (bsf sizeof name.label) end if ; match a= type, name.__definition#% match type, name.__definition#% ; adjust for the change in the base macro if defined type.__alignment alignment = type.__alignment end if end match if name.label mod alignment > 0 display 'warning: ',`name,'.',`label,' not aligned to its natural boundary',10 else if alignment > maxalignment maxalignment = alignment end if end if end match end while name.__alignment := maxalignment Last edited by Tomasz Grysztar on 30 Mar 2021, 21:29; edited 1 time in total |
30 Mar 2021, 13:32 |
ProMiNick 30 Mar 2021, 20:07
Tomasz Grysztar wrote: Good idea! A quick and easy option to implement something similar would be to add this code in the "ends" macro (after the "end virtual"): Could be this by default, but not as single behavior. I called this types of structures - structures with flag forcedalignment switched on. But for internal use and space economy structs with this flag switched off are usable too. Interesting more type of structs: members with negate offset to base of struct (just defined offsets not affect struct size) structs where struct base name pointed not to start of struct but somewhere else before struct end. top level unions with substract abilities - just for convinience. for me struct is macroset of highest priority. It could be used with any CPU architecture macros & moreover even for producing data files, so struct is a god of macros. I can`t say how many resources would be finaly economied in case of CALMing structs but I glad too see CALMing of them. _________________ I don`t like to refer by "you" to one person. My soul requires acronim "thou" instead. |
30 Mar 2021, 20:07 |
bitRAKE 31 Mar 2021, 10:14
Maybe split the struct from (base + indexing) constants. I tend to associate that with the implementation rather than the definition of the struct. No less important, and the same argument could be made for alignment being implementation.
A building is a good analogy: 20 stories, but five are below ground and need different support due to the added forces. The definition of the structure is the organization of the floors. The implementation of the building/floors is based on external factors. _________________ ¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup |
31 Mar 2021, 10:14 |
fabbel 31 Mar 2023, 16:27
hi (again)
what is the correct syntax to initialize sub-struct in fasmg ? assume i have : Code: struct T_INNER dwVal1 dd ? dwVal2 dd ? ends struct T_OUTER Inner1 T_INNER Inner2 T_INNER dwDummy1 dd ? dwDummy2 dd ? dwDummy3 dd ? ends ... I mean , I see I can create new T_INNER like this e.g. : [code] Inner T_INNER dwVal1:0x0, dwVal2:0xFFFFFFFF [code] but what about T_OUTER .. how to specify / initialize Inner1 & Inner 2 members ?? ....unsure about correct syntax ? [/code] |
31 Mar 2023, 16:27 |
bitRAKE 31 Mar 2023, 16:34
Code: my_to T_OUTER \ Inner1.dwVal2: 5,\ Inner2.dwVal1: 7 _________________ ¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup |
31 Mar 2023, 16:34 |
Tomasz Grysztar 31 Mar 2023, 16:58
Assuming you use the implementation in the fasm compatibility package, it supports the classic scheme compatible with how it worked with fasm's original macro (and as documented there):
Code: example T_OUTER <11h,12h>,<21h,22h>,1,2,3 Code: example T_OUTER Inner2: <dwVal1:21h,dwVal2:22h>, dwDummy2: 2 Code: example T_OUTER Inner2: <21h,22h>, dwDummy2: 2 |
31 Mar 2023, 16:58 |
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