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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
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Tomasz Grysztar 07 Apr 2020, 12:30
I did some more testing, this time both assembling and running samples under Windows 3.11 (I used FASMD, which works nicely with Win386's DPMI). I needed to change some of the paths, because some of the directories ("OS SPECS" and "PE COFF") have spaces in names, and this does not work under old FAT 8.3 naming.

I found what is causing the MiniPad to crash - both CreateFont and SendMessage calls were not pushing far pointers on the stack correctly. I changed them like this:
        or      ax,ax
        jz      .failed
        mov     [editfont],ax
        reloc   offs16 idxof@#dseg1:editfont
        invoke  SendMessage,[dseg1&edithwnd],WM_SETFONT,ax,0,0    
And also another SendMessage call later:
        invoke  SendMessage,[dseg1&edithwnd],WM_SETTEXT,0,0,0
        jmp     .finish    
With these changes, MiniPad seems to work perfectly (even with "fastloadstart").

I also tried your preliminary version of dialog example, and it also works correctly (although, as you noted, cannot be closed).

Description: 16-bit MiniPad (with my corrections) on Windows 3.11
Filesize: 20.04 KB
Viewed: 8459 Time(s)


Description: 16-bit dialog on Windows 3.11
Filesize: 21.32 KB
Viewed: 8459 Time(s)


Post 07 Apr 2020, 12:30
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ProMiNick 07 Apr 2020, 23:39
Thanks, Tomasz.
I update package with thour fix https://yadi.sk/d/HTs1wxZvp6BmYw
to pass 2 zeroes to stack in win16 I used different constructions:
dword 0 
dword 0:0
far 0:0
I replace them all to dword NULL
I placed fasmd.exe to bin with approptiate ini.
I replaced all whitespaces in paths and check for 8.3 format them again - look all forced to this format.

about exports as donor I used krnl386.exe & its exports:
NE.EntryTable = $11D ($51D)
NE.SizeOfEntryTable = $9B7

NE.SizeOfNonResNamesTable = $1093

NE.ResNamesTable = $10C ($50C)

NE.OffStartNonResNamesTable = $00000ED4

NE.MovEntryCount = $EA (234)

06      4B 45 52 4E 45 4C       00 00
04      5F 5F 47 50             56 01
            len|    name|  ord
        .1:   6,'KERNEL',$0000
        .2:   4,  '__GP',$0156
        .end: 0

                 count|            segidx          flags|int $3F|movsegidx|offset ;comment
        .1:{header}  2,                 1 {items}
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,                   $9C42 (FATALEXIT)  ord#1
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,                   $82DB (EXITKERNEL) ord#2
        .2:{header} 12, NE_SEGNDX_MOVABLE {items}
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,int $3F,        3, $056E (GETVERSION) ord#3
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,int $3F,        2, $3523 (LOCALINIT) ord#4
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,int $3F,        2, $0136 (LOCALALLOC) ord#5
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,int $3F,        2, $017A (LOCALREALLOC) ord#6
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,int $3F,        2, $0152 (LOCALFREE) ord#7
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,int $3F,        2, $0166 (LOCALLOCK) ord#8
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,int $3F,        2, $01B0 (LOCALUNLOCK) ord#9
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,int $3F,        2, $019C (LOCALSIZE) ord#10
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,int $3F,        2, $33B6 (LOCALHANDLE) ord#11
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,int $3F,        2, $01C4 (LOCALFLAGS) ord#12
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,int $3F,        2, $33D1 (LOCALCOMPACT) ord#13
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,int $3F,        2, $01D8 (LOCALNOTIFY) ord#14
        .3:{header} 12,                 1 {items}
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,                   $00C0 (GLOBALALLOC)  ord#15
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,                   $0121 (GLOBALREALLOC) ord#16
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,                   $00DC (GLOBALFREE) ord#17
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,                   $010D (GLOBALLOCK) ord#18
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,                   $0160 (GLOBALUNLOCK) ord#19
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,                   $014C (GLOBALSIZE) ord#20
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,                   $00F9 (GLOBALHANDLE) ord#21
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,                   $017D (GLOBALFLAGS) ord#22
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,                   $0248 (LOCKSEGMENT) ord#23
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,                   $025C (UNLOCKSEGMENT) ord#24
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,                   $3DC5 (GLOBALCOMPACT) ord#25
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,                   $3B01 (GLOBALFREEALL) ord#26
        .4:{header}  1, NE_SEGNDX_MOVABLE {items}
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,int $3F,        2, $00A7 (GETMODULENAME) ord#27
        .5:{header}  6,                 1 {items}
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,                   $3E5F (GLOBALMASTERHANDLE)  ord#28
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,                   $5A46 (YIELD) ord#29
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,                   $59CC (WAITEVENT) ord#30
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,                   $5AE5 (POSTEVENT) ord#31
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,                   $5C8F (SETPRIORITY) ord#32
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,                   $5FB1 (LOCKCURRENTTASK) ord#33
        .6:{header}  1,                 0
                                                                                  SKIPPED ord#34
        .7:{header}  2,                 1 {items}
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,                   $5B14 (GETTASKQUEUE)  ord#35
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,                   $60EA (GETCURRENTTASK) ord#36
        .8:{header}  1, NE_SEGNDX_MOVABLE {items}
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,int $3F,        3, $2BCE (GETCURRENTPDB) ord#37
        .9:{header}  3,                 0
                                                                                  SKIPPED ord#38
                                                                                  SKIPPED ord#39
                                                                                  SKIPPED ord#40
        .10:{header} 2,                 1 {items}
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,                   $8220 (ENABLEDOS)  ord#41
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,                   $8220 (DISABLEDOS) ord#42
        .11:{header} 2,                 0
                                                                                  SKIPPED ord#43
                                                                                  SKIPPED ord#44
        .12:{header} 8, NE_SEGNDX_MOVABLE {items}
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,int $3F,        2, $0102 (LOADMODULE) ord#45
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,int $3F,        2, $0004 (FREEMODULE) ord#46
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,int $3F,        2, $0049 (GETMODULEHANDLE) ord#47
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,int $3F,        2, $0060 (GETMODULEUSAGE) ord#48
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,int $3F,        2, $0074 (GETMODULEFILENAME) ord#49
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,int $3F,        2, $002C (GETPROCADDRESS) ord#50
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,int $3F,        3, $01A9 (MAKEPROCINSTANCE) ord#51
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,int $3F,        3, $01C6 (FREEPROCINSTANCE) ord#52
        .13:{header} 1,                 1 {items}
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,                   $0655 (CALLPROCINSTANCE) ord#53

        .N:{header}  2,NE_SEGNDX_REFCONST {items}
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,                   $0003 (__AHSHIFT) ord#113
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,                   $0008 (__AHINCR) ord#114

        .O:{header}  2,NE_SEGNDX_REFCONST {items}
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,                   $F000 (__ROMBIOS) ord#173
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,                   $A000 (__A000H) ord#174
        .P:{header}  3,                 1 {items}
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,                   $4911 (ALLOCSELECTOR) ord#175
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,                   $0092 (FREESELECTOR) ord#176
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,                   $00A6 (PRESTOCHANGOSELECTOR) ord#177

        .Q:{header}  2,NE_SEGNDX_REFCONST {items}
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,                   $0001 (__WINFLAGS) ord#178
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED,                   $D000 (__D000H) ord#179

        .R:{header}  1,                 4 {items}
                                          NE_ET_EXPORTED+NE_ET_SHARED,      $2320 (__GP) ord#342
        .end:        0

            len|                                             name|  ord ;comment
        .1:  47,'Microsoft Windows Kernel Interface Version 4.00',$0000
        .2:  11,                                    'NETBIOSCALL',$0067 (103)
        .3:  13,                                  'SWITCHSTACKTO',$006C (108)
        .4:   4,                                           'K213',$00D5 (213)
        .5:  24,                       'GETPRIVATEPROFILESECTION',$01A2 (418)
        .6:   8,                                       'FINDATOM',$0045 (69)
        .7:  10,                                     'GLOBALFREE',$0011 (17)
        .end: 0    

exports of other dlls are mixed in ResNamesTable & NonResNamesTable.
as etalon(kernel from MS) they all should be in NonResNamesTable.
becaause of ResNamesTable is splitted from EntryTable by imports
and NonResNamesTable follows just after EntryTable it is more convinient.
to be continued...
Post 07 Apr 2020, 23:39
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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
Posts: 8351
Location: Kraków, Poland
Tomasz Grysztar 09 Apr 2020, 08:37
ProMiNick wrote:
I update package with thour fix
Thank you! But you missed one correction, there is still EAX used in the WM_SETFONT line, while it should be AX. Because of that the font is not set correctly.

BTW, for FASMD using relative paths in INCLUDE is not very useful, because navigating the file system to find and open file causes the current directory to be changed.
Post 09 Apr 2020, 08:37
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ProMiNick 09 Apr 2020, 23:10
https://yadi.sk/d/HTs1wxZvp6BmYw updated (eax to ax corrected too)
new: realized export macro (all demos & project rewritten to use it passively).
other NE macros modified to interact with export if such interaction present.
macro export dllname,[label,string] {
        local module,addresses,names,ordinal,count,bundle,type,tmp

        modulename dllname

        count = 0
        type = -1
        EntryTable: ;export ordinals
        match any,label \{
        local ordnum,ordtype,bundlesize,bundletype
        count = count + 1
        ordnum = count
        match ,label \\{
                match skipcount,string \\\{ count = count + skipcount - 1 \\\}
                ordtype = 0 \\}
        match first:second,label:& \\{
                match &,second \\\{ ordtype = NE_SEGNDX_REFCONST \\\}
                match offs:&,second \\\{
                        match any more rest,first:: \\\\{
                                match :,rest \\\\\{ ordtype = movableof@\\\\#any \\\\\}
                                match ::,rest \\\\\{ ordtype = movableof@\\\\#more \\\\\}
                        \\\\} \\\} \\}
        if type<>ordtype
                bundletype = type
                type = ordtype
        end if
        type = -1
        count = 0
        if type<>ordtype
                count = 1
                count = count + 1
        end if
        match ,label \\{ match skipcount,string \\\{ count = count + skipcount - 1 \\\} \\}
        if defined bundletype
                bundlesize = count
        end if
        if defined bundletype
                db bundlesize,bundletype
        end if
        match any =shared rest,:label:shared: \\{
                match :,any \\\{ db NE_ET_EXPORTED+NE_ET_SHARED \\\}
                match :,rest \\\{ db NE_ET_EXPORTED \\\} \\}
        if ordtype = NE_SEGNDX_MOVABLE
                int $3F
                match hasseg:offs,label \\{
                        match any more rest,hasseg:: \\\{
                                match :,rest \\\\{ db idxof@\\\#any \\\\}
                                match ::,rest \\\\{ db idxof@\\\#more \\\\} \\\} \\}
        end if
        match hasseg:offs,label \\{ dw offs \\}
        if ordtype = NE_SEGNDX_REFCONST
                match any more rest,label:: \\\{
                                match :,rest \\\\\{ dw any \\\\\}
                                match ::,rest \\\\\{ dw more \\\\\}

        match first:rest,label:& \\{
                match &,rest \\\{ ordtype = NE_SEGNDX_REFCONST \\\}
                match offs:&,rest \\\{
                        match expr scnd rest1,first:: \\\\{
                                match :,rest1 \\\\\{ ordtype = movableof@\\\\#expr \\\\\}
                                match ::,rest1 \\\\\{ ordtype = movableof@\\\\#scnd \\\\\}
                        \\\\} \\\} \\}
        db 0
        SizeOfEntryTable = $-EntryTable

        org $%
        NonResNamesTable: ;export names
        if defined moduledescriptionsize
                db moduledescriptionsize
                repeat moduledescriptionsize
                        load tmp byte from ..moduledescription:%-1
                        db tmp
                end repeat
                dw 0
        end if
        match any,label \{
        match any,label \\{
                match more,string \\\{
                        pascalstr string
                        dw ordnum \\\} \\}
        db 0
        SizeOfNonResNamesTable = $-NonResNamesTable }    

and this (not included in attachment by link)
macro noexports {
        local tmp

        db 0
        SizeOfEntryTable = 1

        org $%
        if defined moduledescriptionsize
                db moduledescriptionsize
                repeat moduledescriptionsize
                        load tmp byte from ..moduledescription:%-1
                        db tmp
                end repeat
                dw 0
        end if
        db 0
        SizeOfNonResNamesTable = $-NonResNamesTable }    

this (a kind of syntax shugar) looks more friendly in case of no exports
Post 09 Apr 2020, 23:10
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ProMiNick 10 Apr 2020, 09:22
previous update was very buggy - fixed
https://yadi.sk/d/HTs1wxZvp6BmYw - updated again:
unclosed ifs - fixed
[EDITED: before was stupid post relative with next]same names used as match params on different nesting levels - fixed.
unwanted definition of bundle elements flag when no data of elements should be - fixed
in package present 2 rudiments:
1. test.ASM in root with testing of all variants that could take place in label param of macro export.
2. one more minipad.asm in projects with testing of export (not dll but...)

[EDITED 2020/04/10 18:45]
https://yadi.sk/d/HTs1wxZvp6BmYw - updated again
in header added ability to produce DLL flags contents in NE structure, in projects added usedll with donor, when I intermix working exe with my dll, my exe with working dll and compare it with donor exe & dll interaction - all 3 cases differs.
Content that produce my macros has binary output as I expect, so need investigation of aspects I still dont know.

[EDITED 2020/04/11 2:07]
not updated link (additions offline)
in nedemo I described registers values:
        ;registers at entry to application
        ;ax - zero
        ;bx - size of stack
        ;cx - size of heap
        ;di - app. instance
        ;si - prev. app. instance
        ;bp - zero
        ;es - segment address of PSP
        ;ds - segment address of automatic data segment
        ;ss - same as ds register
        ;sp - app. top stack
        invoke  InitTask ;
        ;register values returned by InitTask
        ;ax - 0(error),1(OK)
        ;es:bx - lpCmdLine
        ;cx - stack limit
        ;di - task instance (interesting its the same as app. instance or not)
        ;si - prev. program instance (interesting its the same as prev. app. instance or not)
        ;dx - nCmdShow parameter
        ;es - segment address of PSP
        ;16 bytes at ds:[0] - information about the stack
        or      ax, ax
        jz      .err    

in demodll I described registers values too:
proc16  DLLEntry far
        ;registers at entry to library
        ;ax - module handle
        ;bx - ? size of stack???
        ;cx - size of heap
        ;di - app. instance
        ;ds - lib. data segment (case of SINGLEDATA), caller data segment (case NOAUTODATA or MULTIPLEDATA)
        ;es:si - lpCmdLine
        ;ss - ? caller data segment???
        invoke  LocalInit,ds:0,cx
        or      ax,ax
        jnz     .skipUnlock
        invoke  UnlockSegment, -1
        mov     ax,TRUE
Post 10 Apr 2020, 09:22
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ProMiNick 12 Apr 2020, 04:15
https://yadi.sk/d/HTs1wxZvp6BmYw updated again
new: pair "DLLCALL.exe" & "DLLSRC.dll" from "\PROJECTS\EXECS\WINDOWS\WIN16\BASIC\USEDLL" are now worked.

"DLLSRC.dll" from "\PROJECTS\EXECS\WINDOWS\WIN16\BASIC\USEDLL\DONOR" compiled with Borland C++ at 1991 and reduced to 480 bytes by cutting HLL (~8kb HLL) is able to be called by both my "DLLCALL.exe" & "DLLCALL.exe" from "\PROJECTS\EXECS\WINDOWS\WIN16\BASIC\USEDLL\DONOR" compiled with Borland C++ at 1991 and reduced to 480 bytes by cutting HLL (~5kb HLL).

But mine dll not friends with Borland C++ compiled exe. Because of that all still in projects.
So, I missed smthing in DLL, or Borland created exe with redundant requirements.

well here is comparison of "DLLCALL.exe":
Differences:                    Fasm port                       borland C++ original 
                                                                (of couse C++ produce more huge code, 
                                                                 this is what left after cutting HLL rudiments)
                                                                (I cut them very accuracy)
Program Entry Point   (CS:IP)   0001:0010                       0001:0000
Initial Stack Pointer (SS:SP)   0002:0000                       0002:0000           
Initial Local Heap Size         0000h  (     0. )               0400h  (  1024. )
Program Flags                   (0310): Application             (000A): Application
                                        No data                         Multiple data
                                        Uses windowing API              Protected mode
Other EXE Flags                 (0008): Fastload area           (0000):
                                        (start: 00000130,
                                         size:  000000A0)
IMPORTS                         via names                       via ordinals
==============================  ==============================  =============================
Segment Number: 1
Alloc Size:                     0040h                           004Eh
Offset in the file:0130h,Length:0040h                           004Eh
Attributes                      (0D50): CODE                    (1D50): CODE
                                        Moveable                        Moveable
                                        Preloaded                       Preloaded
                                        Relocations                     Relocations
                                        DPL: 3                          Discardable
                                                                        DPL: 3
                                db 10h dup(0)
                                call    InitTask                call    InitTask
                                or      ax, ax                  or      ax, ax
                                jz      .error                  jz      .error
                                                                mov     [word_20], di
                                                                push    -1
                                                                call    LockSegment
                                push    0                       push    0
                                call    WaitEvent               call    WaitEvent
                                push    di                      push    [word_20]
                                call    InitApp                 call    InitApp
                                or      ax, ax                  or      ax, ax
                                jz      .error                  jz      .error
                                push    ds                      push    ss
                                push    _msgText                push    _msgText
                                call    @Msg$QNZC               call    @Msg$QNZC
                                                                push    -1
                                                                call    UnockSegment
                                                                xor     ax, ax
                                jmp     .exit                   jmp     .exit
                                mov     al, 1                   mov     al, -1
                                mov     ah, 4Ch                 mov     ah, 4Ch
                                call    Dos3Call                int     21h
                                                                db      0Bh dup(0)
                                                                align 4
                                db      0
                                (interesting this byte
                                should be 16th byte of
                                2nd segment, why it here,
                                and it in cseg01:0040
                                that address is outer of
                                1st segment end)
==============================  ==============================  =============================
Segment Number: 2
Alloc Size:                     0020h                           0022h
Offset in the file:01B0h,Length:0020h                           0022h
Attributes                      (0C51): DATA                    (0C51): DATA
                                        Moveable                        Moveable
                                        Preloaded                       Preloaded
                                        DPL: 3                          DPL: 3
                                ;org 1                          ;org 0
                                db 0Fh dup(0)                   db 10h dup(0)
           dseg02:0010 _msgText db 'Hello from DLL!',0          db 'Hello from DLL!',0
                                                        word_20 dw 0
                                                                align 10h    

code differences: in original locksegment around all payload logic, using ss instead of ds, retf that never be executed, redundant preserve of di, that is untrashable by api calls.
flag differences: in original protected mode & multyinstancing of autodata segment instead of absence of autodata segment.
more flag differences: in original fast load area is absent.

And here is comparison of "DLLSRC.dll":
Differences:                    Fasm port                       borland C++ original
Program Entry Point   (CS:IP)   0001:0010                       0001:0000
Initial Stack Pointer (SS:SP)   0002:0000                       0002:0000
Initial Stack Size              2000h  (  8192. )               0000h  (     0. )
Program Flags                   (8301): DLL                     (8009): DLL
                                        Single data                     Single data
                                        Uses windowing API              Protected mode
Other EXE Flags                 (0008): Fastload area           (0000):
                                        (start: 00000140,
                                         size:  000000C0)
IMPORTS                         via names                       via ordinals
EXPORTS                         via nonresident names table     via nonresident names table
                                                                (originaly was via resident
                                                                 names table - patched)
==============================  ==============================  =============================
Segment Number: 1
Alloc Size:                     0064h                           005Eh
Offset in the file:0140h,Length:0064h          ...:0130h,Length:005Eh
Attributes                      (0D50): CODE                    (1D50): CODE
                                        Moveable                        Moveable
                                        Preloaded                       Preloaded
                                        Relocations                     Relocations
                                        DPL: 3                          Discardable
                                                                        DPL: 3
                                db 10h dup(0)
                                push    si                      push    si
                                push    di                      push    di
                                push    ds                      push    ds
                                push    0                       push    0
                                push    cx                      push    cx
                                call    LocalInit               call    LocalInit
                                or      ax, ax                  or      ax, ax
                                jz      .locret                 jz      .locret
                                sub     sp, 6                   sub     sp, 6
                                mov     ax, seg dseg02          mov     ax, seg dseg02
                                mov     ds, ax                  mov     ds, ax
                                pop     cx                      pop     cx
                                pop     ax                      pop     ax
                                jcxz    .skip_unlock            jcxz    .skip_unlock
                                push    -1                      push    -1
                                call    UnockSegment            call    UnockSegment
                                mov     ax, TRUE                mov     ax, TRUE
                                pop     ds                      pop     ds
                                pop     di                      pop     di
                                pop     si                      pop     si
                                retf                            retf

                                                                External Entry #1
                                                                Attributes (0003): Moveable
                                                                                   Shared dataseg
                                push    bp
                                mov     bp, sp
                                mov     ax, TRUE                mov     ax, TRUE
                                retf    2                       retf    2

                                External Entry #1               External Entry #2
                                Attributes (0001): Moveable     Attributes (0003): Moveable
                                                   Exported                        Exported
                                                                                   Shared dataseg
oldbp           = word ptr  0
farret          = dword ptr 2
arg_0           = word ptr  6
arg_2           = word ptr  8
                                push    bp                      push    bp
                                mov     bp, sp                  mov     bp, sp
                                push    ds                      push    ds
                                mov     ax, seg dseg02          mov     ax, seg dseg02
                                mov     ds, ax                  mov     ds, ax
                                push    0                       push    0
                                push    [bp+arg_2]              push    [bp+arg_2]
                                push    [bp+arg_0]              push    [bp+arg_0]
                                push    ds                      push    ds
                                push    _title                  push    _title
                                call    MessageBox              call    MessageBox
                                pop     ds                      pop     ds
                                pop     bp                      pop     bp
                                retf    4                       retf    4
                                align 10h                       db 0Eh dup(0)
                                                                align 4
==============================  ==============================  =============================
Segment Number: 2
Alloc Size:                     0018h                           001Ah
Offset in the file:01B0h,Length:0018h          ...:01C0h,Length:001Ah
Attributes                      (0C51): DATA                    (0C71): DATA
                                        Moveable                        Moveable
                                        Preloaded                       Pure
                                        DPL: 3                          Preloaded
                                                                        DPL: 3

                                db 10h dup(0)                   db 10h dup(0)
             dseg02:0010 _title db 'DLLDEMO',0                  db 'DLLSRC',0
                                align 10h                       db 3 dup(0)
                                                                align 8    

maybe all is simpler than I thought: my exe imports by name (original C++ variant by ordinal), exports named properly in both dlls, but their ordinals are different.
Post 12 Apr 2020, 04:15
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ProMiNick 12 Apr 2020, 20:37
all was because of error in export macro:
        type = -1
        count = 0
        if type<>ordtype
                count = 1
                type = ordtype ; this line was absent previously
                count = count + 1
        end if
        match ,label \\{ match skipcount,string \\\{ count = count + skipcount - 1 \\\} \\}
        if defined bundletype
                bundlesize = count
        end if

for now dont updated. I test solution.

names could be imported in any mixed register, but export allow only A-Z@$_, not a-z.
Post 12 Apr 2020, 20:37
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ProMiNick 12 Apr 2020, 23:35
https://yadi.sk/d/HTs1wxZvp6BmYw updated again.
DLLSRC.ASM & DLLCALL.ASM are now in DEMOS:"\DEMOS\EXECS\WINDOWS\WIN16\BASIC\DLL" - because they work as expected in all aspects
(sources I used as donor from 15.04.94, soon would be 26 years Smile ).
Post 12 Apr 2020, 23:35
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Location: Russian Federation, Sochi
ProMiNick 15 Apr 2020, 20:33
https://yadi.sk/d/HTs1wxZvp6BmYw updated: small fixes in proc16.inc. win16 strucs corrected and extended with commctrl (analog to comctl32) structs some equates are extended too (windows equates share all bitnesses). in resources added RT_TOOLBAR implementation.

dialog still not processed by procedure that assigned to it as dlgproc - but it isn`t related to NE format. (I played with dialod in donor without result, when I patched in dialog creation parent window to 0 it even not created, so maybe it requires parent window other then desktop)

So NE specification I think is done.

Tomasz, can thou produce fasmg implementation? and moreover can thou support NE in fasm natively?
thanks anyway.

Because there is no splitting on GUI & CUI I could suggest format: format NE APP 3.0 as 'exe' and format NE DLL 3.0 as 'exe' and format NE DLL 3.0 as 'dll'.
And I placed uninitialized data in segments because I couldn`t prevent this data to go to output.
And If think about guys that reversing NE I would prefer that all relocated segments had size $XXXE, so way reloc size end paragraph and each reloc pair would be aligned at $10 border.

[EDITED 16/04/2020 17:16] https://yadi.sk/d/HTs1wxZvp6BmYw updated.
nothing specialy related to NE or win16 unchanged.
But fixed old bug of this my package in structs macros, that ignores anonymous members for union size calculation (maybe not fixed finally).

[EDITED 18/04/2020] https://yadi.sk/d/HTs1wxZvp6BmYw updated.
bugfix of previous update successfully tested.
for PEB & TEB declaration used another approach: defined only members as constants. PEBs defined completely, but TEBs defined only with common to all windowses parts (it is enought at current state).

Last edited by ProMiNick on 18 Apr 2020, 01:02; edited 3 times in total
Post 15 Apr 2020, 20:33
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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
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Location: Kraków, Poland
Tomasz Grysztar 16 Apr 2020, 07:59
ProMiNick wrote:
Tomasz, can thou produce fasmg implementation? and moreover can thou support NE in fasm natively?
thanks anyway.
I'm afraid it would land quite far down the list of my fasmg-related plans. Admittedly, after developing CALM (which was a full-time activity for me for a while) I went on a bit of hiatus, but even if I can dedicate lots of time to it again, there are many other small and large things that are going to get a higher priority.

However, if anyone attempts a project like fasmg NE formatter based on your work for fasm 1, I'm willing to provide as much support as I can, giving hints and helping to solve potential problems.

As for the native formatters, I no longer consider working on any - even with Mach-O, which was initially planned for inclusion in fasm 1, I ended up making a fasmg implementation only. The macro-based formatters are so much more flexible, powerful and easier to maintain, that I see no good reason to go back to making fasm-like native ones. Especially since now we have CALM to make everything better.
Post 16 Apr 2020, 07:59
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alexfru 16 Jul 2020, 06:54
ProMiNick wrote:

"C:\nasm-2.15rc0-20191023\nasm.exe" "%~1" -o hw.exe    

error is:
panic: C:\KNOWLEDGEBASE\NE\Win16asm\hw2.asm:546: assertion next == tok failed at asm/preproc.c:4543

FYI, this has been fixed in NASM 2.15.03rc7.
Post 16 Jul 2020, 06:54
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