flat assembler
Message board for the users of flat assembler.
> Non-x86 architectures > [ARM] porting fasmw builtin examples to WinCE |
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ProMiNick 06 Jan 2020, 05:38
Hello all.
periodicaly I tryed to adapt win32 examples to wince examples - just for fun (to see that windows is always windows). I adapt PE DEMO in macroless multisection optimized form: Code: ; Example of making 32-bit PE program as raw code and data format PE GUI entry start section '.text' code readable executable start: mov r3, #0 mov r2, _caption add r1, r2, _message-_caption mov r0, #0 bl indirect.MessageBoxW mov r0, 0 bl indirect.ExitThread section '.data' data readable writeable _caption du 'WinCE assembly program',0 _message du 'Hello World!',0 section '.idata' import data readable writeable dw RVA coredll_table,0,0,RVA coredll_name,RVA coredll_table dw 0,0,0,0,0 coredll_table: ExitThread dw RVA _ExitThread MessageBoxW dw RVA _MessageBoxW dw 0 indirect: .ExitThread: ldr pc,[ExitThread] .MessageBoxW: ldr pc,[MessageBoxW] coredll_name db 'COREDLL.DLL',0 align 2 _ExitThread dh 0 db 'ExitThread',0 align 2 _MessageBoxW dh 0 db 'MessageBoxW',0 with variation that works without ExitThread: Code: ; Example of making 32-bit PE program as raw code and data format PE GUI entry start section '.text' code readable executable start: str lr, [sp,#-4]! mov r3, #0 mov r2, _caption add r1, r2, _message-_caption mov r0, #0 bl indirect.MessageBoxW ldr pc, [sp],#4 section '.data' data readable writeable _caption du 'WinCE assembly program',0 _message du 'Hello World!',0 section '.idata' import data readable writeable dw RVA coredll_table,0,0,RVA coredll_name,RVA coredll_table dw 0,0,0,0,0 coredll_table: MessageBoxW dw RVA _MessageBoxW dw 0 indirect: .MessageBoxW: ldr pc,[MessageBoxW] coredll_name db 'COREDLL.DLL',0 align 2 _MessageBoxW dh 0 db 'MessageBoxW',0 and I checked if some modifications I made to revolution includes that they not breaks output consistency - all OK: Code: ; Example of making 32-bit PE program as raw code and data format PE GUI entry start include 'wince.inc' macro invoke name,args& { apscall indirect.#name,args } section '.text' code readable executable start: invoke MessageBoxW,0,far _message,far _caption,0 invoke ExitThread, 0 section '.data' data readable writeable _caption du 'WinCE assembly program',0 _message du 'Hello World!',0 section '.idata' import data readable writeable library coredll,'COREDLL.DLL' include 'os specific/windows/api/armce/coredll.inc' but when I go from MessageBoxes to Windows - porting TEMPLLATE - I had window that closed immidiately after it was created: Code: format PE GUI entry start include 'wince.inc' macro invoke name,args& { apscall indirect.#name,args } ID_CMDBAR = 1000 section '.text' code readable executable start: ldr r6, [.local.lpwc] invoke RegisterClassW, r6 mov r1, r0, lsl#16 movs r0, r1, lsr#16 beq .error invoke GetSystemMetrics, SM_CXSCREEN ;ldr r1, [.local.lpxscreen] ;str r0, [r1] mov r4, r0 invoke GetSystemMetrics, SM_CYSCREEN ;ldr r1, [.local.lpyscreen] ;str r0, [r1] mov r7, r0 mov r0, #0 ldr r5, [r6,WNDCLASS.hInstance] ldr r1, [r6,WNDCLASS.lpszClassName] ldr r2, [.local.lp_title] invoke CreateWindowExW,r0,r1,r2,WS_VISIBLE,r0,r0,r4,r7,r0,r0,r5,r0 movs r4, r0 beq .error invoke ShowWindow, r4 invoke UpdateWindow, r4 .msg_loop: adr r0, .msg invoke GetMessageW,r0,0,0,0 cmp r0, 1 blo .end_loop bne .msg_loop adr r0, .msg invoke TranslateMessage,r0 adr r0, .msg invoke DispatchMessageW,r0 b .msg_loop .error: ldr r1, [.local.lp_error] invoke MessageBoxW,0,r1,0,MB_ICONERROR+MB_OK .end_loop: invoke ExitThread, [.msg.wParam] .local.lpwc dw wc .local.lp_title dw _title .local.lp_error dw _error ;.local.lpxscreen dw xscreen ;.local.lpyscreen dw yscreen .msg MSG proc WindowProc nospil uses lr,hwnd,wmsg,wparam,lparam cmp r1, #WM_DESTROY beq .wmdestroy cmp r1, #WM_CREATE beq .retZero bl DefWindowProcW b .retZero .wmdestroy: invoke PostQuitMessage,0 b .retZero .wmcreate: ldr r6, [.local.lpwc.hInstance] mov r1, r0 invoke CommandBar_Create,r6,r1,ID_CMDBAR invoke CommandBar_AddAdornments,r0,0,0 .retZero: mov r0, #0 .locret: ret endp WindowProc.local.lpwc.hInstance dw wc.hInstance section '.data' data readable writeable wc WNDCLASS 0,WindowProc,0,0,PE_IMAGE_BASE,NULL,NULL,COLOR_BTNFACE+1,NULL,_class _class TCHAR 'FASMWINCE',0 _title TCHAR 'WinCE program template',0 _error TCHAR 'Startup failed.',0 xscreen dw ? yscreen dw ? section '.idata' import data readable writeable library coredll,'COREDLL.DLL',\ commctrl,'COMMCTRL.DLL' include 'os specific/windows/api/armce/coredll.inc' include 'os specific/windows/api/armce/commctrl.inc' if I change "beq .error" to "bne .error" I got 'Startup failed.' message & app is closed correctly. So RegisterClassW & CreateWindowExW worked successfuly. All look almost correct but... if I move execution of WindowProc on WM_CREATE from safe .retZero back to .wmcreate it will hang the emulating system. And whole context if needed:https://www.dropbox.com/s/xnhr6ru0fvlb4i2/fasmw17321COMFRIENDLY.zip?dl=0 [LAST UPDATE 8.01.20 contain all examples described in topic] _________________ I don`t like to refer by "you" to one person. My soul requires acronim "thou" instead. Last edited by ProMiNick on 07 Jan 2020, 21:44; edited 3 times in total |
06 Jan 2020, 05:38 |
ProMiNick 06 Jan 2020, 06:33
dosn`t helps.
"proc WindowProc nospil uses r6 r12 lr,hwnd,wmsg,wparam,lparam" not solved OS hang. Working version was - almost that I want to code (but I got it patching much larger binary, but not assembling from sources) Code: ; IMAGE_DOS_HEADER ; Processor : ARM ; ARM architecture: metaarm ; Target assembler: Generic assembler for ARM ; Byte sex : Little endian ; =========================================================================== ; Segment type: Pure data AREA HEADER, DATA, ALIGN=8 ; ORG 0x10000 __ImageBase DCW 0x5A4D ; DATA XREF: HEADER:0001003Co ; HEADER:0001010Co ; PE magic number DCW 0x90 ; Bytes on last page of file DCW 3 ; Pages in file DCW 0 ; Relocations DCW 4 ; Size of header in paragraphs DCW 0 ; Minimum extra paragraphs needed DCW 0xFFFF ; Maximum extra paragraphs needed DCW 0 ; Initial (relative) SS value DCW 0xB8 ; Initial SP value DCW 0 ; Checksum DCW 0 ; Initial IP value DCW 0 ; Initial (relative) CS value DCW 0x40 ; File address of relocation table DCW 0 ; Overlay number DCW 0, 0, 0, 0 ; Reserved words DCW 0 ; OEM identifier (for e_oeminfo) DCW 0 ; OEM information; e_oemid specific DCW 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ; Reserved words DCD dword_100D8 - __ImageBase ; File address of new exe header DCB 0xE, 0x1F, 0xBA, 0xE, 0, 0xB4, 9, 0xCD, 0x21, 0xB8 ; DOS Stub code DCB 1, 0x4C, 0xCD, 0x21, 0x54, 0x68, 0x69, 0x73, 0x20 DCB 0x70, 0x72, 0x6F, 0x67, 0x72, 0x61, 0x6D, 0x20, 0x63 DCB 0x61, 0x6E, 0x6E, 0x6F, 0x74, 0x20, 0x62, 0x65, 0x20 DCB 0x72, 0x75, 0x6E, 0x20, 0x69, 0x6E, 0x20, 0x44, 0x4F DCB 0x53, 0x20, 0x6D, 0x6F, 0x64, 0x65, 0x2E, 0xD, 0xD DCB 0xA, 0x24, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x4F, 0xF5, 0x48, 0xD8 DCB 0xB, 0x94, 0x26, 0x8B, 0xB, 0x94, 0x26, 0x8B, 0xB DCB 0x94, 0x26, 0x8B, 0xF7, 0x8B, 0x2C, 0x8B, 8, 0x94 DCB 0x26, 0x8B, 0xB, 0x94, 0x27, 0x8B, 0x16, 0x94, 0x26 DCB 0x8B, 0x8E, 0x8B, 0x35, 0x8B, 0xE, 0x94, 0x26, 0x8B DCB 0x59, 0xB4, 0x2D, 0x8B, 0xA, 0x94, 0x26, 0x8B, 0x68 DCB 0x93, 0x20, 0x8B, 0xA, 0x94, 0x26, 0x8B, 0x52, 0x69 DCB 0x63, 0x68, 0xB, 0x94, 0x26, 0x8B, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 DCB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 DCB 0 ; IMAGE_NT_HEADERS dword_100D8 DCD 0x4550 ; DATA XREF: HEADER:0001003Co ; Signature ; IMAGE_FILE_HEADER DCW 0x1C0 ; Machine DCW 5 ; Number of sections DCD 0x37CAA222 ; Time stamp: Mon Aug 30 15:24:18 1999 DCD 0 ; Pointer to symbol table DCD 0 ; Number of symbols DCW 0xE0 ; Size of optional header DCW 0x10F ; Characteristics ; IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER DCW 0x10B ; Magic number DCB 6 ; Major linker version DCB 1 ; Minor linker version DCD 0xC00 ; Size of code DCD 0xC00 ; Size of initialized data DCD 0 ; Size of uninitialized data DCD start - 0x10000 ; Address of entry point DCD start - 0x10000 ; Base of code DCD unk_12000 - 0x10000 ; Base of data DCD __ImageBase ; Image base DCD 0x1000 ; Section alignment DCD 0x200 ; File alignment DCW 4 ; Major operating system version DCW 0 ; Minor operating system version DCW 0 ; Major image version DCW 0 ; Minor image version DCW 2 ; Major subsystem version DCW 0xB ; Minor subsystem version DCD 0 ; Reserved 1 DCD 0x4000 ; Size of image DCD 0x400 ; Size of headers DCD 0 ; Checksum DCW 9 ; Subsystem DCW 0 ; Dll characteristics DCD 0x10000 ; Size of stack reserve DCD 0x1000 ; Size of stack commit DCD 0x100000 ; Size of heap reserve DCD 0x1000 ; Size of heap commit DCD 0 ; Loader flag DCD 0x10 ; Number of data directories DCD 0, 0 ; Export Directory ; Import Directory DCD 0x3000 ; Virtual address DCD 0x3C ; Size DCD 0, 0 ; Resource Directory DCD 0, 0 ; Exception Directory DCD 0, 0 ; Security Directory DCD 0, 0 ; Base Relocation Table DCD 0, 0 ; Debug Directory DCD 0, 0 ; Architecture Specific Data DCD 0, 0 ; RVA of GP DCD 0, 0 ; TLS Directory DCD 0, 0 ; Load Configuration Directory DCD 0, 0 ; Bound Import Directory in headers ; Import Address Table DCD __imp_RegisterClassW - 0x10000 ; Virtual address DCD 0x30 ; Size DCD 0, 0 ; Delay Load Import Descriptors DCD 0, 0 ; COM Runtime descriptor DCD 0, 0 ; Image data directory 15 ; IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER DCB ".text",0,0,0 ; Name DCD 0x224 ; Virtual size DCD start - 0x10000 ; Virtual address DCD 0x400 ; Size of raw data DCD 0x400 ; Pointer to raw data DCD 0 ; Pointer to relocations DCD 0 ; Pointer to line numbers DCW 0 ; Number of relocations DCW 0 ; Number of linenumbers DCD 0x60000020 ; Characteristics ; IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER DCB ".data",0,0,0 ; Name DCD 0x74 ; Virtual size DCD unk_12000 - 0x10000 ; Virtual address DCD 0x200 ; Size of raw data DCD 0x800 ; Pointer to raw data DCD 0 ; Pointer to relocations DCD 0 ; Pointer to line numbers DCW 0 ; Number of relocations DCW 0 ; Number of linenumbers DCD 0xC0000040 ; Characteristics ; IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER DCB ".idata",0,0 ; Name DCD 0x1A8 ; Virtual size DCD 0x3000 ; Virtual address DCD 0x200 ; Size of raw data DCD 0xA00 ; Pointer to raw data DCD 0 ; Pointer to relocations DCD 0 ; Pointer to line numbers DCW 0 ; Number of relocations DCW 0 ; Number of linenumbers DCD 0xC0000060 ; Characteristics ; IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER DCB 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Name DCD 0 ; Virtual size DCD 0 ; Virtual address DCD 0 ; Size of raw data DCD 0 ; Pointer to raw data DCD 0 ; Pointer to relocations DCD 0 ; Pointer to line numbers DCW 0 ; Number of relocations DCW 0 ; Number of linenumbers DCD 0 ; Characteristics ; IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER DCB 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Name DCD 0 ; Virtual size DCD 0 ; Virtual address DCD 0 ; Size of raw data DCD 0 ; Pointer to raw data DCD 0 ; Pointer to relocations DCD 0 ; Pointer to line numbers DCW 0 ; Number of relocations DCW 0 ; Number of linenumbers DCD 0 ; Characteristics ALIGN 0x1000 ; HEADER ends ; File Name : C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Device Emulator\1.0\SDflash\winCE5CE6freeware\Utilities\search5.exe ; Format : Portable executable for ARM (PE) ; Imagebase : 10000 ; Section 1. (virtual address 00001000) ; Virtual size : 00000224 ( 548.) ; Section size in file : 00000400 ( 1024.) ; Offset to raw data for section: 00000400 ; Flags 60000020: Text Executable Readable ; Alignment : default ; ; The code at 10000..11000 is hidden from normal disassembly ; and was loaded because the user ordered to load it explicitly ; ; <<<< IT MAY CONTAIN TROJAN HORSES, VIRUSES, AND DO HARMFUL THINGS >>> ; ; ; =========================================================================== ; Segment type: Pure code AREA .text, CODE, ALIGN=4 ; ORG 0x11000 CODE32 EXPORT start start ; DATA XREF: HEADER:00010100o ; HEADER:00010104o ... STMFD SP!, {R0,LR} SUB SP, SP, #0x20 MOV R5, R0 LDR R6, =unk_12000 STR R5, [R6,#(dword_12010 - 0x12000)] MOV R0, R6 ; lpWndClass BL RegisterClassW MOV R1, R0,LSL#16 MOVS R0, R1,LSR#16 ADDEQ SP, SP, #0x20 LDMEQFD SP!, {R0,PC} MOV R0, #0 ; nIndex BL GetSystemMetrics LDR R1, =dword_1206C STR R0, [R1] MOV R4, R0 MOV R0, #1 ; nIndex BL GetSystemMetrics LDR R1, =dword_12070 STR R0, [R1] MOV R7, R0 MOV R0, #0 ; dwExStyle STR R0, [SP,#0x1C] ; lpParam STR R5, [SP,#0x18] ; hInstance STR R0, [SP,#0x14] ; hMenu STR R0, [SP,#0x10] ; hWndParent STR R7, [SP,#0xC] ; nHeight STR R4, [SP,#8] ; nWidth STR R0, [SP,#4] ; Y STR R0, [SP,#0] ; X MOV R3, #0x10000000 ; dwStyle LDR R2, =aWinceProgramTe ; "WinCE program template" LDR R1, [R6,#(dword_12024 - 0x12000)] ; lpClassName BL CreateWindowExW MOVS R4, R0 ADDEQ SP, SP, #0x20 LDMEQFD SP!, {R0,PC} MOV R1, R9 ; nCmdShow MOV R0, R4 ; hwnd BL ShowWindow MOV R0, R4 ; hwnd BL UpdateWindow loc_110A8 ; CODE XREF: .text:000110D4j MOV R3, #0 ; wMsgFilterMax MOV R2, #0 ; wMsgFilterMin MOV R1, #0 ; hWnd ADR R0, dword_110D8 ; lpMsg BL GetMessageW CMP R0, #0 BEQ loc_110F4 ADR R0, dword_110D8 ; pMsg BL TranslateMessage ADR R0, dword_110D8 ; lpMsg BL DispatchMessageW B loc_110A8 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- dword_110D8 DCD 0, 0 ; DATA XREF: .text:000110B4o ; .text:000110C4o ... dword_110E0 DCD 0 ; DATA XREF: .text:loc_110F4r DCD 0, 0, 0, 0 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc_110F4 ; CODE XREF: .text:000110C0j LDR R0, =0 ADD SP, SP, #0x20 LDMFD SP!, {R0,PC} ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; WNDCLASSW *lpWndClass lpWndClass DCD unk_12000 ; DATA XREF: .text:0001100Cr ; LPCWSTR lpWindowName lpWindowName DCD aWinceProgramTe ; DATA XREF: .text:0001107Cr ; "WinCE program template" off_11108 DCD dword_1206C ; DATA XREF: .text:00011034r off_1110C DCD dword_12070 ; DATA XREF: .text:00011048r DCD 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 DCD unk_12000 DCD aWinceProgramTe ; "WinCE program template" DCD dword_1206C DCD dword_12070 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STMFD SP!, {R4-R8,R11,LR} CMP R1, #2 MOVEQ R0, #0 MOVEQ R12, #8 BLEQ 0x13170 MOVEQ R0, #0 LDMEQFD SP!, {R4-R8,R11,PC} CMP R1, #1 BLEQ loc_11164 MOV R12, #9 BL 0x13170 LDMFD SP!, {R4-R8,R11,PC} ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc_11164 ; CODE XREF: .text:00011154j LDR R6, =dword_12010 MOV R1, R0 LDR R0, [R6] MOV R2, #0x3E8 MOV R12, #0xA BL 0x13170 MOV R1, #0 MOV R2, #0 MOV R12, #0xB BL 0x13170 LDMFD SP!, {R4-R8,R11,PC} ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- off_11190 DCD dword_12010 ; DATA XREF: .text:loc_11164r ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= ; Attributes: thunk ; ATOM __stdcall RegisterClassW(const WNDCLASSW *lpWndClass) RegisterClassW ; CODE XREF: .text:00011018p LDR R12, =__imp_RegisterClassW LDR PC, [R12] ; End of function RegisterClassW ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- off_1119C DCD __imp_RegisterClassW ; DATA XREF: RegisterClassWr ; [00000008 BYTES: COLLAPSED FUNCTION GetSystemMetrics. PRESS CTRL-NUMPAD+ TO EXPAND] off_111A8 DCD __imp_GetSystemMetrics ; DATA XREF: GetSystemMetricsr ; [00000008 BYTES: COLLAPSED FUNCTION CreateWindowExW. PRESS CTRL-NUMPAD+ TO EXPAND] off_111B4 DCD __imp_CreateWindowExW ; DATA XREF: CreateWindowExWr ; [00000008 BYTES: COLLAPSED FUNCTION ShowWindow. PRESS CTRL-NUMPAD+ TO EXPAND] off_111C0 DCD __imp_ShowWindow ; DATA XREF: ShowWindowr ; [00000008 BYTES: COLLAPSED FUNCTION UpdateWindow. PRESS CTRL-NUMPAD+ TO EXPAND] off_111CC DCD __imp_UpdateWindow ; DATA XREF: UpdateWindowr ; [00000008 BYTES: COLLAPSED FUNCTION GetMessageW. PRESS CTRL-NUMPAD+ TO EXPAND] off_111D8 DCD __imp_GetMessageW ; DATA XREF: GetMessageWr ; [00000008 BYTES: COLLAPSED FUNCTION TranslateMessage. PRESS CTRL-NUMPAD+ TO EXPAND] off_111E4 DCD __imp_TranslateMessage ; DATA XREF: TranslateMessager ; [00000008 BYTES: COLLAPSED FUNCTION DispatchMessageW. PRESS CTRL-NUMPAD+ TO EXPAND] off_111F0 DCD __imp_DispatchMessageW ; DATA XREF: DispatchMessageWr ; [00000008 BYTES: COLLAPSED FUNCTION PostQuitMessage. PRESS CTRL-NUMPAD+ TO EXPAND] off_111FC DCD __imp_PostQuitMessage ; DATA XREF: PostQuitMessager ; [00000008 BYTES: COLLAPSED FUNCTION DefWindowProcW. PRESS CTRL-NUMPAD+ TO EXPAND] off_11208 DCD __imp_DefWindowProcW ; DATA XREF: DefWindowProcWr ; [00000008 BYTES: COLLAPSED FUNCTION CommandBar_Create. PRESS CTRL-NUMPAD+ TO EXPAND] off_11214 DCD __imp_CommandBar_Create ; DATA XREF: CommandBar_Creater ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= ; Attributes: thunk ; BOOL __stdcall sub_11218(HWND hwndCB, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwReserved) sub_11218 LDR R12, =CommandBar_AddAdornments LDR PC, [R12] ; End of function sub_11218 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- off_11220 DCD CommandBar_AddAdornments ; DATA XREF: sub_11218r ALIGN 0x200 % 0xC00 ; .text ends ; Section 2. (virtual address 00002000) ; Virtual size : 00000074 ( 116.) ; Section size in file : 00000200 ( 512.) ; Offset to raw data for section: 00000800 ; Flags C0000040: Data Readable Writable ; Alignment : default ; =========================================================================== ; Segment type: Pure data AREA .data, DATA, ALIGN=4 ; ORG 0x12000 unk_12000 DCB 1 ; DATA XREF: HEADER:00010108o ; HEADER:00010204o ... DCB 0 DCB 0 DCB 0 DCD 0x11134 DCB 0 DCB 0 DCB 0 DCB 0 DCB 0 DCB 0 DCB 0 DCB 0 dword_12010 DCD 0 ; DATA XREF: .text:00011010w ; .text:loc_11164o ... ALIGN 8 DCB 0 DCB 0 DCB 0 DCB 0 DCB 5 DCB 0 DCB 0 DCB 0 DCB 0 DCB 0 DCB 0 DCB 0 dword_12024 DCD 0x13028 ; DATA XREF: .text:00011080r asc_12028 DCB "F",0,"A",0,"S",0,"M",0,"W",0,"I",0,"N",0,"C",0,"E",0,0,0 aWinceProgramTe unicode 0, <WinCE program template>,0 ; DATA XREF: .text:0001107Co ; .text:lpWindowNameo ... ALIGN 4 dword_1206C DCD 0 ; DATA XREF: .text:00011034o ; .text:00011038w ... dword_12070 DCD 0 ; DATA XREF: .text:00011048o ; .text:0001104Cw ... ALIGN 0x1000 ; .data ends ; ; Imports from COREDLL.dll ; ; Section 3. (virtual address 00003000) ; Virtual size : 000001A8 ( 424.) ; Section size in file : 00000200 ( 512.) ; Offset to raw data for section: 00000A00 ; Flags C0000060: Text Data Readable Writable ; Alignment : default ; =========================================================================== ; Segment type: Externs ; ATOM __stdcall RegisterClassW(const WNDCLASSW *lpWndClass) IMPORT __imp_RegisterClassW ; DATA XREF: HEADER:000101B0o ; RegisterClassWo ... ; int __stdcall GetSystemMetrics(int nIndex) IMPORT __imp_GetSystemMetrics ; DATA XREF: GetSystemMetricso ; .text:off_111A8o ; HWND __stdcall CreateWindowExW(DWORD dwExStyle, LPCWSTR lpClassName, LPCWSTR lpWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, int X, int Y, int nWidth, int nHeight, HWND hWndParent, HMENU hMenu, HINSTANCE hInstance, LPVOID lpParam) IMPORT __imp_CreateWindowExW ; DATA XREF: CreateWindowExWo ; .text:off_111B4o ; BOOL __stdcall ShowWindow(HWND hwnd, INT nCmdShow) IMPORT __imp_ShowWindow ; DATA XREF: ShowWindowo ; .text:off_111C0o ; BOOL __stdcall UpdateWindow(HWND hwnd) IMPORT __imp_UpdateWindow ; DATA XREF: UpdateWindowo ; .text:off_111CCo ; BOOL __stdcall GetMessageW(LPMSG lpMsg, HWND hWnd, UINT wMsgFilterMin, UINT wMsgFilterMax) IMPORT __imp_GetMessageW ; DATA XREF: GetMessageWo ; .text:off_111D8o ; BOOL __stdcall TranslateMessage(const MSG *pMsg) IMPORT __imp_TranslateMessage ; DATA XREF: TranslateMessageo ; .text:off_111E4o ; LONG __stdcall DispatchMessageW(const MSG *lpMsg) IMPORT __imp_DispatchMessageW ; DATA XREF: DispatchMessageWo ; .text:off_111F0o ; void __stdcall PostQuitMessage(int nExitCode) IMPORT __imp_PostQuitMessage ; DATA XREF: PostQuitMessageo ; .text:off_111FCo ; LRESULT __stdcall DefWindowProcW(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) IMPORT __imp_DefWindowProcW ; DATA XREF: DefWindowProcWo ; .text:off_11208o ; ; Imports from commctrl.dll ; ; HWND __stdcall CommandBar_Create(HINSTANCE hInst, HWND hwndParent, int idCmdBar) IMPORT __imp_CommandBar_Create ; DATA XREF: CommandBar_Createo ; .text:off_11214o ; BOOL __stdcall CommandBar_AddAdornments(HWND hwndCB, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwReserved) IMPORT CommandBar_AddAdornments ; DATA XREF: sub_11218o ; .text:off_11220o END start |
06 Jan 2020, 06:33 |
revolution 06 Jan 2020, 06:36
The "uses" caluse needs square brackets around the arguments.
Code: proc Start base sp uses[r0-r12,r14] |
06 Jan 2020, 06:36 |
guignol 06 Jan 2020, 22:49
06 Jan 2020, 22:49 |
ProMiNick 07 Jan 2020, 01:47
Code: format PE GUI entry start include 'wince.inc' macro invoke name,args& { apscall indirect.#name,args } ID_CMDBAR = 1000 section '.text' code readable executable ;start: proc start base sp uses [r0,lr] ;locals ; db $20 dup ? ;endl ldr r6, [start.local.lpwc] invoke RegisterClassW, r6 ;nop ;nop mov r1, r0, lsl#16 movs r0, r1, lsr#16 ;addeq sp, $20 ldmeqfd sp!,{r0,pc} invoke GetSystemMetrics, SM_CXSCREEN ;ldr r1, [start.local.lpxscreen] ;str r0, [r1] mov r4, r0 invoke GetSystemMetrics, SM_CYSCREEN ;ldr r1, [start.local.lpyscreen] ;str r0, [r1] mov r7, r0 mov r0, #0 ldr r5, [r6,WNDCLASS.hInstance] ldr r1, [r6,WNDCLASS.lpszClassName] ldr r2, [start.local.lp_title] ;sub sp, $20 ;str r0, [sp,#$1C] ;str r5, [sp,#$18] ;str r0, [sp,#$14] ;str r0, [sp,#$10] ;str r7, [sp,#$0C] ;str r4, [sp,#$08] ;str r0, [sp,#$04] ;str r0, [sp,#$00] invoke CreateWindowExW,r0,r1,r2,WS_VISIBLE,r0,r0,r4,r7,r0,r0,r5,r0 ;add sp, $20 movs r4, r0 ;addeq sp, $20 ldmeqfd sp!,{r0,pc} invoke ShowWindow, r4,r9 invoke UpdateWindow, r4 .msg_loop: adr r0, .msg invoke GetMessageW,r0,0,0,0 cmp r0, 0 beq .end_loop adr r0, .msg invoke TranslateMessage,r0 adr r0, .msg invoke DispatchMessageW,r0 b .msg_loop .msg MSG .end_loop: ldr r0, [.msg.wParam] ret endp start.local.lpwc dw wc start.local.lp_title dw _title ;start.local.lpxscreen dw xscreen ;start.local.lpyscreen dw yscreen ;dw 9 dup (?) proc WindowProc nospil base sp uses [r4-r8,r11,lr] cmp r1, #WM_DESTROY moveq r0, #0 moveq r12, 8 bleq indirect.PostQuitMessage moveq r0, #0 ldmeqfd sp!,{r4-r8,r11,pc} cmp r1, #WM_CREATE bleq .wmcreate mov r12, 9 bl indirect.DefWindowProcW ldmfd sp!,{r4-r8,r11,pc} .wmcreate: ldr r6, [WindowProc.local.lpwc.hInstance] mov r1, r0 ldr r0, [r6] mov r12, 10 invoke CommandBar_Create,r0,r1,1000 mov r12, 11 invoke CommandBar_AddAdornments,r0,0,0 ret endp WindowProc.local.lpwc.hInstance dw wc.hInstance ;indirect.RegisterClassW: ; ldr r12, [pc] ; ldr pc, [r12] ; dw RegisterClassW ;indirect.GetSystemMetrics: ; ldr r12, [pc] ; ldr pc, [r12] ; dw GetSystemMetrics ;indirect.CreateWindowExW: ; ldr r12, [pc] ; ldr pc, [r12] ; dw CreateWindowExW ;indirect.ShowWindow: ; ldr r12, [pc] ; ldr pc, [r12] ; dw ShowWindow ;indirect.UpdateWindow: ; ldr r12, [pc] ; ldr pc, [r12] ; dw UpdateWindow ;indirect.GetMessageW: ; ldr r12, [pc] ; ldr pc, [r12] ; dw GetMessageW ;indirect.TranslateMessage: ; ldr r12, [pc] ; ldr pc, [r12] ; dw TranslateMessage ;indirect.DispatchMessageW: ; ldr r12, [pc] ; ldr pc, [r12] ; dw DispatchMessageW ;indirect.PostQuitMessage: ; ldr r12, [pc] ; ldr pc, [r12] ; dw PostQuitMessage ;indirect.DefWindowProcW: ; ldr r12, [pc] ; ldr pc, [r12] ; dw DefWindowProcW ;indirect.CommandBar_Create: ; ldr r12, [pc] ; ldr pc, [r12] ; dw CommandBar_Create ;indirect.CommandBar_AddAdornments: ; ldr r12, [pc] ; ldr pc, [r12] ; dw CommandBar_AddAdornments section '.data' data readable writeable wc WNDCLASS 1,WindowProc,0,0,PE_IMAGE_BASE,NULL,NULL,COLOR_BTNFACE+1+$40000000,NULL,_class _class TCHAR 'FASMWINCE',0 _title TCHAR 'WinCE program template',0 ;_error TCHAR 'Startup failed.',0 align 4 ;xscreen dw ? ;yscreen dw ? section '.idata' import data readable writeable ;macro extend_import [labl] {} library coredll,'COREDLL.DLL',\ commctrl,'COMMCTRL.DLL' include 'os specific/windows/api/armce/coredll.inc' include 'os specific/windows/api/armce/commctrl.inc' I reproduce donor code exactly same and after comment rudiments left from donor Only left to make it closer to win32 template code, and may be make start not as procedure but end it with ExitThread (because ExitProcess dosn`t exist in wince) _________________ I don`t like to refer by "you" to one person. My soul requires acronim "thou" instead. Last edited by ProMiNick on 08 Dec 2020, 15:37; edited 1 time in total |
07 Jan 2020, 01:47 |
ProMiNick 07 Jan 2020, 14:23
revolution, I almost liked result (It is very similar to x86|64 template example):
Code: format PE GUI entry start include 'wince.inc' macro invoke name,args& { apscall indirect.#name,args } ID_CMDBAR = 1000 section '.text' code readable executable start: ;proc start base sp uses [r0,lr] ldr r6, [start.local.lpwc] invoke RegisterClassW, r6 mov r1, r0, lsl#16 movs r0, r1, lsr#16 beq .error invoke GetSystemMetrics, SM_CXSCREEN ; wince specific - all apps usualy fullscreaned and its display sizes vary from device to device mov r4, r0 invoke GetSystemMetrics, SM_CYSCREEN ; mov r7, r0 mov r0, #0 ldr r5, [r6,WNDCLASS.hInstance] ldr r1, [r6,WNDCLASS.lpszClassName] ldr r2, [start.local.lp_title] invoke CreateWindowExW,r0,r1,r2,WS_VISIBLE,r0,r0,r4,r7,r0,r0,r5,r0 movs r4, r0 beq .error invoke ShowWindow, r4,r9 ; wince specific: without it nothing work invoke UpdateWindow, r4 .msg_loop: adr r0, .msg invoke GetMessageW,r0,0,0,0 cmp r0, 1 bhi .msg_loop blo .end_loop adr r0, .msg invoke TranslateMessage,r0 adr r0, .msg invoke DispatchMessageW,r0 b .msg_loop .msg MSG .error: ldr r1, [start.local.lp_error] invoke MessageBoxW,0,r1,0,MB_ICONERROR+MB_OK .end_loop: ldr r0, [.msg.wParam] invoke ExitThread,r0 ;ret ;endp start.local.lpwc dw wc start.local.lp_title dw _title start.local.lp_error dw _error proc WindowProc nospil base sp uses [r4-r8,r11,lr] cmp r1, #WM_DESTROY beq .wmdestroy cmp r1, #WM_CREATE beq .wmcreate .defwndproc: invoke DefWindowProcW,r0,r1,r2,r3 b .finish .wmcreate: ldr r6, [WindowProc.local.lpwc.hInstance] mov r1, r0 ldr r0, [r6] invoke CommandBar_Create,r0,r1,ID_CMDBAR invoke CommandBar_AddAdornments,r0,0,0 b .processed .wmdestroy: invoke PostQuitMessage,0 .processed: mov r0, #0 .finish: ret endp WindowProc.local.lpwc.hInstance dw wc.hInstance section '.data' data readable writeable _class TCHAR 'FASMWINCE',0 _title TCHAR 'WinCE program template',0 _error TCHAR 'Startup failed.',0 align 4 wc WNDCLASS 1,WindowProc,0,0,PE_IMAGE_BASE,NULL,NULL,COLOR_BTNFACE+1+$40000000,NULL,_class section '.idata' import data readable writeable library coredll,'COREDLL.DLL',\ commctrl,'COMMCTRL.DLL' what dissapoint me is only Code: proc WindowProc nospil base sp uses [r4-r8,r11,lr] i can`t override it as Code: proc WindowProc nospil base sp uses [r4-r8,r11,lr], hwnd,wmsg,wparam,lparam because assembler adds r0-r3 to preserved registers but in ret restoring them not implemented - this makes stack pointer broken. |
07 Jan 2020, 14:23 |
revolution 07 Jan 2020, 17:56
ProMiNick wrote: what dissapoint me is only |
07 Jan 2020, 17:56 |
ProMiNick 07 Jan 2020, 20:35
revolution, no bug. keyword is nospill not nospil
07 Jan 2020, 20:35 |
ProMiNick 07 Jan 2020, 21:42
so, PEDEMO & TEMPLATE ported.
next one DLL(ERRORMSG & LASTERR) LASTERR.EXE can be build simply: Code: format PE GUI 4.0 entry start include 'wince.inc' macro invoke name,args& { apscall indirect.#name,args } section '.text' code readable executable start: invoke SetLastError,0 invoke ShowLastError,HWND_DESKTOP invoke ExitThread,0 section '.idata' import data readable writeable library coredll,'COREDLL.DLL',\ errormsg,'ERRORMSG.DLL' include 'os specific/windows/api/armce/coredll.inc' import errormsg,\ ShowLastError,'ShowLastError' but with ERRORMSG.DLL I had a problem: Code: ; DLL creation example format PE GUI 4.0 DLL entry DllEntryPoint include 'wince.inc' macro invoke name,args& { apscall indirect.#name,args } section '.text' code readable executable proc DllEntryPoint nospill base sp,hinstDLL,fdwReason,lpvReserved mov r0,TRUE ret endp ; VOID ShowErrorMessage(HWND hWnd,DWORD dwError); proc ShowErrorMessage base sp,hWnd,dwError locals lpBuffer dw ? endl lea r0,[lpBuffer] invoke FormatMessageW,FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER+FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM,0,r1,LANG_NEUTRAL,r0,0,0 ldr r1, [lpBuffer] ldr r0, [hWnd] invoke MessageBoxW,r0,r1,NULL,MB_ICONERROR+MB_OK ldr r0, [lpBuffer] invoke LocalFree,r0 ret endp ; VOID ShowLastError(HWND hWnd); proc ShowLastError base sp,hWnd invoke GetLastError mov r1,r0 ldr r0, [hWnd] apscall ShowErrorMessage,r0,r1 ret endp section '.idata' import data readable writeable library coredll,'COREDLL.DLL' include 'os specific/windows/api/armce/coredll.inc' section '.edata' export data readable export 'ERRORMSG.DLL',\ ShowErrorMessage,'ShowErrorMessage',\ ShowLastError,'ShowLastError' section '.reloc' fixups data readable discardable with payload logic all is OK - content of this example will go to final release without any changes. Problem is in exports macro - and I cant understand why. Tomasz, revolution, I need your help: "What in case of ARM may went wrong in exports macroset? Thanks" relocs looks like not problem - relocs with HIGHLOW type share same type for whole set of platforms supported by PE and I don`t use ARM specific trick instructions that need ARM exotic reloc types. |
07 Jan 2020, 21:42 |
revolution 08 Jan 2020, 01:58
ProMiNick wrote: Problem is in exports macro - and I cant understand why. Tomasz, revolution, I need your help: "What in case of ARM may went wrong in exports macroset? Thanks" |
08 Jan 2020, 01:58 |
ProMiNick 08 Jan 2020, 07:04
All goes within https://www.dropbox.com/s/xnhr6ru0fvlb4i2/fasmw17321COMFRIENDLY.zip?dl=0 there are FASMWARM.EXE and includes ecosystem, I open in it file "\EXAMPLES\WINCE\DLL\ERRORMSG.ASM" and tryed to compile.
I got "Error:value out of range" "export.inc [43]: load v1?1Sw from str1?1Su+%-1" that is all |
08 Jan 2020, 07:04 |
revolution 08 Jan 2020, 09:40
I can't access dropbox from my location. Can you post a minimal example exposing the problem.
Edit: I briefly switched to a proxy via my VPN (and bypassed the company firewall (OMG please don't tell them I'm breaking the rules)) and loaded the page. But no way is that going to work with all that JS. |
08 Jan 2020, 09:40 |
ProMiNick 08 Jan 2020, 11:19
thanks revolution when I going prepare to post content of files for thou.
I found it: Code: store dword v1 at names+(z-x)*4 store dword v2 at names+z*4 load v1 word from ordinal+z*2 load v2 word from ordinal+(z-x)*2 v1 & v2 was defined as dword & word but in pair "\INCLUDE\GENERIC\FIX\X86DDEFONARM\BEGIN.INC" & "\INCLUDE\GENERIC\FIX\X86DDEFONARM\END.INC" I dont process them: BEGIN.INC: Code: dq fix dd dd fix dw dw fix dh rq fix rd rd fix rw rw fix rh END.INC: Code: rw fix rw rd fix rd rq fix rq dw fix dw dd fix dd dq fix dq I fixed it to BEGIN.INC: Code: dq fix dd dd fix dw dw fix dh rq fix rd rd fix rw rw fix rh dword fix word word fix hword END.INC: Code: rw fix rw rd fix rd rq fix rq dw fix dw dd fix dd dq fix dq dword fix dword word fix word And all compiled Thanks B.T.W. where I could share in future files so thou could access them? |
08 Jan 2020, 11:19 |
revolution 08 Jan 2020, 11:32
ProMiNick wrote: B.T.W. where I could share in future files so thou could access them? But regardless, I would discourage using external sites. They might be blocked (as is my case) or they might get compromised, or delete the content after some time, or simply cease to exist. |
08 Jan 2020, 11:32 |
ProMiNick 08 Jan 2020, 11:53
I have to fix ShowErrorMessage & ShowLastError they uses calls internaly so they should preserve lr:
Code: proc ShowErrorMessage base sp uses [lr],hWnd,dwError Code: proc ShowLastError base sp uses [lr],hWnd so, here it is - 1st DLL compiled in fasmwarm, and exe using it as you see in wince no predefined texts for describing errors. _________________ I don`t like to refer by "you" to one person. My soul requires acronim "thou" instead. Last edited by ProMiNick on 08 Dec 2020, 15:29; edited 1 time in total |
08 Jan 2020, 11:53 |
ProMiNick 08 Jan 2020, 20:45
revolution, look at code that was produced by fasmwarm from ERRORMSG.ASM
Code: ; BOOL __stdcall DllEntryPoint(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpReserved) EXPORT DllEntryPoint DllEntryPoint ; DATA XREF: HEADER:000100A8o ; HEADER:000100ACo ... MOV R0, #1 BX LR ; End of function DllEntryPoint thats perfect but than: Code: ; void __usercall ShowErrorMessage(HWND hWnd@<R0>, int dwError@<R1>) EXPORT ShowErrorMessage ShowErrorMessage ; CODE XREF: .text:00011074p ; DATA XREF: .edata:off_13028o lpBuffer = -4 STMFD SP!, {R0,R1,LR} ; as expected - we need preserve spilled registers & lr SUB SP, SP, #4 ; reserve space for locals ADD R0, SP, #4+lpBuffer ; lea r0, [sp] as expected because locals at top of stack MOV LR, #0 ; we could pass to stack only register value so init lr with 0 STR LR, [SP,#-4] ; go to last param value 0 stored in lr STR LR, [SP,#-8] ; go to last by one param value 0 stored in lr STR R0, [SP,#-0xC] ; go to last by two param value r0 MOV R3, LR ; 4th param is zero, get it from lr MOV R2, R1 ; 3rd param is [dwError] stored r1 MOV R1, LR ; 2nd param is zero, get it from lr MOV R0, #0x1100 ; 1st param FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER+FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM SUB SP, SP, #0xC ; in ARM absent of pushes(other then push reg) so after passing params stack updated manualy BL FormatMessageW ADD SP, SP, #0xC ; restore stack LDR R1, [SP,#4+lpBuffer] ; as expected LDR R0, [SP,#4] ; is STMFD pass regs from hi indexed to lo, if yes all again OK MOV R3, #0x10 ; MB_ICONERROR+MB_OK MOV R2, #0 ; again perfect BL MessageBoxW LDR R0, [SP,#4+lpBuffer] ; as expected BL LocalFree ADD SP, SP, #0xC ; is STMFD pass regs from hi indexed to lo, if yes retaddr will be at SP LDR R10, [SP+0],#4 ; WTF, here should pe poped PC, not R10 - and I don`t completely understand what this instruction do ; End of function ShowErrorMessage same thing with: Code: ; void __usercall ShowLastError(HWND hWnd<R0>) EXPORT ShowLastError ShowLastError ; DATA XREF: .edata:off_13028o STMFD SP!, {R0,LR} BL GetLastError MOV R1, R0 LDR R0, [SP] BL ShowErrorMessage ADD SP, SP, #4 LDR R10, [SP],#4 ; WTF, here should pe poped PC, not R10 - and I don`t completely understand what this instruction do ANDEQ R0, R0, R0 ; and honesty disassembler dosn`t understand too that previous instruction was function end ANDEQ R0, R0, R0 ANDEQ R0, R0, R0 revolution, I used thour procaps.inc - they produced this bugs macros in my packege not ideal too... byt thours I thought ideal can thou help to fix them what for it is all - I want to produce graphic & internet examples for varios platform & OSes (I choose win32 win64 winCE & kolibri) to show unification of realization of all described. On simple examples I going to test macros(and rest includes). sometime ago I willing to add in this list linux based systems, but for me isn`t enought ability of drawing ANY grafic (analog to GDI32.DLL) I willing to draw Windows & controls with appropriate behavior relative to type of desctop (analog to user32.dll) in linux based systems - that information I not gained so I canceled from linux idea. |
08 Jan 2020, 20:45 |
ProMiNick 08 Jan 2020, 21:52
temporary I solved problem this way:
Code: ; DLL creation example format PE GUI 4.0 DLL entry DllEntryPoint include 'wince.inc' macro invoke name,args& { apscall indirect.#name,args } section '.text' code readable executable proc DllEntryPoint nospill base sp,hinstDLL,fdwReason,lpvReserved mov r0,TRUE ret endp ; VOID ShowErrorMessage(HWND hWnd,DWORD dwError); proc ShowErrorMessage base sp uses [lr],hWnd,dwError locals lpBuffer dw ? endl lea r0,[lpBuffer] invoke FormatMessageW,FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER+FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM,0,r1,LANG_NEUTRAL,r0,0,0 ldr r1, [lpBuffer] ldr r0, [hWnd] invoke MessageBoxW,r0,r1,NULL,MB_ICONERROR+MB_OK ldr r0, [lpBuffer] invoke LocalFree,r0 ret endp virtual ldr PC, [sp],4 load revolutionbugpatch word from $$ end virtual store word revolutionbugpatch at $-4 ; VOID ShowLastError(HWND hWnd); proc ShowLastError base sp uses [lr],hWnd invoke GetLastError mov r1,r0 ldr r0, [hWnd] apscall ShowErrorMessage,r0,r1 ret endp store word revolutionbugpatch at $-4 section '.idata' import data readable writeable library coredll,'COREDLL.DLL' include 'os specific/windows/api/armce/coredll.inc' section '.edata' export data readable export 'ERRORMSG.DLL',\ ShowErrorMessage,'ShowErrorMessage',\ ShowLastError,'ShowLastError' section '.reloc' fixups data readable discardable outer dll is now fully workable |
08 Jan 2020, 21:52 |
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