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Index > Linux > 1st program, random password generator

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Joined: 05 Feb 2024
Posts: 3
user71 05 Feb 2024, 16:04
Hello! I'm a novice assembly programmer. Here's my latest attempt:

;this program makes random passwords
;$ fasm randpw.asm randpw
;Usage: $ ./randpw <length> <number>

format ELF64 executable 3
entry _start

segment readable writeable
length: dd 8 ;default password length
number: dd 1 ;generate one password by default
filename: db '/dev/random', 0
bad_args: db 'PARAMETER ERROR', 10
bad_args_len = $ - bad_args
array: db '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
max = $ - array
newline: db 10
filedes: dd ?
rand: dd ?

segment readable executable

;first argument
    mov rsi, qword [rsp+16]
    test rsi, rsi ;check for end of arguments
    jz .main_program
    call atoi
    mov [length], ebx

;second argument
    mov rsi, qword [rsp+24]
    test rsi, rsi ;check for end of arguments
    jz .main_program
    call atoi
    mov [number], ebx

    xor r14d, r14d ;counter for number of passwords

    mov eax, 2 ;syscall number for SYS_open
    mov rdi, filename
    mov esi, 0 ;O_RDONLY
    mov edx, 0
    mov [filedes], eax ;save file descriptor for later

    mov r15d, [length]
    test r15d, r15d
    jz .endline
    dec r15d

    mov eax, 0 ;syscall number for SYS_read
    mov edi, [filedes] ;file descriptor
    mov rsi, rand
    mov edx, 4

;index = rand % max
    mov eax, [rand]
    mov ebx, max
    div ebx

    mov eax, 1 ;syscall number for SYS_write
    mov edi, 1 ;STDOUT_FILENO
    mov rsi, array ;characters
    add rsi, rdx ;the offset, modulus result from previous computation
    mov edx, 1 ;count

    jmp .main_loop

    mov eax, 1 ;syscall number for SYS_write
    mov edi, 1 ;STDOUT_FILENO
    mov rsi, newline
    mov edx, 1 ;count

    inc r14d
    cmp r14d, [number] ;number of passwords to generate
    jne .next_pw

    mov eax, 60 ;syscall number for SYS_exit
    xor edi, edi ;success exit value

atoi: ;takes string pointer in rsi, returns integer in ebx
    push rbp
    mov rbp, rsp

    xor ebx, ebx ;return value

    lodsb ;rsi is incremented automatically
    test al, al ;end of string, leave loop
    jz .end

;check whether the numbers are within bounds
    cmp al, '0'
    jb error
    cmp al, '9'
    ja error

;multiply total by 10 and add the current digit converted to decimal
    movzx eax, al
    sub eax, 48 ;convert current digit from ASCII to decimal
    lea ebx, [ebx * 4 + ebx] ;multiply total by 5
    lea ebx, [ebx * 2 + eax] ;multiply total again by 2 and add the current digit
    jmp .loop


    mov eax, 1 ;syscall number for SYS_write
    mov edi, 2 ;STDERR_FILENO
    mov rsi, bad_args ;pointer to string
    mov edx, bad_args_len ;length of string

    mov eax, 60 ;syscall number for SYS_exit
    mov edi, 1 ;failure exit value

; vim: set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 syn=fasm:

I was wondering, have I used 32-bit registers in correct places. Thx!

Last edited by user71 on 22 Jun 2024, 15:54; edited 3 times in total
Post 05 Feb 2024, 16:04
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revolution 05 Feb 2024, 16:15
The code is fine.

I would recommend is to use lea for the addresses.
    lea rdi, [filename]    
64-bit code is really efficient when using RIP relative addressing.
Post 05 Feb 2024, 16:15
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redsock 06 Feb 2024, 21:09
Well done re: 32 bit register usage.

On all of my x86_64 Linux distributions, your code and data segments will always start well inside 32 bit space so where you have things like
mov rdi, filename    
or like @revolution did
lea rdi, [filename]    
you can safely use the 32 bit registers for these. Same of course for all of your function definitions/symbols/etc.
mov edi, filename
lea edi, [filename]    
Thanks to ASLR being on by default, stack space and VDSO addresses will always be >32 bits and randomized so you have to treat these with full 64 bit registers.

Also, starting with Linux kernel version 3.17 (released 2014-10-05) there is the getrandom syscall which would simplify some of your program. In <asm/unistd_64.h> this is syscall number 318.

Cheers Smile

2 Ton Digital - https://2ton.com.au/
Post 06 Feb 2024, 21:09
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Feryno 08 Feb 2024, 04:43
Well done, nice and clean code! Use the LEA for addresses as guys already suggested you. IIRC before checking input args you can add something like this just after the _start:
mov ecx,[rsp+8*0] ; argc count of input arguments    

if ecx = 1 then there is only a pointer to your executable (qword [rsp+8*1]), this is useful for obtaining path and executable name, to check whether it was executed using your filename or whether executing using some symbolic link which has different name and path
if ecx = 2 them there is the pointer to your executable (qword [rsp + 8*1]) and the first arg (qword [rsp+8*2])
and so on... you can check args only upto qword [rsp + rcx*8], do not touch anything higher in the rsp using the qword [rsp+8*x] formula as there could be something else (you can grab bogus or ascii string instead of pointer) or there could be no stack anymore and accessing not present memory may cause pagefault... this is just a habit for a good practice
the stack on executable entrypoint looks like this:
[rsp+8*0]=N argc, N is at least 1 everytime because argv0
[rsp+8*1] argv1 the name of the executable
[rsp+8*2] argv2 1st param after executable (if any)
[rsp+8*3] argv3 2nd param after executable (if any)
[rsp+8*N] argvN Nth param after executable
qword [rsp+8*(N+1)]=0 end of argv
[rsp+8*(N+2)] envp environment
qword [rsp+8*(...)]=0 end of envp
Post 08 Feb 2024, 04:43
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user71 20 May 2024, 17:06
2nd program, deltree

I wanted to make a useful program as an exercise.

Description: Caution, will delete whole directories without confirmation. You have been warned.
Filename: deltree.asm
Filesize: 6.17 KB
Downloaded: 116 Time(s)

Post 20 May 2024, 17:06
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Posts: 3
user71 31 Dec 2024, 20:49
This simple program adds or removes the UTF-8 byte order mark.

Filename: bomtoggle.asm
Filesize: 8.02 KB
Downloaded: 33 Time(s)

Post 31 Dec 2024, 20:49
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macomics 31 Dec 2024, 21:12
macro writeznl string*, stream*
    local .newline;, .again, .length
    mov rsi, string    ;    mov rsi, string
    cmp byte [rsi], 0    ;    cmp byte [rdi], 0
    jz .newline
    call strlen
;    lea rdx, [rsi - 1]    ;    mov rdx, rdi
;    inc rdx
;    cmp byte [rdx], 0
;    jnz .again    ;    jz .length
;    inc rdx
;    jmp .again
;    mov eax, 1 ;write syscall
    sub rdx, rsi ;length        sub rdx, rdi ;length
;    mov rsi, rdi ;address of string
;    mov eax, 1 ;write syscall
    mov edi, stream ;fd 1 is stdout, 2 is stderr
;    mov eax, 1 ;write syscall
;    syscall
    call sc_write
    mov edi, stream ;fd 1 is stdout, 2 is stderr
    call newline

strlen: ; in rsi = string, out rdx = "&string[index] === 0"
    lea rdx, [rsi - 1]    ;    mov rdx, rdi
    inc rdx
    cmp byte [rdx], 0
    jnz @b    ;    jz .length

sc_write: ; in edx = length, rsi = string, edi = stream; out eax = result
    mov eax, 1 ;write syscall

newline: ; in edi = stream; dirty {rdx, rsi}; out eax = result
;    mov di, 10
;    push rdi
    push 1
    pop rdx    ;    mov edx, 1 ;length
    lea rsi, [@f]    ;    mov rsi, rsp ;address
;    mov edi, edx    ;    mov edi, 1 ;stdout
;    mov eax, edx    ;    mov eax, 1 ;write syscall
;    syscall
;    pop rdi    ;    add rsp, 2
    call sc_write
@@: db 10    
Post 31 Dec 2024, 21:12
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