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Index > Macroinstructions > macros for find the operand type

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Joined: 30 Nov 2019
Posts: 2
maxas70912 30 Nov 2019, 17:09
For example I will give the code in pseudo language
macros mov arg1, arg2 {
if (arg2 = dword [memory])

How to implement this example in the FASM macro language ??????

Post 30 Nov 2019, 17:09
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ProMiNick 30 Nov 2019, 17:30
for that reason exist eqtype

look at example I workaround of ability of push(pop) to get reg sequence or usual operand:
; Macroinstructions for defining and calling procedures

include 'proc32.inc'

macro parameters [arg] {
 common local argsize,localbytes,espPos,..retaddr
        virtual at 0
                ..retaddr dd ?
                        define retaddr ..retaddr+esp+espFixer
                        define localbase ..retaddr+esp+espFixer-localbytes
                if ~arg eq
                        local ..arg
                        ..arg dd ?
                        define arg ..arg+esp+espFixer
                end if
                argsize = $-4
        end virtual
        espPos = 0
        macro locals \{
                \local espPosInner
                espPosInner = espPos
                virtual at espPosInner
                        macro label def \\{ match . type,def> \\\{ esplocal@proc .,label,<type \\\} \\}
                        struc db [val] \\{ \\common esplocal@proc .,db,val \\}
                        struc du [val] \\{ \\common esplocal@proc .,du,val \\}
                        struc dw [val] \\{ \\common esplocal@proc .,dw,val \\}
                        struc dp [val] \\{ \\common esplocal@proc .,dp,val \\}
                        struc dd [val] \\{ \\common esplocal@proc .,dd,val \\}
                        struc dt [val] \\{ \\common esplocal@proc .,dt,val \\}
                        struc dq [val] \\{ \\common esplocal@proc .,dq,val \\}
                        struc rb cnt \\{ esplocal@proc .,rb cnt, \\}
                        struc rw cnt \\{ esplocal@proc .,rw cnt, \\}
                        struc rp cnt \\{ esplocal@proc .,rp cnt, \\}
                        struc rd cnt \\{ esplocal@proc .,rd cnt, \\}
                        struc rt cnt \\{ esplocal@proc .,rt cnt, \\}
                        struc rq cnt \\{ esplocal@proc .,rq cnt, \\} \}

        macro endl \{
                        purge label
                        restruc db,du,dw,dp,dd,dt,dq
                        restruc rb,rw,rp,rd,rt,rq
                        espPos = espPos+(($-$$+3) and (not 3))
                        end virtual \}

        macro endp \{
                localbytes = espPos
                match any,arg \\{
                        restore arg
                restore retaddr,localbase
                purge endp,push,pushd,pop,sub,add,invoke,cominvk,comcall,stdcall,ret,locals,endl
                match all,all@vars \\{ restore all \\}
                restore all@vars
                espFixer=0 \}

        macro pushd [arg1] \{
        \common  \local ..tmp
                ..tmp = espFixer
                pushd    arg1
                espFixer =..tmp+4

        macro push [arg1] \{
        \common  \local ..tmp
                if (arg1 eqtype [0]) | (arg1 eqtype byte[0]) | (arg1 eqtype eax) | (arg1 eqtype 0)
                        ..tmp = espFixer
                        push     arg1
                        espFixer =..tmp+4
                        irps ..arg1, arg1 \\{
                                ..tmp = espFixer
                                push     ..arg1
                                espFixer =..tmp+4 \\}
                end if

        macro pop [arg1] \{
        \common  \local ..tmp
                if (arg1 eqtype [0]) | (arg1 eqtype byte[0]) | (arg1 eqtype eax) | (arg1 eqtype 0)
                        ..tmp = espFixer
                        pop      arg1
                        espFixer =..tmp-4
                        irps ..arg1, arg1 \\{
                                ..tmp = espFixer
                                pop     ..arg1
                                espFixer =..tmp-4 \\}
                end if

        macro sub arg1,arg2 \{
                sub arg1,arg2
                match   =esp,arg1 \\{ espFixer =espFixer+arg2 \\} \}

        macro add arg1,arg2 \{
                add arg1,arg2
                match   =esp,arg1 \\{ espFixer =espFixer-arg2 \\} \}

        macro invoke proc,[arg1] \{
        \common \local ..tmp
                ..tmp = espFixer
                invoke proc,arg1
                espFixer =..tmp \}

        macro invoks proc,[arg1] \{
                if ~ arg1 eq
                        if ~ arg1 eq stack
                                pushd arg1
                        end if
                end if
                call dword [proc]
                if ~ arg1 eq
                        espFixer =espFixer-4
                end if \}

        macro cominvk object,proc,[arg1] \{
        \common \local ..tmp
                ..tmp = espFixer
                cominvk object,proc,arg1
                espFixer =..tmp \}

        macro comcall handle,interface,proc,[arg1] \{
        \common \local ..tmp
                ..tmp = espFixer
                comcall handle,interface,proc,arg1
                espFixer =..tmp \}

        macro stdcall proc,[arg1] \{
        \common \local ..tmp
                ..tmp = espFixer
                stdcall proc,arg1
                espFixer =..tmp \}

        macro ret arg1:argsize \{
                if localbytes
                        add esp, localbytes
                end if
                ret arg1 \}

        if localbytes
                sub esp, localbytes
        end if }

macro esplocal@proc name,def,[val] {
        name def val }

macro esplocal@proc name,def,[val] {
        match vars, all@vars \{ all@vars equ all@vars, \}
        all@vars equ all@vars name
        local ..var
        ..var def val
        define name ..var}

macro procedure definition& {
        match (args),definition \{ parameters args \}
        match (),definition \{ parameters \} }

macro prepare dummy,[arg]
 { common
        if ~ arg eq
                pushd arg
        end if }

macro unstack dummy,[arg]
 { common local counter
        if ~ arg eq
                counter = 0
                counter = counter + 1
                add     esp, counter*4
        end if }    

there is more
eqtype ''
eqtype 1f
eqtype dword 1f

but there is no expression solving before eqtype compare:
ebx-ebx+4 eqtype 0 will return false.
eax+eax eqtype eax*2 will return false too
Post 30 Nov 2019, 17:30
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Joined: 30 Nov 2019
Posts: 2
maxas70912 30 Nov 2019, 20:00
Thank you very much, your answer helped a lot

there is more
eqtype ''
eqtype 1f
eqtype dword 1f

but there is no expression solving before eqtype compare:
ebx-ebx+4 eqtype 0 will return false.
eax+eax eqtype eax*2 will return false too
Post 30 Nov 2019, 20:00
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