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Index > Linux > Help:Label declaration order, how is this impacting my code?

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Joined: 11 Jan 2019
Posts: 6
Location: Berlin
guitmz 11 Nov 2019, 16:54
main code
format ELF64 executable 3

include "utils.inc"

segment readable executable
entry start

macro print msg, msglen {
  mov rax, SYS_WRITE
  mov rdi, 1                 ; STDOUT
  lea rsi, [msg]
  mov rdx, msglen

    push "."                    ; pushing "." to stack (rsp)
    mov rdi, rsp                ; moving "." to rdi
    xor rsi, rsi                ; cleans rsi so SYS_OPEN doesnt try to use it as argument
    mov rdx, O_RDONLY           ; opening for read only
    mov rax, SYS_OPEN
    syscall                     ; rax contains the fd

    test rax, rax               ; check if fd != 0
    jz stop                     ; if fd = 0, open failed, we should exit

    mov rdi, rax                ; move fd to rdi
    lea rsi, [dirent]           ; struct dirent64
    mov rdx, 1024               ; buf size
    mov rax, SYS_GETDENTS64
    syscall                     ; dirent contains the directory entries

    test rax, rax               ; check directory list was successful
    js stop                     ; if negative code is returned, we failed and should exit

    mov rax, SYS_CLOSE          ; close source fd in rdi
    xor rcx, rcx                ; will be the position in the directory entries

    print texto, 10            

    xor rdi, rdi        ; exit code 0
    mov rax, SYS_EXIT   ; sys_exit

segment readable writable
dirent  dirent64
texto db "test", 0xA, 0


SYS_EXIT        = 60
SYS_OPEN        = 2
SYS_CLOSE       = 3
SYS_WRITE       = 1
SYS_READ        = 0
SYS_EXECVE      = 59
SYS_MMAP        = 9

O_RDONLY        = 0
O_DIRECTORY     = 0200000

DT_REG          = 8

struc dirent64 {
        .d_ino      dq ?    ; 64-bit inode number
        .d_off      dq ?    ; 64-bit offset to next struct
        .d_reclen   dw ?    ; size of this dirent
        .d_type     db ?    ; file type
        label .d_name byte

So like this, this code does not work properly. My string from label "texto" is not printed but something from my struct is instead.

If I invert the order of declaration to:

segment readable writable
texto db "test", 0xA, 0
dirent  dirent64

It works fine. I have a few guesses on whats going on here but can anyone please shed some light for a beginner?

Thanks in advance!
Post 11 Nov 2019, 16:54
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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
Posts: 8357
Location: Kraków, Poland
Tomasz Grysztar 12 Nov 2019, 11:41
When you read directory entry, you specify buffer size 1024, but your "dirent64" macro reserves only 19 bytes. Thus you end up overwriting data that follows - in this case your "texto" string. When you swap the definitions, you no longer have anything of value after "dirent" to get overwritten (but there is still some memory available there, because segment size is aligned to 4096 bytes).

Therefore, first and foremost: when you specify a size of a buffer (1024 in this case) always make sure that you actually have that much free space at the address you provide. Otherwise you're likely to get a buffer overflow and overwrite something important.

I would suggest using an additional constant to ensure that you do not indicate more space than you actually reserved:
    mov rdi, rax
    lea rsi, [dirent]
    mov rdx, DIRENT_BUFSIZE
    mov rax, SYS_GETDENTS64
segment readable writable
dirent  dirent64
        rb DIRENT_BUFSIZE - ($-dirent)    

In addition to that, consider putting your immutable data (like the "texto" string) in a separate segment for read-only data (give it no "writable" attribute).
Post 12 Nov 2019, 11:41
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Joined: 11 Jan 2019
Posts: 6
Location: Berlin
guitmz 12 Nov 2019, 11:55
@Tomasz yeah. That was something inline with what I was guessing, thank you so much! Learned something today.

As for the writable segment, you are also right, thanks for reminding me, I just added the string there to quickly test.

Best regards, thanks for the awesome work!
Post 12 Nov 2019, 11:55
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