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Index > Windows > Create a table inside Window

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Joined: 19 Dec 2013
Posts: 14
3ric 30 Sep 2019, 12:04
Can you guys help me to create a table inside the windows with x no. rows and y no. of columns

format PE GUI 4.0
entry start

include 'C:\Fasm\INCLUDE\win32axp.inc'

IDM_FILE        EQU 100
IDM_START       EQU 105
IDM_STOP        EQU 110
IDM_EXIT        EQU 115
IDM_EDIT        EQU 200
IDM_PREFS       EQU 205
IDM_COLS        EQU 210
IDM_HELP        EQU 300
IDM_ABOUT       EQU 310

section '.text' code readable executable

        invoke  GetModuleHandle, 0
        mov     [wc.hInstance],eax
        invoke  RegisterClass, wc
        invoke  LoadMenu, [wc.hInstance], 20
        mov     [menuHnd], eax
        invoke  CreateWindowEx, 0, testClass, testTitle, WS_VISIBLE+WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, 300, 300, 300, 200, NULL, eax, [wc.hInstance], NULL
        mov     [hWndMain], eax
        jmp     msgLoop

        invoke  GetMessage, msg, NULL, 0, 0
        cmp     eax, 1
        jb      endLoop
        jne     msgLoop
        invoke  TranslateMessage, msg
        invoke  DispatchMessage, msg
        jmp     msgLoop
        invoke  ExitProcess, [msg.wParam]


proc WindowProc hWnd, wMsg, wParam, lParam

        push    ebx esi edi
        cmp     [wMsg], WM_COMMAND
        je      .wmCommand
        cmp     [wMsg], WM_DESTROY
        je      .wmDestroy
        invoke  DefWindowProc, [hWnd], [wMsg], [wParam], [lParam]
        jmp     .wmFinish
        mov     eax, [wParam]
        and     eax, 0x0FFFF
        cmp     eax, IDM_START
        je      .start
        cmp     eax, IDM_STOP
        je      .stop
        cmp     eax, IDM_EXIT
        je      .wmDestroy
        jmp     .defWndProc
                mov     [mii.cbSize], sizeof.MENUITEMINFO
                mov     [mii.fMask], MIIM_DATA + MIIM_ID + MIIM_STRING
                mov     [mii.dwTypeData], stopStr
                invoke  lstrlen, stopStr
                mov     [mii.cch], eax
                mov     [mii.wID], IDM_STOP
                invoke  GetSubMenu, [menuHnd], 0
                invoke  SetMenuItemInfo, eax, 0, TRUE, mii
                jmp     .wmCommandFinish
                mov     [mii.cbSize], sizeof.MENUITEMINFO
                mov     [mii.fMask], MIIM_DATA + MIIM_ID + MIIM_STRING
                mov     [mii.dwTypeData], startStr
                invoke  lstrlen, startStr
                mov     [mii.cch], eax
                mov     [mii.wID], IDM_START
                invoke  GetSubMenu, [menuHnd], 0
                invoke  SetMenuItemInfo, eax, 0, TRUE, mii
        xor     eax, eax
        jmp     .wmFinish
        invoke  PostQuitMessage, 0
        xor     eax, eax
        pop     edi esi ebx

section '.data' data readable writeable

wc              WNDCLASS 0, WindowProc, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, COLOR_BTNFACE+1, NULL, testClass
msg             MSG
hWndMain        dd 0
testClass       db "testClass", 0
testTitle       db "Test application", 0
menuHnd         dd ?
stopStr         db '&Stop', 0
startStr        db '&Start',0
mii             MENUITEMINFO

section '.idata' import data readable writeable

library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\
        user32,  'USER32.DLL'

include 'C:\Fasm\INCLUDE\api\Kernel32.inc'
include 'C:\Fasm\INCLUDE\api\User32.inc'

section '.rsrc' resource data readable

  ; resource directory

  directory RT_MENU,menus

  ; resource subdirectories

  resource menus, 20, LANG_ENGLISH + SUBLANG_DEFAULT, testMenu

  menu testMenu
       menuitem '&File', IDM_FILE, MFR_POPUP
                menuitem '&Start', IDM_START
                menuitem 'E&xit', IDM_EXIT, MFR_END
       menuitem '&Edit', IDM_EDIT, MFR_POPUP
                menuitem '&Colours', IDM_COLS
                menuitem '&Preferences', IDM_PREFS, MFR_END
       menuitem '&Help', IDM_HELP, MFR_POPUP + MFR_END
                menuitem '&Instructions', IDM_INSTRUCTS
                menuitem '&About...', IDM_ABOUT, MFR_END    

Filename: 2.asm
Filesize: 4.48 KB
Downloaded: 489 Time(s)

Post 30 Sep 2019, 12:04
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When all else fails, read the source

Joined: 24 Aug 2004
Posts: 20459
Location: In your JS exploiting you and your system
revolution 30 Sep 2019, 12:50
That is a good start.

To show a grid of values/text/pictures/whatever all you need to do is to start drawing things at defined X and Y coordinates. There is the DrawText (IIRC) API function for printing text. Also various Lines and other shapes can be drawn with the inbuilt APIs. Or just a custom picture.

You can have a loop for X and an inner loop for Y (or the other way around) and successively draw each grid's position within the WM_PAINT message.
Post 30 Sep 2019, 12:50
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Joined: 19 Dec 2013
Posts: 14
3ric 30 Sep 2019, 15:45
Thanks, Let me try
Post 30 Sep 2019, 15:45
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