flat assembler
Message board for the users of flat assembler.
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ProMiNick 05 Jun 2019, 12:31
First of all what macros from official fasm package don`t fit COM server needs:
Code: macro interface name,[proc] ; In case of COM client - all OK, COM Object is never defined in design time, in case of COM server things are different { common struc name \{ match , @struct \\{ define field@struct .,name, \\} match no, @struct \\{ . dd ? virtual at 0 forward .#proc dd ? common .\#\\.com.object = name#.com.interface end virtual \\} \} virtual at 0 forward name#.#proc dd ? common name#.com.interface = $ shr 2 end virtual } So I have to patch: Code: macro interface name,[proc] { common struc name value:?\{ match , @struct \\{ define field@struct .,name,value \\} match no, @struct \\{ . dd value virtual at 0 forward .#proc dd ? common .\#\\.com.object = name#.com.interface end virtual \\} \} virtual at 0 forward name#.#proc dd ? common name#.com.interface = $ shr 2 end virtual } patch dosn`t change behavior & syntax expected by fasm official examples but additionaly fits COM server needs. In example I used esp as frame pointer (It is only my preferences - I included MYESPPROCSYNTAX.INC for support that): syntax: Code: DllEntryPoint: procedure(hinstDLL,fdwReason,lpvReserved) but you could replace my syntax with standard Code: proc DllEntryPoint,hinstDLL,fdwReason,lpvReserved without needance in any changes in procedure body I have to patch proc32.inc (not because COM requires it, I used one trick that requires such patch): Code: macro invoke proc,[arg] ; indirectly call STDCALL procedure { common if ~ arg eq reverse pushd arg common end if call dword [proc] };I only add word "dword" here for ability to invoke [eax],... syntax Code: ; Component Object Model usage demonstration format PE GUI 4.0 dll entry DllEntryPoint include 'win32a.inc' include 'generic/macro/guid.inc' include 'os specific/windows/interfaces/base.inc' include 'os specific/windows/interfaces/shell.inc' ;include 'os specific/windows/equates/com.inc' include 'myESPprocSyntax.inc' CMF_EXPLORE = 4 GCS_HELPTEXT = $00000001 CF_HDROP = 15 DVASPECT_CONTENT = 1 TYMED_HGLOBAL = 1 ;COM errors E_NOINTERFACE = $80004002 E_POINTER = $80004003 E_FAIL = $80004005 CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION = $80040110 CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE = $80040111 SELFREG_E_CLASS = $80040201 E_INVALIDARG = $80070057 macro precmpGUID { push esi push edi } macro postcmpGUID { pop edi pop esi } macro cmpGUID A, B { mov esi, A mov edi, B mov ecx, 4 repe cmpsd } macro prepare dummy,[arg] { common if ~ arg eq reverse pushd arg common end if } macro unstack dummy,[arg] { common local counter if ~ arg eq counter = 0 forward counter = counter + 1 common add esp, counter*4 end if } struct CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO cbSize dd ? fMask dd ? hwnd dd ? lpVerb dd ? lpParameters dd ? lpDirectory dd ? nShow dd ? dwHotKey dd ? hIcon dd ? ends struct FORMATETC union cfFormat dw ? dd ? ends ptd dd ? dwAspect dd ? lindex dd ? tymed dd ? ends struct STGMEDIUM tymed dd ? union struct hBitmap dd ? unkForRelease dd ? ends hMetaFilePict dd ? hEnhMetaFile dd ? hGlobal dd ? lpszFileName dd ? stm dd ? stg dd ? ends ends section '.text' code readable executable DllEntryPoint: procedure(hinstDLL,fdwReason,lpvReserved) mov eax, [fdwReason+espFixer] cmp eax, 1 jne .retTRUE mov eax, [hinstDLL+espFixer] mov [hInstance],eax invoke DisableThreadLibraryCalls, eax .retTRUE: mov eax,TRUE ret endp DllGetClassObject: procedure(rclsid,riid,ppv) ; returned requested ClassFactory!!! not COMobject itself push ebx mov ebx, [ppv+espFixer] test ebx, ebx jz .ret_E_POINTER xor eax, eax mov [ebx], eax precmpGUID ; search ClassFactory corresponded to rclsid cld cmpGUID [rclsid+espFixer],CLSID_QuickRegister postcmpGUID jnz .ret_CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE cominvk QRClassFactory_COMobject,QueryInterface,[riid+espFixer],ebx jmp .locret .ret_E_POINTER: mov eax, E_POINTER jmp .locret .ret_CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE: mov eax, CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE .locret: pop ebx ret endp DllCanUnloadNow: procedure() xor eax,eax cmp eax,[ServerLockCount] jz .locret inc eax .locret: ret endp __RegCreateKeyWithValue: procedure(lpSubKey,lpValueName,lpData) push edi ; calc length of Pchar(edi) to ecx cld mov edi, [lpData+espFixer] mov ecx, -1 xor eax, eax repne scasb not ecx sub edi, ecx prepare RegSetValueEx, eax, [lpValueName+espFixer], eax, REG_SZ, edi, ecx invoke RegCreateKeyEx, [RootKey], [lpSubKey+espFixer], eax, eax, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ or KEY_WRITE, eax, [esp+4], eax test eax, eax jnz .unstack invoke RegSetValueEx; stack prepared with prepare mov edi, eax sub esp, 24 ; again stack is ready invoke RegCloseKey mov eax,edi add esp, 20 jmp .locret .unstack: unstack RegSetValueEx,hKey,lpValueName,Reserved,dwType,lpData,cbData .locret: pop edi ret endp DllRegisterServer: procedure() mov [RootKey], HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT stdcall __RegCreateKeyWithValue, CLSIDStr, NullStr, CLSIDDescription test eax, eax jnz .unregister invoke GetModuleFileName, [hInstance], REGFileName, 261 test eax, eax jz .unregister stdcall __RegCreateKeyWithValue, CLSIDInprocServer, NullStr, REGFileName test eax, eax jnz .unregister stdcall __RegCreateKeyWithValue, CLSIDInprocServer, ThreadingModelStr, ApartmentStr test eax, eax jnz .unregister stdcall __RegCreateKeyWithValue, dllfile_shellex_Str, NullStr, NullStr test eax, eax jnz .unregister stdcall __RegCreateKeyWithValue, dllfile_shellex_CMH_Str, NullStr, NullStr test eax, eax jnz .unregister stdcall __RegCreateKeyWithValue, dllfile_shellex_CMH_QR_Str, NullStr, CLSIDString_QuickRegister test eax, eax jnz .unregister mov [RootKey], HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE stdcall __RegCreateKeyWithValue, cur_vers_shellex_Str, NullStr, NullStr test eax, eax jnz .ret_S_FALSE stdcall __RegCreateKeyWithValue, cur_vers_shellex_approv_Str, CLSIDString_QuickRegister, CLSIDDescription jmp .locret .ret_S_FALSE: xor eax, eax inc eax jmp .locret .unregister: stdcall DllUnregisterServer invoke MessageBox, 0, Error_updating_registry, REGFileName, MB_ICONERROR or MB_OK mov eax, SELFREG_E_CLASS .locret: ret endp DllUnregisterServer: procedure() mov [RootKey], HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT invoke RegDeleteKey, [RootKey], dllfile_shellex_CMH_QR_Str invoke RegDeleteKey, [RootKey], dllfile_shellex_CMH_Str invoke RegDeleteKey, [RootKey], dllfile_shellex_Str invoke RegDeleteKey, [RootKey], CLSIDInprocServer invoke RegDeleteKey, [RootKey], CLSIDStr ret endp QRClassFactory@QueryInterface: procedure(Self,riid,ppvObject) push ebx mov ebx, [ppvObject+espFixer] test ebx, ebx jz .ret_E_POINTER xor eax, eax mov [ebx], eax precmpGUID cld cmpGUID [riid+espFixer],IID_IUnknown je .cmp_done cmpGUID [riid+espFixer],IID_IClassFactory .cmp_done: postcmpGUID jnz .ret_E_NOINTERFACE mov eax, [Self+espFixer] mov [ebx], eax comcall eax, IClassFactory, AddRef xor eax, eax jmp .locret .ret_E_POINTER: mov eax, E_POINTER jmp .locret .ret_E_NOINTERFACE: mov eax, E_NOINTERFACE .locret: pop ebx ret endp QRClassFactory@AddRef: procedure(Self) invoke InterlockedIncrement, ServerLockCount mov eax, 2 ret endp QRClassFactory@Release: procedure(Self) invoke InterlockedDecrement, ServerLockCount xor eax, eax inc eax ret endp QRClassFactory@CreateInstance: procedure(Self,pUnkOuter,riid,ppvObject) push ebx mov ebx, [ppvObject+espFixer] test ebx, ebx jz .ret_E_POINTER xor eax, eax mov [ebx], eax mov eax, [pUnkOuter+espFixer] test eax, eax jnz .ret_CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION ; for single instance object ; we don`t need to allocate memory for every Instance ; we don`t need to check if allocation is out of memory and resulting E_OUTOFMEMORY ; we don`t need to initialize COM object in runtime ; we don`t need to check success of QueryInterface and to free object occuped memory in bad cases cominvk QuickRegister_COMobject.CM,QueryInterface,[riid+espFixer],ebx cmp eax,0 jl .ret_E_FAIL invoke InterlockedIncrement, ServerLockCount jmp .locret .ret_E_POINTER: mov eax, E_POINTER jmp .locret .ret_CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION: mov eax, CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION jmp .locret .ret_E_FAIL: mov eax, E_FAIL .locret: pop ebx ret endp QRClassFactory@LockServer: procedure(Self,fLock) mov eax,[fLock+espFixer] lea eax,[.interlocked+eax*4] invoke eax, ServerLockCount xor eax, eax ret .interlocked: dd InterlockedDecrement dd InterlockedIncrement endp ContextMenu@QueryInterface: procedure(Self,riid,ppvObject) push ebx mov ebx, [ppvObject+espFixer] test ebx, ebx jz .ret_E_POINTER mov dword [ebx], QuickRegister_COMobject.CM precmpGUID cld cmpGUID [riid+espFixer],IID_IUnknown je .cmp_done cmpGUID [riid+espFixer],IID_IContextMenu je .cmp_done cmpGUID [riid+espFixer],IID_IShellExtInit jne .cmp_done mov dword [ebx], QuickRegister_COMobject.SE .cmp_done: postcmpGUID jnz .ret_E_NOINTERFACE comcall [ebx], IUnknown, AddRef xor eax, eax jmp .locret .ret_E_POINTER: mov eax, E_POINTER jmp .locret .ret_E_NOINTERFACE: mov [ebx], eax ; cmpGUID already set eax as zero mov eax, E_NOINTERFACE .locret: pop ebx ret endp ContextMenu@AddRef: procedure(Self) mov eax, [Self+espFixer] add eax, current_COMobject.RefCount invoke InterlockedIncrement, eax ret endp ContextMenu@Release: procedure(Self) mov eax, [Self+espFixer] add eax, current_COMobject.RefCount invoke InterlockedDecrement, eax test eax, eax jnz .locret ; for single instance object ; we don`t need to free object occuped memory invoke InterlockedDecrement, ServerLockCount .locret: ret endp ContextMenu@QueryContextMenu: procedure(Self,Menu,indexMenu,idCmdFirst,idCmdLast,uFlags) mov eax, [uFlags+espFixer] and eax, $F jz .handle test eax, CMF_EXPLORE jnz .ret_S_OK .handle: mov ecx, [indexMenu+espFixer] mov edx, [idCmdFirst+espFixer] invoke InsertMenu,[Menu+espFixer],ecx,MF_SEPARATOR or MF_BYPOSITION, 0, 0 inc ecx invoke InsertMenu,[Menu+espFixer],ecx,MF_STRING or MF_BYPOSITION, edx, registerStr inc ecx inc edx invoke InsertMenu,[Menu+espFixer],ecx,MF_STRING or MF_BYPOSITION, edx, unregisterStr inc ecx invoke InsertMenu,[Menu+espFixer],ecx,MF_SEPARATOR or MF_BYPOSITION, 0, 0 mov eax, 2 jmp .locret .ret_S_OK: xor eax, eax .locret: ret endp RegisterCOMServer: procedure(dll_proc,hwnd,dll_file) invoke LoadLibrary, [dll_file+espFixer] test eax, eax jz .ret_S_FALSE push eax invoke GetProcAddress, eax, [dll_proc+espFixer] test eax, eax jnz .call .ret_S_FALSE_n_FREE: invoke FreeLibrary xor eax, eax jmp .ret_S_FALSE .call: call eax cmp eax, 0 jl .ret_S_FALSE_n_FREE invoke FreeLibrary xor eax, eax jmp .locret .ret_S_FALSE: inc eax .locret: ret 0 endp MessagingInvokeCommand: procedure(fmt,fError,ProcName,hwnd,Filename) cinvoke wsprintf, Buffer, [fmt+espFixer], [ProcName+espFixer], [Filename+espFixer] mov eax, [fError+espFixer] invoke MessageBox,[hwnd+espFixer],Buffer,[QRCases+eax*4],[MBCases+eax*4] mov eax, [fError+espFixer] ret endp ContextMenu@InvokeCommand: procedure(Self,lpici) mov eax, [Self+espFixer] push [eax+current_COMobject.lpFileName] mov eax, [lpici+espFixer] push [eax+CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO.hwnd] mov eax, [eax+CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO.lpVerb] cmp eax, 1 ja .ret_E_INVALIDARG push [ProcNames+eax*4] call RegisterCOMServer push eax push [FmtCases+eax*4] call MessagingInvokeCommand test eax, eax jz .locret mov eax, E_FAIL jmp .locret .ret_E_INVALIDARG: pop eax pop eax mov eax, E_INVALIDARG .locret: ret endp ContextMenu@GetCommandString: procedure(Self,idCmd,uType,pwReserved,pszName,cchMax) mov eax, [uType+espFixer] cmp eax, GCS_HELPTEXT jne .ret_S_OK mov eax, [idCmd+espFixer] cmp eax, 1 ja .ret_E_INVALIDARG ;stdcall StrCopy, [pszName], [HintCases+eax*4] push esi push edi cld mov edi, [HintCases+eax*4] mov ecx, -1 xor eax, eax repne scasb not ecx sub edi, ecx mov esi, edi mov edi, [pszName+espFixer] mov eax, ecx shr ecx, 2 rep movsd mov ecx, eax and ecx, 3 rep movsb pop edi pop esi .ret_S_OK: xor eax, eax jmp .locret .ret_E_INVALIDARG: mov eax, E_INVALIDARG .locret: ret endp ShellExtInit@QueryInterface: procedure(Self,riid,ppvObject) mov eax, [Self+espFixer] comcall [eax-current_COMobject.SE], IUnknown, QueryInterface, [riid+espFixer], [ppvObject+espFixer] ret endp ShellExtInit@AddRef: procedure(Self) mov eax, [Self+espFixer] comcall [eax-current_COMobject.SE], IUnknown, AddRef ret endp ShellExtInit@Release: procedure(Self) mov eax, [Self+espFixer] comcall [eax-current_COMobject.SE], IUnknown, Release ret endp ShellExtInit@Initialize: procedure(Self, pidlFolder, lpdobj, hKeyProgID) mov eax, [lpdobj+espFixer] test eax, eax jz .ret_E_INVALIDARG comcall eax, IDataObject, GetData, FormatETC, StgMedium cmp eax, 0 jl .ret_E_FAIL xor eax, eax mov [FileName_COMfield], al invoke DragQueryFile, StgMedium.hGlobal, -1, 0, 0 cmp eax, 1 jne .ret_E_FAIL invoke DragQueryFile, StgMedium.hGlobal, 0, FileName_COMfield, 261 invoke ReleaseStgMedium, StgMedium xor eax, eax jmp .locret .ret_E_FAIL: mov eax, E_FAIL jmp .locret .ret_E_INVALIDARG: mov eax, E_INVALIDARG .locret: ret endp section '.data' data readable writeable CLSID_QuickRegister GUID 40E69241-5D1A-11D1-81CB-0020AF3E97A9 IID_IUnknown GUID 00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046 IID_IClassFactory GUID 00000001-0000-0000-C000-000000000046 IID_IContextMenu GUID 000214E4-0000-0000-C000-000000000046 IID_IShellExtInit GUID 000214E8-0000-0000-C000-000000000046 struct current_COMobject CM IContextMenu SE IShellExtInit RefCount dd ? lpFileName dd ? ends QuickRegister_ClassFactory: QRClassFactory_QueryInterface dd QRClassFactory@QueryInterface QRClassFactory_AddRef dd QRClassFactory@AddRef QRClassFactory_Release dd QRClassFactory@Release QRClassFactory_CreateInstance dd QRClassFactory@CreateInstance QRClassFactory_LockServer dd QRClassFactory@LockServer ContextMenu: ContextMenu_QueryInterface dd ContextMenu@QueryInterface ContextMenu_AddRef dd ContextMenu@AddRef ContextMenu_Release dd ContextMenu@Release ContextMenu_QueryContextMenu dd ContextMenu@QueryContextMenu ContextMenu_InvokeCommand dd ContextMenu@InvokeCommand ContextMenu_GetCommandString dd ContextMenu@GetCommandString ShellExtInit: ShellExtInit_QueryInterface dd ShellExtInit@QueryInterface ShellExtInit_AddRef dd ShellExtInit@AddRef ShellExtInit_Release dd ShellExtInit@Release ShellExtInit_Initialize dd ShellExtInit@Initialize QRClassFactory_COMobject IClassFactory QuickRegister_ClassFactory ServerLockCount dd 0 hInstance dd 0 QuickRegister_COMobject current_COMobject ContextMenu,ShellExtInit,0,FileName_COMfield FormatETC FORMATETC CF_HDROP, 0, DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, TYMED_HGLOBAL StgMedium STGMEDIUM ProcNames dd registerServerStr, unregisterServerStr FmtCases dd fmtStr, fmtErrStr MBCases dd MB_ICONINFORMATION or MB_OK,MB_ICONERROR or MB_OK QRCases dd Quick_Register,Quick_Register_Error HintCases dd registerHintStr,unregisterHintStr RootKey dd ? CLSIDStr db 'CLSID\' CLSIDString_QuickRegister db '{40E69241-5D1A-11D1-81CB-0020AF3E97A9}',0 CLSIDDescription db 'Quick Register Context Menu Shell Extension',0 CLSIDInprocServer db 'CLSID\{40E69241-5D1A-11D1-81CB-0020AF3E97A9}\InprocServer32',0 ThreadingModelStr db 'ThreadingModel',0 ApartmentStr db 'Apartment',0 dllfile_shellex_Str db 'dllfile\shellex',0 dllfile_shellex_CMH_Str db 'dllfile\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers',0 dllfile_shellex_CMH_QR_Str db 'dllfile\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\QuickRegister',0 cur_vers_shellex_Str db 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions',0 cur_vers_shellex_approv_Str db 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved',0 Error_updating_registry db 'Error updating registry',0 registerStr db 'register',0 unregisterStr db 'unregister',0 registerServerStr db 'DllRegisterServer',0 unregisterServerStr db 'DllUnregisterServer',0 fmtStr db '%s in %s succeeded.',0 fmtErrStr db '%s in %s failed.',0 Quick_Register db 'Quick Register',0 Quick_Register_Error db 'Quick Register - Error',0 registerHintStr db 'Register this COM/ActiveX server.',0 unregisterHintStr db 'Unregister this COM/ActiveX server.',0 NullStr db 0 REGFileName db 261 dup ? FileName_COMfield db 261 dup ? Buffer db 300 dup ? section '.idata' import data readable library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\ user32,'USER32.DLL',\ shell32,'SHELL32.DLL',\ advapi32,'ADVAPI32.DLL',\ ole32,'OLE32.DLL' import kernel32,\ DisableThreadLibraryCalls,'DisableThreadLibraryCalls',\ FreeLibrary,'FreeLibrary',\ GetModuleFileName,'GetModuleFileNameA',\ GetProcAddress,'GetProcAddress',\ InterlockedDecrement,'InterlockedDecrement',\ InterlockedIncrement,'InterlockedIncrement',\ LoadLibrary,'LoadLibraryA' import user32,\ InsertMenu,'InsertMenuA',\ MessageBox,'MessageBoxA',\ wsprintf,'wsprintfA' import shell32,\ DragQueryFile,'DragQueryFileA' import advapi32,\ RegCloseKey,'RegCloseKey',\ RegCreateKeyEx,'RegCreateKeyExA',\ RegDeleteKey,'RegDeleteKeyA',\ RegSetValueEx,'RegSetValueExA' import ole32,\ ReleaseStgMedium,'ReleaseStgMedium' section '.edata' export data readable export 'COMSERVEXAMPLE.DLL',\ DllGetClassObject,'DllGetClassObject',\ DllCanUnloadNow,'DllCanUnloadNow',\ DllRegisterServer,'DllRegisterServer',\ DllUnregisterServer,'DllUnregisterServer' section '.reloc' fixups data readable discardable fasmpack part 1 fasmpack part 2 [attachment in 1st post renamed & updated/ attachment to same package in following posts removed] _________________ I don`t like to refer by "you" to one person. My soul requires acronim "thou" instead. Last edited by ProMiNick on 08 Dec 2020, 19:33; edited 7 times in total |
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ProMiNick 07 Jun 2019, 23:58
Sorry all who dramaticaly tests previos versions of that COM server.
Sorry for your registry. This one should work. COM server version from 8/06/2019 4:00. Ever first call to __RegCreateKeyWithValue (in DllRegisterServer) returns ERROR_BADKEY 1010 (0x3F2) |
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ProMiNick 09 Jun 2019, 12:23
Atlast I teach program to write to registry
Code: __RegCreateKeyWithValue: procedure(lpSubKey,lpValueName,lpData) ; calc length of Pchar(edi) to ecx cld mov edi, [lpData+espFixer] mov ecx, -1 xor eax, eax repne scasb not ecx sub edi, ecx prepare RegSetValueEx, eax, [lpValueName+espFixer], eax, REG_SZ, edi, ecx ;invoke RegCreateKey, [RootKey], [lpSubKey+espFixer], esp ; working on XP and below version used instead of next two lines; need testing for win10 mov edi, esp invoke RegCreateKeyEx, [RootKey], [lpSubKey+espFixer], eax, eax, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ or KEY_WRITE, eax, edi, eax test eax, eax jnz .unstack invoke RegSetValueEx; stack prepared with prepare if espFixer espFixer=espFixer-$18 end if mov edi, eax sub esp, 24 ; again stack is ready invoke RegCloseKey mov eax,edi add esp, 20 jmp .locret .unstack: unstack RegSetValueEx,hKey,lpValueName,Reserved,dwType,lpData,cbData .locret: ret endp DllRegisterServer: procedure() push edi mov [RootKey], HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT stdcall __RegCreateKeyWithValue, CLSIDStr, NullStr, CLSIDDescription test eax, eax jnz .unregister1 invoke GetModuleFileName, [hInstance], REGFileName, 261 test eax, eax jz .unregister stdcall __RegCreateKeyWithValue, CLSIDInprocServer, NullStr, REGFileName test eax, eax jnz .unregister stdcall __RegCreateKeyWithValue, CLSIDInprocServer, ThreadingModelStr, ApartmentStr test eax, eax jnz .unregister stdcall __RegCreateKeyWithValue, dllfile_shellex_Str, NullStr, NullStr test eax, eax jnz .unregister stdcall __RegCreateKeyWithValue, dllfile_shellex_CMH_Str, NullStr, NullStr test eax, eax jnz .unregister stdcall __RegCreateKeyWithValue, dllfile_shellex_CMH_QR_Str, NullStr, CLSIDString_QuickRegister test eax, eax jnz .unregister mov [RootKey], HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE stdcall __RegCreateKeyWithValue, cur_vers_shellex_Str, NullStr, NullStr test eax, eax jnz .ret_S_FALSE stdcall __RegCreateKeyWithValue, cur_vers_shellex_approv_Str, CLSIDString_QuickRegister, CLSIDDescription jmp .locret .ret_S_FALSE: xor eax, eax inc eax jmp .locret .unregister1: cinvoke wsprintf, REGFileName, fmtInt, eax ; catch what error, .unregister: stdcall DllUnregisterServer invoke MessageBox, 0, Error_updating_registry, REGFileName, MB_ICONERROR or MB_OK mov eax, SELFREG_E_CLASS .locret: pop edi ret endp changes are: fix param [esp+4] with addr esp+4, I stored it in edi improvement preserving of edi from each call of __RegCreateKeyWithValue to once to outer DllRegisterServer. So registration & unregistration for now works correct. (for 32 bit systems) (from WoW32 on 64 still don`t work) Menu lines still not appeared. Attachment in 1st post updated according to bugfixies. |
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ProMiNick 13 Jun 2019, 21:40
While I still can`t find what is wrong with fasmed COM server - I back to analize, recompiling & reversing donor.
I found that InsertMenu trashes ecx & edx - so I used other preserved registers esi & edi in ContextMenu@QueryContextMenu. attachment in 1st post updated - but not much changes (few bugfixies in ContextMenu@QueryInterface & in ContextMenu@QueryContextMenu but all still don`t work - crash at trying to cast context menu over any dll).
_________________ I don`t like to refer by "you" to one person. My soul requires acronim "thou" instead. |
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ProMiNick 14 Jun 2019, 05:42
Atlast I completely remove SysUtils dependencyes: so size of resultive donor dll is more shrinked down to 20kb. (much closed to pure assembly)
allocation procs that are used based on borland memory manager, so If replace them with heapalloc,heaprealloc,heapfree - size should shrink ever more. But that is thing I not completely understand(how to create my own mem manager based on pure winapi - that not in all cases allocation needed, simetime previous allocs allocated more than enought so in this case should be returned pointer on free already allocated space, and space accessible for such needs should be shrinked by amount of pseudo allocated).
_________________ I don`t like to refer by "you" to one person. My soul requires acronim "thou" instead. |
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revolution 14 Jun 2019, 06:25
ProMiNick wrote: But that is thing I not completely understand(how to create my own mem manager based on pure winap ... Plus there are the Heap* APIs. All are found in kernel32.dll |
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ProMiNick 14 Jun 2019, 10:05
Thanks, revolution. (I forgot that there is no needance in mem manager - it is demonstration - so no needance in memory economy of allocated blocks: for every couple of bytes block separate 4kb space).
Donor code now is all based on winapi. I`ll continue playing with it (zeroing code rudiments of HLL & noping unsufficient calls of initialization state.
_________________ I don`t like to refer by "you" to one person. My soul requires acronim "thou" instead. |
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ProMiNick 16 Jun 2019, 01:10
sources are same but patched - skipped all HLL initialization.
Code: add esp,-$3C replaced with Code: push esi jmp short loc_40491D and patch is pic (so no needance to patch relocations): Code: CODE:00404908 ; BOOL __stdcall DllEntryPoint(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpReserved) CODE:00404908 public DllEntryPoint CODE:00404908 DllEntryPoint proc near ; DATA XREF: HEADER:00400128o CODE:00404908 CODE:00404908 hinstDLL = dword ptr 8 CODE:00404908 fdwReason = dword ptr 0Ch CODE:00404908 CODE:00404908 push ebp CODE:00404909 mov ebp, esp CODE:0040490B push esi CODE:0040490C jmp short loc_40491D CODE:0040490E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CODE:0040490E mov eax, offset InitTable CODE:00404913 call @Sysinit@@InitLib$qqrv ; Sysinit::__linkproc__ InitLib(void) CODE:00404918 call @System@@Halt0$qqrv ; System::__linkproc__ Halt0(void) CODE:0040491D CODE:0040491D loc_40491D: ; CODE XREF: DllEntryPoint+4j CODE:0040491D cmp [ebp+fdwReason], 1 CODE:00404921 jnz short loc_40494C CODE:00404923 call $+5 CODE:00404928 pop esi CODE:00404929 mov ecx, [ebp+hinstDLL] CODE:0040492C mov ds:(HInstance - 404928h)[esi], ecx CODE:00404932 push ecx ; hLibModule CODE:00404933 call DisableThreadLibraryCalls CODE:00404938 push 0 ; dwMaximumSize CODE:0040493A push 1000h ; dwInitialSize CODE:0040493F push 1 ; flOptions CODE:00404941 call HeapCreate CODE:00404946 mov ds:(hHeap - 404928h)[esi], eax CODE:0040494C CODE:0040494C loc_40494C: ; CODE XREF: DllEntryPoint+19j CODE:0040494C pop esi CODE:0040494D xor eax, eax CODE:0040494F inc eax CODE:00404950 pop ebp CODE:00404951 retn 0Ch CODE:00404951 DllEntryPoint endp and virtual size of code section increased from $3920 to $3960. As result dll is workable - so is left to represent same code in new addresses so way that it fit 6 kb - what is initialy expected.
_________________ I don`t like to refer by "you" to one person. My soul requires acronim "thou" instead. |
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ProMiNick 16 Jun 2019, 21:26
once Delphi compiled qregister2, than fasm clears all unneeded & patched initialization (In previous version ContextMenu_InvokeCommand used HLL - now is not!)
fasm: Code: format binary as 'dll' use32 label hInstance at $406650 file 'qregister2.dll':0,$4EC db $2CA4-$4EC dup (0) file 'qregister2.dll':$2CA4,$2CBB-$2CA4 db $2CF4-$2CBB dup (0) file 'qregister2.dll':$2CF4,$39D1-$2CF4 org $4045D1 DllEntryChunk: mov [hInstance], eax file 'qregister2.dll':$39D6,$3A7C-$39D6 dd ..nop_jump DllEntryPoint: label .hinstDLL at esp+4 label .fdwReason at esp+8 label .lpReserved at esp+$C cmp dword[.fdwReason], 1;ATTACH PROC jmp dword[DllEntryPoint-4] ; address is relocationed - sop nop as indirect jump to next instruction is perfect ..nop_jump: jnz .ret_TRUE mov eax, dword[.hinstDLL] call DllEntryChunk .ret_TRUE: xor eax, eax inc eax ret $0C file 'qregister2.dll':$3A9C,$4E00-$3A9C In output still fully working COM. I so many times comparing disassembled HLL code of 24 functions - only they left & valid with my 23 functions - looks same. And it is sad( I suppose that if regsvr32 messaging about successful registration & unregistration & corresponding values moved to and out of registry - than DLL is valid COMServer and its registration functions works. Explorer with that registered COM crashed at right click on any file or group of files - so ShellExtInit@Initialize - is filtering what objects operate & what don`t. (In case where error would be in ContextMenu methods - explorer would crash only on right clicking single dll - ContextMenu@QueryContextMen, if menu would displayed and crash would be at menu hovering -ContextMenu@GetCommandString, if crash would be after clicking menu - ContextMenu@InvokeCommand. So not many places where error could be... - but I still can`t found it. May be error even earlier in QRClassFactory@CreateInstance - but it code fully identical with only one difference esp framing vs ebp. I even rewrite Fasm version to deal with heap object instead of data direct coded one: Code: ; Component Object Model usage demonstration format PE GUI 4.0 dll entry DllEntryPoint include 'win32a.inc' include 'generic/macro/guid.inc' include 'os specific/windows/interfaces/base.inc' include 'os specific/windows/interfaces/shell.inc' ;include 'os specific/windows/equates/com.inc' include 'myESPprocSyntax.inc' CMF_EXPLORE = 4 GCS_HELPTEXT = $00000001 CF_HDROP = 15 DVASPECT_CONTENT = 1 TYMED_HGLOBAL = 1 ;COM errors E_NOINTERFACE = $80004002 E_POINTER = $80004003 E_FAIL = $80004005 CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION = $80040110 CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE = $80040111 SELFREG_E_CLASS = $80040201 E_OUTOFMEMORY = $8007000E E_INVALIDARG = $80070057 HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE = 1 macro precmpGUID { push esi push edi } macro postcmpGUID { pop edi pop esi } macro cmpGUID A, B { mov esi, A mov edi, B mov ecx, 4 repe cmpsd } macro prepare dummy,[arg] { common if ~ arg eq reverse pushd arg common end if } macro unstack dummy,[arg] { common local counter if ~ arg eq counter = 0 forward counter = counter + 1 common add esp, counter*4 end if } struct CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO cbSize dd ? fMask dd ? hwnd dd ? lpVerb dd ? lpParameters dd ? lpDirectory dd ? nShow dd ? dwHotKey dd ? hIcon dd ? ends struct FORMATETC union cfFormat dw ? dd ? ends ptd dd ? dwAspect dd ? lindex dd ? tymed dd ? ends struct STGMEDIUM tymed dd ? union struct hBitmap dd ? unkForRelease dd ? ends hMetaFilePict dd ? hEnhMetaFile dd ? hGlobal dd ? lpszFileName dd ? stm dd ? stg dd ? ends ends section '.text' code readable executable DllEntryPoint: procedure(hinstDLL,fdwReason,lpvReserved) ;verified mov eax, [fdwReason+espFixer] cmp eax, 1 jne .retTRUE mov eax, [hinstDLL+espFixer] mov [hInstance],eax invoke DisableThreadLibraryCalls, eax invoke HeapCreate,HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE,$1000,0 mov [pHeap],eax .retTRUE: xor eax, eax inc eax ret endp DllGetClassObject: procedure(rclsid,riid,ppv) ;verified; returned requested ClassFactory!!! not COMobject itself push ebx mov ebx, [ppv+espFixer] test ebx, ebx jz .ret_E_POINTER xor eax, eax mov [ebx], eax precmpGUID ; search ClassFactory corresponded to rclsid cld cmpGUID [rclsid+espFixer],CLSID_QuickRegister postcmpGUID jnz .ret_CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE cominvk QRClassFactory_COMobject,QueryInterface,[riid+espFixer],ebx jmp .locret .ret_E_POINTER: mov eax, E_POINTER jmp .locret .ret_CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE: mov eax, CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE .locret: pop ebx ret endp DllCanUnloadNow: procedure() ;verified xor eax,eax cmp eax,[ServerLockCount] jz .locret inc eax .locret: ret endp __RegCreateKeyWithValue: procedure(lpSubKey,lpValueName,lpData) ;verified ; calc length of Pchar(edi) to ecx cld mov edi, [lpData+espFixer] mov ecx, -1 xor eax, eax repne scasb not ecx sub edi, ecx prepare RegSetValueEx, eax, [lpValueName+espFixer], eax, REG_SZ, edi, ecx ;invoke RegCreateKey, [RootKey], [lpSubKey+espFixer], esp ; working on XP and below version used instead of next two lines; need testing for win10 mov edi, esp invoke RegCreateKeyEx, [RootKey], [lpSubKey+espFixer], eax, eax, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ or KEY_WRITE, eax, edi, eax test eax, eax jnz .unstack invoke RegSetValueEx; stack prepared with prepare if espFixer espFixer=espFixer-$18 end if mov edi, eax sub esp, 24 ; again stack is ready invoke RegCloseKey mov eax,edi add esp, 20 jmp .locret .unstack: unstack RegSetValueEx,hKey,lpValueName,Reserved,dwType,lpData,cbData .locret: ret endp DllRegisterServer: procedure() ;verified push edi mov [RootKey], HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT stdcall __RegCreateKeyWithValue, CLSIDStr, NullStr, CLSIDDescription test eax, eax jnz .unregister1 invoke GetModuleFileName, [hInstance], REGFileName, 261 test eax, eax jz .unregister stdcall __RegCreateKeyWithValue, CLSIDInprocServer, NullStr, REGFileName test eax, eax jnz .unregister stdcall __RegCreateKeyWithValue, CLSIDInprocServer, ThreadingModelStr, ApartmentStr test eax, eax jnz .unregister stdcall __RegCreateKeyWithValue, dllfile_shellex_Str, NullStr, NullStr test eax, eax jnz .unregister stdcall __RegCreateKeyWithValue, dllfile_shellex_CMH_Str, NullStr, NullStr test eax, eax jnz .unregister stdcall __RegCreateKeyWithValue, dllfile_shellex_CMH_QR_Str, NullStr, CLSIDString_QuickRegister test eax, eax jnz .unregister mov [RootKey], HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE stdcall __RegCreateKeyWithValue, cur_vers_shellex_Str, NullStr, NullStr test eax, eax jnz .ret_S_FALSE stdcall __RegCreateKeyWithValue, cur_vers_shellex_approv_Str, CLSIDString_QuickRegister, CLSIDDescription jmp .locret .ret_S_FALSE: xor eax, eax inc eax jmp .locret .unregister1: cinvoke wsprintf, REGFileName, fmtInt, eax ; catch what error, .unregister: stdcall DllUnregisterServer invoke MessageBox, 0, Error_updating_registry, REGFileName, MB_ICONERROR or MB_OK mov eax, SELFREG_E_CLASS .locret: pop edi ret endp DllUnregisterServer: procedure() ;verified mov [RootKey], HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT invoke RegDeleteKey, [RootKey], dllfile_shellex_CMH_QR_Str invoke RegDeleteKey, [RootKey], dllfile_shellex_CMH_Str invoke RegDeleteKey, [RootKey], dllfile_shellex_Str invoke RegDeleteKey, [RootKey], CLSIDInprocServer invoke RegDeleteKey, [RootKey], CLSIDStr ret endp QRClassFactory@QueryInterface: procedure(Self,riid,ppvObject) ;verified push ebx mov ebx, [ppvObject+espFixer] test ebx, ebx jz .ret_E_POINTER xor eax, eax mov [ebx], eax precmpGUID cld cmpGUID [riid+espFixer],IID_IUnknown je .cmp_done cmpGUID [riid+espFixer],IID_IClassFactory .cmp_done: postcmpGUID jnz .ret_E_NOINTERFACE mov eax, [Self+espFixer] mov [ebx], eax comcall eax, IClassFactory, AddRef xor eax, eax jmp .locret .ret_E_POINTER: mov eax, E_POINTER jmp .locret .ret_E_NOINTERFACE: mov eax, E_NOINTERFACE .locret: pop ebx ret endp QRClassFactory@AddRef: procedure(Self) ;verified invoke InterlockedIncrement, ServerLockCount mov eax, 2 ret endp QRClassFactory@Release: procedure(Self) ;verified invoke InterlockedDecrement, ServerLockCount xor eax, eax inc eax ret endp QRClassFactory@CreateInstance: procedure(Self,pUnkOuter,riid,ppvObject) ;verified push ebx mov ebx, [ppvObject+espFixer] test ebx, ebx jz .ret_E_POINTER xor eax, eax mov [ebx], eax mov eax, [pUnkOuter+espFixer] test eax, eax jnz .ret_CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION invoke HeapAlloc,[pHeap], 0, sizeof.current_COMobject test eax, eax jz .ret_E_OUTOFMEMORY push eax mov [eax+current_COMobject.CM], ContextMenu mov [eax+current_COMobject.SE], ShellExtInit mov [eax+current_COMobject.RefCount], 0 invoke HeapAlloc, [pHeap], 0, 261 push eax test eax, eax jnz .continue_init push [pHeap] call [HeapFree] jmp .ret_E_OUTOFMEMORY espFixer = espFixer - 4 .continue_init: mov edx, [esp+4] mov [edx+current_COMobject.lpFileName], eax mov dword[eax], 0 ; ensure that heap zeroinit 1st char comcall [edx+current_COMobject.CM],IUnknown,QueryInterface,[riid+espFixer],ebx cmp eax, 0 jae .continue_init2 push 0 push [pHeap] call [HeapFree] push 0 push [pHeap] call [HeapFree] jmp .ret_E_FAIL espFixer = espFixer - 16 .continue_init2: add esp, 8 invoke InterlockedIncrement, ServerLockCount jmp .locret .ret_E_POINTER: mov eax, E_POINTER jmp .locret .ret_CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION: mov eax, CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION jmp .locret .ret_E_OUTOFMEMORY: mov eax, E_OUTOFMEMORY jmp .locret .ret_E_FAIL: mov eax, E_FAIL .locret: pop ebx ret endp ; for single instance object ; we don`t need to allocate memory for every Instance ; we don`t need to check if allocation is out of memory and resulting E_OUTOFMEMORY ; we don`t need to initialize COM object in runtime ; we don`t need to check success of QueryInterface and to free object occuped memory in bad cases ; cominvk QuickRegister_COMobject.CM,QueryInterface,[riid+espFixer],ebx ; cmp eax,0 ; jl .ret_E_FAIL ; invoke InterlockedIncrement, ServerLockCount ; jmp .locret ; ; .ret_E_POINTER: ; mov eax, E_POINTER ; jmp .locret ; .ret_CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION: ; mov eax, CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION ; jmp .locret ; .ret_E_FAIL: ; mov eax, E_FAIL ; .locret: ; pop ebx ; ret ;endp QRClassFactory@LockServer: procedure(Self,fLock) ;verified mov eax,[fLock+espFixer] lea eax,[.interlocked+eax*4] invoke eax, ServerLockCount xor eax, eax ret .interlocked: dd InterlockedDecrement dd InterlockedIncrement endp ContextMenu@QueryInterface: procedure(Self,riid,ppvObject) ;verified push ebx mov ebx, [ppvObject+espFixer] test ebx, ebx jz .ret_E_POINTER xor eax, eax mov [ebx], eax mov eax, [Self+espFixer] precmpGUID cld cmpGUID [riid+espFixer],IID_IUnknown je .cmp_done cmpGUID [riid+espFixer],IID_IContextMenu je .cmp_done cmpGUID [riid+espFixer],IID_IShellExtInit jne .cmp_done lea eax, [eax+4] .cmp_done: postcmpGUID jnz .ret_E_NOINTERFACE mov [ebx], eax comcall eax, IUnknown, AddRef xor eax, eax jmp .locret .ret_E_POINTER: mov eax, E_POINTER jmp .locret .ret_E_NOINTERFACE: mov eax, E_NOINTERFACE .locret: pop ebx ret endp ContextMenu@AddRef: procedure(Self) ;verified mov eax, [Self+espFixer] add eax, current_COMobject.RefCount invoke InterlockedIncrement, eax ret endp ContextMenu@Release: procedure(Self) ;verified mov eax, [Self+espFixer] add eax, current_COMobject.RefCount invoke InterlockedDecrement, eax test eax, eax jnz .locret mov eax, [Self+espFixer] push eax invoke HeapFree, [pHeap], 0, [eax+current_COMobject.lpFileName] push 0 call [HeapFree] invoke InterlockedDecrement, ServerLockCount xor eax, eax .locret: ret endp ContextMenu@QueryContextMenu: procedure(Self,Menu,indexMenu,idCmdFirst,idCmdLast,uFlags) ;verified mov eax, [uFlags+espFixer] and eax, $F jz .handle test eax, CMF_EXPLORE jnz .ret_S_OK .handle: push ebx push esi push edi mov ebx, [Menu+espFixer] mov esi, [indexMenu+espFixer] mov edi, [idCmdFirst+espFixer] invoke InsertMenu, ebx, esi, MF_SEPARATOR or MF_BYPOSITION, 0, 0 inc esi invoke InsertMenu, ebx, esi, MF_STRING or MF_BYPOSITION, edi, registerStr inc esi inc edi invoke InsertMenu, ebx, esi, MF_STRING or MF_BYPOSITION, edi, unregisterStr inc esi invoke InsertMenu, ebx, esi, MF_SEPARATOR or MF_BYPOSITION, 0, 0 mov eax, 2 pop edi pop esi pop ebx jmp .locret .ret_S_OK: xor eax, eax .locret: ret endp RegisterCOMServer: procedure(dll_proc,hwnd,dll_file) ;verified - value inversed from original invoke LoadLibrary, [dll_file+espFixer] test eax, eax jz .ret_S_FALSE push eax invoke GetProcAddress, eax, [dll_proc+espFixer] test eax, eax jnz .call .ret_S_FALSE_n_FREE: invoke FreeLibrary xor eax, eax jmp .ret_S_FALSE .call: call eax cmp eax, 0 jl .ret_S_FALSE_n_FREE invoke FreeLibrary xor eax, eax jmp .locret .ret_S_FALSE: inc eax .locret: ret 0 endp MessagingInvokeCommand: procedure(fmt,fError,ProcName,hwnd,Filename) ;verified cinvoke wsprintf, Buffer, [fmt+espFixer], [ProcName+espFixer], [Filename+espFixer] mov eax, [fError+espFixer] invoke MessageBox,[hwnd+espFixer],Buffer,[QRCases+eax*4],[MBCases+eax*4] mov eax, [fError+espFixer] ret endp ContextMenu@InvokeCommand: procedure(Self,lpici) ; looks verified mov eax, [Self+espFixer] push [eax+current_COMobject.lpFileName] mov eax, [lpici+espFixer] push [eax+CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO.hwnd] mov eax, [eax+CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO.lpVerb] cmp eax, 1 ja .ret_E_INVALIDARG push [ProcNames+eax*4] call RegisterCOMServer push eax push [FmtCases+eax*4] call MessagingInvokeCommand test eax, eax jz .locret mov eax, E_FAIL jmp .locret .ret_E_INVALIDARG: pop eax pop eax mov eax, E_INVALIDARG .locret: ret endp ContextMenu@GetCommandString: procedure(Self,idCmd,uType,pwReserved,pszName,cchMax) mov eax, [uType+espFixer] cmp eax, GCS_HELPTEXT jne .ret_S_OK mov eax, [idCmd+espFixer] cmp eax, 1 ja .ret_E_INVALIDARG ;stdcall StrCopy, [pszName], [HintCases+eax*4] push esi push edi cld mov edi, [HintCases+eax*4] mov ecx, -1 xor eax, eax repne scasb not ecx sub edi, ecx mov esi, edi mov edi, [pszName+espFixer] mov eax, ecx shr ecx, 2 rep movsd mov ecx, eax and ecx, 3 rep movsb pop edi pop esi .ret_S_OK: xor eax, eax jmp .locret .ret_E_INVALIDARG: mov eax, E_INVALIDARG .locret: ret endp ShellExtInit@QueryInterface: procedure(Self,riid,ppvObject) ;verified - in original preserved & not used ecx mov eax, [Self+espFixer] push ecx comcall [eax-current_COMobject.SE], IUnknown, QueryInterface, [riid+espFixer], [ppvObject+espFixer] pop ecx ret endp ShellExtInit@AddRef: procedure(Self) ;verified mov eax, [Self+espFixer] comcall [eax-current_COMobject.SE], IUnknown, AddRef ret endp ShellExtInit@Release: procedure(Self) ;verified mov eax, [Self+espFixer] comcall [eax-current_COMobject.SE], IUnknown, Release ret endp ShellExtInit@Initialize: procedure(Self, pidlFolder, lpdobj, hKeyProgID) ;verified mov eax, [lpdobj+espFixer] test eax, eax jz .ret_E_INVALIDARG comcall eax, IDataObject, GetData, FormatETC, StgMedium cmp eax, 0 jl .ret_E_FAIL xor eax, eax ;mov [FileName_COMfield], al invoke DragQueryFile, StgMedium.hGlobal, -1, 0, 0 cmp eax, 1 jne .ret_E_FAIL mov eax, [Self+espFixer] invoke DragQueryFile, StgMedium.hGlobal, 0, [eax-current_COMobject.SE+current_COMobject.lpFileName], 261 invoke ReleaseStgMedium, StgMedium xor eax, eax jmp .locret .ret_E_FAIL: mov eax, E_FAIL jmp .locret .ret_E_INVALIDARG: mov eax, E_INVALIDARG .locret: ret endp section '.data' data readable writeable CLSID_QuickRegister GUID 40E69241-5D1A-11D1-81CB-0020AF3E97A9 IID_IUnknown GUID 00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046 IID_IClassFactory GUID 00000001-0000-0000-C000-000000000046 IID_IContextMenu GUID 000214E4-0000-0000-C000-000000000046 IID_IShellExtInit GUID 000214E8-0000-0000-C000-000000000046 struct current_COMobject CM IContextMenu SE IShellExtInit RefCount dd ? lpFileName dd ? ends QuickRegister_ClassFactory: QRClassFactory_QueryInterface dd QRClassFactory@QueryInterface QRClassFactory_AddRef dd QRClassFactory@AddRef QRClassFactory_Release dd QRClassFactory@Release QRClassFactory_CreateInstance dd QRClassFactory@CreateInstance QRClassFactory_LockServer dd QRClassFactory@LockServer ContextMenu: ContextMenu_QueryInterface dd ContextMenu@QueryInterface ContextMenu_AddRef dd ContextMenu@AddRef ContextMenu_Release dd ContextMenu@Release ContextMenu_QueryContextMenu dd ContextMenu@QueryContextMenu ContextMenu_InvokeCommand dd ContextMenu@InvokeCommand ContextMenu_GetCommandString dd ContextMenu@GetCommandString ShellExtInit: ShellExtInit_QueryInterface dd ShellExtInit@QueryInterface ShellExtInit_AddRef dd ShellExtInit@AddRef ShellExtInit_Release dd ShellExtInit@Release ShellExtInit_Initialize dd ShellExtInit@Initialize QRClassFactory_COMobject IClassFactory QuickRegister_ClassFactory ServerLockCount dd 0 hInstance dd 0 QuickRegister_COMobject current_COMobject ContextMenu,ShellExtInit,0,FileName_COMfield FormatETC FORMATETC CF_HDROP, 0, DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, TYMED_HGLOBAL StgMedium STGMEDIUM ProcNames dd registerServerStr, unregisterServerStr FmtCases dd fmtStr, fmtErrStr MBCases dd MB_ICONINFORMATION or MB_OK,MB_ICONERROR or MB_OK QRCases dd Quick_Register,Quick_Register_Error HintCases dd registerHintStr,unregisterHintStr RootKey dd ? pHeap dd ? CLSIDStr db 'CLSID\' CLSIDString_QuickRegister db '{40E69241-5D1A-11D1-81CB-0020AF3E97A9}',0 CLSIDDescription db 'Quick Register Context Menu Shell Extension',0 CLSIDInprocServer db 'CLSID\{40E69241-5D1A-11D1-81CB-0020AF3E97A9}\InprocServer32',0 ThreadingModelStr db 'ThreadingModel',0 ApartmentStr db 'Apartment',0 dllfile_shellex_Str db 'dllfile\shellex',0 dllfile_shellex_CMH_Str db 'dllfile\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers',0 dllfile_shellex_CMH_QR_Str db 'dllfile\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\QuickRegister',0 cur_vers_shellex_Str db 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions',0 cur_vers_shellex_approv_Str db 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved',0 Error_updating_registry db 'Error updating registry',0 registerStr db 'register',0 unregisterStr db 'unregister',0 registerServerStr db 'DllRegisterServer',0 unregisterServerStr db 'DllUnregisterServer',0 fmtStr db '%s in %s succeeded.',0 fmtErrStr db '%s in %s failed.',0 Quick_Register db 'Quick Register',0 Quick_Register_Error db 'Quick Register - Error',0 registerHintStr db 'Register this COM/ActiveX server.',0 unregisterHintStr db 'Unregister this COM/ActiveX server.',0 fmtInt db '%08X',0 NullStr db 0 REGFileName db 261 dup ? FileName_COMfield db 261 dup ? Buffer db 300 dup ? section '.idata' import data readable library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\ user32,'USER32.DLL',\ shell32,'SHELL32.DLL',\ advapi32,'ADVAPI32.DLL',\ ole32,'OLE32.DLL' import kernel32,\ DisableThreadLibraryCalls,'DisableThreadLibraryCalls',\ FreeLibrary,'FreeLibrary',\ GetModuleFileName,'GetModuleFileNameA',\ GetProcAddress,'GetProcAddress',\ InterlockedDecrement,'InterlockedDecrement',\ InterlockedIncrement,'InterlockedIncrement',\ HeapAlloc,'HeapAlloc',\ HeapCreate,'HeapCreate',\ HeapFree,'HeapFree',\ LoadLibrary,'LoadLibraryA' import user32,\ InsertMenu,'InsertMenuA',\ MessageBox,'MessageBoxA',\ wsprintf,'wsprintfA' import shell32,\ DragQueryFile,'DragQueryFileA' import advapi32,\ RegCloseKey,'RegCloseKey',\ RegCreateKey,'RegCreateKeyA',\ RegCreateKeyEx,'RegCreateKeyExA',\ RegDeleteKey,'RegDeleteKeyA',\ RegSetValueEx,'RegSetValueExA' import ole32,\ ReleaseStgMedium,'ReleaseStgMedium' section '.edata' export data readable export 'COMSERVEXAMPLE.DLL',\ DllGetClassObject,'DllGetClassObject',\ DllCanUnloadNow,'DllCanUnloadNow',\ DllRegisterServer,'DllRegisterServer',\ DllUnregisterServer,'DllUnregisterServer' section '.reloc' fixups data readable discardable
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ProMiNick 23 Jun 2019, 23:34
Interface IShellExtInit now completely working!!!
explorer stop crashing on every file, and even on group of files. It is mean that filtration named ShellExtInit@Initialize was successfull (creating COM object was succesfull, and ShellExtInit base IUnknown methods realized via ContentMenu ones - it is mean they are valid too. But bug still somewhere... may be not one... Than number of bugs decreased they became hard to detect.
_________________ I don`t like to refer by "you" to one person. My soul requires acronim "thou" instead. Last edited by ProMiNick on 08 Dec 2020, 16:47; edited 1 time in total |
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ProMiNick 24 Jun 2019, 21:26
I feel me like Emett Brown from "Back to future" when he screaming "it is working!!!! It is working!!!"
Atlast 1st COM server in assembly is working. Work on pdf helped me found last 2 bugs: First one in interface IShellExtInit realization in on of inherited from IUnknown functions stayed rudiment "pop ecx" - function dosn`t returns stack correctly. Second one is use offset to handles instead of values of handles in IShellExtInit realization in initialize function. I will left untouched previous post for history.
_________________ I don`t like to refer by "you" to one person. My soul requires acronim "thou" instead. |
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