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Index > Macroinstructions > fasm1:struct macro additions & bugfixies

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Joined: 24 Mar 2012
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Location: Russian Federation, Sochi
ProMiNick 18 Feb 2019, 14:00
def.rb equ db ; this could be placed out of struct.inc file
def.rw equ dw
def.rd equ dd
def.rp equ dp
def.rq equ dq
def.rt equ dt
datadef@directives equ db,dw,du,dd,dp,dq,dt
datarsv@directives equ rb,rw,rd,rp,rq,rt    

macro struct@overridedefs [datadef] {
        struc datadef [val:?] \{ \common define field@struct .,datadef,<val> \}
        macro datadef [val:?] \{ \common
                \local anonimous
                define field@struct anonimous,datadef,<val> \} }
macro struct@overridersvs [datadef] {
        struc datadef count \{ \common define field@struct .,def.#datadef,count dup (?) \}
        macro datadef count \{ \common
                \local anonimous
                define field@struct anonimous,def.datadef,count dup (?) \} }
macro struct@restoredefs [datadef] {
        restruc datadef
        purge datadef }    

macro struct names {
        match name tail, names: \{
                        db \`name
                        load initial@struct byte from $$
                        if initial@struct = '.'
                                display 'Error: name of structure should not begin with a dot.',0Dh,0Ah
                        end if
                end virtual

                macro ends \\{
                        match , sub@struct \\\{
                                if $
                                        display 'Error: definition of ',\`name,' contains illegal instructions.',0Dh,0Ah
                                end if

                                match any,datadef@directives \\\\{ struct@restoredefs any \\\\}
                                match any,datarsv@directives \\\\{ struct@restoredefs any \\\\}

                                purge union,struct,ends

                                irpv fields,field@struct \\\\{
                                        restore field@struct
                                        restore @struct
                                        make@struct name,fields
                                        define fields@\#name fields \\\\}
                                end virtual \\\} ;end virtual must be after make@struct
                        match any, sub@struct \\\{
                                tmp@struct equ field@struct
                                restore field@struct
                                field@struct equ tmp@struct> \\\}
                        restore sub@struct \\}

                ;match :,tail \\{ \\}
                match parent:,tail \\{ field@struct equ fields@\\#parent \\} \}

        match any,datadef@directives \{ struct@overridedefs any \}
        match any,datarsv@directives \{ struct@overridersvs any \}
        irp datadef,union,struct \{
                macro datadef \\{
                        field@struct equ ,sub\#datadef,<
                        sub@struct equ sub\#datadef \\} \}

        define @struct
        sub@struct equ
        virtual at 0 }    

macro union names { ; not finished - original make@union should be renamed to make@subunion and make@union will be hybrid of make@subunion and make@struct
        struct names
        define @union }    

macro make@struct name,[field,type,def] {
        local define
        define equ name
        local sub
        match , field \{
                make@substruct type,name,sub def
                define equ define,.,sub, \}
        match any, field \{ define equ define,.#field,type,<def> \}
        match fields, define \{
                match no, @union \\{ define@struct fields \\}
                match , @union \\{
                        restore @union
                        define@union fields \\} \} }    

macro define@union name,[field,type,def] {
        if ~ field eq .
                virtual at 0
                        name#field type def
                        sizeof.#name#field = $ - name#field
                end virtual
                if sizeof.#name#field > $
                        rb sizeof.#name#field - $
                end if
                virtual at 0
                        label name#.#type
                        rb sizeof.#type
                end virtual
                if sizeof.#type > $
                        rb sizeof.#type - $
                end if
        end if
        sizeof.#name = $
        restruc name
        struc name value \{
                \local \..base
                match , @struct \\{ define field@struct .,name,<value> \\}
                match no, @struct \\{
                        label \..base
                        last@union equ
                        match any, last@union \\\{
                        virtual at \..base
                                field type def
                        end virtual \\\}
                        match , last@union \\\{
                                match , value \\\\{ field type def \\\\}
                                match any, value \\\\{ field type value \\\\} \\\}
                        last@union equ field
                        if sizeof.#name > $ - \..base
                                rb sizeof.#name - ($ - \..base)
                        end if
                        label . at \..base \\}
        macro name value \{
                \local anonymous
                match , @struct \\{ define field@struct anonymous,name,<value> \\}
                match no, @struct \\{ ..anonymous name value \\} \} } ;value or <value>    

macro define@struct name,[field,type,def] {
        local list
        list equ
        if ~ field eq .
                name#field type def
                sizeof.#name#field = $ - name#field
                label name#.#type
                rb sizeof.#type
        end if
        local value
        match any, list \{ list equ list, \}
        list equ list <value>
        sizeof.#name = $
        restruc name
        match values, list \{
                struc name value \\{
                        \\local \\..base
                        match , @struct \\\{ define field@struct .,name,<values> \\\}
                        match no, @struct \\\{
                                label \\..base
                                match , value \\\\{ field type def \\\\}
                                match any, value \\\\{
                                        field type value
                                        if ~ field eq .
                                                rb sizeof.#name#field - ($-field)
                                        end if \\\\}
                                label . at \\..base \\\}
                macro name value \\{
                        match , @struct \\\{
                                \\\local anonymous
                                define field@struct anonymous,name,<values> \\\}
                        match no, @struct \\\{
                                match , value \\\\{ type def \\\\}
                                match any, value \\\\{
                                        \\\\local ..field
                                        ..field = $
                                        type value
                                        if ~ field eq .
                                                rb sizeof.#name#field - ($-..field)
                                        end if \\\\}
                        \\\} \\} \} }    

macro enable@substruct {
        macro make@substruct substruct,parent,name,[field,type,def] \{
                \local define
                define equ parent,name
                \local sub
                match , field \\{
                        match any, type \\\{
                                make@substruct type,parent,sub def
                                purge make@substruct
                                define equ define,.,sub, \\\} \\}
                match any, field \\{ define equ define,.\#field,type,<def> \\}
                match fields, define \\{ define@\#substruct fields \\} \} }    


macro define@subunion parent,name,[field,type,def] {
        virtual at parent#.#name
                if ~ field eq .
                        virtual at parent#.#name
                                parent#field type def
                                sizeof.#parent#field = $ - parent#field
                        end virtual
                        if sizeof.#parent#field > $ - parent#.#name
                                rb sizeof.#parent#field - ($ - parent#.#name)
                        end if
                        virtual at parent#.#name
                                label parent#.#type
                                type def
                        end virtual
                        label name#.#type at parent#.#name
                        if sizeof.#type > $ - parent#.#name
                                rb sizeof.#type - ($ - parent#.#name)
                        end if
                end if
                sizeof.#name = $ - parent#.#name
        end virtual
        struc name value \{
                label .\#name
                last@union equ
                match any, last@union \\{
                        virtual at .\#name
                                field type def
                        end virtual \\}
                match , last@union \\{
                        match , value \\\{ field type def \\\}
                        match any, value \\\{ field type value \\\} \\}
                last@union equ field
                rb sizeof.#name - ($ - .\#name) \}
        macro name value \{
                \local ..anonymous
                ..anonymous name value \} }    

macro define@substruct parent,name,[field,type,def] {
        virtual at parent#.#name
                local value
                if ~ field eq .
                        parent#field type def
                        sizeof.#parent#field = $ - parent#field
                        label parent#.#type
                        rb sizeof.#type
                end if
                sizeof.#name = $ - parent#.#name
        end virtual
        struc name value \{
                label .\#name
                match , value \\{ field type def \\}
                match any, value \\{
                        field type value
                        if ~ field eq .
                                rb sizeof.#parent#field - ($-field)
                        end if \\}
        macro name value \{
                \local ..anonymous
                ..anonymous name \} }    

I don`t like to refer by "you" to one person.
My soul requires acronim "thou" instead.

Last edited by ProMiNick on 19 Feb 2019, 08:39; edited 6 times in total
Post 18 Feb 2019, 14:00
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Joined: 24 Mar 2012
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Location: Russian Federation, Sochi
ProMiNick 18 Feb 2019, 21:07
List of + additions and - bugfixies from original struct macro:
+ Top level union definition
+ struct is architecture independent now
- subunions now accept only 1 argument the only that stored in subunion
(what additions are missed: 1) support of empty body for struct-ends & union-ends blocks - may be it havn`t practical case; 2) support of alignment & natural alignment of fields (MS structs almost all); 3) support of prestruct forced alignment (some structs that expect VEX processing instructions over them); 4) support of padding; 5) arrays; 6) sequences with varsize elements - may be 5 & 6 unrealizable in common case)
bug remain unfixed: parameters that goes to struct are cover all struct fields even unnamed ones (examples of structs (included with fasm) - builded in special form to avoid that weakness)

globalsymbols used for struct processing:
datadef@directives - architecture dependant list of data definition directives
datarsv@directives - architecture dependant list of data reservation directives
@struct - marker that we are in struct when it empty
@union - marker that we are in struct (top level union) when it empty
sub@struct - marker holding type of substruct that we are in or empty otherwise
last@union - used only within define@union & define@subunion macros outer of them holds garbage

main macros for struct processing:
struct - for struct definition
union - for union definition
ends - encapsulated in struct - finalize struct|union and their subs definitions

helper macros for struct processing:
struct@overridedefs, struct@overridersvs, struct@restoredefs - for overriding & restoring action of data definition & reserving directives

make@struct - determine type of define@ prefixed macro and needance of substructure processing for every field
enable@substruct(and make@substruct in it) - for substructure processing

define@ prefixed macros - defines same name struc & macro for union or struct accordingly to postfix (same for subs).

2 more globalsymbols I missed:
field@struct - if some macro expects to be processed within struct-ends or union-ends block it should define that symbol, outer of such blocks that symbol holds garbage

fields@... (instead of ... the name of structure) - used internaly in struct-ends or union-ends block, outer of that blocks remain hold a value with list of field-type-def sequences for that structure

now I can back to https://board.flatassembler.net/topic.php?t=20945 with clear Совѣсть.

Last edited by ProMiNick on 19 Feb 2019, 09:47; edited 2 times in total
Post 18 Feb 2019, 21:07
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Location: Russian Federation, Sochi
ProMiNick 19 Feb 2019, 09:06
Tomasz, I`m not sure only in one place - last row of macro define@union:
match no, @struct \\{ ..anonymous name value \\} \} } ;value or <value>    

should value be enclosed in <> or <> could be omitted?
Post 19 Feb 2019, 09:06
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