what understand I: "macro struct? definition" - for parsing name of structure from name of ancestor structure and placing ancestor structure infront of definition structure.
"macro struct? name" - declared all needed macroses and started declaration of "macro struct?.name".
"macro ends?!" - finished declaration of macros previously started and launched macro "struct?.end" that defined in "macro struct? name" and possibli redefined in "macro struct?.begin" & "macro union?.begin".
Back to "macro struct? name": declaration of "struc name args&" is clear it is needed for later use of structure (with couple of helper macros for that "struc struct?.init_field name,field,value&" & "struc struct?.init name,args&"), declaration of "macro struct?.end" looks like does nothing except counting fields of structure and its substructures, setting inexes to fields and calculating size of fields.
parameterless "macro struct?!" is absolutely blackbox for me - I can`t understand on what step it is launched.
define struct?
define union?
struct?.counter = -1
struct?.subcounter = -1
struc struct?.init_field name,field,value&
match =struct type, name.field.__type
.field struct?.init type,value
else match =substruct type, name.field.__type
. struct?.init name.type,value
else match first=,rest, value
local data
virtual at 0
emit sizeof .field : value
load data : $ from 0
end virtual
if lengthof data <= name.field.__length
store data : lengthof data at .field
err 'data too long for ',`name,'.',`field
end if
else if value eqtype ''
if lengthof value <= name.field.__length
store value : lengthof value at .field
err 'data too long for ',`name,'.',`field
end if
store value at .field
end if
end struc
struc struct?.init name,args&
iterate definition, args
match field:value, definition
. struct?.init_field name,field,value
else match field==value, definition
. struct?.init_field name,field,value
else match value, definition
match field, name.__field#%
match root.sub, name
. struct?.init_field root,field,value
. struct?.init_field name,field,value
end match
end match
end match
end iterate
end struc
macro struct? name
struc name args&
label . : sizeof.name
namespace .
end namespace
. struct?.init name,args
if struct?.counter > 0
repeat 1, i:struct?.counter
match field, __field#i
define field.__type struct name
end match
end repeat
end if
end struc
macro struct?!
esc macro struct?.current
end macro
macro struct?.end
purge struct?.end
virtual at 0
namespace name
struct?.counter = 0
struct?.subcounter = 0
define struct?.substruct
struc (field) ? def&
match ==v, def
field def
else match :v, def
field def
else if struct?.counter < 0
field def
struct?.counter = struct?.counter + 1
repeat 1, i:struct?.counter
match sub, struct?.substruct
define sub.__field#i field
define __field#i field
end match
end repeat
field def
if defined field
field.__length := $ - field
end if
end if
end struc
restruc ?
struct?.counter = -1
struct?.subcounter = -1
end namespace
label name:$ at $
sizeof.name = sizeof name
end virtual
purge struct?
end macro
esc macro struct?.name
end macro
macro struct?.container
end macro
macro struct?.begin
macro struct?.end
purge struct?.end
if struct?.subcounter >= 0
struct?.subcounter = struct?.subcounter + 1
repeat 1, j:struct?.subcounter
if struct?.counter >= 0
struct?.counter = struct?.counter + 1
repeat 1, i:struct?.counter
match sub, struct?.substruct
define sub.__field#i __substruct#j
define __field#i __substruct#j
end match
end repeat
end if
define struct?.substruct __substruct#j
define __substruct#j.__type substruct __substruct#j
struct?.counter =: 0
end repeat
end if
if struct?.subcounter > 0
purge struct?.current
restore struct?.substruct,struct?.counter
end if
end macro
end macro
macro union?.begin
local instance
label instance
macro struct?!
esc macro struct?.current
end macro
macro struct?.end
purge struct?.end
macro struct?.container
instance !--
end macro
struc (field) ? def&
if $-instance = 0
match !--, def
field def
end match
if $-instance > 0
struct?.counter =: -1
end if
virtual at instance
match !--, def
field def
end match
local size
size = $-instance
end virtual
if size > $-instance
rb size-($-instance)
end if
end if
end struc
restruc ?
purge union?.current,struct?.container
if $-instance > 0
restore struct?.counter
end if
purge struct?
end macro
end macro
macro union?!
esc macro union?.current
end macro
macro ends?!
esc end macro
end macro
macro struct? definition
match name base, definition
macro struct?.launcher
purge struct?.launcher
struct name
end macro
macro struct?.launcher
purge struct?.launcher
struct definition
end macro
end match
end macro