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Index > Windows > [Bug?] No relocation for `proc local variable dd offset`

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Joined: 18 Apr 2013
Posts: 50
RIxRIpt 15 Jun 2019, 14:46
Hello, I'm developing remote run-time linker for MS COFF, and I encountered a weird problem, namely a lack of relocation.

For the following code FASM produces relocations in only functions { test_relocation1 and test_relocation2 }.
format MS COFF

include 'win32ax.inc'

public test_no_relocation
public test_relocation1
public test_relocation2

section 'data' readable writeable
buffer db 4 dup 0

section 'code' readable executable
    proc test_no_relocation
        local buf dd buffer
        mov eax, [buf]
        mov dword[eax], 0

        push ebp
        mov ebp, esp
        sub esp, 4
        mov dword[ebp - 4], buffer
        mov eax, dword[ebp - 4]
        mov dword[eax], 0

    proc test_relocation2
        local buf dd ?
        mov [buf], buffer
        mov eax, [buf]
        mov dword[eax], 0

Here is the dump of the produced ASM, when linked with rrlinker:
005C0000 | 55                       | push ebp                                 |
005C0001 | 89E5                     | mov ebp,esp                              |
005C0003 | 83EC 04                  | sub esp,4                                |
005C0006 | C745 FC 00000000         | mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-4],0               | ; <- no relocation
005C000D | 8B45 FC                  | mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]             |
005C0010 | C700 00000000            | mov dword ptr ds:[eax],0                 |
005C0016 | C9                       | leave                                    |
005C0017 | C3                       | ret                                      |
005C0018 | 55                       | push ebp                                 |
005C0019 | 89E5                     | mov ebp,esp                              |
005C001B | 83EC 04                  | sub esp,4                                |
005C001E | C745 FC 00005B00         | mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-4],5B0000          |
005C0025 | 8B45 FC                  | mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]             |
005C0028 | C700 00000000            | mov dword ptr ds:[eax],0                 |
005C002E | C9                       | leave                                    |
005C002F | C3                       | ret                                      |
005C0030 | 55                       | push ebp                                 |
005C0031 | 89E5                     | mov ebp,esp                              |
005C0033 | 83EC 04                  | sub esp,4                                |
005C0036 | C745 FC 00005B00         | mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-4],5B0000          |
005C003D | 8B45 FC                  | mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]             |
005C0040 | C700 00000000            | mov dword ptr ds:[eax],0                 |
005C0046 | C9                       | leave                                    |
005C0047 | C3                       | ret                                      |

In the following dump of test.obj (produced with mscoffdump) it is possible to see that there are only 2 relocations defined in the .obj file.
 Machine              014c : I386
 NumberOfSections     2
 TimeDateStamp        1560609725
 PointerToSymbolTable 000000c4
 NumberOfSymbols      5
 SizeOfOptionalHeader 0
 Characteristics      0184

 Name                 data
 PhysicalAddress      00000000
 VirtualAddress       00000000
 SizeOfRawData        4
 PointerToRawData     00000064
 PointerToRelocations 00000000
 PointerToLinenumbers 00000000
 NumberOfRelocations  0
 NumberOfLinenumbers  0
 Characteristics      c0300000

 Name                 code
 PhysicalAddress      00000000
 VirtualAddress       00000000
 SizeOfRawData        72
 PointerToRawData     00000068
 PointerToRelocations 000000b0
 PointerToLinenumbers 00000000
 NumberOfRelocations  2
 NumberOfLinenumbers  0
 Characteristics      60300000

  VirtualAddress   00000021
  SymbolTableIndex 3
  Type             0006 (DIR32)
  VirtualAddress   00000039
  SymbolTableIndex 3
  Type             0006 (DIR32)

 Name               00000004 : test_no_relocation
 Value              00000000
 SectionNumber      2
 Type               00000000 : NULL NULL
 StorageClass       00000002 : EXTERNAL
 NumberOfAuxSymbols 0

 Name               00000017 : test_relocation1
 Value              00000018
 SectionNumber      2
 Type               00000000 : NULL NULL
 StorageClass       00000002 : EXTERNAL
 NumberOfAuxSymbols 0

 Name               00000028 : test_relocation2
 Value              00000030
 SectionNumber      2
 Type               00000000 : NULL NULL
 StorageClass       00000002 : EXTERNAL
 NumberOfAuxSymbols 0

 Name               data
 Value              00000000
 SectionNumber      1
 Type               00000000 : NULL NULL
 StorageClass       00000003 : STATIC
 NumberOfAuxSymbols 0

 Name               code
 Value              00000000
 SectionNumber      2
 Type               00000000 : NULL NULL
 StorageClass       00000003 : STATIC
 NumberOfAuxSymbols 0

I am using flat assembler version 1.73.12 for Windows.
Source code and produced .obj file are in the attachment (test.zip).

Question: is it a bug in FASM, or is it expected behaviour?

Filename: test.zip
Filesize: 608 Bytes
Downloaded: 481 Time(s)

Привет =3
Admins, please activate my account "RIscRIpt"
Post 15 Jun 2019, 14:46
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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
Posts: 8358
Location: Kraków, Poland
Tomasz Grysztar 15 Jun 2019, 17:40
This is a limitation of the "local" macro implementation in PROC.INC package and how it initializes local variables. It should be possible to correct for it by tweaking the macro.
Post 15 Jun 2019, 17:40
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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
Posts: 8358
Location: Kraków, Poland
Tomasz Grysztar 15 Jun 2019, 18:03
I managed to make a relatively simple compensation for this problem in the fasmg's implementation of these macros. Your sample seems to assemble correctly with fasmg now, as far as my quick tests went.

As for the equivalent macro for fasm 1, I'm afraid it might not be as simple to extend it appropriately. I need to take a better look at it.
Post 15 Jun 2019, 18:03
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