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Index > Windows > Logging Windows Events

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Joined: 21 Jul 2003
Posts: 4016
Location: vpcmpistri
bitRAKE 09 Jan 2019, 02:06
By creating a dialog indirectly the event messages are not sent to hooks on desktop version of Windows. Opening a standard dialog (ex. Calc.exe About...) will send messages. Message boxes are standard dialogs.
include 'format/format.inc'

format PE64 CONSOLE 6.0 at $10000 on "NUL"
stack 1000h,1000h
heap  1000h,1000h

; convert UTF8 string to UTF16
struc utf16? line&
        label .:2
        local i,j
        virtual at 0
                db line,-1
                load i:$ from $$
        end virtual
        while i>255
                j = i and $FF
                i = i shr 8
                if j<$80
                        dw j
                else if j<$E0
                        j = ((j and $1F) shl 6) + (i and $3F)
                        i = i shr 8
                        dw j
                else if j<$F7
                        j = ((j and $0F) shl 6) + (i and $3F)
                        i = i shr 8
                        j = (j shl 6) + (i and $3F)
                        i = i shr 8
                        if $D7FF<j & j<$E000
                                err "unexpected code point"
                                dw j
                        end if
                        ; need to split and store two words
                        err "other planes not implemented, yet"
                end if
        end while
end struc

section '.data' data readable writeable

msg rq 8

va_list rq 8

hHook           dq ?
msLastEvent     dq ?

; [thread] hWnd obj child time "string"
_format UTF16 '[%d] %IX %IX:%IX, %d ms "%s"',0

        align 64
; API says limit of 1024 bytes for wvsprintfW, but it's character length
buff rb 4096

section '.text' code readable executable

__entry: entry $
        pop rax                 ; reuse shadow space from caller

        call ToggleHook

; process messages
        lea rsi,[msg]
_Loop:  mov rcx,rsi
        call [TranslateMessage]
        mov rcx,rsi
        call [DispatchMessageW]
.get:   xor r9,r9
        xor r8,r8
        xor edx,edx
        mov rcx,rsi
        call [GetMessageW]
        test eax,eax ; -1,0,1
        jg _Loop

        call ToggleHook        

        xor ecx,ecx
        call [exit]
        int3                    ; exit should not return

        virtual at rbp-.FRAME
                        rq 4    ; shadow forward
                .p4     rq 1
                .p5     rq 1
                .p6     rq 1
                        ; only if padding needed
                        rb (16-(($-$$) AND 15)) AND 15
                .FRAME := $-$$
                        rq 1    ; RBP saved
                        rq 1    ; return address
                .s0     rq 1    ; our shadow
                .s1     rq 1    ; our shadow
                .s2     rq 1    ; our shadow
                .s3     rq 1    ; our shadow
        end virtual
        enter .FRAME,0
        mov rcx,[hHook]
        jrcxz .hook_off
        call [UnhookWinEvent]
        and [hHook],0

        xor r8,r8                       ; hook not in DLL
        mov [.p6],r8                    ; WINEVENT_OUTOFCONTEXT
        mov [.p5],r8                    ; all existing threads
        mov [.p4],r8                    ; all process events
        lea r9,[WinEventProc]
        mov edx,16                      ; EVENT_SYSTEM_DIALOGSTART
        mov ecx,edx                     ; EVENT_SYSTEM_DIALOGSTART
        call [SetWinEventHook]
        xchg rcx,rax
        jrcxz .err_hook
        mov [hHook],rcx

        virtual at rbp-.FRAME
                        rq 4    ; shadow forward
                .output rq 1
                        ; only if padding needed
                        rb (16-(($-$$) AND 15)) AND 15
                .FRAME := $-$$
                                rq 1    ; RBP saved
                                rq 1    ; return address
                .hWinEventHook  rq 1    ; our shadow
                .event          rq 1    ; our shadow
                .hWnd           rq 1    ; our shadow
                .idObject       rq 1    ; our shadow
                .idChild        rq 1    ;
                .idEventThread  rq 1    ;
                .dwmsEventTime  rq 1    ;
        end virtual
        enter .FRAME,0
        ; fill shadow space to preserve parameters
        mov [.hWinEventHook],rcx
        mov [.event],rdx
        mov [.hWnd],r8
        mov [.idObject],r9

        or r8d,-1                       ; all of it
        lea rdx,[buff]
        mov rcx,[.hWnd]
        mov qword [rdx],"?"             ; clear string to unknown
        call [GetWindowTextW]
        lea rcx,[buff+(rax+1)*2]
        mov [.output],rcx

        push rdi
        lea rdi,[va_list]
        mov r8,rdi
        mov rax,[.idEventThread]
        mov rax,[.hWnd]
        mov rax,[.idObject]
        mov rax,[.idChild]
        mov rax,[.dwmsEventTime]
        mov rdx,[msLastEvent]
        mov [msLastEvent],rax
        sub rax,rdx
        lea rax,[buff]
        pop rdi

; output results

;       lea r8,[va_list]
        lea rdx,[_format]
;       mov rcx,[.output]
        call [wvsprintfW]

        mov rcx,[.output]
        call [_putws]


section '.idata' import data readable writeable

  dd 0,0,0,RVA msvcrt_name,RVA msvcrt_table
  dd 0,0,0,RVA user32_name,RVA user32_table
  dd 0,0,0,0,0

    exit dq RVA _exit
    _putws dq RVA __putws
    dq 0

    DispatchMessageW dq RVA _DispatchMessageW
    GetMessageW dq RVA _GetMessageW
    GetWindowTextW dq RVA _GetWindowTextW
    SetWinEventHook dq RVA _SetWinEventHook
    TranslateMessage dq RVA _TranslateMessage
    UnhookWinEvent dq RVA _UnhookWinEvent
    wvsprintfW dq RVA _wvsprintfW
    dq 0

  msvcrt_name db 'msvcrt',0
  user32_name db 'user32',0

  _exit db 0,0,'exit',0
  __putws db 0,0,'_putws',0

  _DispatchMessageW db 0,0,'DispatchMessageW',0
  _GetMessageW db 0,0,'GetMessageW',0
  _GetWindowTextW db 0,0,'GetWindowTextW',0
  _SetWinEventHook db 0,0,'SetWinEventHook',0
  _TranslateMessage db 0,0,'TranslateMessage',0
  _UnhookWinEvent db 0,0,'UnhookWinEvent',0
  _wvsprintfW db 0,0,'wvsprintfW',0    


¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup
Post 09 Jan 2019, 02:06
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