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Index > Linux > return stack access segfaults

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Joined: 29 Nov 2018
Posts: 57
sts-q 08 Dec 2018, 13:50

On a 64-bit Linux box I get return stack size with a syscall
and, using that value, check for return stack overflow.
This seems to work.

Now, when I try to find out, how many stack items have been used, I get a segfault.

What's wrong with my return stack access?
How can I find out how many stack items have really been used, in other words how deep my programs function calls did nest?

The following are a lot of code snippets. I'm sorry for that.
I hope you get the idea.

Best Regards

; :section:   registers

; aregs
a       equ     rax     ; first function parameter  / return value
b       equ     rbx     ; second function parameter / return value
d       equ     rdx     ; third function parameter

; fregs                 ; function regs
c       equ     rcx     ; counter
si      equ     rsi     ; source index
di      equ     rdi     ; destination index
k       equ     r9      ; key
v       equ     r8      ; value

; at the very beginning of the program
entry $
        ; save command line args and rsp
        mov a, [rsp]                    ; commandline args: count and value
        mov [argc], a
        mov [argv], rsp
        mov a, rsp                      ; save rsp in case of restart_on_error
        sub a, ws
        mov [rs_base], a

        ; rs_minval := rs_base - (8 * return_stack_size) + 16384
        call Syscall.return_stack_size
        shl a, 3
        mov b, a
        mov a, [rs_base]
        sub a, b
        add a, 16384                    ; let some space free just in case...
        mov [rs_minval], a              ; write minval for check_rs_overflow

; syscall to get return stack size      
; it returns something about 1M qword stack items 
        mov [buffer], zero
        syscall_4 SYS64_GETRLIMIT, RLIMIT_STACK, buffer, zero
        mov a, [buffer]
        shr a, 3                        ; bytes -> stack-items

; check for return stack overflow
; i'm using this macro and 'think' it works fine
; rs_overflow comes at about 1044000 stack items
macro check_rs_overflow {
        mov a, rsp
        mov b, [rs_minval]              
        cmp a,b
        jle Error.rs_overflow

; not working code: moving up from rs_minval
        mov a, [rs_minval]
;       mov v, 99377                    ; segfault always
        mov v, 99378                    ; runs always
        mov a, [k]
        add k, ws
        iprint v                        ; print integer v
        spc                             ; print space
        dec v
        until_zero v
        shiftup 0

; not working code: moving down from rs_base
        mov k, [rs_base]
        mov v, 10000                    ; runs       exact limit is changing
;       mov v, 16005                    ; segfault
        mov a, [k]
        sub k, ws
        iprint v
        dec v
        until_zero v
        shiftup 0

macro syscall_4 number, p1, p2, p3
        ; rax rdi rsi rdx r10 r8 f9
        mov rdi, p1
        mov rsi, p2
        mov rax, number
        mov rdx, p3

macro save_regs 
        push rbx
        push rcx
        push rdx
        push rsi
        push rdi
        push r8
        push r9
        push r10
        push r11

macro load_regs                 ; not:  a  tos sos prog zero  dsp rsp
        pop r11                 ; sstos
        pop r10                 ; ssp
        pop r9                  ; k
        pop r8                  ; v
        pop rdi                 ; di
        pop rsi                 ; si
        pop rdx                 ; d
        pop rcx                 ; c
        pop rbx                 ; b

Post 08 Dec 2018, 13:50
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Joined: 09 Oct 2009
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Location: Australia
redsock 08 Dec 2018, 20:17
your code snippets aren't very good at debugging segfaults. It is much better if you can recreate the condition in a working program.

I took a few minutes to write a stackframe min/max/size program that does compile, maybe you can modify mine to see where your error is?

        format ELF64

section '.text' executable align 16

macro check_stackuse {
        mov     rax, [stack_min]
        cmp     rsp, rax
        cmovb   rax, rsp
        mov     [stack_min], rax

public example_func
        sub     rsp, 4096
        add     rsp, 4096

align 16
public _start
        mov     [stack_top], rsp
        mov     [stack_min], rsp
        mov     eax, 97         ; syscall_getrlimit
        mov     edi, 3          ; RLIMIT_STACK
        sub     rsp, 16
        mov     rsi, rsp
        mov     rdx, [rsp]      ; rlimit.rlim_cur
        mov     rcx, [rsp+8]    ; rlimit.rlim_max

        mov     [stack_size], rdx

        add     rsp, 16

        ; breakpoint so we can inspect our values

        ; use some stack
        call    example_func

        mov     rcx, [stack_top]
        sub     rcx, [stack_min]

        ; inspect our stack usage in rcx

        add     rsp, 16

        ; [rsp] back to commandline args

        mov     eax, 60         ; syscall_exit
        xor     edi, edi

section '.data' writable align 16

stack_top       dq      0
stack_size      dq      0
stack_min       dq      0

When run from inside gdb, we get the following values:
(gdb) run
Starting program: /tmp/test 

Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
0x0000000000400116 in _start ()
(gdb) i r rdx rcx
rdx            0x800000 8388608
rcx            0xffffffffffffffff       -1
(gdb) cont

Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
0x000000000040012b in _start ()
(gdb) i r rcx
rcx            0x1008   4104
(gdb) cont
[Inferior 1 (process 55241) exited normally]

2 Ton Digital - https://2ton.com.au/
Post 08 Dec 2018, 20:17
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Joined: 29 Nov 2018
Posts: 57
sts-q 08 Dec 2018, 20:17
The following code is apparently working.
In stead of
mov a, [k]
add k, 8
it does
pop a
starting at rs_minval.

Best Regards and a Happy Second Advent

        mov k, rsp
        mov rsp, [rs_minval]
        mov v, 1048000
        clr d
        pop a
        dec v
        notzero? a, .done
        inc d
        until_zero v
        error errmess_ssw
        mov rsp, k
        mov a, [rs_base]
        sub a, [rs_minval]
        shr a,3
        sub a, d
        int a                           ; a := (rs_base - rs_minval ) / 8   -  d
        shiftup a

Post 08 Dec 2018, 20:17
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Joined: 29 Nov 2018
Posts: 57
sts-q 08 Dec 2018, 20:46
Thank you for your answer, redsock!

You solution is simpler and more straight forward than mine: update stack usage together with check for overflow. Ok, the marco is 4 instructions more. I will try it.

That was close: 20:17 both!

                    result       return-stack-usage
ackermann( 3, 13 )    65533     196608
ackermann( 3, 14 )   131069    396216
ackermann( 3, 15 )   262141    786432

Smile Smile
Post 08 Dec 2018, 20:46
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