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Joined: 09 Aug 2017
Posts: 4
Adcock 06 Oct 2018, 06:06
org 256
mov ah,9
mov dx,wtf
int 21h
int 20h
label wtf
db 'Hello World$'     

This works but
org 256
mov ah,9
mov dx, 'Hello World$' 
int 21h
int 20h

This doesn't.
I am totally new. [To any kind of programming]

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Post 06 Oct 2018, 06:06
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revolution 06 Oct 2018, 06:37
The DX register is 16-bits wide, 2 bytes. You are trying to load 12 bytes into the 2 byte register. fasm complains because it won't fit.
mov dx,'a' ;okay DX=0x0061
mov dx,'ab' ;okay DX=0x6261
mov dx,'abc' ;error 0x636261 is too large for the DX register    

Last edited by revolution on 06 Oct 2018, 12:19; edited 1 time in total
Post 06 Oct 2018, 06:37
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Adcock 06 Oct 2018, 08:35
Okay. Thanks. Very Happy

So I was passing variable's address not content.
Isn't dx supposed to work with whatever passed to it?
How does it distinguish between content and address.
Are all addresses 2 bytes long?

Btw, thanks for properly naming this thread. [whoever did it]

Open Your Windows To Freedom
Post 06 Oct 2018, 08:35
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 06 Oct 2018, 10:01
Adcock wrote:
Isn't dx supposed to work with whatever passed to it?
How does it distinguish between content and address.
An address is just a number, and number is just a sequence of bits. DX contains 16 bits and how the bits are interpreted is up to you, you can use various instructions to process these bits depending on how you want to view them. These 16 bits can be interpreted as address, as an unsigned number, as a signed number, as a Unicode character code (which is also just a number), etc.

For example, if you put a number 102 into DX, it is a binary number 1100110b and these are the bits that are set in DX. Depending on how you then use this value, it may be interpreted in different ways, for example this number corresponds to ASCII/Unicode character "f", so if you use this value where it is interpreted as character, it is going to be seen as such. If you use this value as an address, this is going to be an address of something stored starting from 102th byte of memory (counted starting from 0 within a segment or linear address space, but that is another story).

Adcock wrote:
Are all addresses 2 bytes long?
They are when you use a 16-bit processor, or a 16-bit compatibility mode of a modern CPU. The bitness of a processor usually reflects exactly that - how large the addresses are. A 32-bit CPU uses addresses that are 4 bytes long and 64-bit CPU uses addresses 8 bytes long.
Post 06 Oct 2018, 10:01
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DimonSoft 06 Oct 2018, 12:00
Tomasz Grysztar wrote:
Adcock wrote:
Are all addresses 2 bytes long?
They are when you use a 16-bit processor, or a 16-bit compatibility mode of a modern CPU. The bitness of a processor usually reflects exactly that - how large the addresses are. A 32-bit CPU uses addresses that are 4 bytes long and 64-bit CPU uses addresses 8 bytes long.

Well, to be precise, in 16-bit real mode the full address is 32 bits, while 16 bits is the size of an offset, i.e. the most used part of such address. Just for the sake of completeness…
Post 06 Oct 2018, 12:00
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 06 Oct 2018, 12:06
DimonSoft wrote:
Tomasz Grysztar wrote:
Adcock wrote:
Are all addresses 2 bytes long?
They are when you use a 16-bit processor, or a 16-bit compatibility mode of a modern CPU. The bitness of a processor usually reflects exactly that - how large the addresses are. A 32-bit CPU uses addresses that are 4 bytes long and 64-bit CPU uses addresses 8 bytes long.

Well, to be precise, in 16-bit real mode the full address is 32 bits, while 16 bits is the size of an offset, i.e. the most used part of such address. Just for the sake of completeness…
Well, the actual linear addresses used by real mode are 20-bit (plus HMA as a quirk of the segment*16+offset addressing scheme). But I think this was not the right moment to introduce these concepts. I think .COM program is an excellent learning environment that resembles a 16-bit equivalent of flat memory model.
Post 06 Oct 2018, 12:06
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Adcock 06 Oct 2018, 12:16
Thanks guys.
Very Happy

Open Your Windows To Freedom
Post 06 Oct 2018, 12:16
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DimonSoft 07 Oct 2018, 09:49
Tomasz Grysztar wrote:
DimonSoft wrote:
Tomasz Grysztar wrote:
Adcock wrote:
Are all addresses 2 bytes long?
They are when you use a 16-bit processor, or a 16-bit compatibility mode of a modern CPU. The bitness of a processor usually reflects exactly that - how large the addresses are. A 32-bit CPU uses addresses that are 4 bytes long and 64-bit CPU uses addresses 8 bytes long.

Well, to be precise, in 16-bit real mode the full address is 32 bits, while 16 bits is the size of an offset, i.e. the most used part of such address. Just for the sake of completeness…
Well, the actual linear addresses used by real mode are 20-bit (plus HMA as a quirk of the segment*16+offset addressing scheme). But I think this was not the right moment to introduce these concepts. I think .COM program is an excellent learning environment that resembles a 16-bit equivalent of flat memory model.

My bad. That’s what happens when I write posts too fast focusing just on the logical concepts. But I like the way this stuff just gets our attention, layer-by-layer.
Post 07 Oct 2018, 09:49
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revolution 07 Oct 2018, 10:01
DimonSoft wrote:
Tomasz Grysztar wrote:
DimonSoft wrote:
Tomasz Grysztar wrote:
Adcock wrote:
Are all addresses 2 bytes long?
They are when you use a 16-bit processor, or a 16-bit compatibility mode of a modern CPU. The bitness of a processor usually reflects exactly that - how large the addresses are. A 32-bit CPU uses addresses that are 4 bytes long and 64-bit CPU uses addresses 8 bytes long.

Well, to be precise, in 16-bit real mode the full address is 32 bits, while 16 bits is the size of an offset, i.e. the most used part of such address. Just for the sake of completeness…
Well, the actual linear addresses used by real mode are 20-bit (plus HMA as a quirk of the segment*16+offset addressing scheme). But I think this was not the right moment to introduce these concepts. I think .COM program is an excellent learning environment that resembles a 16-bit equivalent of flat memory model.

My bad. That’s what happens when I write posts too fast focusing just on the logical concepts. But I like the way this stuff just gets our attention, layer-by-layer.
Hehe, well to be even more detailed, the physical (i.e. the hardware) address size is implementation dependant. Original 8086's had a 20-bit address address bus, and any wrap around from seg*16+off was truncated. Later CPUs like the 80286 had a 24-bit address bus and thus had the HMA area available to 16-bit code. The 80386: 32-bit bus. Latest AMD and Intel offerings with 64-bit internals: it is around 52-bits wide, with variations in size depending upon the actual CPU you have. Still no 64-bit address bus that that I am aware of. It would be kinda wasted given the current state of RAM offerings.

Whew, that should be enough to make you go crazy with useless knowledge.
Post 07 Oct 2018, 10:01
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