Hello i use this code as MBR
but i try use some C functions to get user input but without issue can someone help me with get user input like this :
Enter your name: Peter
If user string equals Peter then show text Hello PPPeter!
thanks for any advices
CPU 386
org 0h
jmp short load_prog
ident db "ONETOLVE"
xor ax,ax
mov ss,ax
mov sp,7c00h ; setup stack
mov ax,8000h
mov es,ax ; initialize es w/ 8000h
mov ds,ax ; initialize ds w/ 8000h
; Load 6 sectors at es:0000
mov ax,0206h ;function/# of sec to read
mov cx,0001h ;0-5 sec # (counts from one), 6-7 hi cyl bits
mov dx,0080h ;dh=head dl=drive (bit 7=hdd)
mov bx,0h ;data buffer, points to es:0
int 13h
cmp ah,0
jne load_1 ;this is allowable because it is
; Jump to code at es:prog_continue
push es
mov ax,prog_continue
push ax
mov ax,3
int 10h ; clear screen
; Display the null terminated message located at 0800:0400
mov bp,0400h
mov ah,0eh
mov si,0ffffh
inc si
cmp byte [ds:bp + si],0 ; keep writing until there is a null byte
jz wait_for_key
push bp
mov al, [byte ds:bp + si]
mov bx, 07h
int 10h ; teletype the character
pop bp
jmp write_char
; Wait for key
mov ah,0
int 16h
; Copy 512 bytes from ds:0200 to 0000:7c00
; Jump to 0000:7c00h
mov cx,0200h ; 512 bytes
mov si,0200h ; src location
xor ax,ax
mov es,ax ; dest segment
mov di,7c00h ; dest addr
rep movsb
; move 512 bytes
; And we're done... jump to the real boot sector
; mov dx,0080h ;BIOS function
; xor ax,ax
; push ax
; mov ax,7c00h
; push ax
; retf
times 1beh-($-$$) db 0
;ok.. a fake partition table. Who cares.
db 80h ;active
db 0,0,0
db 55h ;fake
times 59 db 0
db 55h,0aah