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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 17 Sep 2010, 10:35
This is a topic I wanted to cover in a short talk on this year's fasmcon. However, since that event is most probably not going to happen, I post it here in the text form.

It is the story of our adventures with FRM and unREAL modes, and by "we" I mean here me and Leonid Petroff, with whom I was discussing these topics actively back in the early 2000's. At that time I was using the nick Privalov, and Leonid was known as PetroffHeroj.

It all started because I made the first officially released versions of fasm (look here for some more history) use the so-called Flat Real Mode (FRM for short). Though the very first versions of fasm were working in protected mode (and used my own DOS extender for that purpose, it was based on Thomas Pytel's PMODE), I then adapted it to operate in FRM instead.

Just in case there is anyone who still doesn't know what FRM is, here comes a short explanation: it is real mode after switching back from protected mode, where the limit for all segment registers has been set to 4G and not reset upon changing back to real mode. This allows to use 32-bit offsets in each real mode segment, so that you can access extended memory easily, and use contiguous block of physical memory up to gigabytes in size.

This allowed to combine the power of 32-bit memory addressing with the simplicity and speed of real mode. Nowadays there is no such difference, but in early 32-bit processors like 80386/80486, the same code executing in real mode was noticeably faster.

For this reason I chose to adapt fasm to use FRM instead of protected mode. And so I just did it as I saw it in some examples I had seen earlier: set up simple protected mode with all descriptors having 4G limit, and go back to real mode without restoring those limits properly.

And then I got an e-mail from PetroffHeroj informing that there is one problem. He was sometimes working in DOS with Cubic Player playing some music in the background. However when in such case he tried to use fasm, it always made his system hang.

He investigated and found out what was the reason. CP was a protected mode program. So when it was playing music in the background, it was hooked to IRQ interrupt, and upon the interrupt it was switching to protected mode, doing its stuff, and then going back to real mode - but this time doing this properly, that is: restoring 64K limit along the way. This of course was messing fasm up, as it was expecting the FRM to be working for all the time once it did enable it at startup. So sooner or later it tried to access some address above the 16-bit range, and this caused an exception 13 (General Protection Fault).

So, what was the solution? Quite simple, really. Hook the exception 13 handler and make it switch to FRM and re-try executing the instruction that caused the fault (and in case of GPF it is just enough to do IRET in order to do that). Wait, there is a catch. Interrupt 13 in DOS is also the IRQ 5 vector. So you have to distinguish the exception from interrupt call, otherwise CP would still not be able to play the music if the sound card's IRQ is set to 5 (and it was a frequent choice for Sound Blasters). And so exception 13 handler had to read OCW3 from PIC, check out if there is an IRQ 5 in service, and in such case call the previous handler of that interrupt - otherwise, switch the FRM on and go back.

After I did that, I realized that with interrupt 13 handler set up this way is it even no longer necessary to initialize FRM at startup. Because the first time when program tries to use the FRM feature and access some address about 16-bit range, the GPF comes in, FRM gets initialized and voila! Everything is working.

This in fact meant that if DOS was already running in FRM, then the FRM initialization would never be called, as GPF would not happen. I was already aware of the fact, that DOS often already has FRM enabled for all the time, because the standard XMS driver in MS DOS - HIMEM.SYS - was using FRM for the purpose of accessing extended memory and it was leaving the system operating in this mode thereafter. This all reassured me that this way of using FRM - by just hooking interrupt 13 - was not only the best one, but in fact the only correct one.

There was one more problem with FRM, however. When you access 32-bit registers/addresses from the 16-bit mode, all the instructions get longer because of the 66h and 67h prefixes. On larger program, like fasm, this was making a huge difference. And so I started wondering - what if we could also execute 32-bit code in real mode?

I shared this idea with PetroffHeroj and we started some tests. I tried to do it just like the FRM trick - set up protected mode with 32-bit code segment, and then just "forget" to restore it to 16-bit mode when going back to real mode. And the first tests were successful! At least the Intel processor was able to do it. PetroffHeroj had access to many much more exotic DOS machines, so he did some more tests later. It turned out this trick was working not only on Intel, but also AMD processors. Only later he found out that there was some bizarre processor (I don't remember exactly, but I think it was manufactured by Cyrix) which was not able to execute 32-bit code in real mode. But it was then too late, because I already decided that this mode (I called it unREAL) is so awesome, that I have to use it in fasm.

There is one serious problem with unREAL, which was absent in case of FRM. Namely: the interrupts. All the BIOS/DOS interrupt handlers were 16-bit, so they would have serious problems running when executed from the 32-bit code segment. The first tests we were conducting were, of course, with the interrupts disabled. But to use it in real application, like fasm, I had to make interrupts working.

The obvious solution was to replace all the interrupt vectors with pointers to "gate" handlers, which would switch to 16-bit code, call the original interrupt vector, switch back to 32-bit code and return. But what if another interrupt happens when we are in the 16-bit code already? The "gate" code is 32-bit - another failure.

So I came up with idea of a hybrid code - something that would work no matter whether we are in 16-bit or 32-bit mode, and what would do appropriate task for each one of these cases. It looked like this:


        cmp     ax,word 0
        jmp     short we_are_16bit

        ; set up 16-bit mode,
        ; call the original interrupt vector,
        ; restore 32-bit mode and return


        ; just jump to the original vector    
In 32-bit mode the "cmp ax,word" instruction would become "cmp eax,dword" and be two bytes longer, since the immediate value would become two bytes longer. And the "jmp short" instruction (code 0EBh) is exactly two bytes long, so it would get "eaten" by the 32-bit immediate. Thus this code really was forking correctly for the cases of 16-bit and 32-bit code execution. Also, "cmp" instruction was only destroying flags, and the flags were preserved on stack when calling interrupt handler anyway - so this solution seemed perfect.

Still, it was causing problems. PetroffHeroj reported to me that disk accesses were not working with this variant. Why? Well, we forgot about this tiny detail - not all of the interrupt vectors are actual pointers to interrupt handler. Some of them are used by BIOS or other programs as a pointers to data structures!

So we started to make a growing list of exceptions - the interrupt numbers that should not get replaced with "gates". But it was still possible, that some interrupt number would on one system be a pointer to some data structure, and on other system an interrupt handler. Well, it was even possible that something would have been both at the same time (for example some data at negative offsets before the code). So I realized this was a serious obstacle in making the unREAL version of fasm universal enough to make it official.

It appeared that the only correct solution would be to maintain two separate interrupt tables, one for 16-bit code, and one for 32-bit code, and switch between them when changing mode. But exchanging 1024 bytes of memory upon each switch was not looking like a nice thing. If only we could relocate the IDT table as in protected mode. Wait... who said that we cannot?

I only then realized, that it was possible to use "lidt" for real mode, too. So all I had to do was to initialize a dedicated interrupt table for 32-bit code (by default filled with simple gates switching to 16-bit mode and executing the 16-bit handlers) and then switch to it with "lidt" when entering unREAL. And restore the 0 base address for IDT when switching back to 16-bit. I tried - it worked. I sent it to PetroffHeroj - he was impressed, too. Finally we got it all working perfectly!

Still, there were some exotic processors where it did not work - but they were so rare that we did not care much about it. Later people reported that fasm's unREAL mode made Bochs emulator crash. Apparently the 32-bit real mode is so unknown (as opposed to FRM, which is quite popular) that even the emulator writers did not think (or realize) that it was something worth emulating. DOSBox does not emulate unREAL mode, too. So I finally decided to add a check for this case and show the appropriate error message ("processor is not able to enter 32-bit real mode"). And this was the last correction I had to do - here ends the story of my adventures with unREAL.

There is one more note, however - the size of return address, which is stored on stack upon entering the interrupt handler, depend on whether we are in real or protected mode only, and is not affected by the bitness of code. Thus there is always just CS:IP stored on stack and if interrupt happened while the code was executing at addresses higher than 0FFFFh, the high bits of EIP are lost. This means that the code segment in unREAL mode is still limited to 64K. There are some methods to partially deal with this problem - you can disable interrupts each time you call some routine above the 64K and re-enable them after it returns - but this can be applicable only in some cases. You can also store the high half of EIP somewhere each time you call the routine from other 64K block of code - but this is in fact so similar to just having multiple code segments, that it is not worth the effort in my opinion. Thus unREAL version of fasm still has to deal with 64K limit for code.
Post 17 Sep 2010, 10:35
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vid 17 Sep 2010, 16:37
Post 17 Sep 2010, 16:37
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 17 Sep 2010, 17:52
There is this problem with terminology here, because "unreal" is already widely used to denote the regular flat real mode. However myself I am very reluctant to call FRM the "unreal" mode, as in my opinion there is almost nothing "not real" about it - in fact MS DOS was quite usually working in FRM all the time, because of that HIMEM.SYS thing. And my unREAL mode on the other hand, even though it is still an aspect of a real mode, is different - it would not be possible to simply make DOS programs run in unREAL mode, since their code is 16-bit.

Perhaps, to avoid the ambiguity, the best solution would be to use the terminology like "32-bit unreal" for my unREAL mode.
Post 17 Sep 2010, 17:52
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edfed 17 Sep 2010, 18:26
or "unreal32"??
Post 17 Sep 2010, 18:26
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bitRAKE 18 Sep 2010, 03:23
http://wikipedia.org/wiki/Unreal_mode wrote:
"Huge" real mode is attained by, in addition, loading the code selector (CS) from a descriptor allowing access to the whole memory and having the 32-bit attribute ("D" bit) set to one. This rarely used "mode" presents some advantages but it is more difficult to set up, since real mode interrupts do not automatically preserve the high sixteen bits of the extended instruction pointer, EIP.
Post 18 Sep 2010, 03:23
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Tyler 18 Sep 2010, 04:29
What happens if you go to long and back? "Mofo'in' Huge" real mode? Wink Would it matter if you skip pm and go straight back to rm(assuming that's possible)?
Post 18 Sep 2010, 04:29
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revolution 18 Sep 2010, 04:39
I don't see any advantage that HRM/unreal32 mode has over PM mode.

I know of two immediate disadvantegs:
1) It introduces incompatibility with some CPUs.
2) It restricts EIP to 64k in a lot of circumstances.

It shares a problem with PM:
Requires a mode switch to call the BIOS and interrupts.

But where is the advantage?
Post 18 Sep 2010, 04:39
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 18 Sep 2010, 11:32
bitRAKE wrote:
http://wikipedia.org/wiki/Unreal_mode wrote:
"Huge" real mode is attained by, in addition, loading the code selector (CS) from a descriptor allowing access to the whole memory and having the 32-bit attribute ("D" bit) set to one.
Who invents this nomenclature? It doesn't make any sense to me. Also, it is earlier mentioned just as a synonym to FRM (and it makes much more sense). Do you know any place where the "huge real mode" was used in the meaning of 32-bit unreal? Well, the article does not cite any sources - perhaps these days it works like "whoever gets to edit the wikipedia first, gets to invent the names".

bitRAKE wrote:
http://wikipedia.org/wiki/Unreal_mode wrote:
This rarely used "mode" presents some advantages but it is more difficult to set up, since real mode interrupts do not automatically preserve the high sixteen bits of the extended instruction pointer, EIP.
I would not call this difficulty in setting it up - it is actually the same as in pure real and FRM, so you only would have a problem with that if you wanted to have code above the 64K. So if all you want to have the same thing as FRM, but save on prefixes, this presents not a problem to you at all.
The real difficulties I initially had with setting up the interrupts I explained here earlier.

revolution wrote:
But where is the advantage?
It was even faster than FRM on the old machines (not only 80386 - even on first generation Pentium I noted a difference).
And still, it is simpler to maintain than protected mode - you can use the real-mode segment addresses without having to set up selectors for each of them. And when sending pointers to DOS/BIOS interrupts you don't need to convert them, the only thing you have to do is to switch to 16-bit code to execute the interrupt handler - and the gate-filled IDT for 32-bit unreal already does that for you. So even though your code is 32-bit, you still use interrupt functions just as in the real mode - and that is some simplicity.

As for incompatibilities, you should note, that we decided with PetroffHeroj that unREAL is the way to go after doing tests on really many CPUs (well, it was mainly him who was able to perform the test on some rare machines). And we found out that most of the processors worked this way - even some exotic ones, and any new CPUs with no exception.
fasm still falls back for DPMI when there is one and it detect it is not able to enter 32-bit unreal.
Post 18 Sep 2010, 11:32
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Mac2004 18 Sep 2010, 18:28
Thomasz: Thanx for sharing this information.
I guess these mode problems caused fasm somehow to behave
strangely some versions ago. (Those problems were discussed and fixed later...)

Post 18 Sep 2010, 18:28
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 18 Sep 2010, 19:37
Mac2004 wrote:
I guess these mode problems caused fasm somehow to behave
strangely some versions ago. (Those problems were discussed and fixed later...)
There were no officially released versions of fasm using the early versions of my unREAL implementation - at that time fasm was still running in a simple 16-bit FRM. In 2002 I released my simple DOS game engine kelvar, which was using the final (1.01) version of unREAL (the one with a separate IDT for 32-bit mode), but official fasm was still using 16-bit FRM until 2003, when I realized that I could make hybrid unREAL/DPMI version of fasm, which would re-use the same 32-bit code for both the 32-bit real and protected mode. I adapted the unREAL 1.01 for this purpose, and at first I posted this experimental version on this board, and then it became official with 1.49 release.
So it was in fact the DPMI support that caused fasm to officially start using unREAL.

As for the problems, you may be referring to the fact that earlier versions of unREAL/DPMI hybrid were checking for DPMI only when V86 mode was detected, and otherwise they tried to use unREAL without checking if it is supported. Later it was corrected, so now if the processor is in real mode, but it is impossible to use the unREAL mode (if the CPU/emulator doesn't support it), fasm uses DPMI instead (as long as it is available).
Post 18 Sep 2010, 19:37
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Mac2004 19 Sep 2010, 06:10
Thomasz: I was referring to these discussions:


Post 19 Sep 2010, 06:10
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 19 Sep 2010, 07:57
Mac2004 wrote:
Thomasz: I was referring to these discussions:

I don't see anything related to real mode DOS there.
Post 19 Sep 2010, 07:57
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Mac2004 19 Sep 2010, 09:18
Tomasz Grysztar wrote:

I don't see anything related to real mode DOS there.

Well, you know better fasm internals than I do...

I'am still using DOS version of fasm under winME and that made me suspect that kind of behaviour.

Post 19 Sep 2010, 09:18
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revolution 19 Sep 2010, 09:32
Mac2004 wrote:
I'am still using DOS version of fasm under winME ...
Is there some particular reason you don't use the Win32 console version instead?
Post 19 Sep 2010, 09:32
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 19 Sep 2010, 12:42
Mac2004 wrote:
I'am still using DOS version of fasm under winME and that made me suspect that kind of behaviour.
The DOS console in Win32 runs on V86 mode, not real. This means that fasm can only try DPMI in such case.
Post 19 Sep 2010, 12:42
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Mac2004 19 Sep 2010, 16:24
revolution wrote:
Is there some particular reason you don't use the Win32 console version instead?

Dos version prints its output on console directly. I use Partcopy to write
the (assembled) binary code on a floppy disk. Partcopy is a Dos program
and I can use a batch file to do the assembling
and writing on floppy with one mouse click.

Win32 version outputs errors etc. through Fasmw editor. (Please correct me if I'am wrong with this one.)
Post 19 Sep 2010, 16:24
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revolution 19 Sep 2010, 23:17
Mac2004: There are two Win32 versions. fasmw and fasm. fasm is the Win32 console version and prints the output to the console window. fasmw is the GUI.

The DOS version won't have access to all the Win32 features. Lack of long file names for one thing might be a bit restrictive.
Post 19 Sep 2010, 23:17
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 20 Sep 2010, 08:37
revolution wrote:
Lack of long file names for one thing might be a bit restrictive.
Actually, both fasm for DOS and fasmd are able to handle the LFNs with appropriate INT 21h functions.
Post 20 Sep 2010, 08:37
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rugxulo 05 Oct 2010, 04:45
... except under old NT 4.0, but there's a TSR for that (ntlfn08b.zip, on any DJGPP mirror).

Yes, I knew FASM supported LFNs, it's one more proof that Tomasz is extremely smart and diligent. He went the extra mile. Wink
Post 05 Oct 2010, 04:45
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DOS386 14 Oct 2010, 03:14
> ntlfn08b.zip, on any DJGPP mirror

Post 14 Oct 2010, 03:14
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