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Index > Linux > Trying to make Linux GUI executables

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Joined: 24 Mar 2012
Posts: 798
Location: Russian Federation, Sochi
ProMiNick 22 Apr 2018, 21:49
Can anyone share fasm sources of Linux GUI based on different graphic *so (glut,xlib,..)? (maybe glut & xlib of them is enough, because others are appendix over xlib?)

or maybe so:

Can anyone compile examples from source and than share link to binaries?
I will disassemle them and than place here fasm sources

thanks in advance.

I don`t like to refer by "you" to one person.
My soul requires acronim "thou" instead.

Last edited by ProMiNick on 29 Apr 2018, 23:41; edited 1 time in total
Post 22 Apr 2018, 21:49
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Joined: 24 Mar 2012
Posts: 798
Location: Russian Federation, Sochi
ProMiNick 29 Apr 2018, 23:40
This is not work GUI example but ideas around of it
format ELF executable 3
entry start

include 'format\format.inc'
include 'FUNDAMENTALS\MACROS\struct.inc'
include 'ABI\LINUX\x86\import.inc'
include 'ABI\x86\proc.inc'

struct _Xdisplay
  ext_data              dd ?
  free_funcs            dd ?
  fd                    dd ?
  conn_checker          dd ?
  proto_major_version   dd ?
  proto_minor_version   dd ?
  vendor                dd ?
  resource_base         dd ?
  resource_mask         dd ?
  resource_id           dd ?
  resource_shift        dd ?
  resource_alloc        dd ?
  byte_order            dd ?
  bitmap_unit           dd ?
  bitmap_pad            dd ?
  bitmap_bit_order      dd ?
  nformats              dd ?
  pixmap_format         dd ?
  vnumber               dd ?
  release               dd ?
  headqEvent            dd ?
  tailqEvent            dd ?
  qEventlen             dd ?
  last_request_read     dd ?
  request               dd ?
  last_req              dd ?
  buffer                dd ?
  bufptr                dd ?
  bufmax                dd ?
  max_request_size      dd ?
  XrmHashBucketRec      dd ?
  synchandler           dd ?
  display_name          dd ?
  default_screen        dd ?
  nscreens              dd ?
  screens               dd ?
  motion_buffer         dd ?
  flags                 dd ?
  min_keycode           dd ?
  max_keycode           dd ?
  keysyms               dd ?
  modifiermap           dd ?
  keysyms_per_keycode   dd ?
  xdefaults             dd ?
  scratch_buffer        dd ?
  scratch_length        dd ?
  ext_number            dd ?
  ext_procs             dd ?
  event_vec             dd ?
  wire_vec              dd ?
  lock_meaning          dd ?
  lock                  dd ?
  async_handlers        dd ?
  bigreq_size           dd ?
  lock_fns              dd ?
  idlist_alloc          dd ?
  ;things above this line should not move, for binary compatibility
  key_bindings          dd ?
  cursor_font           dd ?
  atoms                 dd ?
  mode_switch           dd ?
  num_lock              dd ?
  context_db            dd ?
  error_vec             dd ?
  defaultCCCs           dd ?
  clientCmaps           dd ?
  perVisualIntensityMaps dd ?
  im_filters            dd ?
  qfree                 dd ?
  next_event_serial_num dd ?
  flushes               dd ?
  im_fd_info            dd ?
  im_fd_length          dd ?
  conn_watchers         dd ?
  watcher_count         dd ?
  filedes               dd ?
  savedsynchandler      dd ?
  resource_max          dd ?
  xcmisc_opcode         dd ?
  xkb_info              dd ?
  trans_conn            dd ?

interpreter '/lib/ld-linux.so.2'
needed 'libX11.so.6'
needed 'libc.so.6'
import libX11.XOpendisplay,'XOpendisplay',\
\;     libc.getenv,'getenv',\

segment readable executable

start:  xor     eax,eax; cinvoke libc.getenv, envstr
        cinvoke libX11.XOpendisplay, eax
        mov     [displ],eax
        test    eax,eax
    ;    jnz     @F
    ; @@:
        virtual at eax
                _eax _Xdisplay
        end virtual
        mov     edx,[_eax.default_screen]
        mov     ecx,[_eax.nscreens]
        lea     edx,[edx*4+edx]
        shl     edx,4
        add     edx,ecx
        mov     ebx,[edx+34h] ;WhitePixel
        mov     ecx,[edx+38h] ;BlackPixel
        mov     eax,[edx+8h]  ;RootWindow
        cinvoke libX11.XCreateSimpleWindow, [displ],eax,10,10,200,200,1,ecx,ebx
        mov     [hwnd],eax
        invoke libX11.XSelectInput, [displ],eax,$8001 ; ExposureMask | KeyPressMask = $8001
        call   [libX11.XMapWindow] ;, [displ],[hwnd] already in stack
        add    esp,12              ;restore stack for libX11.XSelectInput
      ;  jmp    @f
     ;   nop
        cinvoke libX11.XNextEvent,[displ],XEvent
        cmp     [XEvent],2 ; KeyPress
        jnz     @F
        cmp     [XEvent],$C ; Expose
        jnz     @B
        mov     ebx,[edx+2Ch]  ;DefaultGC
        cinvoke libX11.XFillRectangle, [displ],[hwnd], ebx, 20, 20, 10, 10
        cinvoke libX11.XDrawString, [displ],[hwnd], ebx, 50, 50, msg, msgsize
        cinvoke libX11.XClosedisplay, [displ]
        cinvoke libc.exit

segment readable writeable

msg       db 'Hello world!',0
msgsize = $-msg
;envstr    db 'DISPLAY',0
displ     dd ?
hwnd      dd ?
XEvent    dd ?      

previously i replace display with displ in too many places. fixed. (in source & in archive)
now it looks like it should work. still not tested. I have only x64 Linux VM for now. Soon download x32, & will make fixies if they needed.

Description: output of fasmg (not tested yet)
Filename: Xlib.zip
Filesize: 699 Bytes
Downloaded: 754 Time(s)

I don`t like to refer by "you" to one person.
My soul requires acronim "thou" instead.
Post 29 Apr 2018, 23:40
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