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Index > Windows > [homework help] Get Mouse Position

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Joined: 20 Feb 2018
Posts: 23
SC0U7 20 Feb 2018, 13:34
Hello all

Can somebody help me with make a simple fasm program which do this:

1.Get current cursor position
2.X and Y and when this position is same after 5sec then show messagebox with text "SAME"

Thx i have my school homework but i didnt find anywhere this info.

Thanks for all replies Embarassed
Post 20 Feb 2018, 13:34
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CrawlUp 20 Feb 2018, 19:30
include 'd:\fasm\include\win32a.inc'
entry start;
 section '_code' code readable executable 
          invoke GetModuleHandle,0;
          invoke DialogBoxParam,eax,ID_DIALOG,0,DialogProc,0;
          invoke ExitProcess,0;
 proc DialogProc uses ebx esi edi,hdlg,msg,wparam,lparam
                 xor eax,eax;
                 cmp [msg],WM_CLOSE;
                 jz .close;
                 cmp [msg],WM_INITDIALOG;
                 jz .initdialog;
                 cmp [msg],WM_TIMER;
                 jz .timer;
        ;Initializing the dialog box 
                       invoke SetTimer,[hdlg],0,10,0;
                       invoke GetCursorPos,point;
                       invoke CreateThread,0,0,ThreadCheckTime,0,0,0;
                       invoke CloseHandle,eax;
                       invoke GetDC,[hdlg];
                       mov [hDC],eax;
        ;Timer processing 
                       invoke GetCursorPos,point;
                       invoke wsprintf,buff_Pos,mask_Pos,[point.x],[point.y];
                       add esp,16;
                 ;get lenght string 
                       xor eax,eax;
                       mov ecx,20;
                       mov edi,buff_Pos;
                       repnz scasb;
                       mov eax,20;
                       sub eax,ecx;
                 ;setting a convenient position for display
                       shl eax,3;               
                       sub eax,10;        (count_symbol * 2 * 2 * 2)-10 = Width_window
                       add [point.x],10;
                       add [point.y],10;
                 ;set new position and size for our window 
                       invoke MoveWindow,[hdlg],[point.x],[point.y],eax,15,TRUE
                       cmp [Flag_SAME],1;
                       jz @f;           
                       ;if Flag_SAME=0 print  position mouse
                       invoke TextOut,[hDC],0,0,buff_Pos,20
                       jmp .clear;
                       ;if Flag_SAME=1 pringt text 'SAME'
                       invoke TextOut,[hDC],0,0,str_SAME,20
                 ;clear buffer buff_Pos:
                       mov ecx,20;
                       mov eax,buff_Pos;
                       mov byte[eax],0;
                       inc eax;
                       loop @b;

        ;Close dialog
                        invoke CloseHandle,[hDC];
                        invoke EndDialog,[hdlg],0;
                        xor eax,eax;

 ;Depending on the change in coordinates during the time, the flag is set
 proc ThreadCheckTime;
                xor eax,eax;
                xor edx,edx;
                cmp eax,[point.x];
                jnz SAME_0;
                cmp edx,[point.y];
                jnz SAME_0;
              ;if the mouse position not changed set Flag_SAME = 1;    
                mov [Flag_SAME],1;
                jmp SAME_1
                mov [Flag_SAME],0;
                mov eax,[point.x];
                mov edx,[point.y];
                push eax edx;
                invoke Sleep,5000;
                pop edx eax;
                jmp lp;

 section '_data' data readable writeable;

         point POINT 
         hDC             dd      ?;
         mask_Pos        db  'X:%u Y:%u',0;
         buff_Pos        rb  20;
         Flag_SAME       dd  0;
         str_SAME        db  'SAME',0;

 section '_res' resource data readable writeable;
  ID_DIALOG    =   1000;

  directory RT_DIALOG,my_dialogs
  resource my_dialogs,ID_DIALOG,LANG_ENGLISH,my_dialog 

  dialog          my_dialog,'',0,0,0,0,WS_VISIBLE+WS_POPUP;

 section '_import' import data readable writeable;
 library        kernel32,'kernel32.dll',user32,'user32.dll',comctl32,'comctl32.dll',\

 include 'd:\fasm\include\api\kernel32.inc';
 include 'd:\fasm\include\api\user32.inc';
 include 'd:\fasm\include\api\comctl32.inc'
 include 'd:\fasm\include\api\comdlg32.inc'
 include 'd:\fasm\include\api\gdi32.inc';    

Filename: GetPositionMouse.zip
Filesize: 2.52 KB
Downloaded: 510 Time(s)

Use GoogleTranslate....
Post 20 Feb 2018, 19:30
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Joined: 03 Mar 2010
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Location: Belarus
DimonSoft 20 Feb 2018, 20:50
SC0U7 wrote:
Can somebody help me with make a simple fasm program which do this:

1.Get current cursor position
2.X and Y and when this position is same after 5sec then show messagebox with text "SAME"

No need to use multiple threads, it would be plain over-engineering. Besides, no need to convert anything to string just to compare two points.

I guess, this one would be the simplest solution (error handling skipped). Should compile with plain FASM with any paths.
        format PE GUI 4.0
        entry WinMain

        include 'win32w.inc'

TIMER_ID        = 1

        proc MainDialog.DialogProc uses ebx esi edi,\
             hDlg, uMsg, wParam, lParam

             mov        eax, [uMsg]
             mov        ebx, [hDlg]
             cmp        eax, WM_INITDIALOG
             je         .WMInitDialog
             cmp        eax, WM_CLOSE
             je         .WMClose
             cmp        eax, WM_TIMER
             je         .WMTimer
             xor        eax, eax
             jmp        .EndProc

             invoke     GetCursorPos, ptInitial
             invoke     SetTimer, ebx, TIMER_ID, 5000, 0
             jmp        .ReturnTRUE
             invoke     EndDialog, ebx, 0
             jmp        .ReturnTRUE
             cmp        [wParam], TIMER_ID
             jne        .Default
             invoke     GetCursorPos, ptNew
             mov        ecx, [ptInitial.x]
             mov        edx, [ptInitial.y]
             cmp        ecx, [ptNew.x]
             jne        .ReturnTRUE
             cmp        edx, [ptNew.y]
             jne        .ReturnTRUE
             invoke     MessageBox, ebx, szText, szTitle, MB_ICONINFORMATION
             invoke     KillTimer, ebx, TIMER_ID
             mov        eax, TRUE

        proc WinMain
             invoke     GetModuleHandle, 0
             invoke     DialogBoxParam, eax, IDD_MAINDIALOG, 0, MainDialog.DialogProc, 0
             invoke     ExitProcess, 0

szTitle         du      'Info', 0
szText          du      'SAME', 0

ptInitial       POINT
ptNew           POINT

data import
        library kernel32, 'kernel32.dll',\
                user32,   'user32.dll'

        include 'api\kernel32.inc'
        include 'api\user32.inc'
end data

data resource
        directory RT_DIALOG, Dialogs

        resource Dialogs,\
                 IDD_MAINDIALOG, LANG_NEUTRAL, Dialogs.MainDialog

        dialog Dialogs.MainDialog, 'Mouse demo', 0, 0, 200, 200, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW
end data    

Feel free to ask any additional questions.
Post 20 Feb 2018, 20:50
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Joined: 20 Feb 2018
Posts: 23
SC0U7 21 Feb 2018, 07:29
Thx both but CrawlUp you save my live Shocked
Post 21 Feb 2018, 07:29
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