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Index > Macroinstructions > HEX.INC converted from fasmg to fasm 1

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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
Posts: 8353
Location: Kraków, Poland
Tomasz Grysztar 09 Dec 2017, 20:43
This is a direct conversion of the set of macros that allow to generate Intel HEX output format:
format binary as 'hex'

virtual at 0
        HEX.digits:: db '0123456789ABCDEF'
end virtual

macro HEX.byte value
        HEX.checksum = (HEX.checksum + (value)) and 0FFh
        local digit
        load digit byte from HEX.digits:(value) shr 4
        db digit
        load digit byte from HEX.digits:(value) and 0Fh
        db digit

macro HEX.line length,address,type,bytes_low,bytes_high
        HEX.checksum = 0
        db ':'
        HEX.byte length
        HEX.byte (address) shr 8
        HEX.byte (address) and 0FFh
        HEX.byte type
        HEX.data = bytes_low
        repeat length
                HEX.byte HEX.data and 0FFh
                if % = 8
                        HEX.data = bytes_high
                        HEX.data = HEX.data shr 8
                end if
        end repeat
        HEX.data = (-HEX.checksum) and 0FFh
        HEX.byte HEX.data
        db 13,10

macro HEX.seg address:0
        virtual at address

macro HEX.endseg
        local code,address,size,bytes_low,bytes_high,tmp
        code:: address = $$
               size = $-$$
        end virtual
        while size
                if size > 16
                        load bytes_low qword from code:address
                        load bytes_high qword from code:address+8
                        HEX.line 10h,address,0,bytes_low,bytes_high
                        address = address + 16
                        size = size - 16
                        if size > 8
                                load bytes_low qword from code:address
                                load bytes_high qword from code:address+size-8
                                bytes_high = bytes_high shr (8*(16-size))
                                bytes_high = 0
                                if size = 0
                                        bytes_low = 0
                                else if size = 1
                                        load bytes_low byte from code:address
                                else if size = 2
                                        load bytes_low word from code:address
                                else if size = 3
                                        load bytes_low word from code:address
                                        load tmp byte from code:address+2
                                        bytes_low = bytes_low + tmp shl 16
                                else if size = 8
                                        load bytes_low qword from code:address
                                        load bytes_low dword from code:address
                                        load tmp dword from code:address+size-4
                                        bytes_low = bytes_low or tmp shl (8*(size-4))
                                end if
                        end if
                        HEX.line size,address,0,bytes_low,bytes_high
                end if
        end while

macro org address
        if $ <> address
                HEX.seg address
        end if


        HEX.line 0,0,1,0
The changes were needed mainly to get around the limitation of 65 bits per value in fasm 1 engine. There is a third-party modification of fasm 1 that could allow to port these macros from fasmg in almost unmodified form (other than changing preprocessor's braces to "end" and adapting "load" directives to fasmg's syntax).
Post 09 Dec 2017, 20:43
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