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Index > Macroinstructions > fasmg+fasm1 macros for menu/menuex structures

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Joined: 24 Mar 2012
Posts: 812
Location: Russian Federation, Sochi
ProMiNick 17 Aug 2017, 09:21
macro menu? ex,helpID,extra&
  local items
  match ,ex
    dw 0
    macro menuitem? string,id,option
      dw option+0
      if (option+0) and MF_POPUP
        menu_items_level = menu_items_level +1
        if (option+0) and MF_END
          menu_items_level = menu_items_level -1
        end if
        dw id+0
      end if
      match any,string
        du string
      end match
      dw 0
    end macro
    macro menuseparator? option
      dw (option+0) or MF_SEPARATOR ; direct separator
      if (option+0) and MF_POPUP
        menu_items_level = menu_items_level +1
        dw 0
      end if
      if (option+0) and MF_END
        menu_items_level = menu_items_level -1
      end if
      dw 0                          ; no string - indirect separator
    end macro
    dw 1
    macro menuitem? string,id,resinfo,status,type
      dd (type+0) and $36B64,(status+0) and $108B
      if ((id+0) and $FFFF) = (id+0)
        if ((id+0) and $8000)
          dw id,$FFFF ;sign extention
          dw id+0,0   ;sign extention
        end if
        dd id         ; id is trully dword - it is possible case too - not recommended, some(most of all) window messages ignores high part of it
      end if
      dw (resinfo+0) and $81
      match any,string
        du string
      end match
      dw 0
      align 4
      match any,resinfo
        if resinfo and MFR_POPUP
          dd 0 ; helpID
          menu_items_level = menu_items_level +1
        end if
        if resinfo and MFR_END
          menu_items_level = menu_items_level -1
        end if
      end match
    end macro
    macro menuseparator? resinfo
      dd MFT_SEPARATOR,0,0
      dw (resinfo+0) and $81,0
      match any,resinfo
        if resinfo and MFR_POPUP
          dd 0 ; helpID
          menu_items_level = menu_items_level +1
        end if
        if resinfo and MFR_END
          menu_items_level = menu_items_level -1
        end if
      end match
    end macro
  end match

  dw items-$-2
  match , extra
    iterate elem,extra
      if elem eqtype ''
        db elem,0
        align 4
        dd elem
      end if
    end iterate
  end match
  match any,ex helpID
    align 4
    dd helpID+0
  end match
  menu_items_level = 1
  macro end?.menu?
     if menu_items_level
       err unresolved internal menu structure
     end if
     purge menuitem?, menuseparator?, end?.menu?
   end macro
end macro    

use case:
       menu ...
       end menu
    end resource_data    

As you see in fasm1 & fasmg (oficial releases) in menuseparator there is error - it is appear when we setting MFR_POPUP in menuseparator resinfo.
Same macro for fasm1 do it yourself, or I will make it later.

I don`t like to refer by "you" to one person.
My soul requires acronim "thou" instead.

Last edited by ProMiNick on 18 Aug 2017, 08:48; edited 1 time in total
Post 17 Aug 2017, 09:21
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Joined: 24 Mar 2012
Posts: 812
Location: Russian Federation, Sochi
ProMiNick 18 Aug 2017, 07:41
litle mistake in standard menu, that is already fixed for extended in above macro. But I forgot to fix it for standart.
So, there is fixed:
macro menu? ex,helpID,extra&
  local items 
  match ,ex 
    dw 0 
    macro menuitem? string,id,option 
      dw option+0 
      if (option+0) and MF_POPUP
        menu_items_level = menu_items_level +1 
        dw id+0
      end if 
      if (option+0) and MF_END ; here is fix - that part shouldn`t be inside above else
        menu_items_level = menu_items_level -1 
      end if
      match any,string 
        du string 
      end match 
      dw 0 
    end macro 
    macro menuseparator? option 
      dw (option+0) or MF_SEPARATOR ; direct separator 
      if (option+0) and MF_POPUP 
        menu_items_level = menu_items_level +1 
        dw 0 
      end if 
      if (option+0) and MF_END 
        menu_items_level = menu_items_level -1 
      end if 
      dw 0                          ; no string - indirect separator 
    end macro 
    dw 1 
    macro menuitem? string,id,resinfo,status,type 
      dd (type+0) and $36B64,(status+0) and $108B 
      if ((id+0) and $FFFF) = (id+0) 
        if ((id+0) and $8000) 
          dw id,$FFFF ;sign extention 
          dw id+0,0   ;sign extention 
        end if 
        dd id         ; in win64 no limitation, in win32 window messaging in most of all cases two items with differences in high part are determined as item with same id (low part sign extended), only couple of WMs determine such items as unique. 
      end if 
      dw (resinfo+0) and $81 
      match any,string 
        du string 
      end match 
      dw 0 
      align 4 
      match any,resinfo 
        if resinfo and MFR_POPUP 
          dd 0 ; helpID 
          menu_items_level = menu_items_level +1 
        end if 
        if resinfo and MFR_END 
          menu_items_level = menu_items_level -1 
        end if 
      end match 
    end macro 
    macro menuseparator? resinfo 
      dd MFT_SEPARATOR,0,0 
      dw (resinfo+0) and $81,0 
      match any,resinfo 
        if resinfo and MFR_POPUP 
          dd 0 ; helpID 
          menu_items_level = menu_items_level +1 
        end if 
        if resinfo and MFR_END 
          menu_items_level = menu_items_level -1 
        end if 
      end match 
    end macro 
  end match 

  dw items-$-2 
  match , extra 
    iterate elem,extra 
      if elem eqtype '' 
        db elem,0 
        align 4 
        dd elem 
      end if 
    end iterate 
  end match 
  match any,ex helpID 
    align 4 
    dd helpID+0 
  end match 
  menu_items_level = 1 ; protector - menu must had atleast 1 item with MF(R)_END flag
  macro end?.menu? 
     if menu_items_level ; check protector
       err unresolved internal menu structure 
     end if 
     purge menuitem?, menuseparator?, end?.menu? 
   end macro 
end macro    

use example(full)(menu & menuex sametime):
; Programed by Ewayne Wagner for masm32
; E-MAIL: yooper@kalamazoo.net
; Fasmged by ProMiNick

format PE GUI 4.0 ;rename binary as 'MENUDEMO.EXE'
entry start       ;launch CMD line '%OUTPUT%'

IDR_MENU       = 37
IDR_MENU2      = 700

IDB_CUTBMP     = 701
IDB_CPYBMP     = 702
IDB_PSTBMP     = 703
IDB_DELBMP     = 704
IDB_CU2BMP     = 705
IDB_CP2BMP     = 706
IDB_PS2BMP     = 707
IDB_DL2BMP     = 708

IDM_NEW        = 1001
IDM_OPEN       = 1002
IDM_SAVE       = 1003
IDM_EXIT       = 2001
IDM_CUT        = 1005
IDM_COPY       = 1006
IDM_PASTE      = 1007
IDM_DEL        = 1008
IDM_SET1       = 1101
IDM_SET2       = 1102
IDM_SET3       = 1103
IDM_SET4       = 1104
IDM_SET5       = 1105
IDM_SET6       = 1106
IDM_SET7       = 1107
IDM_SET8       = 1108
IDM_SET9       = 1109
IDM_SET10      = 1110
IDM_SET11      = 1111
sizeof.dword_pushed_before = 4

include 'ABI\WIN\win32a.inc'
;include 'FUNDAMENTALS/MACROS/listing.inc'
section '.text' code readable executable


        invoke  GetModuleHandle,0
        mov     [hInst], eax
        mov     [wc.hInstance], eax
        invoke  LoadIcon,0,IDI_APPLICATION
        mov     [wc.hIcon],eax
        invoke  LoadCursor,0,IDC_ARROW
        mov     [wc.hCursor],eax
        invoke  RegisterClassEx,wc

        invoke  GetSystemMetrics, SM_CXSCREEN
        sub     eax, 350
        shr     eax, 1
        push    eax
        invoke  GetSystemMetrics, SM_CYSCREEN
        sub     eax, 300
        shr     eax, 1
        pop     ebx

        invoke  CreateWindowEx,WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE,ClassName,AppName,WS_VISIBLE+WS_DLGFRAME+WS_SYSMENU,ebx,eax,350,300,NULL,NULL,[wc.hInstance],NULL
        mov     [hWnd], eax
        invoke  ShowWindow, [hWnd], SW_SHOWNORMAL
        invoke  UpdateWindow, [hWnd]
        invoke  GetMenu, [hWnd]              ; Get handle to main menu
        mov     [hMenu], eax
        invoke  GetSubMenu, [hMenu], 0       ; Get handle to 1st sub menu
        mov     [hSMenu1], eax
        invoke  GetSubMenu, [hMenu], 1       ; Get handle to 2nd sub menu
        mov     [hSMenu2], eax

        invoke  GetMessage,msg,NULL,0,0
        cmp     eax,1
        jb      end_loop
        jne     msg_loop
        invoke  TranslateMessage,msg
        invoke  DispatchMessage,msg
        jmp     msg_loop

        invoke  ExitProcess,eax
        invoke  InitCommonControls

proc WindowProc uses ebx esi edi, hwnd,wmsg,wparam,lparam
                ID          dd ?
                Cnt         dd ?
                Disable     dd ?
                dwRob       dd ?
                hMemDC      dd ?
                hBR         dd ?
                rect        RECT
                szBuff      db 25 dup (?)
        mov     eax,[wmsg]
        cmp     eax,WM_COMMAND
        je      wmcommand
        cmp     eax,WM_DRAWITEM
        je      wmdrawitem
        cmp     eax,WM_MEASUREITEM
        je      wmmeasureitem
        cmp     eax,WM_SIZE
        je      wmsize
        cmp     eax,WM_NOTIFY
        je      wmnotify
        cmp     eax,WM_CREATE
        je      wmcreate
        cmp     eax,WM_CLOSE
        je      wmclose
        cmp     eax,WM_DESTROY
        je      wmdestroy
        invoke  DefWindowProc,[hwnd],[wmsg],[wparam],[lparam]
        jmp     finish
        mov     ebx, [lparam]
        test    ebx,ebx
        jnz     defwndproc
        mov     eax, [wparam]
        and     eax,0FFFFh
        cmp     eax, IDM_EXIT
        jnz     j1_
        invoke  SendMessage, [hwnd], WM_CLOSE, 0, 0
        jmp     finish

  settable:     dd wmcmdset1,wmcmdset2,wmcmdset3,wmcmdset4,\
        mov     ecx,1
        xchg    eax,ecx
        cmp     ecx, IDM_SET11
        ja      defwndproc
        sub     ecx, IDM_SET1
        jb      defwndproc

        shl     eax, cl
        and     eax,10011111111b ; swith off repeated actions except for set9 set10
        test    [Set], eax
        jnz     ret0
        or      [Set], eax
        jmp     dword [settable+ecx*4]
        mov     [mii.fType], MFT_STRING or MFT_RADIOCHECK
        mov     [mii.fState], MFS_CHECKED
        mov     [mii.wID], IDM_SAVE
        mov     eax, szSaveIt
        mov     [mii.dwTypeData], eax
        invoke  SetMenuItemInfo, [hSMenu1], IDM_SAVE, FALSE, mii
        jmp     ret0
        mov     [mii.fType], MFT_STRING
        mov     [mii.fState], 0
        mov     [mii.wID], 1019
        mov     eax, szSaveAs
        mov     [mii.dwTypeData], eax
        invoke  InsertMenuItem, [hSMenu1], 3, TRUE, mii
        jmp     ret0
        invoke  CreatePopupMenu
        mov     [hSMenu3], eax
        mov     [mii.hSubMenu], eax
        mov     [mii.fType], MFT_STRING
        mov     eax, szNewMenu1
        mov     [mii.dwTypeData], eax
        invoke  InsertMenuItem, [hMenu], 2, TRUE, mii
        invoke  DrawMenuBar,[hwnd]
        jmp     ret0
        mov     [mii.fType], MFT_STRING
        mov     [mii.hSubMenu], 0
        mov     [mii.wID], 1020
        mov     eax, szNewSubMenu1
        mov     [mii.dwTypeData], eax
        invoke  InsertMenuItem, [hSMenu3], 0, TRUE, mii
        invoke  DrawMenuBar,[hwnd]
        jmp     ret0
        invoke  GetMenuItemCount,[hSMenu3]
        mov     edx,eax
        mov     [mii.fType], MFT_SEPARATOR
        mov     [mii.dwTypeData], eax
        invoke  InsertMenuItem, [hSMenu3], edx, TRUE, mii
        mov     [mii.fType], MFT_STRING
        mov     [mii.wID], 1021
        mov     [mii.hSubMenu], 0
        mov     eax, szNewSubMenu2
        mov     [mii.dwTypeData], eax
        invoke  InsertMenuItem, [hSMenu3], 99, TRUE, mii
        invoke  DrawMenuBar,[hwnd]
        jmp     ret0
        invoke  SetMenuItemBitmaps,[hSMenu2], IDM_CUT, MF_BYCOMMAND, [hMBmp1], [hMBmp1]
        invoke  SetMenuItemBitmaps,[hSMenu2], IDM_COPY, MF_BYCOMMAND, [hMBmp2], [hMBmp2]
        invoke  SetMenuItemBitmaps,[hSMenu2], IDM_PASTE, MF_BYCOMMAND, [hMBmp3], [hMBmp3]
        invoke  SetMenuItemBitmaps,[hSMenu2], IDM_DEL, MF_BYCOMMAND, [hMBmp4], [hMBmp4]
        jmp     ret0
        invoke  CreatePopupMenu
        mov     [hSMenu4], eax
        mov     [mii.hSubMenu], eax
        invoke  GetMenuItemCount,[hMenu]
        dec     eax
        mov     edx,eax
        mov     [mii.fType], MFT_STRING
        mov     [mii.fState], MFS_ENABLED
        mov     [mii.hbmpChecked], 0
        mov     [mii.hbmpUnchecked], 0
        mov     eax, szNewMenu2
        mov     [mii.dwTypeData], eax
        invoke  InsertMenuItem, [hMenu], edx, TRUE, mii
        mov     [mii.fType], MFT_STRING
        mov     eax,[hSMenu5]
        mov     [mii.hSubMenu], eax
        mov     eax, szEdit
        mov     [mii.dwTypeData], eax
        invoke  InsertMenuItem, [hSMenu4], 0, TRUE, mii
        invoke  DrawMenuBar,[hwnd]
        jmp     ret0
        mov     [mii.fType], MFT_STRING
        mov     [mii.fState], MFS_ENABLED
        mov     eax, szOwner
        mov     [mii.dwTypeData], eax
        invoke  SetMenuItemInfo, [hSMenu4], 0, TRUE, mii
        mov     [mii.fType], MFT_OWNERDRAW
        mov     [mii.fState], MFS_ENABLED
        mov     [mii.hSubMenu], 0
        mov     [mii.wID], IDM_CUT
        mov     [mii.dwItemData], IDM_CUT
        mov     [mii.dwTypeData], 0
        invoke  SetMenuItemInfo, [hSMenu5], IDM_CUT, FALSE, mii
        mov     [mii.wID], IDM_COPY
        mov     [mii.dwItemData], IDM_COPY
        invoke  SetMenuItemInfo, [hSMenu5], IDM_COPY, FALSE, mii
        mov     [mii.wID], IDM_PASTE
        mov     [mii.dwItemData], IDM_PASTE
        invoke  SetMenuItemInfo, [hSMenu5], IDM_PASTE, FALSE, mii
        mov     [mii.wID], IDM_DEL
        mov     [mii.dwItemData], IDM_DEL
        invoke  SetMenuItemInfo, [hSMenu5], IDM_DEL, FALSE, mii
        invoke  DrawMenuBar,[hwnd]
        jmp     ret0
        invoke  GetMenuItemInfo, [hSMenu2], IDM_COPY, FALSE, mii
        xor     [mii.fState],MF_GRAYED
        invoke  EnableMenuItem, [hMenu], IDM_COPY, [mii.fState]
        jmp     ret0
        push    [mii.fMask]
        mov     [mii.fMask], MIIM_STATE
        invoke  GetMenuItemInfo, [hSMenu5], IDM_COPY, FALSE, mii
        xor     [mii.fState],MF_GRAYED
        test    [Set],1 shl 7
        jz      no_owndraw
        mov     [mii.fType], MFT_OWNERDRAW
        invoke  SetMenuItemInfo, [hSMenu5], IDM_COPY, FALSE, mii
        pop     [mii.fMask]
        jmp     ret0
        invoke  DestroyMenu, [hMenu]
        invoke  LoadMenu, [wc.hInstance], IDR_MENU
        mov     [hMenu], eax
        invoke  SetMenu, [hwnd], [hMenu]
        invoke  GetSubMenu, [hMenu], 0       ; Get handle to 1st sub menu
        mov     [hSMenu1], eax
        invoke  GetSubMenu, [hMenu], 1       ; Get handle to 2nd sub menu
        mov     [hSMenu2], eax
        invoke  LoadMenu, [wc.hInstance], IDR_MENU2
        invoke  GetSubMenu, eax, 0
        mov     [hSMenu5], eax
        xor     eax,eax
        mov     [Set],eax
        jmp     finish
        mov     eax,[wparam]
        test    eax,eax
        jnz     defwndproc
        mov     esi,[lparam]
        mov     edi,dis
        mov     ecx, sizeof.DRAWITEMSTRUCT
        rep     movsb
        cmp     [dis.itemID],-1
        jz      skipdraw
        mov     [dis.rcItem.left], 17
        mov     [dis.rcItem.top], 0
        mov     [dis.rcItem.right], 100
        mov     [dis.rcItem.bottom], 16

        mov     eax, [dis.itemData]
        sub     eax, IDM_CUT
        mov     edx, [hMBmp5+eax*4]
        mov     [hMBmp], edx
        shl     eax,4 ; eax = eax*16
        add     [dis.rcItem.top], eax
        add     [dis.rcItem.bottom], eax
        shr     eax,2
        mov     eax,[szs+eax]
        invoke  lstrcpy, addr szBuff, eax
        and     [Disable],0
        mov     [dwRob], SRCCOPY
        mov     eax,[dis.itemState]
        cmp     [dis.itemState],7
        ja      skip_enabling
        je      do_enable
        test    [dis.itemState],1
        jnz     skip_enabling
        inc     [Disable]
        mov     [dwRob], SRCAND
        invoke  CreateCompatibleDC, [dis.hDC]
        push    eax
        invoke  SelectObject, eax, [hMBmp]
        invoke  BitBlt, [dis.hDC], 0, [dis.rcItem.top], 16, 16, [esp+sizeof.dword_pushed_before*3], 0, 0, [dwRob]
        invoke  DeleteDC;, [hMemDC]; from stack

        test    [dis.itemState],ODS_GRAYED
        jz      cont
        invoke  GetSysColor, COLOR_GRAYTEXT
        invoke  SetTextColor, [dis.hDC], eax
        invoke  SetBkMode, [dis.hDC], TRANSPARENT
        jmp     end_cases

        test    [dis.itemState],ODS_SELECTED
        jz     cont2
        invoke  CreateSolidBrush, 00000000h
        mov     [hBR], eax
        invoke  FillRect, [dis.hDC], dis.rcItem, eax
        invoke  SetTextColor, [dis.hDC], 00ffff00h
        invoke  SetBkColor, [dis.hDC], 00000000h
        mov     [rect.left], 0
        mov     eax,[dis.rcItem.top]
        mov     [rect.top],eax
        mov     [rect.right], 16
        mov     eax,[dis.rcItem.bottom]
        mov     [rect.bottom],eax
        invoke  DrawEdge, [dis.hDC], addr rect, BDR_RAISEDINNER, BF_TOPLEFT
        invoke  DrawEdge, [dis.hDC], addr rect, BDR_RAISEDOUTER, BF_BOTTOMRIGHT
        jmp     end_cases
        invoke  GetBkColor, [dis.hDC]
        invoke  CreateSolidBrush, eax
        mov     [hBR], eax
        invoke  FillRect, [dis.hDC], dis.rcItem, eax
        invoke  SetTextColor, [dis.hDC], 00ff0000h
        invoke  SetBkMode, [dis.hDC], TRANSPARENT
        add     [dis.rcItem.left], 4
        invoke  DrawText, [dis.hDC], addr szBuff, -1, dis.rcItem, DT_LEFT or DT_VCENTER or DT_SINGLELINE
        invoke  DeleteObject, [hBR]
        mov     [dis.itemState], ODS_DEFAULT
        mov     [dis.hDC], 0
        jmp     ret0
        cmp     [wparam],0
        jnz     defwndproc
        mov     edx, [lparam]
        mov     [edx+MEASUREITEMSTRUCT.itemWidth], 80
        mov     [edx+MEASUREITEMSTRUCT.itemHeight], 16
        jmp     finish
        jmp     finish

        invoke  LoadMenu, [wc.hInstance], IDR_MENU2
        invoke  GetSubMenu, eax, 0
        mov     [hSMenu5], eax
        mov     [ID],IDB_CUTBMP
        mov     [Cnt],8
        invoke  LoadBitmap, [wc.hInstance], [ID]
        mov     ecx,[ID]
        sub     ecx,IDB_CUTBMP
        mov     [ecx*4+hMBmp1],eax
        inc     [ID]
        sub     [Cnt],1
        jnz     l2_
        mov     [mii.cbSize], sizeof.MENUITEMINFO
        jmp     finish
        jmp     defwndproc
        xor     eax,eax
        inc     eax
        jmp     finish
        invoke  PostQuitMessage,0
        xor     eax,eax

section '.data' data readable writeable
    szs            dd  szCut,szCopy,szPaste,szDelete

    ClassName      db  'MenuDemo',0
    AppName        db  'MenuDemo (ProMiNick)',0
    MenuName       db  'MainMenu',0
    szNull         db  0

    szSaveIt       db  '&Save It',0
    szSaveAs       db  'Save &As',0
    szNewMenu1     db  'New Menu 1',0
    szNewMenu2     db  'New Menu 2',0
    szNewSubMenu1  db  'New SubMenu 1',0
    szNewSubMenu2  db  'New SubMenu 2',0

    szOwner        db  'OwnerDrawn',0
    szCut          db  'Cu&t',0
    szCopy         db  '&Copy',0
    szPaste        db  '&Paste',0
    szDelete       db  '&Delete',0
    szEdit         db  '&Edit',0
    align 4
    wc             WNDCLASSEX sizeof.WNDCLASSEX, 0,WindowProc,0,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,COLOR_BTNFACE+1,IDR_MENU,ClassName,0
    msg            MSG
    mii            MENUITEMINFO
    mis            MEASUREITEMSTRUCT
    dis            DRAWITEMSTRUCT
    hInst          dd  ?
    MainExit       dd  ?
    hWnd           dd  ?
    hMenu          dd  ?
    hSMenu1        dd  ?
    hSMenu2        dd  ?
    hSMenu3        dd  ?
    hSMenu4        dd  ?
    hSMenu5        dd  ?
    MenuCnt        dd  ?
    Set            dd  ?
    hMBmp          dd  ?
    hMBmp1         dd  ?
    hMBmp2         dd  ?
    hMBmp3         dd  ?
    hMBmp4         dd  ?
    hMBmp5         dd  ?
    hMBmp6         dd  ?
    hMBmp7         dd  ?
    hMBmp8         dd  ?

    ItemID         dd  ?

section '.idata' import data readable writeable

  library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\

  include 'ABI\WIN\API\KERNEL32.INC'
  include 'ABI\WIN\API\USER32.INC'
  include 'ABI\WIN\API\COMCTL32.inc'
  include 'ABI\WIN\API\GDI32.inc'

section '.rsrc' resource data readable discardable


      menuitem '&File',,MF_POPUP
        menuitem '&New',IDM_NEW
        menuitem '&Open',IDM_OPEN
        menuitem '&Save',IDM_SAVE
        menuitem 'E&xit',IDM_EXIT,MF_END
      menuitem '&Edit',0,MF_POPUP
        menuitem 'Cu&t',IDM_CUT
        menuitem '&Copy',IDM_COPY;,MF_GRAYED
        menuitem '&Paste',IDM_PASTE
        menuitem '&Delete',IDM_DEL,MF_END
      menuitem '&Menu Functions',0,MF_POPUP or MF_END
        menuitem 'Change the name of &Save in the &File Menu',IDM_SET1
        menuitem 'Insert a Save As Menu Item in the &File Menu',IDM_SET2
        menuitem 'Insert a &New Menu in the Menu bar',IDM_SET3
        menuitem 'Insert a Menu Item in the &New Menu',IDM_SET4
        menuitem 'Insert a Sep and Menu Item in the &New Menu',IDM_SET5
        menuitem 'Add Bitmaps to the &Edit Menu  (Ugly)',IDM_SET6
        menuitem 'Insert a &New Menu and Submenu in the Menu bar',IDM_SET7
        menuitem 'Change the new Submenu to OwnerDrawn  (Nice)',IDM_SET8
        menuitem 'Gray or Enable &Copy in the &Edit Menu',IDM_SET9
        menuitem 'Gray or Enable &Copy in the OwnerDrawn &Edit Menu',IDM_SET10
        menuitem 'Restore the Menu bar',IDM_SET11,MF_END
    end menu
  end resource_data

    menu ex
      menuitem '&Edit',0,MFR_POPUP or MFR_END
        menuitem 'Cu&t',IDM_CUT
        menuitem '&Copy',IDM_COPY;,,MFS_GRAYED
        menuitem '&Paste',IDM_PASTE
        menuitem '&Delete',IDM_DEL,MFR_END
    end menu
  end resource_data

    file 'resource\B05_Cut.bmp':0Eh
  end resource_data

    file 'resource\B06_Copy.bmp':0Eh
  end resource_data

    file 'resource\B07_Paste.bmp':0Eh
  end resource_data

    file 'resource\B08_Delete.bmp':0Eh
  end resource_data

    file 'resource\B05_Cut4.bmp':0Eh
  end resource_data

    file 'resource\B06_Copy4.bmp':0Eh
  end resource_data

    file 'resource\B07_Paste4.bmp':0Eh
  end resource_data

    file 'resource\B08_Delete4.bmp':0Eh
  end resource_data

end resource_directory      
Post 18 Aug 2017, 07:41
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Joined: 24 Mar 2012
Posts: 812
Location: Russian Federation, Sochi
ProMiNick 18 Aug 2017, 08:33
fasm1 macro version for menu/menuex (looks workable):
macro menu ex,label,helpID,[extra]
 { common local data,size,items
     label dd RVA data,size,0,0
     match ,ex \{ dw 0
       macro menuitem string,id,option \\{
         dw option+0
         if (option+0) and MF_POPUP
           menu_level = menu_level +1
           dw id+0
         end if
         if (option+0) and MF_END
           menu_level = menu_level -1
         end if
         match any,string \\\{ du string \\\}
         dw 0
       macro menuseparator option \\{
         dw (option+0) or MF_SEPARATOR ; direct separator
         if (option+0) and MF_POPUP
           menu_level = menu_level +1
           dw 0
         end if
         if (option+0) and MF_END
           menu_level = menu_level -1
         end if
         dw 0                          ; no string - indirect separator
     match any,ex \{ dw 1
       macro menuitem string,id,resinfo,status,type \\{
         dd (type+0) and $36B64,(status+0) and $108B
         if ((id+0) and $FFFF) = (id+0)
           if ((id+0) and $8000)
             dw id,$FFFF ;sign extention
             dw id+0,0   ;sign extention
           end if
           dd id         ; id is trully dword - it is possible case too - not recommended, some(most of all) window messages ignores high part of it
         end if
         dw (resinfo+0) and $81
         match any,string \\\{ du string \\\}
         dw 0
         align 4
         match any,resinfo \\\{
           if resinfo and MFR_POPUP
             dd 0 ; helpID
             menu_level = menu_level +1
           end if
           if resinfo and MFR_END
             menu_level = menu_level -1
           end if
       macro menuseparator resinfo \\{
         dd MFT_SEPARATOR,0,0     ; direct separator
         dw (resinfo+0) and $81,0 ; no string - indirect separator
         match any,resinfo \\\{
           if resinfo and MFR_POPUP
             dd 0 ; helpID
             menu_level = menu_level +1
           end if
           if resinfo and MFR_END
             menu_level = menu_level -1
           end if
     dw items-$-2
     match any, extra \{
         if extra eqtype ''
           db extra,0
           align 4
           dd extra
         end if
     match any,ex helpID \{ align 4
       dd helpID+0
     menu_size equ size = $ - data
     menu_level = 1
     macro endmenu \{
       if menu_level
         err unresolved internal menu structure
       end if
       purge menuitem, menuseparator, endmenu

tested too:
; Programed by Ewayne Wagner for masm32
; E-MAIL: yooper@kalamazoo.net
; Fasmed by ProMiNick

format PE GUI 4.0
entry start

IDR_MENU       = 37
IDR_MENU2      = 700

IDB_CUTBMP     = 701
IDB_CPYBMP     = 702
IDB_PSTBMP     = 703
IDB_DELBMP     = 704
IDB_CU2BMP     = 705
IDB_CP2BMP     = 706
IDB_PS2BMP     = 707
IDB_DL2BMP     = 708

IDM_NEW        = 1001
IDM_OPEN       = 1002
IDM_SAVE       = 1003
IDM_EXIT       = 2001
IDM_CUT        = 1005
IDM_COPY       = 1006
IDM_PASTE      = 1007
IDM_DEL        = 1008
IDM_SET1       = 1101
IDM_SET2       = 1102
IDM_SET3       = 1103
IDM_SET4       = 1104
IDM_SET5       = 1105
IDM_SET6       = 1106
IDM_SET7       = 1107
IDM_SET8       = 1108
IDM_SET9       = 1109
IDM_SET10      = 1110
IDM_SET11      = 1111
sizeof.dword_pushed_before = 4

include 'win32ax.inc'

section '.text' code readable executable


        invoke  GetModuleHandle,0
        mov     [hInst], eax
        mov     [wc.hInstance], eax
        invoke  LoadIcon,0,IDI_APPLICATION
        mov     [wc.hIcon],eax
        invoke  LoadCursor,0,IDC_ARROW
        mov     [wc.hCursor],eax
        invoke  RegisterClassEx,wc

        invoke  GetSystemMetrics, SM_CXSCREEN
        sub     eax, 350
        shr     eax, 1
        push    eax
        invoke  GetSystemMetrics, SM_CYSCREEN
        sub     eax, 300
        shr     eax, 1
        pop     ebx

        invoke  CreateWindowEx,WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE,ClassName,AppName,WS_VISIBLE+WS_DLGFRAME+WS_SYSMENU,ebx,eax,350,300,NULL,NULL,[wc.hInstance],NULL
        mov     [hWnd], eax
        invoke  ShowWindow, [hWnd], SW_SHOWNORMAL
        invoke  UpdateWindow, [hWnd]
        invoke  GetMenu, [hWnd]              ; Get handle to main menu
        mov     [hMenu], eax
        invoke  GetSubMenu, [hMenu], 0       ; Get handle to 1st sub menu
        mov     [hSMenu1], eax
        invoke  GetSubMenu, [hMenu], 1       ; Get handle to 2nd sub menu
        mov     [hSMenu2], eax

        invoke  GetMessage,msg,NULL,0,0
        cmp     eax,1
        jb      end_loop
        jne     msg_loop
        invoke  TranslateMessage,msg
        invoke  DispatchMessage,msg
        jmp     msg_loop

        invoke  ExitProcess,eax
        invoke  InitCommonControls

proc WindowProc uses ebx esi edi, hwnd,wmsg,wparam,lparam
                ID          dd ?
                Cnt         dd ?
                Disable     dd ?
                dwRob       dd ?
                hMemDC      dd ?
                hBR         dd ?
                rect        RECT
                szBuff      db 25 dup (?)
        mov     eax,[wmsg]
        cmp     eax,WM_COMMAND
        je      .wmcommand
        cmp     eax,WM_DRAWITEM
        je      .wmdrawitem
        cmp     eax,WM_MEASUREITEM
        je      .wmmeasureitem
        cmp     eax,WM_SIZE
        je      .wmsize
        cmp     eax,WM_NOTIFY
        je      .wmnotify
        cmp     eax,WM_CREATE
        je      .wmcreate
        cmp     eax,WM_CLOSE
        je      .wmclose
        cmp     eax,WM_DESTROY
        je      .wmdestroy
        invoke  DefWindowProc,[hwnd],[wmsg],[wparam],[lparam]
        jmp     .finish
        mov     ebx, [lparam]
        test    ebx,ebx
        jnz     .defwndproc
        mov     eax, [wparam]
        and     eax,0FFFFh
        cmp     eax, IDM_EXIT
        jnz     @F
        invoke  SendMessage, [hwnd], WM_CLOSE, 0, 0
        jmp     .finish

  .settable:     dd .wmcmdset1,.wmcmdset2,.wmcmdset3,.wmcmdset4,\
        mov     ecx,1
        xchg    eax,ecx
        cmp     ecx, IDM_SET11
        ja      .defwndproc
        sub     ecx, IDM_SET1
        jb      .defwndproc

        shl     eax, cl
        and     eax,10011111111b ; swith off repeated actions except for set9 set10
        test    [Set], eax
        jnz     .ret0
        or      [Set], eax
        jmp     dword [.settable+ecx*4]
        mov     [mii.fType], MFT_STRING or MFT_RADIOCHECK
        mov     [mii.fState], MFS_CHECKED
        mov     [mii.wID], IDM_SAVE
        mov     eax, szSaveIt
        mov     [mii.dwTypeData], eax
        invoke  SetMenuItemInfo, [hSMenu1], IDM_SAVE, FALSE, mii
        jmp     .ret0
        mov     [mii.fType], MFT_STRING
        mov     [mii.fState], 0
        mov     [mii.wID], 1019
        mov     eax, szSaveAs
        mov     [mii.dwTypeData], eax
        invoke  InsertMenuItem, [hSMenu1], 3, TRUE, mii
        jmp     .ret0
        invoke  CreatePopupMenu
        mov     [hSMenu3], eax
        mov     [mii.hSubMenu], eax
        mov     [mii.fType], MFT_STRING
        mov     eax, szNewMenu1
        mov     [mii.dwTypeData], eax
        invoke  InsertMenuItem, [hMenu], 2, TRUE, mii
        invoke  DrawMenuBar,[hwnd]
        jmp     .ret0
        mov     [mii.fType], MFT_STRING
        mov     [mii.hSubMenu], 0
        mov     [mii.wID], 1020
        mov     eax, szNewSubMenu1
        mov     [mii.dwTypeData], eax
        invoke  InsertMenuItem, [hSMenu3], 0, TRUE, mii
        invoke  DrawMenuBar,[hwnd]
        jmp     .ret0
        invoke  GetMenuItemCount,[hSMenu3]
        mov     edx,eax
        mov     [mii.fType], MFT_SEPARATOR
        mov     [mii.dwTypeData], eax
        invoke  InsertMenuItem, [hSMenu3], edx, TRUE, mii
        mov     [mii.fType], MFT_STRING
        mov     [mii.wID], 1021
        mov     [mii.hSubMenu], 0
        mov     eax, szNewSubMenu2
        mov     [mii.dwTypeData], eax
        invoke  InsertMenuItem, [hSMenu3], 99, TRUE, mii
        invoke  DrawMenuBar,[hwnd]
        jmp     .ret0
        invoke  SetMenuItemBitmaps,[hSMenu2], IDM_CUT, MF_BYCOMMAND, [hMBmp1], [hMBmp1]
        invoke  SetMenuItemBitmaps,[hSMenu2], IDM_COPY, MF_BYCOMMAND, [hMBmp2], [hMBmp2]
        invoke  SetMenuItemBitmaps,[hSMenu2], IDM_PASTE, MF_BYCOMMAND, [hMBmp3], [hMBmp3]
        invoke  SetMenuItemBitmaps,[hSMenu2], IDM_DEL, MF_BYCOMMAND, [hMBmp4], [hMBmp4]
        jmp     .ret0
        invoke  CreatePopupMenu
        mov     [hSMenu4], eax
        mov     [mii.hSubMenu], eax
        invoke  GetMenuItemCount,[hMenu]
        dec     eax
        mov     edx,eax
        mov     [mii.fType], MFT_STRING
        mov     [mii.fState], MFS_ENABLED
        mov     [mii.hbmpChecked], 0
        mov     [mii.hbmpUnchecked], 0
        mov     eax, szNewMenu2
        mov     [mii.dwTypeData], eax
        invoke  InsertMenuItem, [hMenu], edx, TRUE, mii
        mov     [mii.fType], MFT_STRING
        mov     eax,[hSMenu5]
        mov     [mii.hSubMenu], eax
        mov     eax, szEdit
        mov     [mii.dwTypeData], eax
        invoke  InsertMenuItem, [hSMenu4], 0, TRUE, mii
        invoke  DrawMenuBar,[hwnd]
        jmp     .ret0
        mov     [mii.fType], MFT_STRING
        mov     [mii.fState], MFS_ENABLED
        mov     eax, szOwner
        mov     [mii.dwTypeData], eax
        invoke  SetMenuItemInfo, [hSMenu4], 0, TRUE, mii
        mov     [mii.fType], MFT_OWNERDRAW
        mov     [mii.fState], MFS_ENABLED
        mov     [mii.hSubMenu], 0
        mov     [mii.wID], IDM_CUT
        mov     [mii.dwItemData], IDM_CUT
        mov     [mii.dwTypeData], 0
        invoke  SetMenuItemInfo, [hSMenu5], IDM_CUT, FALSE, mii
        mov     [mii.wID], IDM_COPY
        mov     [mii.dwItemData], IDM_COPY
        invoke  SetMenuItemInfo, [hSMenu5], IDM_COPY, FALSE, mii
        mov     [mii.wID], IDM_PASTE
        mov     [mii.dwItemData], IDM_PASTE
        invoke  SetMenuItemInfo, [hSMenu5], IDM_PASTE, FALSE, mii
        mov     [mii.wID], IDM_DEL
        mov     [mii.dwItemData], IDM_DEL
        invoke  SetMenuItemInfo, [hSMenu5], IDM_DEL, FALSE, mii
        invoke  DrawMenuBar,[hwnd]
        jmp     .ret0
        invoke  GetMenuItemInfo, [hSMenu2], IDM_COPY, FALSE, mii
        xor     [mii.fState],MF_GRAYED
        invoke  EnableMenuItem, [hMenu], IDM_COPY, [mii.fState]
        jmp     .ret0
        push    [mii.fMask]
        mov     [mii.fMask], MIIM_STATE
        invoke  GetMenuItemInfo, [hSMenu5], IDM_COPY, FALSE, mii
        xor     [mii.fState],MF_GRAYED
        test    [Set],1 shl 7
        jz      .no_owndraw
        mov     [mii.fType], MFT_OWNERDRAW
        invoke  SetMenuItemInfo, [hSMenu5], IDM_COPY, FALSE, mii
        pop     [mii.fMask]
        jmp     .ret0
        invoke  DestroyMenu, [hMenu]
        invoke  LoadMenu, [wc.hInstance], IDR_MENU
        mov     [hMenu], eax
        invoke  SetMenu, [hwnd], [hMenu]
        invoke  GetSubMenu, [hMenu], 0       ; Get handle to 1st sub menu
        mov     [hSMenu1], eax
        invoke  GetSubMenu, [hMenu], 1       ; Get handle to 2nd sub menu
        mov     [hSMenu2], eax
        invoke  LoadMenu, [wc.hInstance], IDR_MENU2
        invoke  GetSubMenu, eax, 0
        mov     [hSMenu5], eax
        xor     eax,eax
        mov     [Set],eax
        jmp     .finish
        mov     eax,[wparam]
        test    eax,eax
        jnz     .defwndproc
        mov     esi,[lparam]
        mov     edi,dis
        mov     ecx, sizeof.DRAWITEMSTRUCT
        rep     movsb
        cmp     [dis.itemID],-1
        jz      .skipdraw
        mov     [dis.rcItem.left], 17
        mov     [dis.rcItem.top], 0
        mov     [dis.rcItem.right], 100
        mov     [dis.rcItem.bottom], 16

        mov     eax, [dis.itemData]
        sub     eax, IDM_CUT
        mov     edx, [hMBmp5+eax*4]
        mov     [hMBmp], edx
        shl     eax,4 ; eax = eax*16
        add     [dis.rcItem.top], eax
        add     [dis.rcItem.bottom], eax
        shr     eax,2
        mov     eax,[szs+eax]
        invoke  lstrcpy, addr szBuff, eax
        and     [Disable],0
        mov     [dwRob], SRCCOPY
        mov     eax,[dis.itemState]
        cmp     [dis.itemState],7
        ja      .skip_enabling
        je      .do_enable
        test    [dis.itemState],1
        jnz     .skip_enabling
        inc     [Disable]
        mov     [dwRob], SRCAND
        invoke  CreateCompatibleDC, [dis.hDC]
        push    eax
        invoke  SelectObject, eax, [hMBmp]
        invoke  BitBlt, [dis.hDC], 0, [dis.rcItem.top], 16, 16, dword [esp+sizeof.dword_pushed_before*3], 0, 0, [dwRob]
        invoke  DeleteDC;, [hMemDC]; from stack

        test    [dis.itemState],ODS_GRAYED
        jz      .cont
        invoke  GetSysColor, COLOR_GRAYTEXT
        invoke  SetTextColor, [dis.hDC], eax
        invoke  SetBkMode, [dis.hDC], TRANSPARENT
        jmp     .end_cases

        test    [dis.itemState],ODS_SELECTED
        jz     .cont2
        invoke  CreateSolidBrush, 00000000h
        mov     [hBR], eax
        invoke  FillRect, [dis.hDC], dis.rcItem, eax
        invoke  SetTextColor, [dis.hDC], 00ffff00h
        invoke  SetBkColor, [dis.hDC], 00000000h
        mov     [rect.left], 0
        mov     eax,[dis.rcItem.top]
        mov     [rect.top],eax
        mov     [rect.right], 16
        mov     eax,[dis.rcItem.bottom]
        mov     [rect.bottom],eax
        invoke  DrawEdge, [dis.hDC], addr rect, BDR_RAISEDINNER, BF_TOPLEFT
        invoke  DrawEdge, [dis.hDC], addr rect, BDR_RAISEDOUTER, BF_BOTTOMRIGHT
        jmp     .end_cases
        invoke  GetBkColor, [dis.hDC]
        invoke  CreateSolidBrush, eax
        mov     [hBR], eax
        invoke  FillRect, [dis.hDC], dis.rcItem, eax
        invoke  SetTextColor, [dis.hDC], 00ff0000h
        invoke  SetBkMode, [dis.hDC], TRANSPARENT
        add     [dis.rcItem.left], 4
        invoke  DrawText, [dis.hDC], addr szBuff, -1, dis.rcItem, DT_LEFT or DT_VCENTER or DT_SINGLELINE
        invoke  DeleteObject, [hBR]
        mov     [dis.itemState], ODS_DEFAULT
        mov     [dis.hDC], 0
        jmp     .ret0
        cmp     [wparam],0
        jnz     .defwndproc
        mov     edx, [lparam]
        mov     [edx+MEASUREITEMSTRUCT.itemWidth], 80
        mov     [edx+MEASUREITEMSTRUCT.itemHeight], 16
        jmp     .finish
        jmp     .finish

        invoke  LoadMenu, [wc.hInstance], IDR_MENU2
        invoke  GetSubMenu, eax, 0
        mov     [hSMenu5], eax
        mov     [ID],IDB_CUTBMP
        mov     [Cnt],8
        invoke  LoadBitmap, [wc.hInstance], [ID]
        mov     ecx,[ID]
        sub     ecx,IDB_CUTBMP
        mov     [ecx*4+hMBmp1],eax
        inc     [ID]
        sub     [Cnt],1
        jnz     @B
        mov     [mii.cbSize], sizeof.MENUITEMINFO
        jmp     .finish
        jmp     .defwndproc
        xor     eax,eax
        inc     eax
        jmp     .finish
        invoke  PostQuitMessage,0
        xor     eax,eax

section '.data' data readable writeable
    szs            dd  szCut,szCopy,szPaste,szDelete

    ClassName      db  'MenuDemo',0
    AppName        db  'MenuDemo (ProMiNick)',0
    MenuName       db  'MainMenu',0
    szNull         db  0

    szSaveIt       db  '&Save It',0
    szSaveAs       db  'Save &As',0
    szNewMenu1     db  'New Menu 1',0
    szNewMenu2     db  'New Menu 2',0
    szNewSubMenu1  db  'New SubMenu 1',0
    szNewSubMenu2  db  'New SubMenu 2',0

    szOwner        db  'OwnerDrawn',0
    szCut          db  'Cu&t',0
    szCopy         db  '&Copy',0
    szPaste        db  '&Paste',0
    szDelete       db  '&Delete',0
    szEdit         db  '&Edit',0
    align 4
    wc             WNDCLASSEX sizeof.WNDCLASSEX, 0,WindowProc,0,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,COLOR_BTNFACE+1,IDR_MENU,ClassName,0
    msg            MSG
    mii            MENUITEMINFO
    mis            MEASUREITEMSTRUCT
    dis            DRAWITEMSTRUCT
    hInst          dd  ?
    MainExit       dd  ?
    hWnd           dd  ?
    hMenu          dd  ?
    hSMenu1        dd  ?
    hSMenu2        dd  ?
    hSMenu3        dd  ?
    hSMenu4        dd  ?
    hSMenu5        dd  ?
    MenuCnt        dd  ?
    Set            dd  ?
    hMBmp          dd  ?
    hMBmp1         dd  ?
    hMBmp2         dd  ?
    hMBmp3         dd  ?
    hMBmp4         dd  ?
    hMBmp5         dd  ?
    hMBmp6         dd  ?
    hMBmp7         dd  ?
    hMBmp8         dd  ?

    ItemID         dd  ?

section '.idata' import data readable writeable

  library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\

  include 'api\kernel32.inc'
  include 'api\user32.inc'
  include 'api\comctl32.inc'
  include 'api\gdi32.inc'

section '.rsrc' resource data readable discardable

  directory RT_MENU,menus,\

  resource menus,\

  resource bitmaps,\

  menu ,main_menu
       menuitem '&File',0,MF_POPUP
                menuitem '&New',IDM_NEW
                menuitem '&Open',IDM_OPEN
                menuitem '&Save',IDM_SAVE
                menuitem 'E&xit',IDM_EXIT,MF_END
       menuitem '&Edit',0,MF_POPUP
                menuitem 'Cu&t',IDM_CUT
                menuitem '&Copy',IDM_COPY;,,MF_GRAYED
                menuitem '&Paste',IDM_PASTE
                menuitem '&Delete',IDM_DEL,MFR_END
       menuitem '&Menu Functions',0,MF_POPUP + MF_END
                menuitem 'Change the name of &Save in the &File Menu',IDM_SET1
                menuitem 'Insert a Save As Menu Item in the &File Menu',IDM_SET2
                menuitem 'Insert a &New Menu in the Menu bar',IDM_SET3
                menuitem 'Insert a Menu Item in the &New Menu',IDM_SET4
                menuitem 'Insert a Sep and Menu Item in the &New Menu',IDM_SET5
                menuitem 'Add Bitmaps to the &Edit Menu  (Ugly)',IDM_SET6
                menuitem 'Insert a &New Menu and Submenu in the Menu bar',IDM_SET7
                menuitem 'Change the new Submenu to OwnerDrawn  (Nice)',IDM_SET8
                menuitem 'Gray or Enable &Copy in the &Edit Menu',IDM_SET9
                menuitem 'Gray or Enable &Copy in the OwnerDrawn &Edit Menu',IDM_SET10
                menuitem 'Restore the Menu bar',IDM_SET11,MF_END

  menu ex,scnd_menu
       menuitem '&Edit',0,MFR_POPUP + MFR_END
                menuitem 'Cu&t',IDM_CUT
                menuitem '&Copy',IDM_COPY
                menuitem '&Paste',IDM_PASTE
                menuitem '&Delete',IDM_DEL,MFR_END

  bitmap cut_bitmap,'resource\B05_Cut.bmp'
  bitmap cpy_bitmap,'resource\B06_Copy.bmp'
  bitmap pst_bitmap,'resource\B07_Paste.bmp'
  bitmap del_bitmap,'resource\B08_Delete.bmp'
  bitmap cu2_bitmap,'resource\B05_Cut4.bmp'
  bitmap cp2_bitmap,'resource\B06_Copy4.bmp'
  bitmap ps2_bitmap,'resource\B07_Paste4.bmp'
  bitmap dl2_bitmap,'resource\B08_Delete4.bmp'    

Post 18 Aug 2017, 08:33
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