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Index > Macroinstructions > [fasmg] display 1.33e7

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Joined: 22 May 2015
Posts: 61
_shura 20 Sep 2017, 12:43
is there a simple way to display floating point values in fasmg or do I have parse IEEE 751 manually?
Repeat 1, temp: ( 1.33e7 )
  display `temp
End Repeat

Unfortunately does not work.
Post 20 Sep 2017, 12:43
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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
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Location: Kraków, Poland
Tomasz Grysztar 20 Sep 2017, 13:18
Instead of parsing the output format, you can extract the fields of a floating point value with BSR, SHL and TRUNC operators.

There is also a simple showfloat macro that you could use as a starting point, but it does not generate scientific notation.
Post 20 Sep 2017, 13:18
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Joined: 22 May 2015
Posts: 61
_shura 20 Sep 2017, 15:03
I solved it, but I do not really like this solution:
null = 0
Struc float2decimal                     value*,                                 precision: ( 4 )
  Local absValue, signValue, absPower, signPower, absReal
  If      ( value = 0.0 )
    absValue                            =                                       ( 0.0 )
    Virtual                             At null
      dq                                value
      Load                              temp qword                              From null
    End Virtual
    If ( temp and 0x8000000000000000 )
      signValue                         Equ                                     '-'
      signValue                         Equ                                     '+'
    End If
  Else If ( value < 0.0 )
    absValue                            =                                       ( 0 - value )
    signValue                           Equ                                     '-'
    absValue                            =                                       ( 0 + value )
    signValue                           Equ                                     '+'
  End If
  absPower                              =                                       ( 0 )
  If      ( absValue =   0.0 )
    signPower                           Equ                                     ''
  Else If ( absValue >= 10.0 )
    While ( absValue >= 10.0 )
      absValue                          =                                       ( absValue / 10.0 )
      absPower                          =                                       ( absPower + 1 )
    End While
    signPower                           Equ                                     '+'
  Else If ( absValue <  1.0 )
    While ( absValue < 1.0 )
      absValue                          =                                       ( absValue * 10.0 )
      absPower                          =                                       ( absPower + 1 )
    End While
    signPower                           Equ                                     '-'
    signPower                           Equ                                     ''
  End If
  If      ( precision > 0 )
    Virtual                             At null
      db '.'
      rb precision
      db ''
      temp                              =                                       ( absValue - ( trunc absValue ))
      Repeat                            ( precision ),                          offs: ( 1 )
        temp                            =                                       ( temp * 10.0 )
        Store                           byte ( '0' + ( trunc temp ))            At offs
        temp                            =                                       ( temp - ( trunc temp ))
      End Repeat
      If ( temp >=  0.499999999999999999 )
        Repeat                          ( precision ),                          offs: ( null )
          Load                          temp byte                               From  ( precision - offs )
          If ( temp = '9' )
            temp                        =                                       '0'
            temp                        =                                       temp + 1
          End If
          Store                         byte temp                               At ( precision - offs )
          If ( temp <> '0' )
          End If
        End Repeat
        If ( temp = '0' )
          absValue                      =                                       ( absValue + 1 )
        End If
      End If
      Load                              absReal ( precision + 1 )               From null
    End Virtual
  Else If ( precision > 0 )
    err 'float2decimal', 'precision must be a positive integer or null'
  End If
  Repeat                                1,                                      integerPart: ( trunc absValue )
    Repeat                              1,                                      powerPart: (         absPower )
      .                                 Equ                                     signValue, `integerPart, string absReal, 'e', signPower, `powerPart
    End Repeat
  End Repeat
End Struc
temp float2decimal                      -1.337e-23
display temp, 10

Its very tricky to round the values correctly, because 0.5 is in fact 0.4999…
-0.0 is in fact different from +0.0, but fasmg says, that they are equal, so I had to get the sign from the binary value, where it is encoded correctly.
Post 20 Sep 2017, 15:03
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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
Posts: 8361
Location: Kraków, Poland
Tomasz Grysztar 20 Sep 2017, 17:13
This is a loop-less method I experimented with:
LG2 = 0.30102999566398119521373889472449302676818988146210854131

struc showfloat value,precision:2
        local x,pow,t,sgn,txt
        x = value
        if x = 0
                . = '0'
                sgn = 0
                if x < 0
                        x = -x
                        sgn = 1
                end if
                pow = trunc(bsr x * LG2)
                if pow-precision >= 0
                        repeat 1, p:pow-precision
                                x = x / 1e#p
                        end repeat
                        repeat 1, p:-pow+precision
                                x = x / 1e-p
                        end repeat
                end if
                if x < 1e#precision
                        x = x * 10
                        pow = pow - 1
                end if
                t = trunc x
                if x - t >= float 1/2
                        t = t + 1
                end if
                if t >= 10e#precision
                        x = x / 10
                        pow = pow + 1
                        t = trunc x
                        if x - t >= float 1/2
                                t = t + 1
                        end if
                end if
                if pow>=0
                        repeat 1, p:pow
                                txt = 'e' + `p shl 8
                        end repeat
                        repeat 1, p:-pow
                                txt = 'e-' + `p shl 16
                        end repeat
                end if
                repeat 1, i:t
                        txt = `i + txt shl (8*lengthof `i)
                end repeat
                txt = txt and 0FFh + '.' shl 8 + (txt shr 8) shl 16
                if sgn
                        txt = txt shl 8 + '-'
                end if
                . = string txt
        end if
end struc

tmp showfloat -1.337e-23
display tmp    
It may need more work, but I do not have too much time on my hands at the moment.
Post 20 Sep 2017, 17:13
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Joined: 22 May 2015
Posts: 61
_shura 20 Sep 2017, 17:56
But this failes with
temp showfloat -13.3775e-23, 4
display temp ;=> -1.3377e-22

and not as expected -1.3378e-22
Post 20 Sep 2017, 17:56
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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
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Location: Kraków, Poland
Tomasz Grysztar 20 Sep 2017, 18:38
See my last sentence above.
Post 20 Sep 2017, 18:38
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