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Index > Main > Strange behaviour when using structures.

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Joined: 28 Aug 2017
Posts: 17
The_Unknown_Member 13 Sep 2017, 11:31
Hi. I wonder what is wrong with this code:
; This is an Educational Program

format PE console
use32   ; x86_32
entry start 

include 'win32a.inc'

struct PNT 
        x dd ? 
        y dd ?
        z dd ?
        q dd ? 
; This is the data section:
; =======================================================
section '.data' data readable writeable 
        my_PNT          PNT  2,3,4,5
        ;mem            dd 1 dup(0)

; =======================================================
section '.text' code readable executable 

        ; Your program begins here
        mov eax, [my_PNT] ; Output -> 2
        mov eax, [my_PNT + 1] ; Output -> 3000000
        mov eax, [my_PNT + 2] ; Output -> 30000
        mov eax, [my_PNT + 3] ; Output -> 300
        mov eax, [my_PNT + 4] ; Output -> 3
        ;call print_eax ; Printing the number in hexa format in the console. This comes from the fine training.inc

        ; Exit the process: 
        push 0
        call [ExitProcess]

include 'C:\Users\MrNoLife\Desktop\ASM resources\x86-asm-foundations\#asm_prog_ex-master\include\training.inc'

Look at the code that begins after the start label. In the first line I move the thing number that is in address my_PNT in eax (the number is my_PNT.x which is 2) now after that I move from the base address of my_PNT to the next byte I get this strange result "3000000". Why is this happening ? Can someone explain me ?
Post 13 Sep 2017, 11:31
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Location: In your JS exploiting you and your system
revolution 13 Sep 2017, 11:48
Your values are defined as dd so they take four bytes each. You will need to adjust the offsets:
        mov eax, [my_PNT + 4*0] ;first value
        mov eax, [my_PNT + 4*1] ;second value
        mov eax, [my_PNT + 4*2] ;third value
        mov eax, [my_PNT + 4*3] ;fourth value
        mov eax, [my_PNT + 4*4] ;fifth value    
But actually since you use a structure you can access the value by the symbol name:
        mov eax, [my_PNT.x]
        mov eax, [my_PNT.y]
        mov eax, [my_PNT.z]
        mov eax, [my_PNT.q]    
Post 13 Sep 2017, 11:48
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