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Index > Macroinstructions > How to friend reloc & struct in standard fasmg package

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Joined: 24 Mar 2012
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ProMiNick 17 Jul 2017, 15:02
win32.asm from examples of standart fasmg package
include 'format/format.inc'

format PE GUI
entry start


include 'struct.inc'

  style         dd ?
  lpfnWndProc   dd ?
  cbClsExtra    dd ?
  cbWndExtra    dd ?
  hInstance     dd ?
  hIcon         dd ?
  hCursor       dd ?
  hbrBackground dd ?
  lpszMenuName  dd ?
  lpszClassName dd ?

section '.text' code readable executable


        push    0
        push    _caption
        push    _message
        push    0
        call    [MessageBoxA]

        push    0
        call    [ExitProcess]
        WindowProc = $

section '.data' data readable writeable

  _caption db 'Win32 assembly program',0
  _message db 'Hello World!',0
  _class db 'someclass',0
  wc WNDCLASS style:0, lpfnWndProc:WindowProc, hbrBackground:COLOR_BTNFACE+1, lpszClassName:_class

section '.idata' import data readable writeable

  dd 0,0,0,RVA kernel_name,RVA kernel_table
  dd 0,0,0,RVA user_name,RVA user_table
  dd 0,0,0,0,0

    ExitProcess dd RVA _ExitProcess
    dd 0
    MessageBoxA dd RVA _MessageBoxA
    dd 0

  kernel_name db 'KERNEL32.DLL',0
  user_name db 'USER32.DLL',0

  _ExitProcess dw 0
    db 'ExitProcess',0
  _MessageBoxA dw 0
    db 'MessageBoxA',0

section '.reloc' fixups data readable discardable       ; needed for Win32s

struct.inc from fasmg with win32|64 headers
define struct?
define union?

struct?.counter = -1
struct?.subcounter = -1

struc struct?.init_field name,field,value&
        match =struct type, name.field.__type
                .field struct?.init type,value
        else match =substruct type, name.field.__type

                . struct?.init name.type,value
        else match first=,rest, value
                local data
                virtual at 0
                        emit sizeof .field : value
                        load data : $ from 0
                end virtual
                if lengthof data <= name.field.__length
                        store data : lengthof data at .field
                        err 'data too long for ',`name,'.',`field
                end if
        else if value eqtype ''
                if lengthof value <= name.field.__length
                        store value : lengthof value at .field
                        err 'data too long for ',`name,'.',`field
                end if
                store value at .field
        end if
end struc

struc struct?.init name,args&
        iterate definition, args
                match field:value, definition
                        . struct?.init_field name,field,value
                else match field==value, definition
                        . struct?.init_field name,field,value
                else match value, definition
                        match field, name.__field#%
                                match root.sub, name
                                        . struct?.init_field root,field,value
                                        . struct?.init_field name,field,value
                                end match
                        end match
                end match
        end iterate
end struc

macro struct? name
        struc name args&
                label . : sizeof.name
                namespace .
                end namespace
                . struct?.init name,args
                if struct?.counter > 0
                        repeat 1, i:struct?.counter
                                match field, __field#i
                                        define field.__type struct name
                                end match
                        end repeat
                end if
        end struc
        macro struct?!
                esc macro struct?.current
        end macro
        macro struct?.end
                purge struct?.end
                virtual at 0
                        namespace name
                                struct?.counter = 0
                                struct?.subcounter = 0
                                define struct?.substruct
                                struc (field) ? def&
                                        match ==v, def
                                                field def
                                        else match :v, def
                                                field def
                                        else if struct?.counter < 0
                                                field def
                                                struct?.counter = struct?.counter + 1
                                                repeat 1, i:struct?.counter
                                                        match sub, struct?.substruct
                                                                define sub.__field#i field
                                                                define __field#i field
                                                        end match
                                                end repeat
                                                field def
                                                if defined field
                                                        field.__length := $ - field
                                                end if
                                        end if
                                end struc
                                restruc ?
                                struct?.counter = -1
                                struct?.subcounter = -1
                        end namespace
                        label name:$ at $
                        sizeof.name = sizeof name
                end virtual
                purge struct?
        end macro
        esc macro struct?.name
end macro

macro struct?.container
end macro

macro struct?.begin
        macro struct?.end
                purge struct?.end
                if struct?.subcounter >= 0
                        struct?.subcounter = struct?.subcounter + 1
                        repeat 1, j:struct?.subcounter
                                if struct?.counter >= 0
                                        struct?.counter = struct?.counter + 1
                                        repeat 1, i:struct?.counter
                                                match sub, struct?.substruct
                                                        define sub.__field#i __substruct#j
                                                        define __field#i __substruct#j
                                                end match
                                        end repeat
                                end if
                                define struct?.substruct __substruct#j
                                define __substruct#j.__type substruct __substruct#j
                                struct?.counter =: 0
                        end repeat
                end if
                if struct?.subcounter > 0
                        purge struct?.current
                        restore struct?.substruct,struct?.counter
                end if
        end macro
end macro

macro union?.begin
        local instance
        label instance
        macro struct?!
                esc macro struct?.current
        end macro
        macro struct?.end
                purge struct?.end
                macro struct?.container
                        instance !--
                end macro
                struc (field) ? def&
                        if $-instance = 0
                                match !--, def
                                        field def
                                end match
                                if $-instance > 0
                                        struct?.counter =: -1
                                end if
                                virtual at instance
                                        match !--, def
                                                field def
                                        end match
                                        local size
                                        size = $-instance
                                end virtual
                                if size > $-instance
                                        rb size-($-instance)
                                end if
                        end if
                end struc
                restruc ?
                purge union?.current,struct?.container
                if $-instance > 0
                        restore struct?.counter
                end if
                purge struct?
        end macro
end macro

macro union?!
        esc macro union?.current
end macro

macro ends?!
        esc end macro
end macro

macro struct? definition
        match name base, definition
                macro struct?.launcher
                        purge struct?.launcher
                        struct name
                end macro
                macro struct?.launcher
                        purge struct?.launcher
                        struct definition
                end macro
        end match
end macro

After compilation we have error:
wc WNDCLASS style:0, lpfnWndProc:WindowProc, hbrBackground:COLOR_BTNFACE+1, lpszClassName:_class
macro WNDCLASS [5] macro init [3] macro init_field [24]:
          store value at .field
Processed:  store WindowProc  at . lpfnWndProc
Error:  variable term used  where not expected.

if I comment
wc WNDCLASS ;style:0, lpfnWndProc:WindowProc, hbrBackground:COLOR_BTNFACE+1, lpszClassName:_class

;section '.reloc' fixups data readable discardable

than all ok.
even so
wc WNDCLASS style:0, lpfnWndProc:WindowProc-PE.RELOCATION, hbrBackground:COLOR_BTNFACE+1, lpszClassName:_class-PE.RELOCATION    

all ok

struc.inc is crossCPU macroset hardcoding in it PE.RELOCATION looks ugly.
so there should be way to support struct in PE.inc own like that done for dword,qword etc.

Ability to skip relative to CPU-type relocation terms maybe should be in struct.inc.
But definition of term as CPU specific relocation again should be in PE.

I don`t like to refer by "you" to one person.
My soul requires acronim "thou" instead.
Post 17 Jul 2017, 15:02
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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
Posts: 8359
Location: Kraków, Poland
Tomasz Grysztar 17 Jul 2017, 16:06
This is something that PE.INC should handle, perhaps by overriding STORE.
Post 17 Jul 2017, 16:06
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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
Posts: 8359
Location: Kraków, Poland
Tomasz Grysztar 17 Jul 2017, 19:45
Well, the above may be more appropriate in principle, but fixing this on the "struct" macros side is way easier, so I decided to add this alteration:
struc struct?.init_field name,field,value&
        match =struct type, name.field.__type
                .field struct?.init type,value
        else match =substruct type, name.field.__type
                . struct?.init name.type,value
        else match first=,rest, value
                local data
                virtual at 0
                        emit sizeof .field : value
                        load data : $ from 0
                end virtual
                if lengthof data <= name.field.__length
                        store data : lengthof data at .field
                        err 'data too long for ',`name,'.',`field
                end if
        else if value eqtype ''
                if lengthof value <= name.field.__length
                        store value : lengthof value at .field
                        err 'data too long for ',`name,'.',`field
                end if
        else if elementsof value
                local reduced
                virtual at .field
                        if sizeof .field = 4
                                dd value
                        else if sizeof .field = 8
                                dq value
                                dbx sizeof .field : value
                        end if
                        load reduced from .field
                end virtual
                store reduced at .field
                store value at .field
        end if
end struc    
I updated the Windows macro package already.
Post 17 Jul 2017, 19:45
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