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Index > Linux > Polyglot file (ELF64 + PDF?)

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Joined: 21 Jan 2021
Posts: 219
FlierMate 08 Aug 2021, 21:27
So I am joining a contest to create polyglot file, with multiple file format overlapping with host binary file.
Then I created this ELF64 program, by inserting PDF file content right in the data segment, as shown below:
format ELF64 executable 3

segment readable executable

entry $

        mov     edx,len
        lea     rsi,[num]
        mov     edi,1           ; STDOUT
        mov     eax,1           ; sys_write

        mov     edi,2
        mov     eax,60          ; sys_exit

segment readable writeable

num db "Just For You",0xA
len = $ - num
pdf1 db "%PDF-1.",0xA
pdf2 db "1 0 obj<</Kids[<</Resources<<>>/Contents 2 0 R/Parent 1 0 R/Type/Page/MediaBox[0 0 99 99]>>]/Type/Pages/Count 1>>endobj",0xA
pdf3 db "2 0 obj<<>>stream",0xA
pdf4 db "BT/ 9 Tf(Just For You)' ET",0xA
pdf5 db "endstream",0xA
pdf6 db "endobj",0xA
pdf7 db "3 0 obj<</Type/Catalog/Pages 1 0 R>>endobj",0xA
pdf8 db "trailer<</Info<</Author(FlierMate)>>/Root 3 0 R>>",0xA

Surprisingly, after I compile this justforyou.asm to justforyou, it is identified as both executable and PDF file.
If renaming it with .pdf extension, and enabling "Execute" permission, ewww, it can be opened by PDF reader (Firefox, Chrome, Adobe Reader) and run in terminal window:

boo@boo-K40IN:~/fasm$ ./justforyou.pdf
Just For You

I do not understand how it is identified as PDF despite the ELF header at the beginning of the file?
Post 08 Aug 2021, 21:27
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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
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Location: Kraków, Poland
Tomasz Grysztar 08 Aug 2021, 21:54
I would recommend the works of Ange Albertini as a valuable reference. I found this remark in the "This PDF is a JPEG" article:
Ange Albertini wrote:
The PDF format officially requires its %PDF-1.x signature to be at offset 0x00, but in practice most interpreters only require its presence within the first 1,024 bytes of the files.
Post 08 Aug 2021, 21:54
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Joined: 21 Jan 2021
Posts: 219
FlierMate 08 Aug 2021, 22:18
Tomasz Grysztar wrote:
I would recommend the works of Ange Albertini as a valuable reference. I found this remark in the "This PDF is a JPEG" article:
Ange Albertini wrote:
The PDF format officially requires its %PDF-1.x signature to be at offset 0x00, but in practice most interpreters only require its presence within the first 1,024 bytes of the files.

A mind-boggling source of information, with many useful hacks in file format. Now I know why.

Thank you, Tomasz, for the quick and accurate response. Smile
Post 08 Aug 2021, 22:18
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