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Index > Main > Bytes per sector in IDENTIFY DEVICE

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Joined: 05 Jun 2017
Posts: 7
Atlas 03 Jul 2017, 16:23
How to get bytes per sector in the IDENTIFY DEVICE DATA structure using the 0ECh ATA Command?
Post 03 Jul 2017, 16:23
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Joined: 25 Aug 2004
Posts: 618
cod3b453 03 Jul 2017, 19:29
The following uses PIO and should work for 16 or 32 bit:
ATA_REG_DATA                                    equ 0x0000 ; RW Data
ATA_REG_COMMAND                                 equ 0x0007 ;  W Command
ATA_REG_STATUS                                  equ 0x0007 ; R  Status
ATA_COMMAND_IDENTIFY_DEVICE                     equ 0xEC
ATA_STATUS_BUSY                                 equ 0x80

    Config                  dw ?
    Cylinders               dw ? ; OBSOLETE
    Reserved0               dw ?
    Heads                   dw ? ; OBSOLETE
    BytesPerTrack           dw ?
    BytesPerSector          dw ?
    SectorsPerTrack         dw ? ; OBSOLETE
    Vendor0                 dw ?
    Vendor1                 dw ?
    Vendor2                 dw ?
    Serial0                 dw ?
    Serial1                 dw ?
    Serial2                 dw ?
    Serial3                 dw ?
    Serial4                 dw ?
    Serial5                 dw ?
    Serial6                 dw ?
    Serial7                 dw ?
    Serial8                 dw ?
    Serial9                 dw ?
    BufferType              dw ?
    BufferSize              dw ?
    ECCBytes                dw ?
    Firmware0               dw ?
    Firmware1               dw ?
    Firmware2               dw ?
    Firmware3               dw ?
    ModelName0              dw ?
    ModelName1              dw ?
    ModelName2              dw ?
    ModelName3              dw ?
    ModelName4              dw ?
    ModelName5              dw ?
    ModelName6              dw ?
    ModelName7              dw ?
    ModelName8              dw ?
    ModelName9              dw ?
    MulSecPerInt            dw ?
    DWIO                    dw ?
    LBADMA                  dw ?
    Reserved1               dw ?
    PIOMode                 dw ?
    DMAMode                 dw ?
    Reserved2               dw ?
    ApCylinders             dw ?
    ApHeads                 dw ?
    ApSectorsPerTrack       dw ?
    Capacity0               dw ?
    Capacity1               dw ?
    NumSecPerInt            dw ?
    LBASectors0             dw ?
    LBASectors1             dw ?
    SinDMAModes             dw ?
    MulDMAModes             dw ? ;54
    Reserved3               rw 64
    Vendor3                 rw 32
    Reserved4               rw 96
    Reserved5               rw 10

;mov bp,xxx ; The legacy ATA base is 0x0170 or 0x01F0 but this can also be acquired from PCI information (BAR registers)

; Write command
lea dx,[bp+ATA_REG_COMMAND]
out dx,al

; Wait idle
@@: ; wait

in al,dx ; dx is also ATA_REG_STATUS

jnz @b ; wait

jnz @f ; error

; Copy data
mov cx,(sizeof.ATAPI_IDENTIFY / 2) ; 2 bytes per read
lea dx,[bp+ATA_REG_DATA]
mov di,buffer
rep insw ; 2 bytes per read

; You can now read buffer.BytesPerSector
@@: ; error

Hope that helps
Post 03 Jul 2017, 19:29
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Joined: 05 Jun 2017
Posts: 7
Atlas 05 Jul 2017, 04:22
cod3b453 wrote:
; You can now read buffer.BytesPerSector

The field BytesPerSector is zero on my IDENTIFY DEVICE DATA. Why can't get BytesPerSector in this structure?
Post 05 Jul 2017, 04:22
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