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Joined: 17 May 2017
Posts: 2
fasmlover 17 May 2017, 03:23
Hi guys. Pleasure to be here. Can you please help with my code to retrieve file version of ntoskrnl.exe? I want to be able to query my file version and print it in a messagebox. Still learning FASM in Windows32. Thank you for you help. Cannot wait to contribute more.

format  pe gui 4.0
include 'win32ax.inc'

invoke GetFileVersionInfoA, lpszFilePath, 0, 1024, lpVersionInfo
invoke VerQueryValueA, buffer, "\\", lplpReturnVal, dwLength
mov [hfile],VS_FIXEDFILEINFO.dwFileVersionLS
invoke MessageBox, 0, [hfile], [hfile], MB_OK
invoke ExitProcess, 0

 .dwFileVersionLS dd ?

lpszFilePath      db 'C:\Windows\System32\ntoskrnl.exe',0
dwDummy       dd ?
lpVersionInfo    dd ?
buffer               db 256 dup(?)
lplpReturnVal    dd ?
dwLength         dd ?
hfile                dd ? 

section '.idata' import data readable
        library  kernel32,'kernel32.dll',\
                 version, 'version.dll'
         import  kernel32,\
         import  version,\
                 GetFileVersionInfoA, 'GetFileVersionInfoA',\
                 VerQueryValueA, 'VerQueryValueA'
         import  user32,\
Post 17 May 2017, 03:23
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revolution 18 May 2017, 11:14
You are setting the value at hfile to the fixed constant VS_FIXEDFILEINFO.dwFileVersionLS. So MessageBox has nothing to display other than a pointer to an invalid buffer.
Post 18 May 2017, 11:14
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Picnic 18 May 2017, 13:22
Hi fasmlover, it is somewhat more complex.
Here is a working sample (written hurriedly), see if you can make something of it.
Notice that you have to include the version.inc file.

    format PE gui 4.0
    entry start

    include "..\include\win32ax.inc"

section ".data" data readable writeable

    lptstrFilename db "C:\Windows\System32\ntoskrnl.exe",0
    lpData dd 0
    BufLen dd 0
    dwLen dd 0
    dwHandle dd 0
    pFileInfo dd 0
    lpBuffer rb 256

section ".code" code readable executable

    invoke GetFileVersionInfoSize, lptstrFilename, dwHandle
    .if eax = 0
        ; handle error
        jmp .exit

    mov [dwLen], eax

    invoke LocalAlloc, LPTR, eax  ; use HeapAlloc instead
    .if eax = 0
        ; handle error
        jmp .exit

    mov [lpData], eax

    invoke GetFileVersionInfo, lptstrFilename, [dwHandle], [dwLen], [lpData]
    .if eax = 0
        invoke GetLastError
        ; handle error
        ; free lpData
        jmp .exit

    invoke VerQueryValue, [lpData], "\\", pFileInfo, BufLen
    .if eax = 0
        ; handle error
        ; free lpData
        jmp .exit

    mov esi, [pFileInfo]  ; VS_FIXEDFILEINFO ptr (FAR* FAR*)

    mov eax, [esi+2*4]  ; dwFileVersionMS
    mov ebx, eax
    and ebx, 0xFFFF  ; Minor Version
    shr eax, 16
    and eax, 0xFFFF  ; Major Version

    mov ecx, [esi+3*4]  ; dwFileVersionLS
    mov edx, ecx
    and edx, 0xFFFF  ; Revision Number
    shr ecx, 16
    and ecx, 0xFFFF  ; Build Number

    ; Output: major.minor.build.revision
    cinvoke wsprintf, lpBuffer, <"File Version: %d.%d.%d.%d">, eax, ebx, ecx, edx
    invoke MessageBox, 0, lpBuffer, lptstrFilename, MB_OK
    invoke LocalFree, [lpData]

    .exit: invoke ExitProcess, 0

section ".idata" import data readable writeable

    library kernel32,"kernel32.dll", user32,"user32.dll", version,"version.dll"

    include "..\include\api\kernel32.inc"
    include "..\include\api\user32.inc"
    include "..\include\api\version.inc"

XP 32-Bit Output: major.minor.build.revision


Windows 7 64 Bit


Filename: version.inc
Filesize: 675 Bytes
Downloaded: 370 Time(s)

Post 18 May 2017, 13:22
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Joined: 17 May 2017
Posts: 2
fasmlover 21 May 2017, 08:57
Many thanks, guys. Especially appreciated a detailed response from Picnic and included "version.inc". It is extremely helpful; I did not know at that time what my roadblock was. Thanks again! It works perfectly, Picnic.
Post 21 May 2017, 08:57
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