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Index > Windows > Access violation, Write Address = ffffffc

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Joined: 01 May 2017
Posts: 8
Sloppysecond 01 May 2017, 13:51
Hello there!
I'm trying to make sum with two length numbers using fasm.
But in the end of the program i catch exception which was mentioned in the title of the topic.
I wasted some hours to correct it and remade my program 3 times but every time i face this problem and only addresses of the error were changed.
Here is my code :
format  PE      Console 
entry   start                   

include 'C:\FASM\INCLUDE\win32a.inc'

macro set_ascii_code number, quantity_of_digits
        local looping
        xor ecx, ecx
        xor eax, eax
        xor edx, edx
        or ecx, quantity_of_digits ;Command loop will use register ecx
looping : 
        mov dh, [number + eax]
        or dh, 030h
        mov [number + eax], dh
        inc eax
loop looping

section '.data' data readable writeable
first_number db 1,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9 
first_number_length   =   $ - first_number 
max_length dw 0

second_number db 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
second_number_length = $ - second_number  

result db 100 dup(0)

handle_to_output_stream dd 0
reserved dd 0
symbols_was_written dd 0

section '.code' code readable executable
        push eax
        push ebx 
        push ecx
        push esi
        push ebp
        push esp
        push edx 
        invoke GetStdHandle, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
        mov [handle_to_output_stream], eax 
        if first_number_length >= second_number_length
                mov eax, second_number_length
                mov esi, first_number_length 
                mov eax, first_number_length
                mov esi, second_number_length 
        end if
        mov ecx, eax
        dec esi
        mov ebp, first_number_length
        mov esp, second_number_length 
        dec ebp
        dec esp 
        xor eax, eax
        xor ebx, ebx
        xor edx, edx

        mov al, [first_number+ ebp]
        mov ah,[first_number+ ebp - 1] 
        shl ah, 4 
        or al, ah 
        add al, [second_number+ esp] 
        adc ah, 0
        or dl, al 
        and dl, 0Fh 
        mov [result+esi], dl 
        shr ax, 4 

        dec esi
        dec esp
        dec ebp 
        dec ebp
        dec ecx 
        xor dl, dl
for_looping : 
        dont_get_last_digit : 
        mov ah,[first_number+ebp] 
        shl ah, 4
        or al, ah 
        add al, [second_number+esp] 
        adc ah, 0
        or dl, al 
        and dl, 0Fh 
        mov [result+esi], dl
        CMP esp, 0
        je break1
        CMP esi, 0
        je break2
        dec esi
        dec esp
        shr ax, 4
        xor dl, dl
        CMP ebp, 0
        je dont_get_last_digit
        dec ebp
loop for_looping

break1 : 
break2 :

        set_ascii_code result, first_number_length
        invoke WriteConsole, [handle_to_output_stream],result, first_number_length, symbols_was_written , reserved
    pop eax
        pop ebx 
        pop ecx
        pop esi
        pop ebp
        pop esp
        pop edx 
        invoke  ExitProcess, 0
section '.idata' import readable
        library kernel, 'KERNEL32.DLL',\
                        ascidc,         'ascidc.dll'
import  kernel,\        
                        ExitProcess,    'ExitProcess',\
                        GetStdHandle,   'GetStdHandle',\
                        WriteConsole,   'WriteConsoleA',\
                        GetCurrentDirectory,    'GetCurrentDirectoryA',\
                        CloseHandle,    'CloseHandle',\
                        CreateFile,             'CreateFileA',\
                        ReadFile,               'ReadFile',\
                        WriteFile,              'WriteFile',\
                        GetCommandLine, 'GetCommandLineA',\
                        VirtualFree,    'VirtualFree',\
                        VirtualAlloc,   'VirtualAlloc',\
                        SetFilePointer, 'SetFilePointer',\
                        GetFileSize,    'GetFileSize',\
                        ReadConsole,    'ReadConsoleA'
import  ascidc,\
                        GetSPSTR,       'GetSPSTR',\
                        ASCIINH,                'ASCIINH',\
                        NHASCII,                'NHASCII'     
Post 01 May 2017, 13:51
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revolution 01 May 2017, 14:00
PUSH and POP must be in reverse order from each other.

BTW: For Windows you only need to preserve EBX, EBP, ESI and EDI.
Post 01 May 2017, 14:00
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Joined: 01 May 2017
Posts: 8
Sloppysecond 01 May 2017, 14:29
revolution wrote:
PUSH and POP must be in reverse order from each other.

BTW: For Windows you only need to preserve EBX, EBP, ESI and EDI.

Thank you.
Now i've got such code :
push eax
        push ebx 
        push ecx
        push esi
        push ebp
        push esp
        push edx 
        pop edx
        pop esp
        pop ebp
        pop esi
        pop ecx
        pop ebx
        pop eax


But anyway i'have got this exception in the end of the program.
Post 01 May 2017, 14:29
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revolution 01 May 2017, 14:42
It probably isn't a good idea to be PUSHing or POPing ESP. Also you can't use ESP as a general purpose register like that. Remember that ESP is the stack pointer so after you change it your stack is now lost.
Post 01 May 2017, 14:42
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Sloppysecond 01 May 2017, 14:50
revolution wrote:
It probably isn't a good idea to be PUSHing or POPing ESP. Also you can't use ESP as a general purpose register like that. Remember that ESP is the stack pointer so after you change it your stack is now lost.

Ouch i didn't think about that.
Will correct code using EDI.
Post 01 May 2017, 14:50
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VEG 01 May 2017, 15:17
Sloppysecond, it is better to use pushad and popad in your situation. It preserves/restores all registers in one command.
Post 01 May 2017, 15:17
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Sloppysecond 01 May 2017, 15:29
revolution wrote:
Remember that ESP is the stack pointer so after you change it your stack is now lost.

Thank you!
The problem was solved by changing using of ESP on the EDI.
I guess without you i would kill many hours to understand this.
Can you answer me on the theoretical question :
1)Why do we need to push some registers and after using pop them?
From that do we preserve them? From changing by other threads?
I have never did it before and used only ECX, EBX, EDX and EAX. But in this task more registers were needed.
Post 01 May 2017, 15:29
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Sloppysecond 01 May 2017, 15:32
VEG wrote:
Sloppysecond, it is better to use pushad and popad in your situation. It preserves/restores all registers in one command.

Thank you, i didn't know about this commands. Will read about them.
Post 01 May 2017, 15:32
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revolution 01 May 2017, 15:34
When you PUSH you save the value on the stack, and later you POP to recover the original value. It is part of the Windows calling standard, all functions are expected to not corrupt EBX, EBP, ESI and EDI.
Post 01 May 2017, 15:34
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Joined: 01 May 2017
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Sloppysecond 01 May 2017, 15:39
revolution wrote:
When you PUSH you save the value on the stack, and later you POP to recover the original value. It is part of the Windows calling standard, all functions are expected to not corrupt EBX, EBP, ESI and EDI.

Thank you.
Post 01 May 2017, 15:39
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