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Index > Windows > Subclassing and CallWindowProc

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Joined: 31 Oct 2015
Posts: 7
Location: Russian Federation
mikado3333 22 Apr 2017, 06:39
Hello! I'm from russia, so sorry for my english!
I created a window "My message box". Working!
hFont           dd 0
hWindow         dd ?
stMSG           MSG     
stRC            RECT
stWCM           WNDCLASS 0,MyModalProc,0,0,0,0,0,COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT,0,.class
stWC            WNDCLASS 0,MyNoModalProc,0,0,0,0,0,COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT,0,.class2


                                push    esi edi ebx
                                lea    edi, [stWC]      
                                mov    esi, .class2
                                cmp    [modal], 0
                                jz     @f
                                lea    edi, [stWCM]
                                mov    esi, .class
@@:                             invoke FindWindow, esi, 0
                                cmp    eax,0
                                jnz    @f
                                INVOKE GetModuleHandle,    [edi + WNDCLASS.hInstance], 0
                                INVOKE LoadIcon,             [edi + WNDCLASS.hIcon], 0, IDI_EXCLAMATION
                                INVOKE LoadCursor,           [edi + WNDCLASS.hCursor], 0, IDC_ARROW
                                invoke RegisterClass,    edi
                                cmp    eax,0
                                jz     .error   

@@:                             mov    edx, .title      
                                cmp    [zagalovok], 0
                                cmovne  edx, [zagalovok]
                                INVOKE  CreateWindowEx, [hWindow], 0, esi, edx, WS_VISIBLE+WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,\
                                                                                128, 128, 500, 200, 0, 0, [edi + WNDCLASS.hInstance],0 
                                cmp    eax,0
                                jz     .error                                                   
                                lea    ebx, [stRC]                      
                                invoke GetClientRect,     [hWindow], ebx
                                INVOKE CreateWindowEx,          edi, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, .edit, [text], styleEdit, 0,\
                                                                                0,[ebx + RECT.right],[ebx + RECT.bottom],[hWindow],0,\
                                                                                [edi + WNDCLASS.hInstance],0
                                cmp    eax,0
                                jz     .error                                                   
                                INVOKE CreateFont,    [hFont], 18, 0, 0, 0, 500, 0, 0, 0,DEFAULT_CHARSET,\      
                                                              OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS ,CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS,\                         
                                                                   PROOF_QUALITY, FIXED_PITCH + FF_DONTCARE, .FontName
                                cmp    eax,0
                                jz     .error
                                invoke SendMessage,    edi, WM_SETFONT, [hFont], 1      
                                cmp    [modal], 0
                                jz    .exit
                                lea             ebx,[stMSG]
                                invoke  GetMessage,ebx,0,0,0                                                                                                            
                                cmp             eax,0                                                                                                                           
                                je              .exit                                                                                                                                   
                                invoke  TranslateMessage,ebx                                                                                                            
                                invoke  DispatchMessage,ebx                                                                                                             
                                jmp            .msg_loop        

.exit:                          mov             eax, [hWindow]
                                mov             edx, edi
                                pop             ebx edi esi
.error:                 invoke  DeleteObject, [hFont]
                                pop             ebx edi esi
.title          db "Информация",0
.class          db 1,0
.class2         db 2,0
.edit           db 'EDIT',0     
.FontName       db "Courier New",0

proc    MyModalProc     hwnd,wmsg,wparam,lparam                                                                 

class   db 1,0
edit    db 'EDIT',0
rc              RECT

                                push    ebx esi edi
                                cmp     [wmsg],WM_CLOSE
                                jz              .close          
                                                cmp     [wmsg],WM_SIZE
                                                jz              .size
                                                                cmp     [wmsg],WM_DESTROY
                                                                jz              .destroy
                                invoke  DefWindowProc,          [hwnd],[wmsg],[wparam],[lparam]
                                jmp             .out

.close:                   invoke        GetWindow,              [hwnd], GW_CHILD
                                invoke  SendMessage,            eax, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0
                                invoke  DeleteObject,           eax     
                                invoke  DestroyWindow,          [hwnd] 
                                lea             esi, [class]
                                invoke  FindWindow,             esi, 0
                                cmp             eax,0
                                jnz             .exit
                                invoke  GetModuleHandle,        0
                                invoke  UnregisterClass,        esi, eax
                                jmp             .exit
.destroy:                       invoke       PostQuitMessage,   0
                                jmp             .exit                           
.size:                          lea             ebx, [rc]
                                invoke       GetClientRect,             [hwnd], ebx
                                lea             eax, [edit]
                                invoke  FindWindowEx,           [hwnd], 0, eax, 0
                                invoke       MoveWindow,                        eax, 0, 0, [ebx + RECT.right], [ebx + RECT.bottom], TRUE        

.exit:                         mov              eax, 0  
.out:                          pop              edi esi ebx     


I'm Subclassing Edit Control in my program.
proc    NewDlgProcEditTb                hwnd,wmsg,wparam,lparam                                                                                         

                        push    ebx esi edi     
                        invoke  GetParent,              [hwnd]
                        invoke  GetParent,               eax
                        mov          ebx, eax
                        cmp     [wmsg], WM_CHAR
                        je              .wmchar                                         
                        cmp     [wmsg], WM_KILLFOCUS 
                        je              .wmkillfocus
.def:                   invoke  CallWindowProc, [pOldProcEdit], [hwnd], [wmsg], [wparam], [lparam]
                        jmp        .out
.wmchar:                cmp        [wparam], VK_TAB
                        jnz        .def
                        invoke SendMessage,     ebx, WM_EDITTB, [hwnd], [wparam]
                        jmp       .finish       

.wmkillfocus:      invoke SendMessage,  ebx, WM_EDITTB, [hwnd], -1
                        jmp       .finish 

.finish:                xor        eax, eax
.out:                   pop       edi esi ebx

Working! But I call
.KillFocus:             invoke  SendMessage,    [wparam], WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0            

From DialogProc then "bugs" with Edit Control(Can not close window "MyMessage" and crush font) in "MyMessage Box"
.def:                   invoke  CallWindowProc, [pOldProcEdit], [hwnd], [wmsg], [wparam], [lparam]
                               [b] jmp     .finish[/b]
then working, but LENGTH = 0 (xor eax, eax).
Post 22 Apr 2017, 06:39
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Joined: 31 Oct 2015
Posts: 7
Location: Russian Federation
mikado3333 23 Apr 2017, 14:43
It's decided. The reason was in the future code of the program - incorrectly allocated a stack (not a multiple of 4).
Post 23 Apr 2017, 14:43
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revolution 23 Apr 2017, 14:53
I'm glad you figured it out.

Something I like to recommend is that people post a full example, rather then small snippets where they think the problem is. That way we can assemble and run and see for ourselves exactly what is going on. Help is more forthcoming then.
Post 23 Apr 2017, 14:53
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