Hi. I've been messing with MeOS for a while now, but I've just started doing a few additions to the kernel. I have a syscall that works, but how do I use pointers passed to my syscall?
I've tried not doing anything to the pointer and just using it, that didnt work. Then I had a look and found what seemed like a solution and did this:
; ********************
; * VFS_mount *
; * EBX > Attributes * <-- DWORD
; * ECX > Mountpoint * <-- Pointer to ASCIIZ string
; ********************
mov edi,[0x3010] ; ECX should now point to the place it is meant
add edi,0x10 ; to from this code's perspective.
add ecx,[edi]
But it always ends up pointing to a capitalised M somewhere.
Any ideas?