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Index > Windows > [solved] The code works, but climbs error Windows

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Joined: 19 Oct 2016
Posts: 6
rococo795 19 Oct 2016, 07:52
format PE GUI 4.0 
entry start       

include 'win32a.inc'

section '.bss' data readable writeable 
FileIn dd ?       
FileSizeIn dd ?   
HeapAllocMem dd ? 
FileOut dd ?      
cbRead dd ?       
cbWrite dd ?      
sizeHancAudi dd ?
sizeFileOut dd ?
sizeFileOutWes dd ?
cbWrite1 dd ?

section '.text' code readable executable 
    invoke MessageBoxA,0,text9,titl,0

        invoke  GetLocalTime,stime  
        mov ax,[stime.wYear]        
        cmp ax,$07e0                
        jg .errData                 
        mov ax,[stime.wMonth]       
        cmp ax,$000a
        jg .errData
        mov ax,[stime.wDay]         
        cmp ax,$0013
        jg .errData
        invoke CreateFile,lpFileIn,GENERIC_READ,0,0,3,0,0 
                cmp eax,-1 
                je .errlpFileIn
                mov [FileIn],eax 

                invoke GetFileSize,eax,0 
                cmp eax,$0ffffffff       
                je .errFileSize          
                mov [FileSizeIn],eax     

                        invoke GetProcessHeap 
                        invoke HeapAlloc,eax,0,[FileSizeIn] 
                        cmp eax,0  
                        je .errHeapAlloc   
                        mov [HeapAllocMem],eax 

                        invoke ReadFile,[FileIn],[HeapAllocMem],[FileSizeIn],cbRead,0
                        test eax,eax
                        jz .errReadFile
                        invoke CloseHandle,[FileIn]

                                xor eax,eax  
                                xor ebx,ebx

                                mov ebx,[HeapAllocMem] 

                                mov eax,[ebx+26h] 
                                cmp eax,'data' 
                                jne .dataNet  

                                mov eax,[ebx+2ah]
                                mov [sizeHancAudi],eax
                                add eax,$24
                                mov [sizeFileOut],eax
                                mov [ebx+4h],eax
                                add eax,$8
                                mov [sizeFileOutWes],eax
                                mov eax,$10
                                mov [ebx+10h],eax

                        invoke CreateFile,lpFileOut,GENERIC_WRITE,2,0,1,0,0
                        cmp eax,-1
                        je .errlpFileOut
                        mov [FileOut],eax

                        invoke WriteFile,[FileOut],[HeapAllocMem],24h,cbWrite,0
                        test eax,eax
                        je .errWriteFile1

                        add ebx,$26 
                        mov esi,[sizeFileOutWes] 
                        sub esi,$24 

                        invoke WriteFile,[FileOut],ebx,esi,cbWrite1,0
                        test eax,eax
                        je .errWriteFile2
                        invoke CloseHandle,[FileOut]
                jmp .ok

                                mov eax,[ebx+24h]
                                cmp eax,'data'
                                jne .errFormat
                                mov eax,[ebx+28h] 
                                mov [sizeHancAudi],eax 
                                add eax,$24 
                                mov [sizeFileOut],eax 
                                add eax,$8 
                                mov [sizeFileOutWes],eax 

                        invoke CreateFile,lpFileOut,GENERIC_WRITE,2,0,1,0,0
                        cmp eax,-1
                        je .errlpFileOut
                        mov [FileOut],eax

                        invoke WriteFile,[FileOut],[HeapAllocMem],[sizeFileOutWes],cbWrite,0
                        test eax,eax
                        je .errWriteFile3
                        invoke CloseHandle,[FileOut]
        jmp .ok

                invoke MessageBoxA,0,text,titl,0
                jmp .exit
                invoke MessageBoxA,0,text5,titl,0
                jmp .exit
                invoke MessageBoxA,0,text6,titl,0
                jmp .exit
                invoke MessageBoxA,0,text7,titl,0
                jmp .exit
                invoke MessageBoxA,0,text2,titl,0
                jmp .exit
                invoke MessageBoxA,0,text4,titl,0
                jmp .exit
                invoke MessageBoxA,0,text3,titl,0
                jmp .exit
                invoke MessageBoxA,0,text8,titl,0
                jmp .exit
                invoke MessageBoxA,0,textA,titl,0
                jmp .exit
                invoke MessageBoxA,0,textB,titl,0
                jmp .exit

    invoke HeapFree,[HeapAllocMem]
    invoke MessageBoxA,0,text1,titl,0

invoke ExitProcess,0

section '.data' data readable writeable 

        lpFileIn        db 'C:\1\1.wav',0
        lpFileOut       db 'C:\1\1(1).wav',0

        text            db      'The term of the program expired...',0
        titl            db      'Warning!!!',0

    text1               db      'OK!!!...',0
    text2               db      'errReadFile...',0
    text3               db      'errWriteFile1...',0
    text4               db      'errlpFileOut...',0
    text5               db      'errlpFileIn...',0
    text6               db      'errFileSize...',0
    text7               db      'errHeapAlloc...',0
    text8               db      'errFormat...',0
    text9               db      'The program leaves the wav file only what is necessary for sound...   ',\
                                        'The path and name of the source file should be such C:\1\1.wav...  ',\
                                        'After the program to receive the new file C:\1\1(1).wav ....',0
    textA               db      'errWriteFile2...',0
    textB               db      'errWriteFile3...',0

section '.idata' import data readable
  library kernel32,'kernel32.dll',\

        include 'api\user32.inc'
    include 'api\kernel32.inc'

The code works, but climbs error Windows... Where is the error code?? What else is there to correct for engine optimization???
Thanks in advance for your help...
Post 19 Oct 2016, 07:52
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Joined: 19 Oct 2016
Posts: 6
rococo795 19 Oct 2016, 09:14
There are two file number 1 is processed without errors and the number 3 - the code works, but mistake Windows.
Post 19 Oct 2016, 09:14
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Joined: 19 Oct 2016
Posts: 6
rococo795 19 Oct 2016, 10:34
Found error...

invoke GetProcessHeap
mov [GetProcessHeapMem],eax
invoke HeapAlloc,[GetProcessHeapMem],0,[FileSizeIn]

invoke HeapFree,[GetProcessHeapMem],0,[HeapAllocMem]
Post 19 Oct 2016, 10:34
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