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> Tutorials and Examples > Creating BMP in FASM |
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Tomasz Grysztar 23 Sep 2016, 09:48
Thank you for this nice little example! I'm using every opportunity to test such exotic fasm sources with fasmg, and this one required very little changes. I just had to replace initial lines with "struct" definitions and then change the lines that initialize structures so that they use the new syntax, because I have not written a "struct" variant that would take unlabeled values like the one for fasm (I see I may need to write one just to have a tool for quicker adapting code from fasm):
Code: macro struct? name macro ends?! end namespace iterate definition, args@struct match name:value, definition store value at .name else match name==value, definition store value at .name else match value, definition err 'unnamed values not supported' end match end iterate end struc virtual at 0 name name sizeof.name = $ end virtual purge ends? end macro struc name args@struct& label . : sizeof.name namespace . end macro struct BITMAPINFOHEADER biSize dd ? biWidth dd ? biHeight dd ? biPlanes dw ? biBitCount dw ? biCompression dd ? biSizeImage dd ? biXPelsPerMeter dd ? biYPelsPerMeter dd ? biClrUsed dd ? biClrImportant dd ? ends struct BITMAPFILEHEADER bfType dw ? bfSize dd ? bfReserved1 dw ? bfReserved2 dw ? bfOffBits dd ? ends ;defs ;ENUM_CLR ================= ; not used but useful CLR_BLACK = 000000h ;4bit_palIndex=0, 8 bit = 0 CLR_MAROON = 800000h ;8bit_palIndex=1 CLR_GREEN = 008000h ;8bit_palIndex=2 CLR_OLIVE = 808000h ;8bit_palIndex=3 CLR_NAVY = 000080h ;8bit_palIndex=4 CLR_PURPLE = 800080h ;8bit_palIndex=5 CLR_TEAL = 008080h ;8bit_palIndex=6 CLR_GRAY = 808080h ;8bit_palIndex=7 CLR_Silver = 0C0C0C0h ;8bit_palIndex=8 CLR_RED = 0FF0000h ;4bit_palIndex=1, 8 bit = 9 CLR_LIME = 000FF00h ;4bit_palIndex=2, 8 bit = 10 CLR_YELLOW = 0FFFF00h ;4bit_palIndex=3, 8 bit = 11 CLR_BLUE = 00000FFh ;4bit_palIndex=4, 8 bit = 12 CLR_MAGENTA = 0FF00FFh ;4bit_palIndex=5, 8 bit = 13 CLR_AQUA = 000FFFFh ;4bit_palIndex=6, 8 bit = 14 CLR_WHITE = 0FFFFFFh ;4bit_palIndex=7, 8 bit = 15 ;========================== ;ENUM_COMPRESSION ========= ; BMP_CMPRSSN_RAW = 0000000h BMP_NO_CMPRSSN = 0000000h ;image properties========== ; & helpful calculations WIDTH = 17 ;?????? ? ???????? HEIGHT = 12 ;?????? ? ???????? BPP = 4 ;??????? ????? (??? ?? ??????: 1,4,8,16,24,32) COLOR_BPP_MASK = 1 shl BPP -1 COLOR_TMP_MASK = 1 shl (((BPP+7)/8)*8)-1 ;display 'COLOR_BPP_MASK = ' ;dispHex COLOR_BPP_MASK ;display 13,10,'COLOR_TMP_MASK = ' ;dispHex COLOR_TMP_MASK ;display 13,10 COMPRESSION = BMP_CMPRSSN_RAW ;????? ??????, ???? ???? GRAYSCALE = 1 ;???? ????, ??? ??????????? ????????? ?????? ? ????? ????? CLR_USED = 0 ;???????? ?????????? ??????????????? ?????? ;?????????? ??????????????? ?????? ?? ????? ????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????????? ??? ?????? ??????? ????? CLR_USED = CLR_USED mod (1 shl BPP) ;================================ ;?????? ?????????? ?????? ? ??????? INDEX_COUNT = CLR_USED if ~CLR_USED INDEX_COUNT = 1 shl (BPP and 13) end if TMP_COLOR = 000000h ; ????????? ?????? ???? ?????????, ?? ???????? ?? ????? RAW_WIDTH = (WIDTH*BPP+31) / 8 org 0 BMP.headers: BMFH BITMAPFILEHEADER bfType:'BM', bfSize:file_size, bfOffBits:BMP.image BMIH BITMAPINFOHEADER biSize:sizeof.BITMAPINFOHEADER, biWidth:WIDTH, biHeight:HEIGHT, biPlanes:1,\ biBitCount:BPP, biCompression:COMPRESSION, biSizeImage:image_size, biClrUsed:CLR_USED BMP.headers.end: BMP.data: BMP.pallette: repeat INDEX_COUNT if GRAYSCALE and (INDEX_COUNT-1) val = 256*(%-1)/(INDEX_COUNT-1) if val > 255 val = 255 end if db val,val,val,0 end if ; here should be case of not GRAYSCALE pallette, standart colors for 4bit & 8 bit pallette described in ENUM_CLR end repeat pallette_size = $ - BMP.pallette BMP.image: repeat HEIGHT y=%-1 repeat WIDTH x=%-1 ; x_N(BPP)=PIX_RATE*N+x_0 x_0 =(8/BPP)-1 ; 1? ????????? ?????????? ?????? ??????????? ?? ????? if x_0<0 ; x_0(1) - ? 7 ????????, x_0(4) - ? 1 ???????? x_0=0 ; x_0(24)=x_0(32) = -1 (0? ??????? - ??? ?????, ? ??? ??? ?????? ??? ?????) end if PIX_RATE = 8/BPP ; ??????? ???????? ? ??????? ?????? ????????????? ?? ????? if PIX_RATE<1 ; RATE(1)=8 - ?????? 8 ????????? PIX_RATE=1 ; RATE(4)=2 - ?????? 2 ???????? end if ; RATE(24)=RATE(32)=~0 - (???? ???) ?????? ??????? COLOR = -1 ; ????? ?????????? ??????? ???? ?????????????? ??????? ; macro ellipse ellipse_color,center,radius,our x, our y ; if pixel x,y in ellipse color it by ellipse_color ; & other figures ... TMP_COLOR = TMP_COLOR shl BPP ; ???? ??????? - ???????? ???? ?? ????? ??? ?? ??????? TMP_COLOR = (TMP_COLOR or (COLOR and COLOR_BPP_MASK)) and COLOR_TMP_MASK ;========================================== ;?????? ???????? ?? ????? if x mod PIX_RATE = x_0 db TMP_COLOR and 0FFh if BPP>8 db (TMP_COLOR shr 8) and 0FFh if BPP>16 db (TMP_COLOR shr 16) and 0FFh if BPP=32 db (TMP_COLOR shr 24) and 0FFh end if end if end if else if %=WIDTH TMP_COLOR = TMP_COLOR shl (BPP*(PIX_RATE -(% mod PIX_RATE))) db TMP_COLOR and 0FFh end if if %=WIDTH RAW_ALIGN = (4-(($-BMP.image) mod 4)) mod 4 ;(As temp var not as color) if (RAW_ALIGN) db (RAW_ALIGN) dup (0) end if end if end repeat end repeat image_size = $ - BMP.image file.end: file_size = $ Code: BMFH BITMAPFILEHEADER bfType:'BM', bfSize:file_size, bfOffBits:BMP.image BMIH BITMAPINFOHEADER biSize:sizeof.BITMAPINFOHEADER, biWidth:WIDTH, biHeight:HEIGHT, biPlanes:1,\ biBitCount:BPP, biCompression:COMPRESSION, biSizeImage:image_size, biClrUsed:CLR_USED |
23 Sep 2016, 09:48 |
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