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Index > Windows > Test string for null byte '\0'

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Joined: 17 Jun 2013
Posts: 7
Location: NL
eeikel 21 Apr 2016, 18:00
Hello, i try to test for a zero byte in a string parsed from c
but somehow the test doesn´t work and i don´t understand why that is

in c:
char * strzero(const char*);

printf("test asm strzero %s \n",strzero(""));   // should print "zero"
printf("test asm strzero %s \n",strzero("a")); // should print "not zero"

format MS64 COFF
public strzero

       fb_zero db 'zero',0
       fb_not_zero db 'not zero',0
                  mov rax, fb_zero
                  pop r10
                  mov rax, fb_not_zero
                  pop r10
                 push r10
                 mov r10, rcx
                 test r10b, 0x00 ; test low byte for zero
                 je zero;   ; ZF flag not set, byte is not equal to zero, check int   je / jz =  ZF = 1 equal or zero  |   jne / jnz ZF = 0 not equal not zero
                 jmp not_zero
Post 21 Apr 2016, 18:00
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revolution 21 Apr 2016, 23:31
movzx r10,byte[rcx]    
Or simply:
cmp byte[rcx],0    
Post 21 Apr 2016, 23:31
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Joined: 17 Jun 2013
Posts: 7
Location: NL
eeikel 22 Apr 2016, 22:02
thx for the reply,

movzx did'nt work, finally it turns down the test always evaluates to zero Embarassed

anyway i got a string length working as an excersise Very Happy

 ; C version of function.
      ; int test(int x){return (((int)x - 0x01010101) & ~(int)x & 0x80808080);}
      ; int TYPE_SIZE = (sizeof(int) / sizeof(char));
      ; int StringLengthFunction(char *s){
      ; char * ptr = s;         // copy start address.
      ; if(*ptr != 0x00){          // if first char is not null, check int
      ;               if((((int)ptr) & (TYPE_SIZE-1)) == 0){ // if int has no zero byte.
      ;                          for(;!test(*(int*)ptr); ptr += TYPE_SIZE); // check next int for zero byte, if not loop.
      ;                                    }// found zero byte in int 
      ;                for(;*ptr != 0x00;ptr++); // check bytes in int 
      ;           }
      ;            return  ptr - s; // return string length address s - address pi = length
      ;        };
      format MS64 COFF

      public strlength        

                  xor rax, rax
                  xor rdx, rdx
                  xor rbx, rbx
                  mov rax, [rcx]
                 ; mov rdx, rcx
                  mov r13, 0x0101010101010101
                  mov r14, 0x8080808080808080
                ; and r10,  0x00000000000000ff
                  test al, al
                  jnz .nextint    ; ZF flag not set, byte is not equal to zero, check int   je / jz =  ZF = 1 equal or zero  |   jne / jnz ZF = 0 not equal not zero
                        test al, al;          ; check the next byte for zero.
                        jz .done              ; ZF flag set, byte is equal to zero exit
                        shr rax, 8
                        add rbx, 1            ; we found one char add 1 to rbx to count the find.
                        jmp .nextbyte
                       mov r10, [rcx]        ; copy rdx to r10 preserve rcx value
                       mov r11, [rcx]        ; copy rdx to r11 preserve rcx value
                       mov rax, [rcx]
                       sub r10, r13          ; r10 - 0x0101010101010101
                       not r11               ; ~r11
                       and r11, r14          ; r11 & 0x8080808080808080
                       test r11, r10         ; r11 & r10 == 0x0000000000 if no zero in qword
                       jnz .nextbyte         ; ZF flag not set, byte is not equal to zero, wich means there is a zero check the bytes
                       add rbx, 8            ; we found eight chars add 8 to rbx counter
                       add rcx, 8            ; add 8 to the address to check the next 8 bytes value
                       jmp .nextint          ; and jump and loop again
                       mov rax, rbx

Post 22 Apr 2016, 22:02
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