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Index > Windows > converting Delphi bilinear resize function to SSE2

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Joined: 27 Mar 2016
Posts: 1
Cosmin 27 Mar 2016, 10:57

I'm using Delphi XE8 update 1 on Windows 8.1 x64.

I'm trying to convert a bilinear resize function to sse2.

The function:

   procedure Bilinear32;
      ix, iy: integer;
      x, y, xdif, ydif: integer;
      xp1, xp2, yp: integer;
      wy, wyi, wx: integer;
      w11, w21, w12, w22: integer;
      sbBits, sbLine1, sbLine2: PByteArray;
      smBits, smLine1, smLine2: PByteArray;
      dbLine: PByteArray;
      dmLine: ^byte;
      sbLineDif, dbLineDif: integer;
      smLineDif, dmLineDif: integer;
      w: integer;
      y := 0;
      xdif := (bmpInput.Width shl 16) div bmpOutput.Width;
      ydif := (bmpInput.Height shl 16) div bmpOutput.Height;
      sbBits := bmpInput.ScanLine[0];
      if bmpInput.Height > 1 then
         sbLineDif := NativeInt(bmpInput.ScanLine[1]) - NativeInt(sbBits)
         sbLineDif := 0;
      dbLine := bmpOutput.ScanLine[0];
      if bmpOutput.Height > 1 then
         dbLineDif := NativeInt(bmpOutput.ScanLine[1]) - NativeInt(dbLine) - 4 * bmpOutput.Width
         dbLineDif := 0;
      smBits := nil;
      smLineDif := 0;
      dmLine := nil;
      dmLineDif := 0;
      w := bmpInput.Width - 1;
      for iy := 0 to bmpOutput.Height - 1 do
         yp := y shr 16;
         NativeInt(sbLine1) := NativeInt(sbBits) + sbLineDif * yp;
         NativeInt(smLine1) := NativeInt(smBits) + smLineDif * yp;
         if yp < bmpInput.Height - 1 then
            NativeInt(sbLine2) := NativeInt(sbLine1) + sbLineDif;
            NativeInt(smLine2) := NativeInt(smLine1) + smLineDif;
            sbLine2 := sbLine1;
         x := 0;
         wy := y and $FFFF;
         wyi := (not y) and $FFFF;
         for ix := 0 to bmpOutput.Width - 1 do
            xp1 := x shr 16;
            if xp1 < w then
               xp2 := xp1 + 1
               xp2 := xp1;
            wx := x and $FFFF;
            w21 := (wyi * wx) shr 16;
            w11 := wyi - w21;
            w22 := (wy * wx) shr 16;
            w12 := wy - w22;

            xp1 := xp1 * 4;
            xp2 := xp2 * 4;

            dbLine^[0] := (sbLine1[xp1] * w11 + sbLine1[xp2] * w21 + sbLine2[xp1] * w12 + sbLine2[xp2] * w22) shr 16;
            dbLine^[1] := (sbLine1[xp1 + 1] * w11 + sbLine1[xp2 + 1] * w21 + sbLine2[xp1 + 1] * w12 + sbLine2[xp2 + 1] * w22) shr 16;
            dbLine^[2] := (sbLine1[xp1 + 2] * w11 + sbLine1[xp2 + 2] * w21 + sbLine2[xp1 + 2] * w12 + sbLine2[xp2 + 2] * w22) shr 16;
            dbLine^[3] := (sbLine1[xp1 + 3] * w11 + sbLine1[xp2 + 3] * w21 + sbLine2[xp1 + 3] * w12 + sbLine2[xp2 + 3] * w22) shr 16;

            inc(NativeInt(dbLine), 4);
            inc(x, xdif);
         inc(NativeInt(dbLine), dbLineDif);
         inc(NativeInt(dmLine), dmLineDif);
         inc(y, ydif);

The code who takes most CPU time is this:

            dbLine^[0] := (sbLine1[xp1] * w11 + sbLine1[xp2] * w21 + sbLine2[xp1] * w12 + sbLine2[xp2] * w22) shr 16;
            dbLine^[1] := (sbLine1[xp1 + 1] * w11 + sbLine1[xp2 + 1] * w21 + sbLine2[xp1 + 1] * w12 + sbLine2[xp2 + 1] * w22) shr 16;
            dbLine^[2] := (sbLine1[xp1 + 2] * w11 + sbLine1[xp2 + 2] * w21 + sbLine2[xp1 + 2] * w12 + sbLine2[xp2 + 2] * w22) shr 16;
            dbLine^[3] := (sbLine1[xp1 + 3] * w11 + sbLine1[xp2 + 3] * w21 + sbLine2[xp1 + 3] * w12 + sbLine2[xp2 + 3] * w22) shr 16;    

For now I tried to convert just the first line:

               mov       eax,[sbline1]
               mov       edx,[xp1]
               movzx     ecx,[eax+edx]
               movd      xmm0, ecx                //sbLine1[xp1]

               mov       edx,[xp2]
               movzx     ecx,[eax+edx]
               movd      xmm4, ecx                //sbLine1[xp2]

               movd      xmm2, [w11]
               movd      xmm6, [w21]

               pmuludq   xmm0, xmm2               //sbLine1[xp1] * w11
               pmuludq   xmm4, xmm6               //sbLine1[xp2] * w21

               addpd     xmm0, xmm4              //sbLine1[xp1] * w11 + sbLine1[xp2] * w21

               movd      eax, xmm0
               push      eax                     //send  sbLine1[xp1] * w11 + sbLine1[xp2] * w21  to stack

               mov       eax,[sbline2]
               movzx     ecx,[eax+edx]
               movd      xmm0, ecx                //sbLine2[xp2]

               mov       edx,[xp1]
               movzx     ecx,[eax+edx]
               movd      xmm4, ecx                //sbLine2[xp1]

               movd      xmm2, [w22]
               movd      xmm6, [w12]

               pmuludq   xmm0, xmm2               //sbLine2[xp2] * w22
               pmuludq   xmm4, xmm6               //sbLine2[xp1] * w12

               addpd     xmm0, xmm4              //sbLine2[xp2] * w22 + sbLine2[xp1] * w12

               movd      eax, xmm0

               pop       edx                     //get sbLine1[xp1] * w11 + sbLine1[xp2] * w21 from stack

               add       eax, edx                //sbLine1[xp1] * w11 + sbLine1[xp2] * w21   +   sbLine2[xp2] * w22 + sbLine2[xp1] * w12

               shr       eax,$10                 //(sbLine1[xp1] * w11 + sbLine1[xp2] * w21   +   sbLine2[xp2] * w22 + sbLine2[xp1] * w12)   shr   16
               mov       edx,[dbLine]
               mov       [edx],al

It gives the expected result but it's almost twice as slow.

What am I doing wrong?
Please help me.

Thank you in advance.
Post 27 Mar 2016, 10:57
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Joined: 25 Aug 2004
Posts: 618
cod3b453 27 Mar 2016, 18:50
As you've only replaced one line, the overhead of entering and leaving the SSE region will likely undo any gain, particularly as it's only a scalar pipeline and has lots of adjacent dependencies. You should see better results for a vectored version of the entire inner loop due to constant overhead but wider pipeline.

I've not tried to convert this but you should be able to absorb some of the shifts in SSE instructions (pack/shuf or the upper add/mul instructions) and remove the intermediate GPR and stack usage.
Post 27 Mar 2016, 18:50
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