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Index > OS Construction > Protected Mode - Print letters to screen in Graphics Mode

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Joined: 08 Jun 2012
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Location: Kentucky, USA
newport 08 Mar 2016, 16:34
How do you print letters (eg: A, B, C) to the screen in graphics mode when utilizing video memory directly (A0000h)? Remember I am in protected mode... Thanks in advance!

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Post 08 Mar 2016, 16:34
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cod3b453 08 Mar 2016, 22:04
EDIT: Apologies, the following was misinterpreted, mis-remembered and incorrect Embarassed

Simply write the letters to that memory:
mov edi,$A0000
mov byte [edi],'A'    
I've had cases where the A0000 region doesn't work but the B8000 region does.
/EDIT This is the same except each character is 2 bytes with the letter in the bottom byte and colours in each nybble (background at top, foreground at bottom) of the upper byte:
mov edi,$B8000
mov word [edi],(($F shl 12) or ($0 shl 8) or 'A')    

Last edited by cod3b453 on 15 Mar 2016, 18:57; edited 1 time in total
Post 08 Mar 2016, 22:04
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newport 09 Mar 2016, 01:25
yea, that doesn't work. i've instantiated video mode 13h-10h prior to entering protected mode which requires A0000h. Now if I instantiate 03h-10h prior to protected mode, I can use the Text Mode @ B8000, which i've already built a partial keyboard driver for, but now i'm converting my OS to a graphical layout.. Thanks for the input, but it doesn't work for me that way.
Post 09 Mar 2016, 01:25
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revolution 09 Mar 2016, 01:42
You have to set each pixel to the foreground/background colours to draw the character.

You will probably need a bitmap giving you the character shapes. And then convert each bit into a pixel colour.
Post 09 Mar 2016, 01:42
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newport 09 Mar 2016, 01:54
could you provide an example or point to some docs that might cover how to do this revolution? thanks..
Post 09 Mar 2016, 01:54
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revolution 09 Mar 2016, 02:42
First you ned the character shape definition:
db 00000000b
db 00111100b
db 01000010b
db 01000010b
db 01111110b
db 01000010b
db 01000010b
db 01000010b
db 00000000b    
Then for each bit in the shape definition you set the pixel colour. Black for 0 and white for 1 (or whatever colours you need).
Post 09 Mar 2016, 02:42
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newport 09 Mar 2016, 03:12
ok. i got that part. thanks. however, i'm still at a loss. this is what i tried, but all i get is a single pixel in the upper left-hand corner..

        mov edi, 0A0000h
        mov al,0x02 ; the color of the pixel
        mov dword[edi],letterA  
        db 00000000b
        db 00111100b
        db 01000010b
        db 01000010b
        db 01111110b
        db 01000010b
        db 01000010b
        db 01000010b
        db 00000000b            

Post 09 Mar 2016, 03:12
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revolution 09 Mar 2016, 03:33
Read each bit from the shape bitmap, one by one, if it is zero set for black, or 1 set for white, then put the colour on the screen. Move to the next pixel and repeat. Ugly pseudo code:
        screen = top_left_position_of_character
        vertical_pixel_count = 8
        horizontal_pixel_count = 8      ;a line of pixels
        if 0
        end if
        mov [screen],colour
        add screen,1    ;move to next pixel
        dec horizontal_pixel_count
        jnz     loop_h
        add screen,160-8 ;or whatever value needed to get to the next line
        dec vertical_pixel_count
        jnz     loop_v    
Post 09 Mar 2016, 03:33
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newport 09 Mar 2016, 03:59
thanks revolution! i'll work with that and see what i come up with..
Post 09 Mar 2016, 03:59
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newport 12 Mar 2016, 03:20
I came up with the following that will correctly plot pixels for the byte sequence - 10101010b. However, I cannot figure out how I would move to the next row..

db 10101010b ;how do i move from this row to the next???
db 00111100b

any ideas?

;         Plots a single 8-bit sequence to screen             ;
        xor eax, eax
        xor ebx, ebx
        xor ecx, ecx
        xor edx, edx

        mov edi, 0xA0000 ;start memory address(vga)
        mov al, 0x0A ;pixel color

        mov bl, 10101010b ; this is plotted correctly

          shl bl, 1
          jnc noprintpixel
          mov [edi], al
          add cx, 1
          inc edi
          cmp cx, 8
          jne pixelstart

It's the desire to learn that leads to success...


Last edited by newport on 12 Mar 2016, 03:39; edited 1 time in total
Post 12 Mar 2016, 03:20
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revolution 12 Mar 2016, 03:39
The value in BL should ideally come from a predefined array of character shapes. It shouldn't be hard coded into the source like that.

If you have ESI point to the current character shape memory the you can get the next value of BL by "mov bl,[esi]" and "inc esi" to get to the next value.
Post 12 Mar 2016, 03:39
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newport 12 Mar 2016, 03:41
ok..i think I see now.. thanks for the help...

back to the drawing board.. (pun intended)
Post 12 Mar 2016, 03:41
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newport 13 Mar 2016, 22:26
Ok.. I been working for days on this and can't seem to get anywhere. This is what I have now, however it will only print the first two bytes from esi. What am I doing wrong???


;         Plots a character to upper-left corner of screen              ;
        xor eax, eax
        xor ebx, ebx
        xor ecx, ecx
        xor edx, edx

        mov edi, 0xA0000
        mov al, 0x0A
        mov esi, letterA
        mov bl, [esi]
        mov dx, 0
        mov cx, 0
        jmp drawLetter

                call drawByte
                inc esi
                add edi, 312
                mov bl, [esi]
                mov al, 0x0a
                add cx, 1
                cmp cx, 8
                je finished
                jmp drawLetter

;         Plots a 8-bit sequence to screen                              ;
          shl bl, 1
          jnc noprintpixel
          mov [edi], al
          add dx, 1
          inc edi
          cmp dx, 8
          jne pixelstart

letterA: db 00011000b
         db 00100100b
         db 00100100b
         db 00111100b
         db 00100100b
         db 00100100b
         db 00100100b
         db 00000000b                   


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Post 13 Mar 2016, 22:26
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newport 13 Mar 2016, 22:34
Nevermind, lol... found the problem


should actually be this...
        mov dx, 0

It's the desire to learn that leads to success...

Post 13 Mar 2016, 22:34
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cod3b453 15 Mar 2016, 19:01
Sorry my previous was a mess! Just to let you know - there is also VESA LFB which can be written to as blocks of RGB pixels, if you wanted higher resolutions/more colours.
Post 15 Mar 2016, 19:01
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newport 17 Mar 2016, 01:44
thanks.. i'm actually reading up on vesa now Smile
Post 17 Mar 2016, 01:44
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 17 Mar 2016, 09:17
newport wrote:
thanks.. i'm actually reading up on vesa now Smile
If you wouldn't mind a more complex sample, my old kelvar example contains some routines that load a variable-width font from a graphic file and then draw texts in VESA graphic mode using this font. The example uses the 32-bit unreal mode instead of protected mode, but the routines should mostly work the same in either one. The font loading and text drawing is in ENGINE/TEXT.INC (it uses the clip+blit routine from SYSTEM/VIDEO.INC to plot in the off-screen image buffer that later is copied to VESA video memory with video_blit). I'm sorry there are so few sparse comments in this code, this example is almost as old as fasm itself.
Post 17 Mar 2016, 09:17
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newport 23 Mar 2016, 13:55
thanks! i'll definitely read up on that!
Post 23 Mar 2016, 13:55
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