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Index > Linux > Minor Self Modifying Code linker (maybe) bug

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Joined: 24 Aug 2003
Posts: 84
Dragontamer 21 Jul 2004, 04:11
I don't know why and why not, but when i specify "format elf executable" my smc code cannot run without a segfault. But when i specify "format elf" and link with ld, my smc code does fine.

Here is my code (linux2.6 debian fasm 1.53)

format ELF
public start

section ".data" align 0x1000
modified_code rb 0x8000

sys.write = 4
sys.mprotect = 125

macro sys.write fd, buf, count{
        mov eax, 4
        mov ebx, fd
        mov ecx, buf
        mov edx, count
        int 80h
read = 1
write = 2
exec = 4

stdout = 1

section ".data"string db "Hello World!", 0xA
sizeof.string = $-string

section ".text"
        mov ebp, modified_code

        mov eax, sys.mprotect
        mov ebx, ebp
        mov ecx, 0x8000
        mov edx, read+write+exec
        int 80h

        test eax, eax
        js .error
        sys.write stdout, string, sizeof.string

        sizeof.start.tocopy= $-.tocopy

        mov ebx, 90
        mov edi, modified_code
        mov esi, .tocopy
        mov ecx, sizeof.start.tocopy
        rep movsb
        dec ebx
        jnz .loop

        mov al, 0xc3
        jmp .blah

        call ebp
        mov eax, 1
        mov ebx, 0
        int 80h     

Sorry for the lack of comments. Anyway, when i change it to executable, and then change all the segments to either (writeable readable) or (executeable) it just wont work.

The changes look like this:
section ".data" align 0x1000

section readable writeable
align 0x1000

if it has to do with anything. And this is applied to all section headers thoughout the source.

Linking with LD works fine however , so i think this is a linker error. No clue though Smile

This should print 91 "Hello World!", 0xa
Post 21 Jul 2004, 04:11
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Joined: 24 Aug 2003
Posts: 84
Dragontamer 21 Jul 2004, 05:01
And just incase the above isn't a bug, but something wrong on my part...
I'll post the well known fasm linux "bug" that sets default permisions to read/write on executables, instead of read/write/exec
Post 21 Jul 2004, 05:01
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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
Posts: 8351
Location: Kraków, Poland
Tomasz Grysztar 21 Jul 2004, 07:52
Your first problem has just been fixed, please read the http://board.flatassembler.net/topic.php?t=1877 thread.

As for the second one, it's just because fasm's interface doesn't know whether the file generated by core is an executable or not. Even in case when it could know it (as with "format ELF executable" directive, in the same way as FASMW's extension guessing) it might not be sure, so it leaves it to the user to give the right permissions to that file (and of course he needs to know what is he doing).
Post 21 Jul 2004, 07:52
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