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Joined: 06 Oct 2005
Posts: 132
Hayden 05 Dec 2015, 11:41
its been a while since i done any low level programming and i cant seem to remember how to use the lds instructrion.

here is what I have so far :

IVT     = 00000000h          ; The Interrupt Vector Table
BDA     = 00000400h          ; The BIOS Data Area
BDA_END = 00000500h  - 1     ; End of BIOS Data Area

use16                        ; Make sure compiler uses 16-bit code
org 00000500h                ; Start of OS

MemoryConfig dp ?
virtual at MemoryConfig
    MaxLowMemory   dw ?
    TotalLowMemory dw ?
    ExtendedMemory dw ?
end virtual

MemoryMap dp ?
virtual at MemoryMap
    LengthOfTable       dw ? ; excluding this word
    LocalMem1Mto16M     dd ? ; in 1K blocks
    LocalMem16Mto4G     dd ? ; in 1K blocks
    SystemMem1Mto16M    dd ? ; in 1K blocks
    SystemMem16Mto4G    dd ? ; in 1K blocks
    CacheableMem1Mto16M dd ? ; in 1K blocks
    CacheableMem16Mto4G dd ? ; in 1K blocks
    StartNonSystemMem1Mto16M dd ?
    StartNonSystemMem16Mto4G dd ?
    StartSegLargestBlock     dw ? ; from C0000h-DFFFFh
    SizeLargestBlock         dw ?
                             dd ? ; reserved
end virtual

int 12h                          ; GET MEMORY SIZE
mov word [MaxLowMemory],   ax    ; kilobytes of contiguous memory starting at 00000h
inc ax                           ; + Extended BIOS Data Area (1kB)
mov word [TotalLowMemory], ax    ; Total low memory

START_SCREEN = 000A0000h          ; Sart of VGA memory
; END_SCREEN   = 000E0000h        ; End of VGA memory (Expaned Memory)
START_VRE    = 000C0000h          ; Video ROM Extensions

mov ah, 000000C7h
lds si, [MemoryMap]
int 15h                


also shaould I be useing struc or virtual to define data structures

New User.. Hayden McKay.
Post 05 Dec 2015, 11:41
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Joined: 04 Sep 2009
Posts: 413
Location: film "CandyMan" directed through Bernard Rose OR Candy Shop
CandyMan 05 Dec 2015, 12:24
it is looking out this way:
FarAddress dd ? ; dw Offset dw Segment
lds ax,[FarAddress]    

FarAddress df ? ; dd Offset dw Segment
lds ebx,[FarAddress]    

FarAddress dw Offset,Segment
lds bx,dword [cs:FarAddress]    

variants are still possible:
les edx,[...], lfs esi,[...], lgs di,[...], lss esp,[...]

your code should look this way:
        mov     [MemoryMap+2],cs
        mov     [MemoryMap+0],MemoryMapStart

        push    ds
        lds     si,[MemoryMap]
        mov     ah,0xC7
        int     15h
        pop     ds

        mov     eax,[MemoryMapStart+LocalMem1Mto16M]
        mov     eax,[MemoryMapStart+SystemMem16Mto4G]

MemoryMap dw ?,?

virtual at 0
    LengthOfTable       dw ? ; excluding this word
    LocalMem1Mto16M     dd ? ; in 1K blocks
    LocalMem16Mto4G     dd ? ; in 1K blocks
    SystemMem1Mto16M    dd ? ; in 1K blocks
    SystemMem16Mto4G    dd ? ; in 1K blocks
    CacheableMem1Mto16M dd ? ; in 1K blocks
    CacheableMem16Mto4G dd ? ; in 1K blocks
    StartNonSystemMem1Mto16M dd ?
    StartNonSystemMem16Mto4G dd ?
    StartSegLargestBlock     dw ? ; from C0000h-DFFFFh
    SizeLargestBlock         dw ?
                             dd ? ; reserved
    MemoryMapSize: ; = $
end virtual

MemoryMapStart: rb MemoryMapSize

smaller is better
Post 05 Dec 2015, 12:24
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Joined: 25 Jul 2008
Posts: 77
Shahada 10 Dec 2015, 09:51
In code you posted you not need appeal to LDS for help: mov si,MemoryMap is good.


None saw it;
Neither did Aminadab appear.

Ya Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah
Post 10 Dec 2015, 09:51
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