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Joined: 08 Mar 2015
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jiangfasm 25 Nov 2015, 11:02


include 'encoding/utf8.inc' ; add utf8
include 'win32wx.inc' ;win32ax.inc -> win32wx.inc

jack@JACK-PC MINGW64 ~/fasm/source/ide/fasmw
$ fasm fasmw.asm
flat assembler version 1.71.48 (1048576 kilobytes memory)
fasmw.asm [3481]:
menuitem '&Redo' _ 'Ctrl+Shift+Z',IDM_REDO
D:\msys64\home\jack\fasm\include/macro/resource.inc [161] menuitem [2]:
du string,0
D:\msys64\home\jack\fasm\include/encoding/utf8.inc [72] du [67]:
dw arg
error: value out of range.

why? who is tall me?
Post 25 Nov 2015, 11:02
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revolution 25 Nov 2015, 14:09
Are you trying to make fasmw a Unicode application? Or a UTF8 application? Or something else?
Post 25 Nov 2015, 14:09
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revolution 25 Nov 2015, 14:21
The problem can be reduced to this:
include 'encoding/utf8.inc'
du <'abc',0>    
The UTF8 encoder fails to recognise the input as a string.
Post 25 Nov 2015, 14:21
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 25 Nov 2015, 15:09
revolution wrote:
The problem can be reduced to this:
include 'encoding/utf8.inc'
du <'abc',0>    
The UTF8 encoder fails to recognise the input as a string.
This is a bit different problem. The above is not a valid syntax for DU directive and since the "du" macro from encoding package just re-defines the directive, it does not need to handle any syntax that the original directive could not. However in this case there is this definition:
 _ equ ,09h,    
that causes problems, because the original DU handles the following code correctly, while "du" macro does not:
du '&Redo' _ 'Ctrl+Shift+Z'    
This is because symbolic constant gets replaced too late for the macro processor to notice that there are commas. Probably the only solution would be to create additional "du" wrapper containing "match" to force evaluation of symbolic constant before proceeding to split the parameters.
Post 25 Nov 2015, 15:09
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l_inc 25 Nov 2015, 15:21
Tomasz Grysztar
Probably the only solution would be to create additional "du" wrapper containing "match" to force evaluation of symbolic constant before proceeding to split the parameters.

I don't see any reason, why you process the arguments in a forward block. common or even the ampersand feature seems like the most suitable solution.

P.S. Sorry, disregard the comment. I just took a short look at the macro without putting any understanding into the problem.

Faith is a superposition of knowledge and fallacy
Post 25 Nov 2015, 15:21
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jiangfasm 27 Nov 2015, 04:15
I finally found the reason.
'&Redo' _ 'Ctrl+Shift+Z' -> By Du macros as not a string.

You must write 2 characters, put dw.

'&Redo' _ 'Ctrl+Shift+Z' -> '&R' _ 'Ct'
Can compile.
Post 27 Nov 2015, 04:15
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jiangfasm 27 Nov 2015, 05:10
_ equ ,09h,

menu main_menu
menuitem '&File',0,MFR_POPUP
menuitem '&New' _ 'Ctrl+N',IDM_NEW
menuitem '&Open...' _ 'Ctrl+O',IDM_OPEN
menuitem '&Save' _ 'Ctrl+S',IDM_SAVE
menuitem 'Save &as...',IDM_SAVEAS
menuitem 'E&xit' _ 'Alt+X',IDM_EXIT,MFR_END
menuitem '&Edit',0,MFR_POPUP
menuitem '&Undo' _ 'Ctrl+Z',IDM_UNDO
menuitem '&Redo' _ 'Ctrl+Shift+Z',IDM_REDO

Why the preceding code without warning?
Post 27 Nov 2015, 05:10
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revolution 27 Nov 2015, 06:18
jiangfasm wrote:
I finally found the reason.
'&Redo' _ 'Ctrl+Shift+Z' -> By Du macros as not a string.

You must write 2 characters, put dw.

'&Redo' _ 'Ctrl+Shift+Z' -> '&R' _ 'Ct'
Can compile.
But that is not the reason. See above for the discussion.
Post 27 Nov 2015, 06:18
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jiangfasm 28 Dec 2015, 04:51
macro du [arg]
 { local current,..input,char
   virtual at 0
    du arg
    count = $
   end virtual
   current = 0
   while current < count
    load char byte from ..input:current+1
    if char = 0
     load char byte from ..input:current
     wide = char
     current = current + 1*2
     if char > 0C0h
      if char < 0E0h
       wide = char and 11111b
       load char byte from ..input:current
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       current = current + 1*2
      else if char < 0F0h
       wide = char and 1111b
       load char byte from ..input:current
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       load char byte from ..input:current+1*2
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       current = current + 2*2
      else if char < 0F8h
       wide = char and 111b
       load char byte from ..input:current
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       load char byte from ..input:current+1*2
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       load char byte from ..input:current+2*2
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       current = current + 3*2
      else if char < 0FCh
       wide = char and 11b
       load char byte from ..input:current
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       load char byte from ..input:current+1*2
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       load char byte from ..input:current+2*2
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       load char byte from ..input:current+3*2
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       current = current + 4*2
       wide = char and 1
       load char byte from ..input:current
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       load char byte from ..input:current+1*2
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       load char byte from ..input:current+2*2
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       load char byte from ..input:current+3*2
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       load char byte from ..input:current+4*2
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       current = current + 5*2
      end if
     end if
     wide = char shl 8
     load char byte from ..input:current
     wide = wide + char
     current = current + 1*2
    end if
    if wide < 10000h
     dw wide
     dw 0D7C0h + wide shr 10,0DC00h or (wide and 3FFh)
    end if
   end while }

Final method!!

Edit by revolution: Used code tags
Post 28 Dec 2015, 04:51
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Roman 28 Dec 2015, 14:58
jiangfasm how use you macro ?
Show example.
Post 28 Dec 2015, 14:58
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jiangfasm 31 Dec 2015, 14:44
Sorry Roman, macro I feel a little bug, let me think about it!
Post 31 Dec 2015, 14:44
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jiangfasm 31 Dec 2015, 15:18
newest modification

macro du [arg]
 { local current,..input,char
   virtual at 0
    du arg
    count = $
   end virtual
   current = 0
   while current < count
    load char byte from ..input:current+1
    if char = 0
     load char byte from ..input:current
     wide = char
     current = current + 1*2
     if char > 0C0h
      if char < 0E0h
       wide = char and 11111b
       load char byte from ..input:current
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       current = current + 1*2
      else if char < 0F0h
       wide = char and 1111b
       load char byte from ..input:current
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       load char byte from ..input:current+1*2
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       current = current + 2*2
      else if char < 0F8h
       wide = char and 111b
       load char byte from ..input:current
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       load char byte from ..input:current+1*2
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       load char byte from ..input:current+2*2
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       current = current + 3*2
      else if char < 0FCh
       wide = char and 11b
       load char byte from ..input:current
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       load char byte from ..input:current+1*2
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       load char byte from ..input:current+2*2
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       load char byte from ..input:current+3*2
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       current = current + 4*2
       wide = char and 1
       load char byte from ..input:current
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       load char byte from ..input:current+1*2
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       load char byte from ..input:current+2*2
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       load char byte from ..input:current+3*2
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       load char byte from ..input:current+4*2
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       current = current + 5*2
      end if
     end if
     if wide < 10000h
      dw wide
      dw 0D7C0h + wide shr 10,0DC00h or (wide and 3FFh)
     end if
     wide = char shl 16
     load char byte from ..input:current
     wide = wide + char
     current = current + 1*2
     dd wide
    end if
   end while }


include 'encoding\utf8.inc'

_ equ ,09h,
;'pass' _ 'test' ---- The old version will be as (not string together)
du 'pass' _ 'test',0 ; 'pass' _ 'test' -> 'pass' ,09h, 'test'

;The old version can't compile 2014h
du 'pass',2014h,'test',0 ;2014h -> 14h,20h


$ fasm hello.asm
flat assembler version 1.71.49 (1048576 kilobytes memory)
1 passes, 42 bytes.
Post 31 Dec 2015, 15:18
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jiangfasm 01 Jan 2016, 04:05
jiangfasm wrote:
macro du [arg]
 { local current,..input,char
   virtual at 0
    du arg
    count = $
   end virtual
   current = 0
   while current < count
    load char byte from ..input:current+1
    if char = 0
     load char byte from ..input:current
     wide = char
     current = current + 1*2
     if char > 0C0h
      if char < 0E0h
       wide = char and 11111b
       load char byte from ..input:current
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       current = current + 1*2
      else if char < 0F0h
       wide = char and 1111b
       load char byte from ..input:current
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       load char byte from ..input:current+1*2
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       current = current + 2*2
      else if char < 0F8h
       wide = char and 111b
       load char byte from ..input:current
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       load char byte from ..input:current+1*2
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       load char byte from ..input:current+2*2
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       current = current + 3*2
      else if char < 0FCh
       wide = char and 11b
       load char byte from ..input:current
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       load char byte from ..input:current+1*2
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       load char byte from ..input:current+2*2
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       load char byte from ..input:current+3*2
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       current = current + 4*2
       wide = char and 1
       load char byte from ..input:current
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       load char byte from ..input:current+1*2
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       load char byte from ..input:current+2*2
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       load char byte from ..input:current+3*2
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       load char byte from ..input:current+4*2
       wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
       current = current + 5*2
      end if
     end if
     wide = char shl 8
     load char byte from ..input:current
     wide = wide + char
     current = current + 1*2
    end if
    if wide < 10000h
     dw wide
     dw 0D7C0h + wide shr 10,0DC00h or (wide and 3FFh)
    end if
   end while }

Final method!!

Edit by revolution: Used code tags

I'm sure this is correct.
Post 01 Jan 2016, 04:05
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