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Joined: 23 Jul 2004
Posts: 5
Location: Ohio, USofA
Worr 24 Jul 2004, 15:03
I have recently gone from HLA to FASM, and decided to work with the FPU, but have run into some problems. I was able to place a floating point value into an 80-bit variable when I declared the variable, but how would I be able to otherwise declare a floating point number. I have made a Float2Str procedure and am going to make a Str2Float procedure also, which I could probably use in order to set a floating point value, although it would probably be very unefficient. Also, a friend of mine downloaded the latest version of FASM and was unable to set the value of a 80-bit variable upon declaring it, and instead gave him a "Extra charactars on line" error if I remeber if I correctly. Are you supposed to be able to set the value that way, or not?
Post 24 Jul 2004, 15:03
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Missing in inaction

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pelaillo 24 Jul 2004, 16:02
Hope it helps you.
; -------------------------------------
;  AsciiToFp    st0 <-- esi
;    by Tim Roberts
;    last modified by pelaillo
;      December 30 2002
;  Improvements:
;    Fasm syntax
;    Zero when empty string
;    Discard after second decimal point
;    Small optimizations
; -------------------------------------

 push ebx esi edi
    xor eax,eax
 mov [.sign],eax
     mov [.expsign],eax
  mov [.decimal],eax
  movzx eax,byte [esi]
        cmp al,'-'
        je .minus_sign
      cmp al,'+'
        je .plus_sign
       jmp .sign_ok
  inc [.sign]
    inc esi
     movzx eax,byte [esi]
     xor ebx,ebx
        xor ecx,ecx
        cmp eax,'E'
       je .exponent
        cmp eax,'e'
       je .exponent
        cmp eax,'.'
       je .dec_point
       xor eax,'0'
       cmp eax,9
   ja .digits_ok
       mov [.temp],eax
     fmul [.ten]
 fiadd   word [.temp]
        inc ebx
     jmp .no_point
  cmp     [.decimal],0
        jne     .digits_ok
  mov [.decimal],ebx
      inc esi
     movzx eax,byte [esi]
        jmp .mantissa_loop
      inc esi
     movzx eax,byte [esi]
        cmp al,'-'
        je  .minus_exponent_sign
    cmp al,'+'
        je  .plus_exponent_sign
     jmp .exponent_loop
   inc [.expsign]
        inc esi
     movzx eax,byte [esi]
       xor eax,'0'
       cmp eax,9
   ja  .digits_ok
      lea     ecx,[ecx*4+ecx]
     lea     ecx,[ecx*2+eax]
     inc esi
     movzx eax,byte [esi]
        jmp .exponent_loop
     cmp [.expsign],0
    je  .exponent_ready
 neg ecx
   mov eax,[.decimal]
  or  eax,eax
 je  .no_decimals
    sub ebx,eax
 sub ecx,ebx
  or ecx,ecx
  je .no_exponent
     mov eax,ecx
;       call    fexp10
;    mov     ecx,eax
    cmp eax,0
    jge .fexp_sign_ok
    neg eax
    mov dl,al
    and edx,0Fh
    je .bigger_exp
    lea edx,dword [edx+edx*4]
    fld tword [edx*2+.ten_1-10]
    fmulp st1,st
    mov dl,al
    shr dl,4
    and edx,0Fh
    je .still_bigger
    lea edx,dword [edx+edx*4]
    fld tword [edx*2+.ten_16-10]
    fmulp st1,st
    mov dl,ah
    and edx,1Fh
    je .exponent_sign
    lea edx,dword [edx+edx*4]
    fld tword [edx*2+.ten_256-10]
    fmulp st1,st
    cmp ecx,0
    jge .positive_exponent
    fdivp st1,st
    jmp .no_exponent
    fmulp st1,st
        cmp [.sign],0
       je .ready
       pop edi esi ebx
     mov edi,esi
 call fp_tohex
  align 4
  .sign dd 0
  .expsign dd 0
  .decimal dd 0
  .temp dd 0
  .ten dq 10.0
  .ten_1 dt 1.0e1
        dt 1.0e2
    dt 1.0e3
    dt 1.0e4
    dt 1.0e5
    dt 1.0e6
    dt 1.0e7
    dt 1.0e8
    dt 1.0e9
    dt 1.0e10
   dt 1.0e11
   dt 1.0e12
   dt 1.0e13
   dt 1.0e14
   dt 1.0e15
  .ten_16 dt 1.0e16
     dt 1.0e32
   dt 1.0e48
   dt 1.0e64
   dt 1.0e80
   dt 1.0e96
   dt 1.0e112
          dt 1.0e128
          dt 1.0e144
          dt 1.0e160
          dt 1.0e176
          dt 1.0e192
          dt 1.0e208
          dt 1.0e224
          dt 1.0e240
  .ten_256 dt 1.0e256
          dt 1.0e512
          dt 1.0e768
          dt 1.0e1024
         dt 1.0e1280
         dt 1.0e1536
         dt 1.0e1792
         dt 1.0e2048
         dt 1.0e2304
         dt 1.0e2560
         dt 1.0e2816
         dt 1.0e3072
         dt 1.0e3328
         dt 1.0e3584
         dt 1.0e4096
         dt 1.0e4352
         dt 1.0e4608
         dt 1.0e4864

; Float point to hex:
; edi <-- st0

    push esi edi
        mov esi,.fpnum
      fstp tword [esi]
    mov     ecx,9
  mov     al,[esi+ecx]
        shr     al,4
        call .HexOut
        mov     al,[esi+ecx]
        and     al,0Fh
      call .HexOut
        dec     ecx
 jns     .conv_loop
  mov     byte [edi],0
        pop edi esi
       cmp al,9
    jbe .is_num
 add al,'A'-10
     jmp .ok_num
       add     al,'0'
  .fpnum dt 0.0

Post 24 Jul 2004, 16:02
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Joined: 05 Apr 2004
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Location: Italy
tango 25 Jul 2004, 08:19
Worr wrote:
(..snip..) Also, a friend of mine downloaded the latest version of FASM and was unable to set the value of a 80-bit variable upon declaring it, and instead gave him a "Extra charactars on line" error if I remeber if I correctly. Are you supposed to be able to set the value that way, or not?

Same problem here.. (with last version of FASM -22 jul-) Sad

variable dt 1.414

give "Extra characters on line" error.

No problem with:

variable dq 1.414
Post 25 Jul 2004, 08:19
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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
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Tomasz Grysztar 25 Jul 2004, 20:07
Sorry, my mistake - it's fixed now.
Post 25 Jul 2004, 20:07
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Joined: 23 Jul 2004
Posts: 5
Location: Ohio, USofA
Worr 26 Jul 2004, 12:29
Thanks for fixing that.

Although your function won't work with the way I have my numbers in strings, it did give me an idea as to how to finish mine, so it is of great help, although I'm gonna get some more sleep for now; woke up early to golfing but it's raining. Crying or Very sad
Post 26 Jul 2004, 12:29
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