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Index > Non-x86 architectures > ARM Development Studio (GBA) + 7 Examples

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Joined: 08 Dec 2013
Posts: 296
m3ntal 08 Dec 2013, 14:50
Unofficial ARM GBA Studio.

Includes FASMARM Assembler, Magic-ARM Compiler (Beta), D-ARM7 Disassembler, examples, media/graphics (icons, cursors, images).

All \EXAMPLES\ and \PROJECTS\ will assemble + execute where they are with no setup and they all have access to the same files in \INCLUDE\ and \MEDIA\.

* \BINARY\ - Development programs
* \UTILITY\ - Small utilities, file conversions
* \EXAMPLES\ - 7 examples. Source+.GBA
* \PROJECTS\ - User created projects. 3 templates
* \INCLUDE\ - Magic-Compiler (LANGUAGE.INC) + library files: TEXT.INC, DRAW.INC, FONT.INC, etc
* \MEDIA\ - Multi-media files, graphics+sounds, controls: FONT, ICON, CURSOR, SPRITE, STAGE, etc
* \EMULATOR\ - ARM emulators. To setup, download VBA then copy VISUALBOYADVANCE.EXE (1.88MB) to \EMULATOR\VBA\

;                     _
;  ?__. .__ __ ____ _(_) __?
;  /  |/  / @ `/ $ `/ / __/
; /_/|_/_/\_,_/\_, /_/\__/
;             /___/

;    Magic-ARM Compiler

; erase screen with color/a1...

function clear.screen
 alias vga=a3, w=a2, c=a1
 . vga=VRAM, w=SCREEN.N
 .repeat w
   . (u16) *vga++=c

; address &vga[(y*(screen.w*2))+(x*2)]...

function vga.xy
 . a3=SCREEN.PITCH, a4=a2*a3
 . a4=a4+(a1<<1), a2=VRAM, a1=a2+a4

; draw pixel: a1-a3=x/y/c...

function draw.pixel
 alias vga=a1, c=v1
 . c=a3
 . (u16) *vga=c

; draw horizontal line: a1-a4=x/y/w/c...

function draw.line.h
 alias vga=a1, c=v1, w=v2
 . c=a4, w=a3
 .repeat w
   . (u16) *vga++=c

; text.n(t) - get text length, # characters

function text.n
 alias t=a1, b=a2, c=v1
 . c=1, b=t
 .while c           ; until 0
   . (u8) c=*t++    ; read c
 . t--, t-b         ; return current-start

; text.copy(a, b) - standard copy with 0 after

function text.copy
 alias a=a1, b=a2, c=v1
 . c=1
 .while c
   . (u8) c=*b++    ; read
   . (u8) *a++=c    ; copy
 . a--              ; return end

; text.attach(a, b) - attach b to a

function text.attach
 alias a=a1,\
  b=a2, p=v1
 . p=b
 . b=p

; text.attach.c(t, c) - attach c to t

function text.attach.c
 alias t=a1, c=v2
 . c=a2
 . (u8) *t++=c, (u8) *t=0

; text.find(t, c) - search for character.
; return address or 0

function text.find
 alias t=a1,\
  c=v1, key=a2
 .forever           ; loop
   . (u8) c=*t      ; read c
   .if c=0          ; end?
     return 0       ; not found
   .if c=key        ; found?
     return t       ; t=address
   . t++            ; next

; text.compare(a, b) - lexical comparison.
; return <0>

function text.compare
 alias a=a1, b=a2,\
  c=v1, d=v2
  . c=1, d=c
 .while c=d         ; while equal
   . (u8) c=*a++
   . (u8) d=*b++
   . c|d            ; and both nonzero
   .breakz          ; break if either=0
 . a=c-d            ; return *a-*b

; text.upper(t) - convert to uppercase

function text.upper
 alias t=a1, c=v1
   . (u8) c=*t      ; get c
   .if c=0          ; end?
     return t
   .if c>=97        ; lowercase?
     .if c<=122
       . c-32
       . (u8) *t=c  ; copy c
   . t++            ; next c

; convert unsigned 32BIT integer to text

 .while n           ; until 0
   . y=n            ; dividend
   . x=1999999Ah    ; ((2^32)/10)+1
   . n=n-(n>>>30)   ; n=n-(n>>>30)
   umull c, n, n, x ; divide: n*reciprocal
   . x=n<<1         ; multiply by 10
   . x=x+(x<<2)
   . x=y-x          ; remainder
   . c=x+30h        ; c=(n%10)+'0'
   . (u8) *t++=c    ; *t++=c

; convert 32BIT binary number to text

 .while n            ; *t++=(n&1)+'0'
   . x=n&1, x+30h
   . (u8) *t++=x
   . n>>>1           ; n/2
 . (u8) *t=0, a1=s

; convert bgr15 to rgb15

function convert.bgr15.rgb24
 alias r=a1, g=a2, b=a3, c=a4
 . c=a1, r=c&11111b, r<<3
 . g=c>>5, g&11111b, g<<3
 . b=c>>10, b&11111b, b<<3
 . c=r<<16, r=c|(g<<8), r|b

; return r/g/b in a1-a3 from bgr15

function get.rgb15
 alias r=a1, g=a2, b=a3, c=a4
 . c=a1, r=c&11111b, g=c>>5, g&11111b
 . b=c>>10, b&11111b

; draw solid rectangle: a1-v1=x/y/w/h/c...

function draw.box
 alias vga=a1, c=v1,\
  sw=v2, w=v3, h=v4,\
  pitch=a2, wb=a3
 . w=a3, sw=w, h=a4    ; save w/h
 . pitch=SCREEN.PITCH  ; screen+row
 . wb=w<<1             ; w in bytes
 .repeat h             ; h # times
   . w=sw              ; reset saved
   .repeat w           ; w # times
     . (u16) *vga++=c  ; copy color
   . vga+pitch, vga-wb ; advance

; draw 15/16BPP bitmap. a1-a4=x/y/w/h.
; v1=pixels...   

 . pitch=SCREEN.PITCH   ; screen+image
 . iwb=w<<1             ; w in bytes
 vga.xy                 ; &vga(x,y)
 .repeat h              ; h # times
   . w=sw               ; get saved w
   .repeat w            ; w # times
     . (u16) \
      *vga++=*image++   ; copy pixel
   . vga+pitch, vga-iwb ; advance

; draw 15/16BPP bitmap with transparency
; by upper left pixel color (0x0).
; a1-a4=x/y/w/h. v1=pixels...  

 . pitch=SCREEN.PITCH   ; screen+image
 . iwb=w<<1             ; w in bytes
 . (u16) key=*image     ; transparent color
 vga.xy                 ; &vga(x,y)
 .repeat h              ; h # times
   . w=sw
   .repeat w            ; w # times
     . (u16) c=*image++
     .if c<>key         ; opaque?
       . (u16) *vga++=c ; copy pixel
       . vga+2          ; next
   . vga+pitch, vga-iwb ; advance

; draw 15/16BPP scanline. a1-a3/v1=x/y/w/pixels...

function draw.scanline
 alias vga=a1,\        ; aliases
  p=v1, w=v2
 . w=a3, p=v1          ; save w/p
 vga.xy                ; &vga(x,y)
 .repeat w             ; w # times
   . (u16) *vga++=*p++ ; copy pixel

; draw bitmap text (FONT.INC)...

function draw.text
 alias t=v1,\             ; aliases
  x=v2, y=v3,\
  c=v5, fw=v6, ix=v7
 . t=a1, x=a2, y=a3       ; save these
 . ix=x
 . fw=FW                  ; font w
 . (u8) c=*t
 .while c                 ; while nonzero
   . (u8) c=*t++          ; get next c
   .if c=0Dh              ; return?
     . t++                ; skip 0Ah after
     . x=ix, x-fw, y+FH   ; reset x/y
   draw.c c, x, y         ; draw character
   . x+fw                 ; x+font.w

(Keywords for search engines: programming ARM ASM assembler assembly tutorials how to learn introduction beginner manual bare metal GBA gameboy advance SP raspberry pi instruction reference encodings list decode register memory ip sp lr pc load relative mov ldr adr immediate constant address branch pipeline THUMB 1 2 FPA VFP SIMD NEON bios interrupt coprocessor emulator disassembler simulator)

Description: Sketch for FASM IDE in 240x160 BGR15. See APPLICATION in \EXAMPLES\ and \INCLUDE\. Easy conversion to ARM embedded systems. VBA settings: Options>Video>X3. Filter>HQ2X
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Description: ARM GBA Studio
Filename: arm_gba_studio.zip
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Post 08 Dec 2013, 14:50
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m3ntal 08 Dec 2013, 14:52

Description: Magic-Compiler Syntaxes
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Post 08 Dec 2013, 14:52
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nop 09 Dec 2013, 08:22
welcome back uart777 Wink great work Cool
Post 09 Dec 2013, 08:22
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ctl3d32 09 Dec 2013, 11:16
Post 09 Dec 2013, 11:16
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HaHaAnonymous 09 Dec 2013, 11:34
[ Post removed by author. ]

Last edited by HaHaAnonymous on 28 Feb 2015, 19:08; edited 1 time in total
Post 09 Dec 2013, 11:34
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When all else fails, read the source

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revolution 09 Dec 2013, 13:02
HaHaAnonymous wrote:
How do you know it is uart777?

It can be a fake or something. All possibilities must be considered. Razz
Well I guess it could be a very unlikely coincidence. But one way to confirm is to check the server logs. I won't say either way since it is more fun to watch you all keep guessing Twisted Evil
Post 09 Dec 2013, 13:02
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Dex4u 09 Dec 2013, 17:58
Its got to be him, there can not be two people putting out s**t like that.

Anyway i thought you was working on a usb stack for the RPI, was it too hard for you ?, i thought so.
Mines almost finished.
Post 09 Dec 2013, 17:58
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HaHaAnonymous 09 Dec 2013, 20:02
[ Post removed by author. ]

Last edited by HaHaAnonymous on 28 Feb 2015, 19:06; edited 1 time in total
Post 09 Dec 2013, 20:02
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typedef 13 Dec 2013, 07:51
HaHaAnonymous wrote:

I won't say either way since it is more fun to watch you all keep guessing

Haha, you like these types of games. Like not telling if you are male or female...

Hahahahahaha. I thought we solved this mystery already. We came to a conclusion that revolution is woman...or not.
Post 13 Dec 2013, 07:51
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m3ntal 13 Dec 2013, 16:59
What are you guys talking about? This post is supposed to be about ARM programming. Why do you get personal and change the subject?

I'm requesting that all replies to this be deleted or moved.
Post 13 Dec 2013, 16:59
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sid123 23 Dec 2013, 06:33
Nice examples, would consider it when I am over with x86 assembly,
(can't concentrate on two things, ARM and x86 Razz)
So it's something like Visual Studio? Like some sort of IDE,
Also, where did you get those cool windows, Z-Console? Is that your OS?
All those nice graphics look cool.
Any website or something?
Post 23 Dec 2013, 06:33
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m3ntal 25 Dec 2013, 19:37
So it's something like Visual Studio?
A development package or the beginning of one. My dream is to create a replacement for Visual Studio that has true portability: X86, ARM, WinX, Linux, Android. The IDE is a sketch (see EXAMPLES\APPLICATION.GBA) for FASM on ARM and my own assemblers and compilers.
Also, where did you get those cool windows, Z-Console?
I create them by myself. Drawing Windows is easy, they're just rectangles with outlines and shading. See: INCLUDE/DRAW.INC. Same algorithms apply to any CPU/OS.[quote


First Real ARM Macro Language + Library. Pure LL register usage. Highly Portable Text + Graphics. Preview:
; memory.set p, v, n
; memory.copy a, b, n
; memory.zero p, n

; text.n t          ; get # characters (size-1)
; text.copy a, b    ; standard copy with 0 after
; text.copy.n ...   ; copy with maximum size
; text.attach a, b  ; attach b to a; "concencate"
; text.attach.c...  ; attach character
; text.compare a, b ; compare. return <0>
; text.find t, c    ; search for c. return &/0
; text.find.last... ; search for c reverse
; text.begins a, b  ; begins with b?
; text.ends a, b    ; ends with b?
; text.upper t      ; convert to uppercase
; text.lower t      ; convert to lowercase
; text.reverse t    ; reverse

; i2t n, t          ; number/text conversions
; u2t n, t
; h2t n, t
; b2t n, t

; vga.xy x, y ; &vga[xy(x,y)]
; color.at    ; vga[xy(x,y)]

; clear.screen

; locate x, y, w, h
; draw.pixel x, y, c
; draw.line.h x, y, w, c
; draw.line.v x, y, h, c
; draw.scanline x, y, w, p
; draw.scanline.t x, y, w, p
; draw.scanline.v x, y, w, p, c
; draw.box x, y, w, h, c
; draw.box.a x, y, w, h, c, a
; draw.outline x, y, w, h, c
; draw.box.o x, y, w, h, c, c2
; draw.bitmap x, y, w, h, p
; draw.bitmap.t x, y, w, h, p
; draw.bitmap.a x, y, w, h, p, a
; draw.fade x, y, w, h, c, c2
; draw.shade x, y, w, h, c, c2

; create.console
; draw.console
; putx x, s
; putc x
; putt x
; puts x
; putn n, name
; puti n
; putu n
; puth n
; putb n    
Post 25 Dec 2013, 19:37
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dstyl 08 Aug 2015, 02:50
Serious hot stuff, already took out my flash card thumbs up man !
Post 08 Aug 2015, 02:50
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