I want to know if can be done a simple 'awk' windows 10 application - 64 bits.
The application I thinking will need to solve this:
- parse the folders / files to find something the user need it ( find files like .fasm, .asm, .obj, .exe, .avi, .mov, ...);
- look inside of this files under hexa and binary to find : strings, type of files - exe, obj, images, ...);
- take from files some data , like ( raw image , frames from movies, );
- show the correct read data and unknown data like charts;
- check the fasm syntax over 32 and 64 and links between projects;
- make scripts / commands to solve this issue.
- most of regular expression will be default or will be add into default file;
The main goal of this idea project will solve the fasm project (and other programming language) to used/ pack/unpack the data and infos and also to test fasm project.
If someone want to deal with this project then send me your message or post here.