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Index > Windows > New fastcall macro for saft calling X64 procedure

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Joined: 04 Jul 2003
Posts: 125
Location: China
Kevin_Zheng 03 Sep 2015, 23:06
Hi, Guys:
If we want to write X64 WIN ASM code, the code have to add one line code in the entrypoint:
sub rsp, 0x08    

The reason is that the X64 proceduce will store the returned address into the RSP, and some of instructions (mov xmm, [rsp] ) willl raise exception when it found that the RSP mod 16 = 8.

Please see below new fastcall macro, it will balance stack before invoke X64 procedure. so we don't need add this line code "sub rsp, 0x08" in the entrypoint.

Safty Fastcall Macro:
; It's used to align the X64 program's stack to stack dqword aligned (16 bytes align).
; For example, the WIN64 program will load to this address is 0x401000:4883EC08, 
; and set the the stack address is 0x28:6FF58, the program must make sure the stack
; dqword aligned, it means that the first LSB byte must equal to zero. 
; for example: the address 0x6FF58 convert to 0x6FF50, 0x6x6FF40, etc okay.
        and spl, 0xF0           ; Mask the LSB 4bits.
; It's used to safe fastcall WINX64 API.
; the fastcall stack:
; push rcx rdx r8 r9
; push rip
; push rbp
; mov rbp, rsp
; [rbp + 0x00] ==> RBP
; [rbp + 0x08] ==> RIP
; [rbp + 0x10] ==> RCX
; [rbp + 0x18] ==> RDX  
; [rbp + 0x20] ==> R8
; [rbp + 0x28] ==> R9 
macro fastcall proc,[arg]{ 
  push  rsp             ; Save current RSP position on the stack 
  push  qword [rsp]     ; Keep another copy of that on the stack
  add   rsp, 8          ; Balance the stack pointer. 
  ALIGN_STACK           ; adjust RSP to align the stack if not already there 
  fastcall proc, arg 
  pop rsp               ;restore RSP to its original value 

Pedemo.asm from example:

; Example of 64-bit PE program

format PE64 GUI
entry start

include         'WIN64A.INC'

; It's used to align the X64 program's stack to stack dqword aligned (16 bytes align).
; For example, the WIN64 program will load to this address is 0x401000:4883EC08, 
; and set the the stack address is 0x28:6FF58, the program must make sure the stack
; dqword aligned, it means that the first LSB byte must equal to zero. 
; for example: the address 0x6FF58 convert to 0x6FF50, 0x6x6FF40, etc okay.
        and spl, 0xF0           ; Mask the LSB 4bits.
; It's used to safe fastcall WINX64 API.
; the fastcall stack:
; push rcx rdx r8 r9
; push rip
; push rbp
; mov rbp, rsp
; [rbp + 0x00] ==> RBP
; [rbp + 0x08] ==> RIP
; [rbp + 0x10] ==> RCX
; [rbp + 0x18] ==> RDX  
; [rbp + 0x20] ==> R8
; [rbp + 0x28] ==> R9 
macro fastcall proc,[arg]{ 
  push  rsp             ; Save current RSP position on the stack 
  push  qword [rsp]     ; Keep another copy of that on the stack
  add   rsp, 8          ; Balance the stack pointer. 
  ALIGN_STACK           ; adjust RSP to align the stack if not already there 
  fastcall proc, arg 
  pop rsp               ;restore RSP to its original value 

section '.text' code readable executable

        ;sub    rsp,8   ; reserve stack for API use and make stack dqword aligned
        ;mov    r9d,0
        ;lea    r8,[_caption]
        ;lea    rdx,[_message]
        ;mov    rcx,0
        ;call   [MessageBoxA]
        invoke wsprintf, szTemp, "PE64 Demo: %s", _message
        invoke MessageBoxA, 0, szTemp, _caption, 0
        mov     ecx,eax
        ;call   [ExitProcess]
        invoke ExitProcess

section '.data' data readable writeable

  _caption db 'Win64 assembly program',0
  _message db 'Hello World!',0
  szTemp        rb      1000

section '.idata' import data readable writeable

  dd 0,0,0,RVA kernel_name,RVA kernel_table
  dd 0,0,0,RVA user_name,RVA user_table
  dd 0,0,0,0,0

    ExitProcess dq RVA _ExitProcess
    dq 0
    MessageBoxA dq RVA _MessageBoxA
    wsprintf            dq RVA _wsprintfA
    dq 0

  kernel_name db 'KERNEL32.DLL',0
  user_name db 'USER32.DLL',0

  _ExitProcess dw 0
    db 'ExitProcess',0
  _MessageBoxA dw 0
    db 'MessageBoxA',0
  _wsprintfA dw 0
    db 'wsprintfA',0


Filename: PE64DEMO.zip
Filesize: 1.69 KB
Downloaded: 297 Time(s)

Pure Assembly Language Funs
Post 03 Sep 2015, 23:06
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