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Index > DOS > Executing batch files...

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Joined: 19 Sep 2003
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OzzY 06 May 2004, 23:34
How to execute a ms-dos batch file (*.bat) from an asm program using function ah=4B,al=00 - int 21h ??
Post 06 May 2004, 23:34
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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
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Location: Kraków, Poland
Tomasz Grysztar 07 May 2004, 05:35
You should execute system shell (in particular, command.com), with the /C parameter and path to the bath file.
Post 07 May 2004, 05:35
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OzzY 07 May 2004, 16:11
Oh yeah, but how to adapt this to this code? I 'm how to do it?

      org     100h

; first, we need to free the conventional memory we don't use,
; so there will be some memory available for the program we want
; to run, if we used MZ format of executable, the directive
; "heap 0" would be enough for this purpose, in case of .com
; program we have to free that memory manually be resizing the
; memory block starting at our PSP (es is already set to it)

     mov     ah,4Ah                  ; resize memory block
       mov     bx,10010h shr 4         ; only memory needed for .com
       int     21h

; now set up the pointer to command line in the parameters block

     mov     word [cmdline],_command
     mov     word [cmdline+2],ds

; we are ready to execute the program now

    mov     ax,4B00h                ; load and execute program
  mov     dx,_program             ; ASCIIZ path of program
    mov     bx,params               ; parameter block
   int     21h

     int     20h                     ; exit program

_program db 'c:\command.com',0
_command db 0                                ; length of command line
     db 13                          ; must end with CR character

environment dw 0       ; segment of environment, 0 means to use parent's one
cmdline dd ?               ; pointer to command line
default_fcb1 dd 0      ; pointers to file control blocks
default_fcb2 dd 0


Post 07 May 2004, 16:11
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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
Posts: 8363
Location: Kraków, Poland
Tomasz Grysztar 09 May 2004, 10:14
        org     100h

; first, we need to free the conventional memory we don't use,
; so there will be some memory available for the program we want
; to run, if we used MZ format of executable, the directive
; "heap 0" would be enough for this purpose, in case of .com
; program we have to free that memory manually be resizing the
; memory block starting at our PSP (es is already set to it)

        mov     ah,4Ah          ; resize memory block
        mov     bx,10010h shr 4 ; only memory needed for .com
        int     21h

; now set up the pointer to command line in the parameters block

        mov     word [cmdline],_command
        mov     word [cmdline+2],ds

; we are ready to execute the program now

        mov     ax,4B00h        ; load and execute program
        mov     dx,_program     ; ASCIIZ path of program
        mov     bx,params       ; parameter block
        int     21h

        int     20h             ; exit program

_program db 'c:\command.com',0
_command db _end-$              ; length of command line
         db '/C test.bat'
    _end db 13                  ; must end with CR character

environment dw 0                ; segment of environment, 0 means to use parent's one
cmdline dd ?                    ; pointer to command line
default_fcb1 dd 0               ; pointers to file control blocks
default_fcb2 dd 0    
Post 09 May 2004, 10:14
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Joined: 18 Jan 2004
Posts: 97
Bitdog 07 Jul 2004, 04:20
Resize memory block in a .COM file doesn't seem to do anything usefull.
The only thing I found it usefull for is SB sound DMA probramming
where an ABS full seg was needed, then you could find the next ABS seg
from CS:0000h and if it left enough room for your .COM code,
you could resize & move the stack into the remaining .COM's allocated memory.

If you resize memory for the .COM you don't have more segment space to allocate to other external segments since a .COM is only allotted one seg
and can't allocate other segments.

Please correct me if I'm wrong on anything.

Post 07 Jul 2004, 04:20
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