Hi all
If I am not wrong
18446744073709551d = 4189374BC6A7EFh
If I try to initialize this number directly with DT compiler gives me an error, I must use a dot. Then watching it with debug I can see that hex number compiled is not right:
ORG 100h
MOV SI, numDT ; Where's numDT?
; Exit to DOS
MOV AX, 4c00h
INT 21h
numDT DT 18446744073709551.0 ; =4189374BC6A7EFh
; debugging with debug:
; C:\Alfonso\Codigos>debug DTBugCF.com
; -u 100,106
; 0CF7:0100 BE0801 MOV SI,0108
; 0CF7:0103 B8004C MOV AX,4C00
; 0CF7:0106 CD21 INT 21
; -d 108,10E
; 0CF7:0100 00 DE 4F 8D 97 6E 12 ..O..n.
; -q
Can't Fasm initialize this kind of numbers?
Thank you