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> Windows > Windows Service Sample/Template |
Author |
badc0de02 29 Jan 2015, 11:13
fixed somethig ...
29 Jan 2015, 11:13 |
eisbaer 31 Jan 2015, 18:22
looks interesting!
the code seems to be for windows 32 bit can you please explain, how to modify this code for windows 64 bit ? for me especially interesting would be for example a service, which can react on pressing of a function keys F1 = give back to keyboard-driver the code for INSERT F2 = give back to keyboard-driver the code for SHIFT-F4 F7 = give back to keyboard-driver the code for FN-F7 F9 = give back to keyboard-driver the code for ALT-F4 F10 = give back to keyboard-driver the code for CTRL-ALT-DEL would such things possible or what can i i do for example whithin such an installable service-program? |
31 Jan 2015, 18:22 |
badc0de02 31 Jan 2015, 20:28
hm i think this can be done without a Service.
use the functions: RegisterHotKey and kbd_event,GetMessage Last edited by badc0de02 on 31 Jan 2015, 22:13; edited 1 time in total |
31 Jan 2015, 20:28 |
badc0de02 31 Jan 2015, 20:41
64bit format:
Code: ; By badc0de copy as you want/edit 64bit format PE64 GUI 4.0 include 'win64ax.inc' entry main section 'main' code readable writeable executable start: invoke OpenSCManagerA,0,0,983103 ;Starting the service mov [svcManH],rax cmp rax,0 je _err invoke OpenServiceA,rax,name,983551 mov [svcSv],rax cmp rax,0 je _err invoke Sleep,3000 invoke StartService,dword [svcSv],0,0 cmp rax,0 je _err invoke CloseServiceHandle,dword [svcManH] invoke CloseServiceHandle,dword [svcSv] jmp errno install: invoke GetModuleFileNameA,0,currPath,260 ;install the service invoke OpenSCManagerA,0,0,983103 mov [svcManH],rax cmp rax,0 je _err invoke CreateServiceA,eax,name,name,983551,16,3,1,currPath,0,0,0,0,0 mov [svcSv],rax cmp rax,0 je _err invoke CloseServiceHandle,dword [svcManH] invoke CloseServiceHandle,dword [svcSv] jmp errno main: invoke GetCommandLineA mov rsi,rax call arg cmp byte [rsi+2],'1' ;install je install cmp byte [rsi+2],'2' ;start je start invoke StartServiceCtrlDispatcherA,table cmp rax,0 jne errno _err: int 3 errno: invoke ExitProcess,1 arg: cmp byte [rsi],' ' je ok cmp byte [rsi],0 je ok inc rsi jmp arg ok: ret svc_main: invoke RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerA,name,svc_handler ;main routine mov [svcStatH],rax invoke SetServiceStatus,rax,svcStat mov [svcStat.dwWaitHint],0 mov [svcStat.dwCurrentState],04h invoke SetServiceStatus,dword [svcStatH],svcStat servicing:; Do your Service stuff jmp servicing svc_handler: ret section 'data' data readable writeable table: dq name dq svc_main dq 0,0 name: db 'asm_svc',0 currPath: times 260 db 0 svcManH: dq 0 svcSv: dq 0 svcStatH: dq 0 svcStat: .dwServiceType dd 010h .dwCurrentState dd 02h .dwControlsAccepted dd 0 .dwWin32ExitCode dd 0 .dwServiceSpecificExitCode dd 0 .dwCheckPoint dd 0 .dwWaitHint dd 3000 section 'library' import data readable writeable library advapi32,'ADVAPI32.DLL',kernel32,'kernel32.dll' include 'API\ADVAPI32.INC' include 'API\KERNEL32.INC' |
31 Jan 2015, 20:41 |
badc0de02 18 Feb 2015, 22:08
Code: ; By badc0de copy as you want/edit format PE GUI 4.0 include 'win32a.inc' entry main SRV_NAME equ 'notlol' section 'main' code readable writeable executable start: invoke OpenSCManagerA,0,0,983103 ;Starting the service mov [svcManH],eax cmp eax,0 je return invoke OpenServiceA,eax,name,983551 mov [svcSv],eax cmp eax,0 je return invoke StartService,dword [svcSv],0,0 cmp eax,0 je return invoke CloseServiceHandle,dword [svcManH] invoke CloseServiceHandle,dword [svcSv] jmp errno install: invoke GetModuleFileNameA,0,currPath,260 ;install the service invoke OpenSCManagerA,0,0,983103 mov [svcManH],eax cmp eax,0 je return invoke CreateServiceA,eax,name,name,983551,0x00000110,3,1,currPath,0,0,0,0,0 mov [svcSv],eax cmp eax,0 je return invoke CloseServiceHandle,dword [svcManH] invoke CloseServiceHandle,dword [svcSv] jmp errno main: invoke GetCommandLineA mov esi,eax call arg invoke StartServiceCtrlDispatcherA,table invoke MessageBoxA,0,err_msg,err_ttl,MB_ICONHAND errno: invoke ExitProcess,1 arg: cmp word [esi],'-1' je install cmp word [esi],'-2' je start cmp byte [esi],0 je return inc esi jmp arg return: ret svc_main: invoke RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerA,name,svc_handler ;main routine mov [svcStatH],eax invoke SetServiceStatus,dword [svcStatH],svcStat servicing:; Do your Service stuff jmp servicing svc_handler: ret section 'data' data readable writeable table: dd name dd svc_main dd 0,0 name: db SRV_NAME,0 currPath: times 260 db 0 svcManH: dd 0 svcSv: dd 0 svcStatH: dd 0 svcStat: .dwServiceType dd 0110h .dwCurrentState dd 04h .dwControlsAccepted dd 0 .dwWin32ExitCode dd 0 .dwServiceSpecificExitCode dd 0 .dwCheckPoint dd 0 .dwWaitHint dd 0 err_ttl: db 'Error Fail!!',0 err_msg: db 'Failed Operation with the service: ',SRV_NAME,0 section 'library' import data readable writeable library advapi32,'ADVAPI32.DLL',kernel32,'kernel32.dll',user32,'user32.dll' include 'API\ADVAPI32.INC' include 'API\KERNEL32.INC' include 'API\USER32.INC' ASM Service Sample UPDATE incoming |
18 Feb 2015, 22:08 |
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