i wrote a injector for gothic 2 what gives you god mode and you kill targets with only one hit.
format PE GUI 4.0
entry start
include 'win32a.inc'
section 'binary' code readable writeable executable
start: invoke CreateProcessA,exe_path,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,startupinfo,processinfo
invoke VirtualAllocEx,dword [Process],0,code2.endx-code2,MEM_COMMIT+MEM_RESERVE,0x40
mov [newadr],eax
sub eax,[oldadr]
sub eax,5
mov [code01.addr],eax
mov eax,[oldadr]
sub eax,(code2.endx-code2)-(code01.endx-code01)
sub eax,[newadr]
mov [code2.endx-4],eax
invoke VirtualProtectEx,dword [Process],0,code01.endx-code01,MEM_COMMIT+MEM_RESERVE,0
invoke WriteProcessMemory,dword [Process],[oldadr],code01,code01.endx-code01,need
invoke WriteProcessMemory,dword [Process],[newadr],code2,code2.endx-code2,need
invoke ExitProcess,0
section 'data' data readable writeable
newadr: dd 0
oldadr: dd 0x72FF96
code01: db 0xe9
.addr: db 0,0,0,0,90h,90h
code2: cmp ecx,[0x400000+0x4CECBC]
je code2.x
mov dword [ecx+eax*4+0x1B8],0
.x: db 0xE9,0,0,0,0
dd 68
times 64 db 0
Process dd 0
Thread dd 0
ProcessId dd 0
ThreadId dd 0
need: dd 0
exe_path: db "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Gothic II\system\Gothic2.exe",0
section 'library' import data readable writeable
library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL'
include 'api\kernel32.inc'