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Joined: 16 Dec 2003
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emil 21 Feb 2015, 19:27
hi all ,

my main goal is to make a compiler that will understand small basic of many programming languages syntax, such as C,pascal,basic,powerbasic, sphinx c--,asm,Amiga BlitzBasic2 , Oxygen basic ,and so on. ofcourse that will mix with Fasm as a backend.

at the same time i want it to be simple and easy , so that i have picked up the small C and tried to extend it.

i have made some progress in that , if any one interested and want to contribute me , i will go ahead and post the project here .

Notewell , it is a beta stage , so may has a bugs

here is a small Example

//  test program

 format PE GUI  //this is inline asm 

 entry main    // start point is main c function

 include 'MACRO/PROC32.inc' ; tell fasm to include PORC32.inc header file
// declare a function that called from c code later
extern  stdcall MessageBoxA();
 $ nop    // empty section gives error 

// declare a global c variable
int val = 100;

/*  Fasm Proc syntax , found in fasm forum */
proc itoa  value,buf,base 

  local table db '0123456789ABCDEF' ;Table used in conversion 

  cmp  [base],16      ;Nothing over base 16(Hex) is supported. You could add support for them by just modifying this line and the table above
  ja   .base_error 
  cmp  [base],2       ;Nothing below base 2 is supported 
  jb   .base_error 

  pushad              ;Save the registers. No one likes a procedure that thrashes everything

  mov  eax,[value]    ;Load up the registers 
  mov  ebx,[base] 
  mov  edi,[buf] 
  mov  edx,0          ;Important note if you didn't know this, division by a dword is a 64-bit divide, edx will interfere if it's not cleared 
                      ;Division by a dword does edx:eax div r/m32      where edx:eax is treated as one 64-bit number 

  push 0xFFFF         ;This push is used later in the reversing part, it tells it that it's done.

    or   eax,eax      ;Is the value to convert zero? 
    jz   .reverse     ;If so, we're done here, lets reverse it. 
    div  ebx          ;Else, divide it by the base.  Result stored in eax, remainder in edx
    lea  edx,[edx+table] ;Point edx to the byte in the table holding the value we need 
    movzx edx,byte[edx]  ;Put that byte in edx 
    push edx             ;Push it 
    mov  edx,0           ;and as I explained earlier, edx MUST be zero before the next divide, or it will interfere with the divide
    jmp @b               ;Lather, rinse, and repeat 

;The routine above gets the numbers backwards, so we must reverse them. 
    pop  eax          ;Pop a converted value off the stack 
    cmp  eax,0xFFFF   ;Are we done reversing(was the popped value the 0xFFFF we pushed before we started)?
    je   @f 
    stosb             ;If not, store the byte in the buffer 
    jmp  .reverse 

    mov  eax,0        ;The string needs to be zero terminated, so this just places a 0x0 at the end

  mov  eax,0          ;Out: eax = 0, everything went fine 

    mov  eax,-1       ;Out: eax = -1, Bad base 

/*   c function Sytax */
 int x;
    char buf[255];
    MessageBoxA(0,buf,"the Value Is",0);

   int k,m,c; 
   k = 10;
   m = 20;
   c = m + k + val;


section '.idata' import data readable writeable

  dd 0,0,0,RVA kernel_name,RVA kernel_table
  dd 0,0,0,RVA user_name,RVA user_table
  dd 0,0,0,0,0

    ExitProcess dd RVA _ExitProcess
    dd 0
    MessageBoxA dd RVA _MessageBoxA
    dd 0

  kernel_name db 'KERNEL32.DLL',0
  user_name db 'USER32.DLL',0

  _ExitProcess dw 0
    db 'ExitProcess',0
  _MessageBoxA dw 0
    db 'MessageBoxA',0

section '.reloc' fixups data readable discardable       ; needed for Win32s

i will post more examples , and post the source code fro contributing.

waiting for your opinion.
Post 21 Feb 2015, 19:27
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HaHaAnonymous 21 Feb 2015, 19:37
[ Post removed by author. ]

Last edited by HaHaAnonymous on 28 Feb 2015, 17:54; edited 1 time in total
Post 21 Feb 2015, 19:37
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Joined: 16 Dec 2003
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Location: egypt
emil 21 Feb 2015, 20:08
HaHaAnonymous wrote:

If that will be achieved without inserting compiler directives (e.g.: c_code_start, c_code_end and bla bla bla) then that will be amazing! Very Happy

ofcourse my goal is without any directive , i made some progress , but still there are long work have to be done.

you can see from previous Example that Proc is a directive that accepts asm syntax untill endp directive found so here is the main Pares function


void parse()
  while (eof == 0) {
    if     (amatch("extern", 6)) { if(match("WINAPI")) doextern();  else if(match("stdcall")) dodeclare(EXTERNAL);  else {match("cdecl"); dodeclare(EXTERNAL_C);}}
    else if(dodeclare(STATIC));
    else if( match("#asm"))      doasm();
    else if( match("#include"))  doinclude();
    else if( match("#incpath"))  doincludepath();
    else if( match("#define"))   dodefine();
    else if( match("$"))         doinlineasm();
    else if( match("procedure")) {Pasfunc = -1; doprocedure();}
    else if( match("function"))  {Pasfunc = 0; doprocedure();}
    else if( match("sub"))       dosub();
    else if( match("fastproc"))  dofastproc();
    else if( match("proc"))      doproc();
    else if( match("statement")) doBlitzStmt();
    else if( match("."))         doBltz2subrotin();
    else if( match("#"))         doBltzResidnt();
    else if(doglblabel()) ;
    else if( dofunction() == 0 ) { ccode = ASM_code; fputs(lptr, output); fputs("\15", output); Inline(); ccode = C_code;   }

    blanks();                 /* force eof if pending */

as you can see compiler will act , i hope that , in language block.

here is a big test Example
File test6.c
//  test program

 format  PE console   

 include 'win32ax.inc' 
 entry start

char tmp[255];
int cmnd;
dim as integer stdout;
dim dff.b,sdd.w,ase.l;
dim Adff.b[20],Asdd.w(5),Aase.l[2*2];
int ary2[10][4]={1,0,8,7};
short sWord;

CurTime: dd 0
totTime: db 2
shrTime: dw 1 

extern stdcall MessageBoxA();
extern stdcall GetCommandLine();
extern stdcall GlobalAlloc();
extern stdcall GlobalFree();

extern WINAPI "msvcrt.dll"
  cdecl system();

#WINDOWS_7 = 3 
//#define WINDOWS_7  3

  Dc.w 10,15,13;

#include "test6_1.c"

#include "test6_3.c"

#include "test6_4.c"

#include "test6_5.c"

#include "test6_6.c"



  _caption db 'Win32 assembly program',0
  _message db 'Hello World!',0
  display_handle dd 0

        mov     [display_handle],STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
        invoke  GetStdHandle,[display_handle]
        mov     [stdout],eax     
        GetCommandLine ();         // using high level function call
        mov     [cmnd],eax
        call    main
        printf("\n\nbay ....");
        push    0
        call    [ExitProcess] 
;==========[ Import Sec ]=======

  section '.idata' import data readable writeable 
     library msvcrt, 'msvcrt.dll', kernel32, 'kernel32.dll', user32, 'user32.dll', advapi32, 'advapi32.dll', shell32, 'shell32.dll'

     import msvcrt,   printf, 'printf',  system, 'system' 

file test6_1.c

#include "test6_2.c"

procedure MsgBox;
    MessageBoxA(0,"i am pascal","",0);
    $ invoke  MessageBoxA,HWND_DESKTOP,"Hi! I'm the example program!",invoke GetCommandLine,MB_OK

procedure MyAdd(x,y)int x,y;
    return x+y;

procedure MyAdd2(x,y)int x,y;
var  int k,p;
    k = 10;
    p := 20;
    return x+y+k;

procedure findMin(x,y,z,m)int x,y,z;int* m;    /* (x, y, z: integer; var m: integer); */ 
/* Finds the minimum of the 3 values */
   if x < y  then 
      m := x;
      m := y;
   if z <m then m := z;
end; /*{ end of procedure findMin }*/

/* function returning the max between two numbers */
function max(num1,num2) int num1,num2;                      /*(num1, num2: integer): integer;*/
   /* local variable declaration */
  /* result: integer; */
   int result; 
   if (num1 > num2) then
      result := num1;
      result := num2;
   max := result;

file test6_2.c

print(x)int x;
   int p;
   if(x) p=10;
   $    push    0
   $    push    _caption
   $    push    _message
   $    push    0
   $    call    [MessageBoxA]

print2(char x,int y)
   int p;
   if(x) p=10;
   $    push    0
   $    push    _caption
   $    push    _message
   $    push    0
   $    call    [MessageBoxA]
   tmp[0] = 0;      

strlen(char *s)
   char *ptr;
   return (ptr-s);

file test6_3.c

  bytes_count dd 0
        mov     edi,esi
        or      ecx,-1
        xor     al,al
        repne   scasb
        neg     ecx
        sub     ecx,2
        invoke  WriteFile,dword[stdout],esi,ecx,bytes_count,0


   Adff[2] = Adff[1] + 2;  


   Adff[1] = 5*30+1; 
   gosub bltzRotn;
   local pp; 
   int k,m,c;
   int* ptr;
   DEFTYPE.w lm,ld
   dim cc.b,bb.l,kk.w
   cc = 'A';
   bb = -10;
   kk = 0xFFFF;
   dff = cc;
   sdd = kk;
   ase = bb;
   Aase[2]= bb * 2;
   gosub  SubRotn;  
   mov EAX , WINDOWS_7;
   k = 10;
   m = k > 5 ? 30 : 60;
   ptr = &m;
  // lm = 100;
  // ld = 200; 
      stdcall itoa,4660,tmp,10 
      invoke  MessageBoxA,HWND_DESKTOP,tmp,"the number is",MB_OK
      mov ESI,[cmnd]
      call display_string
   push 6*m +20 , EDX + 5;
   pop  EDX , m;
   push EAX;
   $pop eax
   mov  EDX , 10*k+c;
   mov m , 10*k+ 4 : ECX , 10 :  ESI , strlen(tmp);
   EDX = 10 * max(200,300); 
   DX = 10 * max(200,300); 
   DL = 10 * max(10,30) + CH;
   lea EDX , [strlen]
   sWord = 50;
   DX = sWord * 20;
   mov ESI,cmnd;
   EDX = GetCommandLine();
   MessageBoxA(HWND_DESKTOP,"Hi! I'm the example program!",EDX,MB_OK);
  // MessageBoxA(HWND_DESKTOP,"Hi! I'm the example program!",GetCommandLine(),MB_OK);
  // MessageBoxA(HWND_DESKTOP,tmp,cmnd,MB_OK);
   push MB_OK,cmnd,tmp,HWND_DESKTOP;
   call MessageBoxA
   ptr = sizeof  int;
   ptr = new int[100];
   delete ptr;
   MessageBoxA(HWND_DESKTOP,"...Good bay...","",MB_OK);

        push eax
        push GMEM_FIXED
        call [GlobalAlloc]

        push eax
        call [GlobalFree]

file test6_4.c

sub empty;
/*  */
   tmp[0] = 0; 

sub emit()

  int h;
  h = 500;
  $ invoke  MessageBoxA,HWND_DESKTOP,"I'm in subroutin","",MB_OK
    h = h + 1;

fastproc fast;
   $ mov eax,1

fastproc fast2(x) int x;
   $ mov eax,1
   $ add eax, [esp+4]            ;  eax = x + 1      

fastproc fast3(ECX,EDX)
   $ mov eax,edx
   EAX = ECX * 2 + EDX;

file test6_5.c
/*  value,buf,base      ;Return will be in eax, 0:fine, -1:base too small/large */

proc itoa  value,buf,base 

  local table db '0123456789ABCDEF' ;Table used in conversion 

  cmp  [base],16      ;Nothing over base 16(Hex) is supported. You could add support for them by just modifying this line and the table above
  ja   .base_error 
  cmp  [base],2       ;Nothing below base 2 is supported 
  jb   .base_error 

  pushad              ;Save the registers. No one likes a procedure that thrashes everything

  mov  eax,[value]    ;Load up the registers 
  mov  ebx,[base] 
  mov  edi,[buf] 
  mov  edx,0          ;Important note if you didn't know this, division by a dword is a 64-bit divide, edx will interfere if it's not cleared 
                      ;Division by a dword does edx:eax div r/m32      where edx:eax is treated as one 64-bit number 

  push 0xFFFF         ;This push is used later in the reversing part, it tells it that it's done.

    or   eax,eax      ;Is the value to convert zero? 
    jz   .reverse     ;If so, we're done here, lets reverse it. 
    div  ebx          ;Else, divide it by the base.  Result stored in eax, remainder in edx
    lea  edx,[edx+table] ;Point edx to the byte in the table holding the value we need 
    movzx edx,byte[edx]  ;Put that byte in edx 
    push edx             ;Push it 
    mov  edx,0           ;and as I explained earlier, edx MUST be zero before the next divide, or it will interfere with the divide
    jmp @b               ;Lather, rinse, and repeat 

;The routine above gets the numbers backwards, so we must reverse them. 
    pop  eax          ;Pop a converted value off the stack 
    cmp  eax,0xFFFF   ;Are we done reversing(was the popped value the 0xFFFF we pushed before we started)?
    je   @f 
    stosb             ;If not, store the byte in the buffer 
    jmp  .reverse 

    mov  eax,0        ;The string needs to be zero terminated, so this just places a 0x0 at the end

  mov  eax,0          ;Out: eax = 0, everything went fine 

    mov  eax,-1       ;Out: eax = -1, Bad base 

file test6_6.c

statement bltzAdd{ kilo.l , metr.w , mch.b }

  int cc; 
  cc = 10;  
  tmp[cc+10] = 2;

  if ( cmnd == 0 ) cmnd = 0;
  ary2[6][2] = 5; 

Post 21 Feb 2015, 20:08
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Joined: 19 Mar 2008
Posts: 1651
baldr 22 Feb 2015, 09:53

Please, add Brainfuck to the list… Wink

Compiler using fasm as a back-end? That would be great.
Post 22 Feb 2015, 09:53
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Joined: 16 Dec 2003
Posts: 76
Location: egypt
emil 22 Feb 2015, 17:39

hope you will like it , as i mintioned above , i have picked up Small C that found in fasm forum that was already uese Fasm as a backend.

i have only extend it , it is not optimized yet , in this stage focus in muliti language compatibility.

ok here is another Example , showing you how to declare a global variable in
many language syntax then use them as usual variable.
//  Global Decleraion test program

 format  PE console   

 include 'win32ax.inc' 
 entry main

// c syntax decleration
char  chr;
int   cmnd;
short sWord;
unsigned len; 
char name[255];
char* Cptr;
int*  Aptr;
int  scrn[200][100];
// basic syntax
dim as integer stdout;
dim as char basic_char;
dim as word basic_word;
//Amiga BlitzBasic2 syntax
dim dff.b,sdd.w,ase.l;
dim Adff.b[20],Asdd.w(5),Aase.l[2*2];
DEFTYPE.w lm,ld;
// fasm syntax
CurTime: dd 0
totTime: db 2
shrTime: dw 1 
//Amiga Asm syntax
  Dc.w 10,15,13;
// inline fasm syntax  
caption db 'AAAAAA',0
message db 'HHHHHH',0
disply  dd 0

extern printf();
extern  exit();
extern  system();

    int i,j;

    chr = 'A';
    cmnd = 100;
    sWord = 200;
    len   = 2000;
    for(i=0;i<254;i++) name[i]='A';  
    Cptr = &name[100];
    Aptr = scrn;  
    stdout = 100;
    basic_char = name[50];
    basic_word = 0xFFEE;
    dff = 0xAA;
    sdd = 0xAABB;
    ase = 0xAABBCCDD;
    Adff[10] = 0x11;
    Asdd[2] = 0x1122;
    Aase[3] = 0x11223344;     
    lm = ld = Asdd[2];
    CurTime = 0xFFAAAAFF;   //amazing using it as usual variable
    totTime = 0x55;        //amazing using it as usual variable
    shrTime = 0x2288;    //amazing using it as usual variable
  //  mydata = 10;     // in todo list
    caption = 'C';     //amazing using it as usual variable  
    message = 'A';
    disply = 300;      //amazing using it as usual variable

  printf( "Test program\n" );
  printf( "%d\n", disply );
  printf( "%c\n", message );
  printf( "%c\n", caption );
  printf( "%x\n", shrTime );  //did not work correctly ,i will see
  printf( "%x\n", totTime );
  printf( "%x\n", CurTime );
  system( "pause>NULL" );

section 'idata' import data readable 
library msvcrt, 'msvcrt.dll' 
import msvcrt, system,'system',printf,'printf',exit,'exit'
Post 22 Feb 2015, 17:39
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