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Index > Macroinstructions > Macro EQU Float to Integer?

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Joined: 21 Apr 2012
Posts: 1872
Roman 25 Sep 2014, 15:10
I have Num1 EQU 20.0
How get NumInt = Integer(Num1) ? Then NumInt = 20
I mean not using CPU commands , only use Fasm macro.
Fasm can do this ?
Post 25 Sep 2014, 15:10
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revolution 25 Sep 2014, 15:54
Yes, fasm can do it but it ain't pretty.

One method would be to store the number as a float and then decode the float value to extract the integer.
  temp_float dq Num1
  load float_binary qword from $$
  ;code goes here to decode the IEEE754 float format
end virtual    
Post 25 Sep 2014, 15:54
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 25 Sep 2014, 17:22
revolution wrote:
One method would be to store the number as a float and then decode the float value to extract the integer.
  temp_float dq Num1
  load float_binary qword from $$
  ;code goes here to decode the IEEE754 float format
end virtual    
This code is in fact equivalent to a simple:
float_binary = qword Num1
;code goes here to decode the IEEE754 float format    
Post 25 Sep 2014, 17:22
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Joined: 21 Apr 2012
Posts: 1872
Roman 25 Sep 2014, 17:22
revolution how using you code ?
You code giv EQU value or label of memory ?
Please show how you code work.
Thanks for you help.
Post 25 Sep 2014, 17:22
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Joined: 21 Apr 2012
Posts: 1872
Roman 25 Sep 2014, 17:26
For example i want do this.
Num1 EQU 20.0
mov eax,Integer(Num1)
And eax= 20
Post 25 Sep 2014, 17:26
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Joined: 18 Apr 2013
Posts: 50
RIxRIpt 25 Sep 2014, 19:14
I found this problem interesting, so I decided to give a try: Smile
Roman wrote:
For example i want do this.
Num1 EQU 20.0
mov eax,Integer(Num1)
And eax= 20

afaik, fasm macros cannot return a value, as an alternative you can store it in a global variable:
;Display macros, for numbers
;sorry, idk who made these macros first
;found & taken from: http://wasm.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=520153 (from l_inc)

;Displays a binary representation of a number
macro dispBin num*, padding, leader, trailer, size
        local digCount,number,lastdig
        number = size num
        lastdig = number

        if number < 0
                display '-'
                number = -(number shr 1 + number and 1)
                lastdig = -(lastdig + number + number)
                number = number shr 1
                lastdig = lastdig and 1
        end if
        digCount = 0
        while number shr digCount > 0
                digCount = digCount + 1
        end while
        if ~ leader eq
                display leader
        end if
        if ~ padding eq
                if digCount < padding
                        times (padding-digCount-1) display '0'
                end if
        end if
        times digCount display number shr (digCount-%) and 1+'0'
        display lastdig+'0'
        if ~ trailer eq
                display trailer
        end if

;Displays a decimal representation of a number
macro dispDec num*, padding, leader, trailer
        local digCount,tenPow,number,lastdig
        number = num
        lastdig = number
        if number < 0
                display '-'
                number = (-(number shr 1 + number and 1)) / 5
                lastdig = -(lastdig + number*5 + number*5)
                number = number/10
                lastdig = lastdig mod 10
        end if
        digCount = 0
        tenPow = 1
        while tenPow <= number
                tenPow = tenPow*10
                digCount = digCount + 1
        end while
        if ~ leader eq
                display leader
        end if
        if ~ padding eq
                if digCount < padding
                        times (padding-digCount-1) display '0'
                end if
        end if
        repeat digCount
                tenPow = tenPow/10
                display number/tenPow+'0'
                number = number mod tenPow
        end repeat
        display lastdig+'0'
        if ~ trailer eq
                display trailer
        end if

;Displays a hexadecimal representation of a number
macro dispHex num*, padding, leader, trailer, size
        local digCount,dig,number,lastdig
        number = size num
        lastdig = number
        if number < 0
                display '-'
                number = (-(number shr 1 + number and 1)) shr 3
                lastdig = -(lastdig + number shl 3 + number shl 3)
                number = number shr 4
                lastdig = lastdig and 0xF
        end if
        digCount = 0
        while number shr (digCount*4) > 0
                digCount = digCount + 1
        end while
        if ~ leader eq
                display leader
        end if
        if ~ padding eq
                if digCount < padding
                        times (padding-digCount-1) display '0'
                end if
        end if
        repeat digCount
                dig = number shr ((digCount-%)*4) and 0Fh
                if dig > 9
                        dig = dig-'0'+('A'-10)
                end if
                display dig+'0'
        end repeat
        if lastdig > 9
                lastdig = lastdig-'0'+('A'-10)
        end if
        display lastdig+'0'
        if ~ trailer eq
                display trailer
        end if

;Displays a string with binary, decimal and hexadecimal values
;usage: display d=number,":",9,b=number,9,h=number,13,10
macro display [token]
                define matched +
                define matched -
                irp type, =b, =d, =h, =bb, =bw, =bd, =bq, =hb, =hw, =hd, =hq \{ match type==n,token \\{ restore matched \\} \}
                match =b==number,token \{ dispBin number,,,'b' \}
                match =d==number,token \{ dispDec number \}
                match =h==number,token \{ dispHex number,,'0x' \}
                match =bb==number,token \{ dispBin number,,,'b',byte \}
                match =bw==number,token \{ dispBin number,,,'b',word \}
                match =bd==number,token \{ dispBin number,,,'b',dword \}
                match =bq==number,token \{ dispBin number,,,'b',qword \}
                match =hb==number,token \{ dispHex number,,'0x',,byte \}
                match =hw==number,token \{ dispHex number,,'0x',,word \}
                match =hd==number,token \{ dispHex number,,'0x',,dword \}
                match =hq==number,token \{ dispHex number,,'0x',,qword \}
                match -,matched \{ display token \}
                match -,matched \{ restore matched \}
                restore matched

;My macro for Roman Smile
IEEE754_Result = 0
macro IEEE754 num_in, bit {
        local mantissa_size, exp_size, sign
        IEEE754_Result = 0
        if bit = 32
                mantissa_size = 23
                exp_size = 8
                num = dword num_in
        else if bit = 64
                mantissa_size = 52
                exp_size = 11
                num = qword num_in
                display 'Unsupported size of IEEE754 number!', 10
        end if
        exp = (num shr mantissa_size) and ((1 shl exp_size) - 1)
        sign = num shr (bit - 1)
        if bit = 32
                exp = exp - 127
        else if bit = 64
                exp = exp - 1023
        end if
        if exp >= 0
                IEEE754_Result = 1 shl exp
                repeat mantissa_size
                        exp = exp - 1
                        display 'i: ', d=%
                        m = (num shr (mantissa_size - %)) and 1
                        display '   m: ', d=m, '       ', d=m shl exp, 13, 10
                        IEEE754_Result = IEEE754_Result + (m shl exp)
                        if exp = 0
                        end if
                end repeat
                if sign
                        IEEE754_Result = -IEEE754_Result
                end if
                IEEE754_Result = 0
        end if

IEEE754 -58723597273895.0, 64
display h=qword -58723597273895.0, 13, 10
display d=IEEE754_Result, 13, 10

Update: a better version without repeat macro
IEEE754_Result = 0
macro IEEE754 num_in, bit {
        local mantissa_size, exp_size
        IEEE754_Result = 0
        if bit = 32
                mantissa_size = 23
                exp_size = 8
                num = dword num_in
        else if bit = 64
                mantissa_size = 52
                exp_size = 11
                num = qword num_in
                display 'Unsupported size of IEEE754 number!', 10
        end if
        exp = ((num shr mantissa_size) and ((1 shl exp_size) - 1)) - (1 shl (exp_size - 1)) + 1
        if exp >= 0
                IEEE754_Result = (1 shl exp) or ((num shr (mantissa_size - exp)) and ((1 shl exp) - 1))
                if num shr (bit - 1) 
                        IEEE754_Result = -IEEE754_Result
                end if
        end if

Привет =3
Admins, please activate my account "RIscRIpt"
Post 25 Sep 2014, 19:14
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