flat assembler
Message board for the users of flat assembler.
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me239 09 Aug 2011, 23:10
Hello everyone, here is another update of xOS.
Screenshots: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Readme: Code: -----xOS version 0.2 user guide------------ 1. About 2. Command line 3. Programming 4. API's ============================================ 1. About----------------------------------- ============================================ xOS is a simple Hobby OS written in FASM that aims to be an educational learning platform for beginner OS developers. xOS is free to modify and distribute as long as the author (Me239) is given credit and is licensed under the GNU General Public License. ============================================ 2. Command line----------------------------- ============================================ xOS features a simple command line interface capable of running applications with multiple arguments and parameters and allows wild cards for it's 'dir' command. xOS uses standard MS-DOS executables COM and EXE files. To run a COM file, simple type the name with or without the .com extension. To run an EXE, the .exe extension MUST be specified, otherwise the COM file with that name will be executed or a 'Bad command or file name' message will be produced. For help using the command line in xOS simply type 'help' in the command line and a list of valid commands will be brought up along with an explanation of each command's functions. ============================================ 3. Programming------------------------------ ============================================ xOS features several API's for general program usage. The kernel's main interrupts are interrupt 21h for programs and also interrupt 20h for program termination. xOS allows for both of these interrupts to be hooked, but can be disabled by typing 'restart' at the prompt. TSR's are also one of xOS's features. xOS gives each TSR a spot in HIMEM in respect to it's size. Each program is loaded at segment 0x1010 in order to provide enough room for disk buffers used by the kernel, so memory access below segment 0x1010 is highly discouraged otherwise the system may crash. Whenever a program is executed, the first 31 bytes of the command line is placed at offset 0x80 to allow input from the command line interface. Here is an example 'Hello World' program written for xOS in FASM: org 100h ; standard MS-DOS COM file start: mov ah, 03 ; xOS's print string function mov si, msg ; address of the string int 21h ; xOS's kernel interrupt int 20h ; terminate our program msg db 'Hello World!', 0 ; NULL terminated string to be printed Many other examples are included in the 'Examples' folder along with the source. ============================================= 4. API's------------------------------------- ============================================= Here is a list of all the functions currently supported in xOS *INT 20H* No parameters, ends program *INT 21h* *MessageBox (Creates a red messagebox in the center of the screen with text) AH = 01 DS:SI = location of message ---------------------------------- *Create fullscreen box with status bar AH = 02 DH = top and bottom status bar color DL = foreground color DS:SI = text to printed to status bar --------------------------------- *Print string AH = 03 DS:SI = location of NULL terminated string --------------------------------- *Clear-screen AH = 04 --------------------------------- *Allocate TSR memory block AH = 05 CX = number of paragraphs to be allocated +1 for rounding return: AX = new segment for tsr block -------------------------------- *Hook interrupt AH = 06 AL = Interrupt number BX = Segment of handler DX = Offset of handler -------------------------------- *Read/execute file AH = 07 AL = 1 for read file or 2 for execute file DS:BX = segment and offset to read or execute file into DS:SI = location of file name to load return: CX = file size ------------------------------- *Print character to STDOUT AH = 08 AL = character ------------------------------- *Get Interrupt handler AH = 09 AL = Interrupt number Returns: AX = handler offset BX = handler segment ------------------------------- *Delete file AH = 0ah DS:SI = file to delete ------------------------------- *Rename file AH = 0bh DS:SI = original file name ES:DI = new filename ------------------------------- *Get string AH = 0ch DS:SI = location of buffer CX = number of characters to accept ------------------------------- *Get numerical input AH = 0dh Returns: AX = numerical value typed in word format ------------------------------- *OS diagnostic AH = 0eh Returns: CX = size of kernel DL = number of TSRs active BX = version of kernel AX = amount of usable memory ------------------------------- *Get date AH = 0fh Returns(values in BCD): CH = century CL = year DH = month DL = day ------------------------------- *Get time AH = 10h Returns(values in BCD): CH = hour CL = minutes DH = seconds DL = daylight savings flag ------------------------------- *Print number AH = 11h BX = number to be printed List of included examples and description: A20.ASM = checks to see if A20 line is enabled and if not, enable it BASIC.ASM = MikeOS basic ported to xOS. Type name of .BAS file to run after command BMP.ASM = Simple command line bitmap viewer CLOCK.ASM = TSR clock application DEL.ASM = sample program to delete del.txt DIAG.ASM = sample program to show kernel size etc. DOS.ASM = hello world for MS-DOS DOSTSR.ASM = MS-DOS TSR emulator using Dex4u's int 21h ESCAPE.ASM = TSR application to terminate frozen programs. Press F12 to exit the application. EXET/2.ASM = sample EXE programs FAT.ASM = sample program to display a text file to the prompt FILEN.ASM = sample program to demonstrate the rename api HELLO.ASM = simple hello world program INP.ASM = simple dialog box using my ASCII GUI LOOP.ASM = purposely hangs computer as a demonstration for my Escape utility SMILE.ASM = sample smile application SOUND.ASM = plays the tones G, D, A, C (closing time- semisonic) TEMPA.ASM = simple temperature converter TEST.ASM = samples different APIs available TSR.ASM = hooks int 22h TSR2.ASM = hooks int 23h TSR3.asm = hooks int 21h TSRTEST.ASM = test int 22h and 23h VID.ASM = application to change video/graphic modes WIN.ASM = sample window app using my ASCII GUI GTEMP.ASM = graphical temperature converter. Syntax: gtemp <C for Celsius to Fahrenheit or F for Fahrenheit to Celsius>
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timryazthunder 16 Mar 2014, 06:58
Your interface looks like MS-DOS.
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